View Full Version : Past Life Feats
11-16-2009, 06:06 PM
In his recent guide to True Reincarnation (, Kruz mentions the Past Life Feats! Curious about what feats await you for your class? Here is a look at the past life feats!
Passive Feats:
These are automatically granted to your character; the feat tied to your dominant class is granted upon True Reincarnation.
Past Life: Barbarian
You were a barbarian in a past life. You occasionally find yourself filled with a nearly irresistable urge to smash boxes. With your head. Each time you acquire this feat you gain 10 additional hit points. This feat can be stacked up to three times.
Past Life: Bard
You were a bard in a past life. You occasionally find yourself humming a merry tune. Each time you acquire this feat you gain +2 to saves vs. enchantments and illusions, and +1 Bardic Song usage. This feat can be stacked up to three times.
Past Life: Cleric
You were a cleric in a past life. You occasionally feel the presence of the divine. Each time you acquire this feat you gain +1 to the DC's of your Conjuration spells, +1 Turn Undead attempt per rest, and you Turn Undead as if you were two levels higher. This feat can be stacked up to three times.
Past Life: Favored Soul
You were a favored soul in a past life. You occasionally find yourself wishing to leap off of tall things. Each time you acquire this feat you gain +1 to spell penetration checks and gain 20 additional spell points. (These spell points are only available if you are able to cast spells.) This feat can be stacked up to three times.
Past Life: Fighter
You were a fighter in a past life. You occasionally find yourself filled with the urge to bark orders to your fellows in combat. Each time you acquire this feat you gain +1 to attack rolls and +1 to the DC's of your tactical feats. This feat can be stacked up to three times.
Past Life: Monk
You were a monk in a past life. You occasionally find yourself contemplating the mysteries of life. Each time you acquire this feat you gain +1 to damage rolls. This feat can be stacked up to three times.
Past Life: Paladin
You were a paladin in a past life. You occasionally find yourself overcome with righteous fervor. Each time you acquire this feat you gain 5% more health when affecting by positive energy. This feat can be stacked up to three times.
Past Life: Ranger
You were a ranger in a past life. You occasionally find small animals in your backpack. Each time you acquire this feat you gain +2 damage with ranged weapons and +2 to elemental resistances. This feat can be stacked up to three times.
Past Life: Rogue
You were a rogue in a past life. You occasionally find yourself looking over your shoulder. Each time you acquire this feat you gain +2 to saves vs. traps and deal +1 damage when sneak attacking. This feat can be stacked up to three times.
Past Life: Sorcerer
You were a sorcerer in a past life. You occasionally find yourself daydreaming of dragons. Each time you acquire this feat you gain +1 to the DC's of your Evocation spells and gain 20 additional spell points. (These spell points are only available if you are able to cast spells.) This feat can be stacked up to three times.
Past Life: Wizard
You were a wizard in a past life. You occasionally find yourself desiring a good book. Each time you acquire this feat you gain +2 to spell penetration checks and the DC's of wands you use. This feat can be stacked up to three times.
Purchasable Feats:
These feats have a minimum level of 3 to select, and can be selected more than once. These feats do cost a feat slot, and all have a passive and an active component. Passive components are always active on your character, while active components must be triggered to take effect.
Past Life: Berserker's Fury
You recall more about your past life as a barbarian. You gain +1 hit point per character level, have +2 to your Intimidate skill and can enter a barbarian rage once per rest. (Activate this barbarian ability to enter a bloodthirsty frenzy, granting you a +4 bonus to Strength and Constitution, a +2 Morale bonus to Will saves, and a -2 penalty to AC. When the rage ends, however, you will lose the hit points granted to you by increased Constitution and become fatigued. Your rage will last for 30 seconds.)
Past Life: Bardic Dilettante
You recall more about your past life as a bard. You have +1 to all Charisma based skills, +1 to the DC's of your Enchantment spells, and can Inspire Courage three times per rest. (Activate this bard ability to rally your companions, giving them a +1 morale bonus to saves against fear effects and a +1 morale bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls before enhancements.)
Past Life: Initiate of the Faith
You recall more about your past life as a cleric. You have +2 to your Heal skill, and can produce a Healing Word effect five times per rest. Positive energy is channeled to heal light wounds of your target or damage undead for 1d4 hit points plus an additional 1d4 per two caster levels. Undead who make a successful Will save reduce the damage by half.
Past Life: Acolyte of Divine Secrets
You recall more about your past life as a favored soul. You have +2 to your Diplomacy skill and can call down the wrath of your former deity, producing an Avenging Light effect ten times per rest. (Activate this favored soul ability to cause a searing orb of radiant light to smite your target, dealing 1d8 hit points of light damage plus an additional 1d8 per three caster levels.)
Past Life: Student of the Sword
You recall more about your past life as a fighter. You have +2 to your Intimidate skill, +1 to the Maximum Dexterity Bonus of armor and shields, and can remember your martial prowess three times per rest, increasing your base attack bonus to your level and granting +4 to hit.
Past Life: Disciple of the Fist
You recall more about your past life as a monk. You have +2 to your Concentration skill, deal increased unarmed damage (one step higher than normal on the unarmed combat chart), and can enter an evasive trance once per rest, granting the evasion feat for a short period of time. (When you make a successful Reflex save to avoid damage, you suffer no damage instead of half damage.)
Past Life: Soldier of the Faith
You recall more about your past life as a paladin. You have +2 to your Heal skill, and can invoke Divine Favor upon yourself three times per rest. (Activate this paladin ability to call upon the strength and wisdom of a deity to grant a +1 luck bonus on weapon attack and damage. This bonus is increased by +1 for every 3 caster levels beyond level 3.)
Past Life: Warrior of the Wild
You recall more about your past life as a ranger. You have +2 to your Spot skill and can produce a Barkskin effect three times per rest. (Activate this ranger ability to toughen the skin of an ally, giving a +2 natural armor bonus to AC with an additional +1 bonus for every 3 caster levels above 3rd, to a maximum of +5 at caster level 12th.)
Past Life: Sneak of Shadows
You recall more about your past life as a rogue. You have +1 to all skills and three times per rest you can skulk with the skill of your past life, gaining bonuses equal to your level to your hide and move silently skills, a +1 bonus to sneak attack damage for every two character levels, and a +1 bonus to hit with sneak attacks for every four levels.
Past Life: Arcane Prodigy
You recall more about your past life as a sorcerer. Your maximum spell points are increased by 10 at first level, and 5 spell points for each additional level and can produce random elemental damage spells ten times per rest. (Activate this sorcerer ability to blast a target with a ray of combined elements, doing 1d12 damage of a random elemental type plus an additional 1d12 per three caster levels on impact. A successful Reflex save reduce the damage by half.)
Past Life: Arcane Initiate
You recall more about your past life as a wizard. You have +1 to the DC's of spells you cast and can cast the magic missile spell ten times per rest, creating a missile of magical energy that darts forth and unerringly strikes its target inflicting 1d4+1 force damage. For every 2 caster levels beyond first you gain an additional missile, maximum 10 missiles.
In the future we will be exploring offering True Reincarnation more than two times for a character so that they may collect more past life feats! Be on the look out for more reincarnation features and announcements in the future!
Hold on there. So completionist is not confirmed in nor is even allowing a 3rd+ TR?
11-16-2009, 07:33 PM
So that great my duel wielding ranger in TR gets bow damage, great woot... do have to change classes to do my duel wielding ranger or maybe start over and grind the gear again.. Great job making rangers past life feats limited Tribune. Don't forget about the buy-able feat BARKSKIN, HOW IN THE EARTH DOES THIS HELP IF tr AS RANGER.. 2 TO SPOT WHAT TRASH. Just maybe my ranger does not want to use a freaking bow. RANGER to me is elite light fighter not freaking bowman. These past life feats so unbalance its not funny it like have to plan for past life, so what the point all these for are existing toons. I can not stand feeling my toon not good possible, because Tribune does not know what balance is.
Fighter +1 to hit all weapons +1 DC (Trip, stuns) with any melee weapon... Monk +1 damage any weapons.... Barbs get fudge to 10 hp LMAO.. Rogues have to be sneak damage so that really only helping if planing to be a rogue. Pallies 5% to heals really that blows to. To be ownest the wizard is the best one here it like a free feat. (lets see how many out there take spell pen). All I ask if fighter and monk get all weapon bonus make mine to stop the stupid resist lines for the rangers, I do not take the stupid enchantments because they limit use. Maybe if made it like 5 per level, but 2 sorry it will get look over all the time.
P.S. not a free to play, my freaking normal forum account got lock out can not log in for months sent great and wonderful Tribune complaint. Said nothing wrong here your in the system. While great I can not log in from any CP, although no problem with this free to play account I made.
11-16-2009, 07:44 PM
Please oh please confirm if wizard should have been written like this:
"Each time you acquire this feat you gain +2 to spell penetration checks for wands you use, as well as their DC's."
or (hopefully) like this-
"Each time you acquire this feat you gain +2 to spell penetration checks on spells you cast, and plus 2 to the DC's of wands you use."
Please let it be the latter..if for no other reason than to keep you devs from looking silly.
11-16-2009, 07:51 PM
Thank you Valiance. I was just about to say how Wizards never get any love. I mean seriously, Sorcerers and Favored Souls get *more* spell points and get a higher spell DC, but Wizards get stuck with wand enhancements?
11-16-2009, 07:56 PM
From Eladrin (
+2 to Spell Penetration Checks.
+2 to the DC's of Wands you use.
The Spell Penetration bonus affects all spells that are actually cast by the wizard.
11-16-2009, 07:57 PM
Hold on there. So completionist is not confirmed in nor is even allowing a 3rd+ TR?
Currently, there is a cap of 2 reincarnations, which will lift at some undetermined time, and at that point, completionist will be rolled out as well.
11-16-2009, 08:03 PM
Ok as a clarification, say i started as a rogue and then reincarnated can i make my new incarnation a better rogue that can gain the bonus feats now that its reincarnated? or do i have to roll a different class because otherwise this doesn't seem pleasing to me.
11-16-2009, 08:04 PM
Ok as a clarification, say i started as a rogue and then reincarnated can i make my new incarnation a better rogue that can gain the bonus feats now that its reincarnated? or do i have to roll a different class because otherwise this doesn't seem pleasing to me.
you can reincarnate as whatever you like, even the same thing.
