View Full Version : Vet player looking for guild

04-08-2010, 11:45 AM
Well, what can I say. I move over to Thelanis several months ago and get into a well known guild only to catch the tail end of its demise. Then I move over to another guild whos only focuse it seemed was Endgame as they forget the leveling chars or new guildies, neglect to sum it up. So I grit it out and get into another Guild that was self destructive. So you can see, im not having much luck getting my roots into a guild.

I am looking for a guild that has good standing in the community, does "guildy" things, and are seasoned for crawl, zerg, and raid oriented.

I am wary at times of pugging and I often solo stuff, but now, with my kids getting older im giving them more attention and rightly so; as such, I want to be able jump on and find a core group i can hang with and do raids with. My time is precious and soloing has become a drag and well, boring. The only advantage of soloing is I can walk away anytime.

I have been playing 3+ years and think im fairly proficient in skill, tact and knowledge of the game. I have OCD and have a hard time leveling other characters until I have perfected the current one I am running with, however, if I find a good core guild, then perhaps id reinvent myself with a lowbie or two.

I am on the Pacific Standard time and find myself playing around and in between 8pm to 10 p.m. S-W and from 9pm - 2am Thursday through Saturday.

It would be great to get into a guild and start raiding/leveling/questing more often with people that I know.

Whether the 5% on here adhere to this is anyones guess. Id figure id put it out there anyway.

Thanks for stopping by.

04-08-2010, 11:48 AM
sure come on over and try out at DARPA



04-08-2010, 12:47 PM
Well, what can I say. I move over to Thelanis several months ago and get into a well known guild only to catch the tail end of its demise. Then I move over to another guild whos only focuse it seemed was Endgame as they forget the leveling chars or new guildies, neglect to sum it up. So I grit it out and get into another Guild that was self destructive. So you can see, im not having much luck getting my roots into a guild.

I am looking for a guild that has good standing in the community, does "guildy" things, and are seasoned for crawl, zerg, and raid oriented.


Wow... not such great luck on guilds, but suffice to say that what you have experienced is common.

There aren't a lot of guilds that really stand the test of time... more than a year and also have a group you will get along with / suit your style.

After several of months and 3 different guilds, you must now have a good idea of the players and guilds on the server, unless you are soloing that much.

My advice would be to PUG a LOT more. This way you will get more exposure to the denizens of Thelanis and help you find a better fit.

Alter has offered you the oppotunity to check out his guild, which is great, as he and his bunch are very skilled and good peeps. There are obviously other guilds that will post as well. I would recommend perhaps putting 1 of your fav alts in a guild you are considering and login with that one, see what is going on in guild and if there is a spot for any of your alts, switch to one that may not even be guilded and run with them.

Now, you can't guarantee a guild will be around forever, or that you will be suited to their environment, but Thelanis offers a lot of great guilds that are open to petitions for guilding.

Some of the top guilds are "invite only", but other top guilds like DARPA will take a chance on people, mostly because Alter could lead a 1 armed monkey through anything.


04-08-2010, 01:40 PM
Your background reads like a lot of our guildies at The Exploration Society (http://tes.mmoguildsites.com). Give any of us a shout when you see us listed on the Social Panel (or just drop me a PM or tell if you want more info).

We are slightly in the recruiting mode right now, but I will admit we're being a lot more selective after having a few really bad experiences with the new players coming into game. ;)


04-08-2010, 04:43 PM
TY for those who responded and sent PM's - i guess I got my work cut out thus far and will be running alot of quests with some of you folks.

thank you again.

04-09-2010, 04:19 AM
Ran with Aluecian tonight, Solid player.

04-09-2010, 08:25 PM

I just wrote this for another thread in Thelanis Guild section but it does apply to you too.
As regard to the minding kids section of your post, that perfectly normal SOP for claw, most members have family and the random 'gotta bail on quest kids have woken early' events do happen.

All guild are over 18 - with some a nice bit more than that, which makes it a mature but relaxed guild.

Give Claw a looksee, i'm irish myself but i run with a lot of the american side, with my random and extended gaming time between work i believe i have seen CLAW in all timezones and haven't found a quiet time and often find real busy periods of multiple full groups going.

We're up and coming, a fair few capped toons in guild, regular recruitment of fresh talent (and sometimes non-talent unfortunately) but we tend to hand out advice and help in order to make everyone a better player.

I like to think we are making a good impression on Thelanis and we expect and demand our players act in a friendly and respectful manner.

We do quite often run guild only quests/raids as we know and trust each other, but we are open to PUG groups and try to be just as helpful to non guildies too (as long as they are friendly/respectful in return).

If your capped and farming larges, you'll probably see us often enough in shroud pugs and i'm currently beginning a weekly naked shroud run 1-3.

Look for Claw members in game and we'll get you sorted.

In the meantime.

Forums in middle of overhaul but active.

04-09-2010, 08:52 PM
thanks for the additional info Iam...I am still checking a few guilds out, CLAW being one of them as well.

again, ty for the responses everyone - cheers!

04-15-2010, 03:48 AM

04-15-2010, 06:20 AM
Although I recently left Renowned I think it has a lot of the qualities you're looking for. Not sure if they're recruiting atm, but I'm sure anyone in the guild can tell you more.

I've had similar experiences to you - the first guild I was in everyone went afk for more than a month so I left... then the next guild I was in split and part of it merged to Renowned... which had a bit of a rocky start for me as it expanded too quickly and people didn't integrate as easily as if just one or two new people join an established group. That phase should be over for them now.

Currently I'm trying out with Storm Lords, they're larger and more established than Renowned but have a lot of the same qualities - easygoing, raid knowledge, fun to be around. You might like that one as well and the timezone might work out better for you.

Good luck finding your home on Thelanis!

04-19-2010, 01:17 PM
I wanted to thank you all for dropping me a line in forum and in private chat.

I have made up my mind and will proceed accordingly.


04-19-2010, 05:47 PM
Good luck to you!
I hope you find one that fits you well.