11-16-2009, 08:04 PM
"Thank you Valiance. I was just about to say how Wizards never get any love. I mean seriously, Sorcerers and Favored Souls get *more* spell points and get a higher spell DC, but Wizards get stuck with wand enhancements?"
Pretty sure the wizards spell pen for cast spells. Second look at there buy-able feat +1 to all dc. Yes sorc., get the plus one to fireball type spells woot, but wizards save the feat and then get to buy there feats lvl 3 up many times they want to raises all DC's. Wait the even up is the 20 spell points lol. I would go 2 Wizard and then sorc. if doing from the beginning. Just me save two feats on spell pen, (Are u can just go nuts with spell pen) get couple feats for hp/improving all DC's not just fireball, cone of cold whatever. Really do need the spell point feat as a Sorc?
so if a monk reincarnates as a monk and takes the monk past life feat for increased fist damage by one step higher... and hits level 20... does that mean the monk now has 2d12 instead of 2d10??
11-16-2009, 09:38 PM
was wondering that myself. especially with the additional dmg likin this. tho this means there will be even LESS high lvl groups now....:(
11-16-2009, 09:52 PM
My question concerns the "Stature" change... Getting taller.
If my halfling rogue TRs(?) into an identical race/class, does that make him a One-and-a-Halfling? :rolleyes::D
[Edit] Or better yet... Is it a mathematical thing? like 0.5*0.5=0.25? so I can get smaller?
11-16-2009, 09:57 PM
so if a monk reincarnates as a monk and takes the monk past life feat for increased fist damage by one step higher... and hits level 20... does that mean the monk now has 2d12 instead of 2d10??
Yes. (
11-16-2009, 11:51 PM
Past Life: Bard
You were a bard in a past life. You occasionally find yourself humming a merry tune. Each time you acquire this feat you gain +2 to saves vs. enchantments and illusions, and +1 Bardic Song usage. This feat can be stacked up to three times.
Past Life: Cleric
You were a cleric in a past life. You occasionally feel the presence of the divine. Each time you acquire this feat you gain +1 to the DC's of your Conjuration spells, +1 Turn Undead attempt per rest, and you Turn Undead as if you were two levels higher. This feat can be stacked up to three times.
In the above, if you don't have any songs or turns, do you still gain the ability to use them once/day? Or is it necessary to already have the ability before you can gain an extra use?
11-17-2009, 12:54 AM
From the you must "Buy" the 32 point charctures i guess that meens if you Unlock 32 point charactures threw rep that doesn't count?
11-17-2009, 01:06 AM
First I like to say that the passive past life feats that you release are much better then the first that was pre-viewed. Creedit to you for that!
I'm also glad for Eladrin clarification of the Wizard past life feat (mabe rewrite the official thread description? :) )
Also have question
Past Life: Paladin
You were a paladin in a past life. You occasionally find yourself overcome with righteous fervor. Each time you acquire this feat you gain 5% more health when affecting by positive energy. This feat can be stacked up to three times.
Does abilites that heal WF for as the same as none-WF counts as positive energy? (like LoH & Divine Healing)
Does repaire/reconstruct counts as positive energy?
11-17-2009, 01:14 AM
I'm happy with the ones applicable to my builds, thats all I care about :D
11-17-2009, 01:36 AM
Aww! Too bad the completionist one isn't here.
I'm intrigued by this concept, yet at the same time, I'm dreading a few things:
My main character is a cleric, so that past life feat won't be all that useful.
I'm a premium player, so I'll have to repurchase sigils all over again.
I enjoy playing my cleric most of all. I could do Favored Soul, and only then would I get to use my existing equipment.
But all in all, the ability to keep progressing my character is a good thing. Advancement caps in MMOs bug me on a fundamental level.
11-17-2009, 02:33 AM
so the purchasable feats can only be bought once per class?
11-17-2009, 04:06 AM
Which class would I get the feats for, if I'm fighter 10/wizard 10?
11-17-2009, 04:11 AM
I have a question regarding the Past Life: Disciple of the Fist. What would the damage be at lvl 20 if you have taken this feat? It says it will be one step higher on the unarmed damage chart. And lvl 20 would normally be 2d10 does this mean that it will be 2d12 then at lvl 20 with this feat taken?
11-17-2009, 08:24 AM
I have a question regarding the Past Life: Disciple of the Fist. What would the damage be at lvl 20 if you have taken this feat? It says it will be one step higher on the unarmed damage chart. And lvl 20 would normally be 2d10 does this mean that it will be 2d12 then at lvl 20 with this feat taken?
Aye. Check this post ( from Eladrin.
Credit to SimVerg.
does the paladin past life divine favor ability stack with the divine favor spell? (assuming you reincarnate as a paladin again). I doubt it would, but thought i'd still ask.
:( i wish i could take the fighter one :(
11-17-2009, 10:13 AM
does the paladin past life divine favor ability stack with the divine favor spell? (assuming you reincarnate as a paladin again). I doubt it would, but thought i'd still ask.
:( i wish i could take the fighter one :(
It would seem to be of no use whatsoever to paladins if it doesn't stack doesn't it. Also, it seems I see a reincarnation as a fighter for an AC intimi-paladin, in case it's this way :(
Also, can someone mention how long the clickable ability for monks that grants evasion lasts for? It seems to be the only ability without a clear documentation, making it impossible to gauge it's merits.
Lastly, this entry seems to have some typos and omissions:
Past Life: Monk
You were a monk in a past life, You occasionally find yourself contemplating the mysteries of life, such as why you rolled a monk before the recent changes. Each time you acquire this feat you gain -1 to damage rolls as you remember your past experiences. This feat can be stacked up to three times.
11-17-2009, 11:07 AM
Which class would I get the feats for, if I'm fighter 10/wizard 10?
Some where at a guy told that on Lamannia it was the same class that you got as Icon in the party. (Would be nice if they confermed if the same was true one it got "life" :) )
11-17-2009, 05:24 PM
Does the bard inspire courage morale boost of attack and damage stack with a reincarnated bards inspire courage song?
If I reincarnate to the same class, I should be more powerful right?
11-17-2009, 05:25 PM
Some where at a guy told that on Lamannia it was the same class that you got as Icon in the LFM. (Would be nice if they confermed if the same was true one it got "life" :) )
it is true, eladrin confirmed it somehere, you get what your icon shows
11-17-2009, 10:00 PM
Does that mean if a Monk reincarnates as a monk 2 times his damage will be d20??
11-17-2009, 10:09 PM
Does that mean if a Monk reincarnates as a monk 2 times his damage will be d20??
No, the (intended to be although not currently) stackable feat is the +1 to damage passive feat. The selectable past life feat, which can only be taken once, is the one that increases your fist damage.
11-18-2009, 05:26 AM
... is the one that increases your fist damage.
to a max of 2d12
added befor he asks that too :)
11-18-2009, 12:25 PM
Past Life: Fighter
You were a fighter in a past life. You occasionally find yourself filled with the urge to bark orders to your fellows in combat. Each time you acquire this feat you gain +1 to attack rolls and +1 to the DC's of your tactical feats. This feat can be stacked up to three times.
Does this passive bonus increase the DC of a monk's combat feats such as Stunning Fist?
11-18-2009, 07:52 PM
This makes the game have re-playability (if that's an actual word). AWESOME JOB TURBINE!!!
On a down side though, there will be probably no high level groups for a while now. Oh well, not a big deal, considering I will have a few level 1 characters now.
On top of all this, it also helps new people coming into the game, because there are "new" experienced characters to help them along, and learn DDO! Again, thanks turbine!
11-19-2009, 02:48 AM
My question concerns the "Stature" change... Getting taller.
If my halfling rogue TRs(?) into an identical race/class, does that make him a One-and-a-Halfling? :rolleyes::D
[Edit] Or better yet... Is it a mathematical thing? like 0.5*0.5=0.25? so I can get smaller?
You need to add, not multiply; you would be a one-ling.
11-19-2009, 08:38 AM
Are the spell like ablities beeing effected by metamagics?
Think about the Purchasable Feats for Cleric, Favored Soul, Sorcerer and Wizard.
Are they going to work like the dragonmarks feats so that they will be effected by maximixe and empower?
11-19-2009, 03:37 PM
If I am a Warchanter with Berserker's Fury, do I get 2 uses of rage per day?
11-20-2009, 04:21 AM
Purchasable Feats:
These feats have a minimum level of 3 to select, and can be selected more than once. These feats do cost a feat slot, and all have a passive and an active component.
So if you are a wiz past life you can purchase the +1 dc past life feat more than once? looks cool!!!
11-20-2009, 04:59 PM
No, the (intended to be although not currently) stackable feat is the +1 to damage passive feat. The selectable past life feat, which can only be taken once, is the one that increases your fist damage.
"These feats have a minimum level of 3 to select, and can be selected more than once. These feats do cost a feat slot, and all have a passive and an active component. Passive components are always active on your character, while active components must be triggered to take effect. "
Not that I will be using them anytime soon but doesn't the bolded part state that you can take them more than once?
11-20-2009, 11:40 PM
for the monks.....they get evasion at lvl 2 so wat is the point of adding an abililty to have evasion for a short time starting at lvl 3?
11-21-2009, 12:56 AM
Aww! Too bad the completionist one isn't here.
I'm intrigued by this concept, yet at the same time, I'm dreading a few things:
My main character is a cleric, so that past life feat won't be all that useful.
I'm a premium player, so I'll have to repurchase sigils all over again.
I enjoy playing my cleric most of all. I could do Favored Soul, and only then would I get to use my existing equipment.
But all in all, the ability to keep progressing my character is a good thing. Advancement caps in MMOs bug me on a fundamental level.
Just like to say that you do not have to re purchase sigils as a premium player. I'm reinced on live, level 6, havent purchased any sigils and my max level in character sheet says 20.
Theres a dev responce saying the web page is wrong about needing to repurchase sigils somehere as well.
11-21-2009, 01:15 AM
Purchasable Feats:
These feats have a minimum level of 3 to select, and can be selected more than once. These feats do cost a feat slot, and all have a passive and an active component.
So if you are a wiz past life you can purchase the +1 dc past life feat more than once? looks cool!!!
Thats been changed, you cannot select a purchasable feat more than once.
Eladrin Link (
11-21-2009, 01:31 AM
Can a Wizard, Fighter or Monk take past life purchasable feats as their class feat(s)?
11-21-2009, 04:12 AM
Slighty off topic but, where is the exact XP requirement increase for 34 and 36 point reincarnates listed? I saw it cited as a 1.6x penalty during testing, but was also told it was decreased once the limit on number of reincarnates was removed.
I have not seen anything official stated by a developer since then. Is it 1.3x for 34 and 1.6x for 36? Less, more?
An exact value would be appreciated. It would be very helpful to know what length of time Im committing to doing a reincarnate, so that myself and my guild have some kind of estimate of when I can return to participating in events and such. Something like 10% more xp is far different from 60% more xp.
Thanks in advance for a reply devs, or if anyone can point me in the right direction of something more recent than early october.
11-21-2009, 04:15 AM
so if a monk reincarnates as a monk and takes the monk past life feat for increased fist damage by one step higher... and hits level 20... does that mean the monk now has 2d12 instead of 2d10??
I would guess the end result is actually 3d8, as monk fists on ddo do 3d6 damage at 20 instead of 2d10.
11-21-2009, 07:45 PM
I would guess the end result is actually 3d8, as monk fists on ddo do 3d6 damage at 20 instead of 2d10.
Incorrect, monk fist in ddo at 20 is 2d10.
I believe i saw a post by eld that says with feat it'll be 2d12
11-22-2009, 03:26 PM
Well to answer my own question, I found this elsewhere as of today. I am not sure it is correct, but it is something. If anyone could confirm this I would appreciate it.
Regular level 20: 1,900,000
1st Reincarnate level 20: 3,139,102
2nd Reincarnate level 20: ?
That is indeed a 1.65 (about) increase in XP needed for the first one. I shudder to think of the second ones, especially for anyone trying to get 3 of the class feats let alone completionist. It really seems like too much.
People are going to need to choose between leveling 2 new characters or 1 older character to gain 10 hp, and that is an awfully steep cost. Itd be nice to see the totals toned down to something a bit more reasonable, and just have the folks in the midst of leveling now gain some levels up to their new total upon log in. Just my 2 cents, that 2nd reincarnate is going to be brutal...
11-23-2009, 11:03 AM
Which class would I get the feats for, if I'm fighter 10/wizard 10?
Some where at a guy told that on Lamannia it was the same class that you got as Icon in the LFM. (Would be nice if they confermed if the same was true one it got "life" :) )
it is true, eladrin confirmed it somehere, you get what your icon shows
Sorry, I'm sure it's because I haven't had any coffee yet but this still confuses me. If the original character was 10 Fighter/10 Wizard and he True Reincarnates, he gets the passive past life feat for whichever class shows up in the LFM? But in the LFM it would show his full character split. Was this meant to say whichever icon shows up next to his name while in party?
Also, would the same apply to the purchasable feats? Since he was an even split between fighter and wizard, he would only be able to purchase the feats from the dominant class (read: icon which shows up next to his name while in party)?
Basically I'm wondering if a multiclass character reincarnates (say a 12 fighter/6 ranger/2 monk), he would only get the passive feat and only be able to select the purchasable feat from the fighter class, correct?
11-23-2009, 11:57 AM
Was this meant to say whichever icon shows up next to his name while in party?
Also, would the same apply to the purchasable feats?
Aye. Purchasable feats have, as a prereq, the passive past life feat of the same class.
Thus, if you don't have the passive wizard feat, you can't pick up the purchasable one since you don't meet the prereq..
11-23-2009, 12:01 PM
Thanks Borror0.
11-29-2009, 03:03 PM
Can you take the wizard past life feat as a class feat?
Same question for the fighter one.
11-29-2009, 03:15 PM
Sorry, I'm sure it's because I haven't had any coffee yet but this still confuses me. If the original character was 10 Fighter/10 Wizard and he True Reincarnates, he gets the passive past life feat for whichever class shows up in the LFM? But in the LFM it would show his full character split. Was this meant to say whichever icon shows up next to his name while in party?
11-30-2009, 06:10 PM
Those past life feats should be slightly improved and balanced. The ranger one is ridiculous.
12-02-2009, 07:22 AM
so if a monk reincarnates as a monk and takes the monk past life feat for increased fist damage by one step higher... and hits level 20... does that mean the monk now has 2d12 instead of 2d10??
Odd to use one step higher, since there isn't a step higher than 2d10. What would be really nice is do damage as if one size larger, lvl 20 monks doing 4d8>6d8>8d8>12d8, depending on how many times you could take feat.
12-02-2009, 11:33 AM
Odd to use one step higher, since there isn't a step higher than 2d10. What would be really nice is do damage as if one size larger, lvl 20 monks doing 4d8>6d8>8d8>12d8, depending on how many times you could take feat.
there is a step higher, thats called 2d12 and is confirmed by a dev :)
12-02-2009, 01:03 PM
there is a step higher, thats called 2d12 and is confirmed by a dev :)
Well it is a step higher they made up, I was talking about going by PnP. A very marginable upgrade too.
12-03-2009, 08:46 PM
So that great my duel wielding ranger in TR gets bow damage, great woot... do have to change classes to do my duel wielding ranger or maybe start over and grind the gear again.. Great job making rangers past life feats limited Tribune. Don't forget about the buy-able feat BARKSKIN, HOW IN THE EARTH DOES THIS HELP IF tr AS RANGER.. 2 TO SPOT WHAT TRASH. Just maybe my ranger does not want to use a freaking bow. RANGER to me is elite light fighter not freaking bowman. These past life feats so unbalance its not funny it like have to plan for past life, so what the point all these for are existing toons. I can not stand feeling my toon not good possible, because Tribune does not know what balance is.
Fighter +1 to hit all weapons +1 DC (Trip, stuns) with any melee weapon... Monk +1 damage any weapons.... Barbs get fudge to 10 hp LMAO.. Rogues have to be sneak damage so that really only helping if planing to be a rogue. Pallies 5% to heals really that blows to. To be ownest the wizard is the best one here it like a free feat. (lets see how many out there take spell pen). All I ask if fighter and monk get all weapon bonus make mine to stop the stupid resist lines for the rangers, I do not take the stupid enchantments because they limit use. Maybe if made it like 5 per level, but 2 sorry it will get look over all the time.
P.S. not a free to play, my freaking normal forum account got lock out can not log in for months sent great and wonderful Tribune complaint. Said nothing wrong here your in the system. While great I can not log in from any CP, although no problem with this free to play account I made.
Dragon...your really really REALLY bad English just broke my brain. Seriously...slow down, man...formulate the words, type them out, spell check, and consult a dictionary because you almost gave me an aneurysm. But other than that, I think you're right...some classes certainly have it better than others as far as Past Life feats go. TWF rangers get the shaft.
12-03-2009, 08:54 PM
I think the passive barbarian feat should give +2 intimidate as well as 10 hp.
I think the passive barbarian feat should give +2 intimidate as well as 10 hp.
Here here, I would also vote for bard's one getting a +1 UMD, Perform, and Haggle. Their passive is horrible is horrible.
12-07-2009, 03:16 PM
Also, regarding the barbarian past life feat... 30 seconds of rage is just way too short (followed by 60 seconds of fatigue)
Either get rid of the fatigue part or bump this up to 60 seconds please (I prefer the latter option).
Feats are precious...
12-07-2009, 03:29 PM
Now do these occupy a general feat slot (compete with toughnss for example) or can I take them as a class feat. I am really hoping its the latter, not worth sacrificing a toughness on my fighter for +4 to hit clicky....
I propose renaming this Past CLASS feats, Past LIFE would indicate some kind of bonus for being a certain race as well
e.g. Have some sort of ability to shrug off damage or be immune to fts and hold due to previous life as a wf.
I think that would be consistent with the past life idea.
12-07-2009, 03:36 PM
I think the passive barbarian feat should give +2 intimidate as well as 10 hp.
This is a very nice buff which happens to coincinde with a build I am working on and I agree barbarians should get a little more then +10 hp it is just I am not sure +2 intimidate is in the spirit of barbarians.
12-07-2009, 03:42 PM
This is a very nice buff which happens to coincinde with a build I am working on and I agree barbarians should get a little more then +10 hp it is just I am not sure +2 intimidate is in the spirit of barbarians.
Heh, you have to be careful there... I think intimidate is exactly in the spirit of barbarians... I use intimidate all the time to get that monster chasing the caster to turn around and face me...
Plus that shaken effect is awesome... every barbarian should be using intimidate... that's a mass debuff with no save...
12-07-2009, 03:48 PM
Heh, you have to be careful there... I think intimidate is exactly in the spirit of barbarians... I use intimidate all the time to get that monster chasing the caster to turn around and face me...
Plus that shaken effect is awesome... every barbarian should be using intimidate... that's a mass debuff with no save...
Very few barbarians use intimidate so although this is a class skill I doubt it would be that useful for vast majority of barbarians reincarnating back into a barbarian Its most advantageous for someone choosing to reincarnate into another class that uses the intimidate skill more frequently such as fighters or paladins.
I have been playing around with a dwarven 36 pt twf paladin who can swap to s&b and eventually has the dwarven defender (this may not get released for years at the rate the prestige enhancements get released) and Knight chalice/hunter of undead. I was thinking of doing barbarian twice in order to get my hps up there. +4 intimidate would be sweet for that build.
12-07-2009, 05:21 PM
Why not make these like racial benefits and not use a feat slot at all? We did get to max level to get this after all.
12-11-2009, 10:20 AM
Past Life: Soldier of the Faith
You recall more about your past life as a paladin. You have +2 to your Heal skill, and can invoke Divine Favor upon yourself three times per rest. (Activate this paladin ability to call upon the strength and wisdom of a deity to grant a +1 luck bonus on weapon attack and damage. This bonus is increased by +1 for every 3 caster levels beyond level 3.)
Anyone know the duration of this divine favor? Extend affect it? And it maxes out at +3 like the spell right?
12-11-2009, 08:07 PM
My question concerns the "Stature" change... Getting taller.
If my halfling rogue TRs(?) into an identical race/class, does that make him a One-and-a-Halfling? :rolleyes::D
[Edit] Or better yet... Is it a mathematical thing? like 0.5*0.5=0.25? so I can get smaller?
Maybe it's a three-quarterling?
12-12-2009, 12:56 PM
I guess I'm kinda confused about the barbarian rage past life feat..... it says that it lasts for 30 seconds.... is there a particular reason why it shouldn't be affected by con score and potentially feats like a normal barb rage?
12-12-2009, 02:50 PM
Anyone know the duration of this divine favor? Extend affect it? And it maxes out at +3 like the spell right?
Effect relates to caster level:
1-5 --> +1
6-8 --> +2
9+ --> +3
24secs +6 seconds per caster level. Can be extended.
12-15-2009, 12:44 PM
Past Life: Arcane Prodigy
You recall more about your past life as a sorcerer. Your maximum spell points are increased by 10 at first level, and 5 spell points for each additional level and can produce random elemental damage spells ten times per rest. (Activate this sorcerer ability to blast a target with a ray of combined elements, doing 1d12 damage of a random elemental type plus an additional 1d12 per three caster levels on impact. A successful Reflex save reduce the damage by half.)
105 more spell points at 20th level -> /yawn
Random elemental effect -> not so useful when it chooses a type the mob is immune to. Random also means you won't always do optimal damage with it if you're a nuker, as you may not have the damage enhancements for the damage type it chooses.
Reflex save -> If you're not playing a caster type (ie, very high DC already), then mobs will always take half damage.
That's a whole lot of fail for the 'benefit' of true reincarnation.
12-17-2009, 06:46 PM
[Past Life: Ranger
You were a ranger in a past life. You occasionally find small animals in your backpack. Each time you acquire this feat you gain +2 damage with ranged weapons and +2 to elemental resistances. This feat can be stacked up to three times.
Past Life:Warrior of the Wild
You recall more about your past life as a ranger. You have +2 to your Spot skill and can produce a Barkskin effect three times per rest. (Activate this ranger ability to toughen the skin of an ally, giving a +2 natural armor bonus to AC with an additional +1 bonus for every 3 caster levels above 3rd, to a maximum of +5 at caster level 12th.)]
You occasionally find small animals in your backpack, and your active feat casts barkskin |:? You should get summon animal companion so you can take the stupid animal out of your backpack and make some use of it. That's what a REAL woodsman would do.
Effect relates to caster level:
1-5 --> +1
6-8 --> +2
9+ --> +3
24secs +6 seconds per caster level. Can be extended.
How is caster level determined? especially if you reincarnate as a non-caster, such as ftr?
is caster level based on character level for those purposes?
12-18-2009, 08:47 PM
How is caster level determined? especially if you reincarnate as a non-caster, such as ftr?
is caster level based on character level for those purposes?
Caster level is normally the number of levels in the corresponding class.
For spell likes and dragon marks, character level is used for caster level. Like it is here.
12-20-2009, 04:07 AM
The wording is not very clear on this, hope someone can answer...
The feat you access at level 3, aka "purchasable feat" is avaiable at level 3, but is it ONLY at level 3 or can it be taken at a later level??
12-20-2009, 04:22 AM
The wording is not very clear on this, hope someone can answer...
The feat you access at level 3, aka "purchasable feat" is avaiable at level 3, but is it ONLY at level 3 or can it be taken at a later level??
you can take it later on
but you can only take it once per feat =(
12-28-2009, 03:00 AM
Those past life feats should be slightly improved and balanced. The ranger one is ridiculous.
Casters going the Wiz path..
And dps goin the ranger path.
Time to move on to other mmo
12-28-2009, 03:03 AM
Casters going the Wiz path..
And dps goin the ranger path.
Time to move on to other mmo
Well I'm sure you your LONG stay here you contributed a lot..bye
12-28-2009, 11:33 AM
Why not make these like racial benefits and not use a feat slot at all? We did get to max level to get this after all.
The passive don't take a feat slot.
The other ones does.
It's two diffrent types :)
12-31-2009, 12:18 PM
I true rez my wizard. Made him warforge so he a little more self-sufficient.
The passive free feat is kind of nice. The magic missles are affected by meta magics doing 17 or 35 dmg each for my enhancements. Also you can use the magic missile while feebleminded or while in a beholders anti-magic eye.
12-31-2009, 12:57 PM
I true rez my wizard. Made him warforge so he a little more self-sufficient.
The passive free feat is kind of nice. The magic missles are affected by meta magics doing 17 or 35 dmg each for my enhancements. Also you can use the magic missile while feebleminded or while in a beholders anti-magic eye.
Thanks for that info.
So then it looks like they are using a identical mecanism as they use for dragonmarks (effected by metamagic, enhancements and not effected by anti-magic ).
A last thing that I'm curious about is if they share the same time with dragonmarks or if they have individual timer, or if they have comman "past life feat timer".
12-31-2009, 06:14 PM
I'm quite surprised how many people are fine with these benefits for true reincarnation.
You make it all the way to 20, put all this time and though into customizing items and gear, and (with unlimited) spent actual cash on certain things throughout your career like perhaps some tomes and stuff (like the heart), and the grand continuation for your character is lose all those details (save items you wont be able to use for some time) and remake with a 'drow's worth' more ability scores and a vanilla passive bonus feat.
And then to get any other benefit from this 'past life' you need to spend your new characters already limited feats on these past life memories? Which hardly compare with enhancements?
PLUS on top of this terribly limited benefit you also need to earn extra exp? For what? to balance your immense +1 to damage? or your +10 hp that makes your old barbarian/new mage the next best tank?
Honestly the larger size and glow effect is probably the coolest thing about the reincarnation. They show the spirit of how the Reincarnation should be. The number crunchers however must have skipped the meeting where everyone talked about how 'cool' they wanted TR to be.
Balance is the main concern I understand (and simplicity of integration) but as far as I'm concerned, the stat bonuses should rival the aesthetic bonus and sadly, they really are lackluster in comparison.
Without adding systems to the game, there are so many other things that would have made them greater.
Access to skills from past life as class skills
Main feats from previous class granted for free from pool at fixed level intervals
access to previous class enhancements while advancing.
Extra enhancement point at level advancement for use on past life enhancements from race or class
Basically just underwhelmed with the depth of "wow" put into this form of "End level continuation".
All and all though the feeling is more of a "Aw man its too bad because this was such an awesome and revolutionary idea for MMO end game advancement, and it is missing the mark" and not a "Oh man you guys suX0rz". I just really want to see the best for this game.
01-01-2010, 03:54 AM
I'm quite surprised how many people are fine with these benefits for true reincarnation.
You make it all the way to 20, put all this time and though into customizing items and gear, and (with unlimited) spent actual cash on certain things throughout your career like perhaps some tomes and stuff (like the heart), and the grand continuation for your character is lose all those details (save items you wont be able to use for some time) and remake with a 'drow's worth' more ability scores and a vanilla passive bonus feat.
And then to get any other benefit from this 'past life' you need to spend your new characters already limited feats on these past life memories? Which hardly compare with enhancements?
Yes, i am very surprised that many players are using TR, too. If the xp requirement for the new levels would remain the same TR would be useful, but every time i think about TR i hate the need to grind more xp to reach the next level so much, that i will never use it.
01-04-2010, 10:49 PM
Did a Wizard to Wizard Reincarnate. Based on the clear statement in Tolero's post, I took Past Life: Arcane Initiate at 3rd level. At 6th, I had planned to take it again. The feat however, does not show up in the list of selectable feats. Anyone have any insight here? I was kinda geeked to take the feat several times and be force spec'ed (Warforged). Now it appears that I'll be grinding all the way to 20th (x 1.65 xp!) again for an extra couple of build points. Not happy. I include the 2 relevant passages below:
Purchasable Feats:
These feats have a minimum level of 3 to select, and can be selected more than once. These feats do cost a feat slot, and all have a passive and an active component. Passive components are always active on your character, while active components must be triggered to take effect.
Past Life: Arcane Initiate
You recall more about your past life as a wizard. You have +1 to the DC's of spells you cast and can cast the magic missile spell ten times per rest, creating a missile of magical energy that darts forth and unerringly strikes its target inflicting 1d4+1 force damage. For every 2 caster levels beyond first you gain an additional missile, maximum 10 missiles.
01-04-2010, 11:25 PM
In his recent guide to True Reincarnation (, Kruz mentions the Past Life Feats! Curious about what feats await you for your class? Here is a look at the past life feats!
Passive Feats:
These are automatically granted to your character; the feat tied to your dominant class is granted upon True Reincarnation.
Past Life: Barbarian
You were a barbarian in a past life. You occasionally find yourself filled with a nearly irresistable urge to smash boxes. With your head. Each time you acquire this feat you gain 10 additional hit points. This feat can be stacked up to three times.
Thats not bad for a feat.
Past Life: Bard
You were a bard in a past life. You occasionally find yourself humming a merry tune. Each time you acquire this feat you gain +2 to saves vs. enchantments and illusions, and +1 Bardic Song usage. This feat can be stacked up to three times.
Meh, idk about this, could use improvement.
Past Life: Cleric
You were a cleric in a past life. You occasionally feel the presence of the divine. Each time you acquire this feat you gain +1 to the DC's of your Conjuration spells, +1 Turn Undead attempt per rest, and you Turn Undead as if you were two levels higher. This feat can be stacked up to three times.
How about just a 10% healing amplification bonus instead along with a healing lore bonus that stacks?
Past Life: Favored Soul
You were a favored soul in a past life. You occasionally find yourself wishing to leap off of tall things. Each time you acquire this feat you gain +1 to spell penetration checks and gain 20 additional spell points. (These spell points are only available if you are able to cast spells.) This feat can be stacked up to three times.
Thats not bad, though maybe the description could be changed or you could give a jump bonus with this also. Or tumble.
Past Life: Fighter
You were a fighter in a past life. You occasionally find yourself filled with the urge to bark orders to your fellows in combat. Each time you acquire this feat you gain +1 to attack rolls and +1 to the DC's of your tactical feats. This feat can be stacked up to three times.
This is acceptable.
Past Life: Monk
You were a monk in a past life. You occasionally find yourself contemplating the mysteries of life. Each time you acquire this feat you gain +1 to damage rolls. This feat can be stacked up to three times.
+1 to damage rolls? Thats it? How about adding a +1 to your concentration skill also? That would make the feat nice.
Past Life: Paladin
You were a paladin in a past life. You occasionally find yourself overcome with righteous fervor. Each time you acquire this feat you gain 5% more health when affecting by positive energy. This feat can be stacked up to three times.
How about just a stackable +2 bonus to all saves and attacks against evil creatures alongside this? That would be nice.
Past Life: Ranger
You were a ranger in a past life. You occasionally find small animals in your backpack. Each time you acquire this feat you gain +2 damage with ranged weapons and +2 to elemental resistances. This feat can be stacked up to three times.
The +2 damage with ranged weapons sounds nice, but the +2 to ele resistances? sounds more logical to have minor bonuses to stealth skills or charming animals or something like that. Might help with the description of the title.
Past Life: Rogue
You were a rogue in a past life. You occasionally find yourself looking over your shoulder. Each time you acquire this feat you gain +2 to saves vs. traps and deal +1 damage when sneak attacking. This feat can be stacked up to three times.
Hmmm...I guess it could work, though maybe it could be improved upon...also, change the description to "You occasionally find yourself scanning the area for anything that catches your eye."
Past Life: Sorcerer
You were a sorcerer in a past life. You occasionally find yourself daydreaming of dragons. Each time you acquire this feat you gain +1 to the DC's of your Evocation spells and gain 20 additional spell points. (These spell points are only available if you are able to cast spells.) This feat can be stacked up to three times.
I guess this could work for a past life feat.
Past Life: Wizard
You were a wizard in a past life. You occasionally find yourself desiring a good book. Each time you acquire this feat you gain +2 to spell penetration checks and the DC's of wands you use. This feat can be stacked up to three times.
Hmm...this seems a bit of a turn-around for a wizard considering its class...but I definitely know this feat can be improved upon.
Purchasable Feats:
These feats have a minimum level of 3 to select, and can be selected more than once. These feats do cost a feat slot, and all have a passive and an active component. Passive components are always active on your character, while active components must be triggered to take effect.
Whoh whoh whoh whoh...these cost a feat slot? Im not buying it. We should simply have these included; if anything, maybe you could substitute it for automatically giving these abilities mentioned below at later levels, and in pieces, but I wouldn't want to spend a feat slot on these. No way.
Past Life: Berserker's Fury
You recall more about your past life as a barbarian. You gain +1 hit point per character level, have +2 to your Intimidate skill and can enter a barbarian rage once per rest. (Activate this barbarian ability to enter a bloodthirsty frenzy, granting you a +4 bonus to Strength and Constitution, a +2 Morale bonus to Will saves, and a -2 penalty to AC. When the rage ends, however, you will lose the hit points granted to you by increased Constitution and become fatigued. Your rage will last for 30 seconds.)
These bonuses aren't bad, but I feel they should adjust at each caster level, though they should still only give minor bonuses.
Past Life: Bardic Dilettante
You recall more about your past life as a bard. You have +1 to all Charisma based skills, +1 to the DC's of your Enchantment spells, and can Inspire Courage three times per rest. (Activate this bard ability to rally your companions, giving them a +1 morale bonus to saves against fear effects and a +1 morale bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls before enhancements.)
Hmmm...I think we should have a choice between the songs we pick for this. I also think that maybe you could also substitute this for focusing chant instead of inspire courage.
Past Life: Initiate of the Faith
You recall more about your past life as a cleric. You have +2 to your Heal skill, and can produce a Healing Word effect five times per rest. Positive energy is channeled to heal light wounds of your target or damage undead for 1d4 hit points plus an additional 1d4 per two caster levels. Undead who make a successful Will save reduce the damage by half.
So, if I read this correctly, at level 20, I will produce a 10d4 healing effect ten times per rest? Thats not bad, although to be honest im not sure if I prefer this or a at will 1d4 healing effect with no limit per rest. It actually sounds better than what you had...
Past Life: Acolyte of Divine Secrets
You recall more about your past life as a favored soul. You have +2 to your Diplomacy skill and can call down the wrath of your former deity, producing an Avenging Light effect ten times per rest. (Activate this favored soul ability to cause a searing orb of radiant light to smite your target, dealing 1d8 hit points of light damage plus an additional 1d8 per three caster levels.)
Hmmm...this is where I get confused. Maybe it would be ok to have this, since if anything, gods tend to give mortals limited power, but inside me says it could be changed...
Past Life: Student of the Sword
You recall more about your past life as a fighter. You have +2 to your Intimidate skill, +1 to the Maximum Dexterity Bonus of armor and shields, and can remember your martial prowess three times per rest, increasing your base attack bonus to your level and granting +4 to hit.
So its basically kind of like an action boost? Hmmm, interesting...I guess this could work.
Past Life: Disciple of the Fist
You recall more about your past life as a monk. You have +2 to your Concentration skill, deal increased unarmed damage (one step higher than normal on the unarmed combat chart), and can enter an evasive trance once per rest, granting the evasion feat for a short period of time. (When you make a successful Reflex save to avoid damage, you suffer no damage instead of half damage.)
Maybe this wont be bad if it could stack with evasion to give improved invasion, or upgrade improved evasion to superior evasion which you suffer only 1/4 damage when you fail a reflex save. But it doesnt. Im thinking maybe it would be better to just give a DR reduction bonus or a wholeness of body 3/rest bonus instead.
Past Life: Soldier of the Faith
You recall more about your past life as a paladin. You have +2 to your Heal skill, and can invoke Divine Favor upon yourself three times per rest. (Activate this paladin ability to call upon the strength and wisdom of a deity to grant a +1 luck bonus on weapon attack and damage. This bonus is increased by +1 for every 3 caster levels beyond level 3.) thinking divine favor would actually be a lot better than this...or maybe a lay on hands ability 3/rest...
Past Life: Warrior of the Wild
You recall more about your past life as a ranger. You have +2 to your Spot skill and can produce a Barkskin effect three times per rest. (Activate this ranger ability to toughen the skin of an ally, giving a +2 natural armor bonus to AC with an additional +1 bonus for every 3 caster levels above 3rd, to a maximum of +5 at caster level 12th.)
Ok, not bad...though I do see alternates to this for ranger-like abilities...
Past Life: Sneak of Shadows
You recall more about your past life as a rogue. You have +1 to all skills and three times per rest you can skulk with the skill of your past life, gaining bonuses equal to your level to your hide and move silently skills, a +1 bonus to sneak attack damage for every two character levels, and a +1 bonus to hit with sneak attacks for every four levels.
Better stealth and the ability to sneak attack? I guess that could work...
Past Life: Arcane Prodigy
You recall more about your past life as a sorcerer. Your maximum spell points are increased by 10 at first level, and 5 spell points for each additional level and can produce random elemental damage spells ten times per rest. (Activate this sorcerer ability to blast a target with a ray of combined elements, doing 1d12 damage of a random elemental type plus an additional 1d12 per three caster levels on impact. A successful Reflex save reduce the damage by half.)
Now this is a pretty good past life feat. The 1d12 damage 10/rest is not bad, not bad at all...although you could always make it do just 1d12 damage and make this an at-will effect instead.
Past Life: Arcane Initiate
You recall more about your past life as a wizard. You have +1 to the DC's of spells you cast and can cast the magic missile spell ten times per rest, creating a missile of magical energy that darts forth and unerringly strikes its target inflicting 1d4+1 force damage. For every 2 caster levels beyond first you gain an additional missile, maximum 10 missiles.
This actually wouldn't be bad if you could remove the max missile cap, but at the same time perhaps this should be made into an at will effect instead.
In the future we will be exploring offering True Reincarnation more than two times for a character so that they may collect more past life feats! Be on the look out for more reincarnation features and announcements in the future!
Responces, for the most part, are in bold.
Past Life: Barbarian
You were a barbarian in a past life. You occasionally find yourself filled with a nearly irresistable urge to smash boxes. With your head. Each time you acquire this feat you gain 10 additional hit points. This feat can be stacked up to three times.
I swear this was at one time 20 additional hp. But seriously, only 10hp and nothing else at least, kinda cheesy!
01-07-2010, 01:39 PM
Question: is the Wizard past life bonus DC only for wands, or scrolls as well?
01-08-2010, 09:48 AM
If I go to level 20 as mainly paladin, but before I go through TR ill take GR first, change myself to fighter instead and then make TR, will I get fighter past life feat or paladin past life feat this way? And does GR counting is separated from TR ones.. I mean if i consume 1 GR will I still be able to make 2x TR?
01-14-2010, 02:50 PM
Did a Wizard to Wizard Reincarnate. Based on the clear statement in Tolero's post, I took Past Life: Arcane Initiate at 3rd level. At 6th, I had planned to take it again. The feat however, does not show up in the list of selectable feats. Anyone have any insight here? I was kinda geeked to take the feat several times and be force spec'ed (Warforged). Now it appears that I'll be grinding all the way to 20th (x 1.65 xp!) again for an extra couple of build points. Not happy. I include the 2 relevant passages below:
Purchasable Feats:
These feats have a minimum level of 3 to select, and can be selected more than once. These feats do cost a feat slot, and all have a passive and an active component. Passive components are always active on your character, while active components must be triggered to take effect.
Past Life: Arcane Initiate
You recall more about your past life as a wizard. You have +1 to the DC's of spells you cast and can cast the magic missile spell ten times per rest, creating a missile of magical energy that darts forth and unerringly strikes its target inflicting 1d4+1 force damage. For every 2 caster levels beyond first you gain an additional missile, maximum 10 missiles.
Right now its in the list of known issues... I was curious about this myself going from sorc- to wizard-( I stopped here) to wizard- then to any casting class i wanted... as this feat would give a +2 stat boost for anyone on their spell dcs or if you were already going to get 2 spell focuses you would also gain 20 magic missle charges. Do you have to the past life twice to pick the feat twice? I think from above statments that this is highly overpowered imagine 5 of these with max and empower and it could give you +10 castintg stat for dc purposes. I think they broke it on purpose to prevent this....maybe?
01-14-2010, 03:04 PM
I can be mistaken, but you can get the free feats three times each and the purchasable feats once each.
01-15-2010, 12:53 PM
If I go to level 20 as mainly paladin, but before I go through TR ill take GR first, change myself to fighter instead and then make TR, will I get fighter past life feat or paladin past life feat this way? And does GR counting is separated from TR ones.. I mean if i consume 1 GR will I still be able to make 2x TR?
From what it looks like now, you can only change a max of 3 levels with a GR. So, depending on the delay between opportunities, you'd need to GR/LR 4 times to change from being mostly Paladin to mostly Fighter. Then you'd be able to TR and get the fighter past life feats.
Of course, that is making a big assumption on my part that by purchasing the +3 GR/LR items multiple times you would be able to change a different 3 levels each time - but they may do something to prevent that.
02-18-2010, 03:05 PM
I can be mistaken, but you can get the free feats three times each and the purchasable feats once each.
I kinda thought you could TR twice and nab the purchased feat twice.
02-18-2010, 03:08 PM
I kinda thought you could TR twice and nab the purchased feat twice.
You cannot at the moment. It's listed in the Known Issues.
03-04-2010, 10:55 PM
ok this has kinda been a deaded issue but im putting this here in hopes of some there any way we can get a look at the enhancement lines for tr i read there are special enhancements..cause as it is put out now tr isnt appealing id like to see a little more to plan accordingly.
Past Life: Bard
You were a bard in a past life. You occasionally find yourself humming a merry tune. Each time you acquire this feat you gain +2 to saves vs. enchantments and illusions, and +1 Bardic Song usage. This feat can be stacked up to three times.
Even worse than extra +10hp on a barbarian red bar.
03-05-2010, 06:51 PM
actually pretty surprised in the lack of response and attention the devs have given tr threads
03-07-2010, 12:53 PM
Past Life: Monk
You were a monk in a past life. You occasionally find yourself contemplating the mysteries of life. Each time you acquire this feat you gain +1 to damage rolls. This feat can be stacked up to three times.
Purchasable Feats:
[I]These feats have a minimum level of 3 to select, and can be selected more than once. These feats do cost a feat slot, and all have a passive and an active component. Passive components are always active on your character, while active components must be triggered to take effect.
Past Life: Disciple of the Fist
You recall more about your past life as a monk. You have +2 to your Concentration skill, deal increased unarmed damage (one step higher than normal on the unarmed combat chart), and can enter an evasive trance once per rest, granting the evasion feat for a short period of time. (When you make a successful Reflex save to avoid damage, you suffer no damage instead of half damage.)
In the future we will be exploring offering True Reincarnation more than two times for a character so that they may collect more past life feats! Be on the look out for more reincarnation features and announcements in the future!
Will this feat grant monk unarmed animations as opposed to the vanilla ones? Would make sense that leveling to 20 as a monk in a past life grants you the same "basic" unarmed skills as a 1 monk level splash.
03-24-2010, 12:55 PM
Hi, if a have past life ranger, and i reincarnetion on other class, when i leveing up the caster level of the barkskin will only get higher if i get level on the ranger or will be better in any class or only on other caster class (like favored soul)???
Thanks for the very good post.
03-24-2010, 01:03 PM
Hi, if a have past life ranger, and i reincarnetion on other class, when i leveing up the caster level of the barkskin will only get higher if i get level on the ranger or will be better in any class or only on other caster class (like favored soul)???
Thanks for the very good post.
I don't know about the ranger past life feat per say, but I do have a wizard with the sorc past life feat, and it has definitely gotten stronger as I have taken wizard levels. Since the sorc feat improves with wizard levels, I would assume the ranger feat would improve with other levels as well. btw - I have seen numbers as big as Polar ray from my sorc past life feat (1,600) already, and I am only lvl 18! ;) I get ten free rays every rest! What a mana saver!
03-24-2010, 01:16 PM
charlvl=spelllvl for pastlife feats
04-11-2010, 04:17 AM
I think that purchasable feats could be better.
I will use the Monk as an example:
"can enter an evasive trance once per rest, granting the evasion feat for a short period of time."
If I reborn as a monk again, this is useless, so, why not grant any good stuff in that?
Could be a "evasion improver" that allows you to improve your evasion feat for a a short period o time:
If you don't have evasion (low level), you have evasion for a short time with this.
If you have evasion, you have improved evasion for a short time with this.
And for the end, if you already have improve evasion, while in this trance you could have a "20" as roll in all reflex saves during this time.
It is just an suggestion, because when I see this feat reborning as a monk I say "what a good **** that I will not use for a single thing".
This is just a suggestion, I know some people will say that this feat is just to incentive people to go through completionist path, but honestly I am not even a little interested on this. Man, 12 reborns? You must have a lot of time to do this.
So, why not make this feat an usable thing if you reborn as a monk? Would be lovely and as I see, not will overpower anything.
04-11-2010, 04:27 AM
A last thing:
"The maximum number of additional ability points you can gain from True Reincarnating multiple times is the Legend build (36 point character, 32 for Drow). "
Ok, I understand that give unlimited additional ability through several reincarnations would be very overpower, but why not give some few things when u keep reborning?
Two suggestions I have are an additional feat for even reborns and additional enhancement points for odd reborns.
This way, I am sure that people would think again in do more than 2 reincarnations. And one feat and.. 4 enhacements points would not unbalance all, just ensure that you are reborning stronger than the last life.
Because the way I see it, the only good reason to reborn more than 2 times is to get a few abilities (from other classes) and go to completionist.
But what about people who like to keep their char in one class or build? I imagine that you could think about this suggestion.
04-18-2010, 12:06 AM
developers remake these past life feats they suck and you know it!!!
04-18-2010, 12:07 AM
developers remake these past life feats they suck and you know it!!!
Except the monk one, please don't remake that.
05-21-2010, 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by Tolero
In his recent guide to True Reincarnation, Kruz mentions the Past Life Feats! Curious about what feats await you for your class? Here is a look at the past life feats!
Passive Feats:
These are automatically granted to your character; the feat tied to your dominant class is granted upon True Reincarnation.
Past Life: Barbarian
You were a barbarian in a past life. You occasionally find yourself filled with a nearly irresistable urge to smash boxes. With your head. Each time you acquire this feat you gain 10 additional hit points. This feat can be stacked up to three times.
Thats not bad for a feat.
Past Life: Bard
You were a bard in a past life. You occasionally find yourself humming a merry tune. Each time you acquire this feat you gain +2 to saves vs. enchantments and illusions, and +1 Bardic Song usage. This feat can be stacked up to three times.
Meh, idk about this, could use improvement.
Past Life: Cleric
You were a cleric in a past life. You occasionally feel the presence of the divine. Each time you acquire this feat you gain +1 to the DC's of your Conjuration spells, +1 Turn Undead attempt per rest, and you Turn Undead as if you were two levels higher. This feat can be stacked up to three times.
How about just a 10% healing amplification bonus instead along with a healing lore bonus that stacks?
Past Life: Favored Soul
You were a favored soul in a past life. You occasionally find yourself wishing to leap off of tall things. Each time you acquire this feat you gain +1 to spell penetration checks and gain 20 additional spell points. (These spell points are only available if you are able to cast spells.) This feat can be stacked up to three times.
Thats not bad, though maybe the description could be changed or you could give a jump bonus with this also. Or tumble.
Past Life: Fighter
You were a fighter in a past life. You occasionally find yourself filled with the urge to bark orders to your fellows in combat. Each time you acquire this feat you gain +1 to attack rolls and +1 to the DC's of your tactical feats. This feat can be stacked up to three times.
This is acceptable.
Past Life: Monk
You were a monk in a past life. You occasionally find yourself contemplating the mysteries of life. Each time you acquire this feat you gain +1 to damage rolls. This feat can be stacked up to three times.
+1 to damage rolls? Thats it? How about adding a +1 to your concentration skill also? That would make the feat nice.
Past Life: Paladin
You were a paladin in a past life. You occasionally find yourself overcome with righteous fervor. Each time you acquire this feat you gain 5% more health when affecting by positive energy. This feat can be stacked up to three times.
How about just a stackable +2 bonus to all saves and attacks against evil creatures alongside this? That would be nice.
Past Life: Ranger
You were a ranger in a past life. You occasionally find small animals in your backpack. Each time you acquire this feat you gain +2 damage with ranged weapons and +2 to elemental resistances. This feat can be stacked up to three times.
The +2 damage with ranged weapons sounds nice, but the +2 to ele resistances? sounds more logical to have minor bonuses to stealth skills or charming animals or something like that. Might help with the description of the title.
Past Life: Rogue
You were a rogue in a past life. You occasionally find yourself looking over your shoulder. Each time you acquire this feat you gain +2 to saves vs. traps and deal +1 damage when sneak attacking. This feat can be stacked up to three times.
Hmmm...I guess it could work, though maybe it could be improved upon...also, change the description to "You occasionally find yourself scanning the area for anything that catches your eye."
Past Life: Sorcerer
You were a sorcerer in a past life. You occasionally find yourself daydreaming of dragons. Each time you acquire this feat you gain +1 to the DC's of your Evocation spells and gain 20 additional spell points. (These spell points are only available if you are able to cast spells.) This feat can be stacked up to three times.
I guess this could work for a past life feat.
Past Life: Wizard
You were a wizard in a past life. You occasionally find yourself desiring a good book. Each time you acquire this feat you gain +2 to spell penetration checks and the DC's of wands you use. This feat can be stacked up to three times.
Hmm...this seems a bit of a turn-around for a wizard considering its class...but I definitely know this feat can be improved upon.
Purchasable Feats:
These feats have a minimum level of 3 to select, and can be selected more than once. These feats do cost a feat slot, and all have a passive and an active component. Passive components are always active on your character, while active components must be triggered to take effect.
Whoh whoh whoh whoh...these cost a feat slot? Im not buying it. We should simply have these included; if anything, maybe you could substitute it for automatically giving these abilities mentioned below at later levels, and in pieces, but I wouldn't want to spend a feat slot on these. No way.
Past Life: Berserker's Fury
You recall more about your past life as a barbarian. You gain +1 hit point per character level, have +2 to your Intimidate skill and can enter a barbarian rage once per rest. (Activate this barbarian ability to enter a bloodthirsty frenzy, granting you a +4 bonus to Strength and Constitution, a +2 Morale bonus to Will saves, and a -2 penalty to AC. When the rage ends, however, you will lose the hit points granted to you by increased Constitution and become fatigued. Your rage will last for 30 seconds.)
These bonuses aren't bad, but I feel they should adjust at each caster level, though they should still only give minor bonuses.
Past Life: Bardic Dilettante
You recall more about your past life as a bard. You have +1 to all Charisma based skills, +1 to the DC's of your Enchantment spells, and can Inspire Courage three times per rest. (Activate this bard ability to rally your companions, giving them a +1 morale bonus to saves against fear effects and a +1 morale bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls before enhancements.)
Hmmm...I think we should have a choice between the songs we pick for this. I also think that maybe you could also substitute this for focusing chant instead of inspire courage.
Past Life: Initiate of the Faith
You recall more about your past life as a cleric. You have +2 to your Heal skill, and can produce a Healing Word effect five times per rest. Positive energy is channeled to heal light wounds of your target or damage undead for 1d4 hit points plus an additional 1d4 per two caster levels. Undead who make a successful Will save reduce the damage by half.
So, if I read this correctly, at level 20, I will produce a 10d4 healing effect ten times per rest? Thats not bad, although to be honest im not sure if I prefer this or a at will 1d4 healing effect with no limit per rest. It actually sounds better than what you had...
Past Life: Acolyte of Divine Secrets
You recall more about your past life as a favored soul. You have +2 to your Diplomacy skill and can call down the wrath of your former deity, producing an Avenging Light effect ten times per rest. (Activate this favored soul ability to cause a searing orb of radiant light to smite your target, dealing 1d8 hit points of light damage plus an additional 1d8 per three caster levels.)
Hmmm...this is where I get confused. Maybe it would be ok to have this, since if anything, gods tend to give mortals limited power, but inside me says it could be changed...
Past Life: Student of the Sword
You recall more about your past life as a fighter. You have +2 to your Intimidate skill, +1 to the Maximum Dexterity Bonus of armor and shields, and can remember your martial prowess three times per rest, increasing your base attack bonus to your level and granting +4 to hit.
So its basically kind of like an action boost? Hmmm, interesting...I guess this could work.
Past Life: Disciple of the Fist
You recall more about your past life as a monk. You have +2 to your Concentration skill, deal increased unarmed damage (one step higher than normal on the unarmed combat chart), and can enter an evasive trance once per rest, granting the evasion feat for a short period of time. (When you make a successful Reflex save to avoid damage, you suffer no damage instead of half damage.)
Maybe this wont be bad if it could stack with evasion to give improved invasion, or upgrade improved evasion to superior evasion which you suffer only 1/4 damage when you fail a reflex save. But it doesnt. Im thinking maybe it would be better to just give a DR reduction bonus or a wholeness of body 3/rest bonus instead.
Past Life: Soldier of the Faith
You recall more about your past life as a paladin. You have +2 to your Heal skill, and can invoke Divine Favor upon yourself three times per rest. (Activate this paladin ability to call upon the strength and wisdom of a deity to grant a +1 luck bonus on weapon attack and damage. This bonus is increased by +1 for every 3 caster levels beyond level 3.) thinking divine favor would actually be a lot better than this...or maybe a lay on hands ability 3/rest...
Past Life: Warrior of the Wild
You recall more about your past life as a ranger. You have +2 to your Spot skill and can produce a Barkskin effect three times per rest. (Activate this ranger ability to toughen the skin of an ally, giving a +2 natural armor bonus to AC with an additional +1 bonus for every 3 caster levels above 3rd, to a maximum of +5 at caster level 12th.)
Ok, not bad...though I do see alternates to this for ranger-like abilities...
Past Life: Sneak of Shadows
You recall more about your past life as a rogue. You have +1 to all skills and three times per rest you can skulk with the skill of your past life, gaining bonuses equal to your level to your hide and move silently skills, a +1 bonus to sneak attack damage for every two character levels, and a +1 bonus to hit with sneak attacks for every four levels.
Better stealth and the ability to sneak attack? I guess that could work...
Past Life: Arcane Prodigy
You recall more about your past life as a sorcerer. Your maximum spell points are increased by 10 at first level, and 5 spell points for each additional level and can produce random elemental damage spells ten times per rest. (Activate this sorcerer ability to blast a target with a ray of combined elements, doing 1d12 damage of a random elemental type plus an additional 1d12 per three caster levels on impact. A successful Reflex save reduce the damage by half.)
Now this is a pretty good past life feat. The 1d12 damage 10/rest is not bad, not bad at all...although you could always make it do just 1d12 damage and make this an at-will effect instead.
Past Life: Arcane Initiate
You recall more about your past life as a wizard. You have +1 to the DC's of spells you cast and can cast the magic missile spell ten times per rest, creating a missile of magical energy that darts forth and unerringly strikes its target inflicting 1d4+1 force damage. For every 2 caster levels beyond first you gain an additional missile, maximum 10 missiles.
This actually wouldn't be bad if you could remove the max missile cap, but at the same time perhaps this should be made into an at will effect instead.
In the future we will be exploring offering True Reincarnation more than two times for a character so that they may collect more past life feats! Be on the look out for more reincarnation features and announcements in the future!
Responces, for the most part, are in bold.
__________________________________________________ _____________________________
Quoted the knight. I'm wondering, do you developers know what the player base thinks about this? Or about the amount of experience required to cap again?
I'd like to see some improvement here. You really aren't making it any better by staying silent on the issue.
My suggestion: Remake the feats, obviously, but most of the passive benefits don't completely suck. You should really lower the amount of experience required to cap. If this would make players who already TR'd and capped upset you should give them a passive benefit of "Ancient Soul" and give them an extra 10 hp and sp, or +1 to all saves, something to compensate them.
I think everyone in DDO would like the Dev's to listen to more suggestions (ex Dragontouched crafting, Dungeon Alert, Ransack. We are the ones paying for the game.)
I don't expect an easy button. I only wish for some kind of democracy, something to know that the players (and I'm more referencing those who've been around forever saying the same things not myself) are being heard.
A few questions concerning Cleric Past life: Initiate of Faith.
Is this feat any useful for a fleshie caster? Does it benefit from empower/maximise, potency/clickies? How much does it heal for at cap?
05-25-2010, 11:17 AM
a. Have they enabled us to TR as many times as we like?
b. What are the XP requiments for TR'ing the 3rd, 4th, 5th etc times?
c. If you reinarnate as a Barbarian 3 times, you end up with 30 extra HP's?
d. When going for completionist, the free passive feats of all past lives stack?
e. Have they enabled Completionist?
f. Do you get any additional general feats?
g. Is Completionist a free feat, or must it be purchased?
05-25-2010, 11:54 AM
a yes
b same as after 2nd TR. it doesnt go higher
c yes
d yes
e noone knows yet, think the furthest one is at his 8th TR
f no
g must be purchased
05-25-2010, 12:00 PM
a. Yes.
b. Roughly:
- 1st TR 3.2 million Xp;
- 2nd TR and following ones 4.4 million Xp
c. Yes.
d. Yes.
e. Afaik, yes.
f. No.
g. It will cost you a general feat.
05-25-2010, 05:51 PM
Thank you for the fast replies :)
06-28-2010, 01:32 PM
In his recent guide to True Reincarnation (, Kruz mentions the Past Life Feats! Curious about what feats await you for your class? Here is a look at the past life feats!
Passive Feats:
These are automatically granted to your character; the feat tied to your dominant class is granted upon True Reincarnation.
Past Life: Barbarian
You were a barbarian in a past life. You occasionally find yourself filled with a nearly irresistable urge to smash boxes. With your head. Each time you acquire this feat you gain 10 additional hit points. This feat can be stacked up to three times.
Past Life: Bard
You were a bard in a past life. You occasionally find yourself humming a merry tune. Each time you acquire this feat you gain +2 to saves vs. enchantments and illusions, and +1 Bardic Song usage. This feat can be stacked up to three times.
Past Life: Cleric
You were a cleric in a past life. You occasionally feel the presence of the divine. Each time you acquire this feat you gain +1 to the DC's of your Conjuration spells, +1 Turn Undead attempt per rest, and you Turn Undead as if you were two levels higher. This feat can be stacked up to three times.
Past Life: Favored Soul
You were a favored soul in a past life. You occasionally find yourself wishing to leap off of tall things. Each time you acquire this feat you gain +1 to spell penetration checks and gain 20 additional spell points. (These spell points are only available if you are able to cast spells.) This feat can be stacked up to three times.
Past Life: Fighter
You were a fighter in a past life. You occasionally find yourself filled with the urge to bark orders to your fellows in combat. Each time you acquire this feat you gain +1 to attack rolls and +1 to the DC's of your tactical feats. This feat can be stacked up to three times.
Past Life: Monk
You were a monk in a past life. You occasionally find yourself contemplating the mysteries of life. Each time you acquire this feat you gain +1 to damage rolls. This feat can be stacked up to three times.
Past Life: Paladin
You were a paladin in a past life. You occasionally find yourself overcome with righteous fervor. Each time you acquire this feat you gain 5% more health when affecting by positive energy. This feat can be stacked up to three times.
Past Life: Ranger
You were a ranger in a past life. You occasionally find small animals in your backpack. Each time you acquire this feat you gain +2 damage with ranged weapons and +2 to elemental resistances. This feat can be stacked up to three times.
Past Life: Rogue
You were a rogue in a past life. You occasionally find yourself looking over your shoulder. Each time you acquire this feat you gain +2 to saves vs. traps and deal +1 damage when sneak attacking. This feat can be stacked up to three times.
Past Life: Sorcerer
You were a sorcerer in a past life. You occasionally find yourself daydreaming of dragons. Each time you acquire this feat you gain +1 to the DC's of your Evocation spells and gain 20 additional spell points. (These spell points are only available if you are able to cast spells.) This feat can be stacked up to three times.
Past Life: Wizard
You were a wizard in a past life. You occasionally find yourself desiring a good book. Each time you acquire this feat you gain +2 to spell penetration checks and the DC's of wands you use. This feat can be stacked up to three times.
Purchasable Feats:
These feats have a minimum level of 3 to select, and can be selected more than once. These feats do cost a feat slot, and all have a passive and an active component. Passive components are always active on your character, while active components must be triggered to take effect.
Past Life: Berserker's Fury
You recall more about your past life as a barbarian. You gain +1 hit point per character level, have +2 to your Intimidate skill and can enter a barbarian rage once per rest. (Activate this barbarian ability to enter a bloodthirsty frenzy, granting you a +4 bonus to Strength and Constitution, a +2 Morale bonus to Will saves, and a -2 penalty to AC. When the rage ends, however, you will lose the hit points granted to you by increased Constitution and become fatigued. Your rage will last for 30 seconds.)
Past Life: Bardic Dilettante
You recall more about your past life as a bard. You have +1 to all Charisma based skills, +1 to the DC's of your Enchantment spells, and can Inspire Courage three times per rest. (Activate this bard ability to rally your companions, giving them a +1 morale bonus to saves against fear effects and a +1 morale bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls before enhancements.)
Past Life: Initiate of the Faith
You recall more about your past life as a cleric. You have +2 to your Heal skill, and can produce a Healing Word effect five times per rest. Positive energy is channeled to heal light wounds of your target or damage undead for 1d4 hit points plus an additional 1d4 per two caster levels. Undead who make a successful Will save reduce the damage by half.
Past Life: Acolyte of Divine Secrets
You recall more about your past life as a favored soul. You have +2 to your Diplomacy skill and can call down the wrath of your former deity, producing an Avenging Light effect ten times per rest. (Activate this favored soul ability to cause a searing orb of radiant light to smite your target, dealing 1d8 hit points of light damage plus an additional 1d8 per three caster levels.)
Past Life: Student of the Sword
You recall more about your past life as a fighter. You have +2 to your Intimidate skill, +1 to the Maximum Dexterity Bonus of armor and shields, and can remember your martial prowess three times per rest, increasing your base attack bonus to your level and granting +4 to hit.
Past Life: Disciple of the Fist
You recall more about your past life as a monk. You have +2 to your Concentration skill, deal increased unarmed damage (one step higher than normal on the unarmed combat chart), and can enter an evasive trance once per rest, granting the evasion feat for a short period of time. (When you make a successful Reflex save to avoid damage, you suffer no damage instead of half damage.)
Past Life: Soldier of the Faith
You recall more about your past life as a paladin. You have +2 to your Heal skill, and can invoke Divine Favor upon yourself three times per rest. (Activate this paladin ability to call upon the strength and wisdom of a deity to grant a +1 luck bonus on weapon attack and damage. This bonus is increased by +1 for every 3 caster levels beyond level 3.)
Past Life: Warrior of the Wild
You recall more about your past life as a ranger. You have +2 to your Spot skill and can produce a Barkskin effect three times per rest. (Activate this ranger ability to toughen the skin of an ally, giving a +2 natural armor bonus to AC with an additional +1 bonus for every 3 caster levels above 3rd, to a maximum of +5 at caster level 12th.)
Past Life: Sneak of Shadows
You recall more about your past life as a rogue. You have +1 to all skills and three times per rest you can skulk with the skill of your past life, gaining bonuses equal to your level to your hide and move silently skills, a +1 bonus to sneak attack damage for every two character levels, and a +1 bonus to hit with sneak attacks for every four levels.
Past Life: Arcane Prodigy
You recall more about your past life as a sorcerer. Your maximum spell points are increased by 10 at first level, and 5 spell points for each additional level and can produce random elemental damage spells ten times per rest. (Activate this sorcerer ability to blast a target with a ray of combined elements, doing 1d12 damage of a random elemental type plus an additional 1d12 per three caster levels on impact. A successful Reflex save reduce the damage by half.)
Past Life: Arcane Initiate
You recall more about your past life as a wizard. You have +1 to the DC's of spells you cast and can cast the magic missile spell ten times per rest, creating a missile of magical energy that darts forth and unerringly strikes its target inflicting 1d4+1 force damage. For every 2 caster levels beyond first you gain an additional missile, maximum 10 missiles.
In the future we will be exploring offering True Reincarnation more than two times for a character so that they may collect more past life feats! Be on the look out for more reincarnation features and announcements in the future!
How come the magic missiles from wizard past life feat can go through Nightshield and Shield etc? is this a bug or something? or is it supossed to be different to the typical magic missile spell?
06-28-2010, 07:51 PM
Past Life Cleric: You get a slight boost to turning. Too bad that at best, players will use this to have one more DV as turning is brokenly worthless. Even then, that is a sad sad use of a TR. Oh, and you get +1 to conjuration spells. You know, so that your teammates will have a harder time saving against all those nasty cure spells you are always tossing at them. =/
I get the feeling that A) the dev's are really focused (narrowly so) on the stereotype of clerics as the bane of undead and that B) none of the dev's actually play a cleric at high level as a main character. Past Life Cleric is a joke among players, and a facepalm for DMs or anybody interested in game mechanics. It does nothing to boost a clerics ability in any significant manner, to say nothing of enticing players to go thru a TR for it.
+1 DC to evocation would have been far more useful, as the only spell on the cleric list that benefits from the current +1 to conjuration DC in any real way is cometfall, whereas most of a clerics direct offensive repetoire are evocation spells.
As far as turning... either recognize that it is utterly broken (just as it is in PnP) and MAKE SOME RADICAL CHANGES to fix it, or please just dont bother with it. Some kind of boost to actual healing abilities would have been far, far more useful here. Perhaps something along the lines of the monk past life feat, where your healing die are increased, so 1d8 becomes 1d10 etc.. Small, but it would add up and be useful, especially when enhancement multipliers were attached.
I dont know, just some ideas there for you guys, as the feat as it is now frankly sucks, and makes me sad for my toon. I TRd my battle cleric to get out of 28 pt buy, but man would i rather have something different, like the fighter past life (which ironically enough, is not what they need, but many splash builds would love it).
Wizards sure look awesome from where I am standing.
07-06-2010, 11:20 PM
...Passive Feats:
These are automatically granted to your character; the feat tied to your dominant class is granted upon True Reincarnation.
Past Life: Paladin
You were a paladin in a past life. You occasionally find yourself overcome with righteous fervor. Each time you acquire this feat "you gain 5% more health" when affecting by positive energy. This feat can be stacked up to three times.
... I am not sure what the above underlined in red means...
If you TR into a Paladin (again), does that mean you heal yourself and others for more with your LoH (is that positive energy) and your healing spells?
If you TR into a Paladin (again), does that mean you heal yourself 5% of your Divine Sacrifices (maybe they are light damage) or do they do 5% more damage or what?
If you TR into a Cleric or Favored Soul, does that mean you heal others at +5%?
If you TR into a Cleric or Favored Soul, you get 5% of the amount healed?
If you TR into a Cleric or Favored Soul, you just get +5% healing on yourself?
If you TR into a Cleric Radiant Soul, do you get +5% on the aura & burst abilities as well (healing yourself/others or doing more damage or what)?
OR what? Confused what that means...
07-07-2010, 02:23 AM
It means when you're healed for 100 HP you actually get 105 HP. This only applies to positive energy healing, so wizards in undead form getting inflicts/harm on them or warforged being repaired are unaffected.
There's a typo in there - it should be "affected", not "affecting".
Note: LoH, when used on Warforged, is repair - otherwise it's positive energy.
07-15-2010, 01:00 PM
A friend of mine with two wizard TRs behind him says he cannot select "Past Life: Arcane Initiate" more than once even though the OP says it can be stacked up to three times. Known issue or is my friend just blind? :)
07-15-2010, 02:52 PM
A friend of mine with two wizard TRs behind him says he cannot select "Past Life: Arcane Initiate" more than once even though the OP says it can be stacked up to three times. Known issue or is my friend just blind? :)
the passive one can be stacked up to 3 times
the one you have to take yourself you can have only once
07-18-2010, 05:00 AM
Having just started my 9th life on the road to completionist.
I seriously feel the completionist feat should be a granted passive feat.
my reasons:
1. its a huge GRIND
2. its a huge GRIND
3. I lose a feat i would normally take in order to take this.
4. Some class's are feat starved as it is.
Secondly, the whole "this feat will deactivate when a new class comes out" needs to be looked at.
Something that takes this long to earn shouldnt be stripped away. Not to mention any tomes you ate after gaining Completionist will be gone because now you have to TR again to regain the feat.
I dunno perhaps its a planned vicious continual grinding cycle put in place to keep us hamsters running the wheel.
07-18-2010, 05:04 AM
Did the barbarian PL feat get returned to the version we have in the description, with no hidden +4 bonus to Str and Con and increased duration for existing rages?
07-18-2010, 05:06 AM
Barbarians get ripped off. Just 10 hp. How about plus 2 to con.
07-18-2010, 06:16 AM
Having just started my 9th life on the road to completionist.
I seriously feel the completionist feat should be a granted passive feat.
my reasons:
1. its a huge GRIND
2. its a huge GRIND
3. I lose a feat i would normally take in order to take this.
4. Some class's are feat starved as it is.
Secondly, the whole "this feat will deactivate when a new class comes out" needs to be looked at.
Something that takes this long to earn shouldnt be stripped away. Not to mention any tomes you ate after gaining Completionist will be gone because now you have to TR again to regain the feat.
I dunno perhaps its a planned vicious continual grinding cycle put in place to keep us hamsters running the wheel.
I agree with you here.
I think at some point in the TR cycle an extra feat should be granted at level 10, and at a later point it should be granted at level 20. Maybe 5 TRs to get the first extra feat and 10 to get the 2nd. It would encourage a lot more people to TR I believe.
07-18-2010, 06:32 AM
Yes, an extra feat would be a good reason to move a char that don't want completionist to do more than 2 TRs
07-18-2010, 04:38 PM
I had been thinking that each TR should grant +1 AP.
07-18-2010, 11:21 PM
I could see a system put in place where if you TR into the same class x3 times on the third go round you would recieve a bonus feat slot that can ONLY be used with past life feats.
So if one was so inclined they could unlock a few bonus TR only feat slots and pick a couple of the cooler past life feats for free .. well technically free but you'd have to grind for it.
07-19-2010, 02:56 AM
My idea was like this:
TR - Grants
01 - 34pt build
02 - 36pt build
03 - 1 extra feat
04 - 4 extra enhancement points
This way, I definitively would fell comfortable in do several TR keeping one class on the char.
07-19-2010, 03:19 PM
Not to mention any tomes you ate after gaining Completionist will be gone because now you have to TR again to regain the feat.
Actually you have to TR again *twice*. MU HA HA HA HA
(1st to get new class, 2nd to make that class a past life.)
07-19-2010, 04:01 PM
Actually you have to TR again *twice*. MU HA HA HA HA
(1st to get new class, 2nd to make that class a past life.)
or lr+3 4 times into that class (or less times, depening on your ending split)
07-19-2010, 04:06 PM
or lr+3 4 times into that class (or less times, depening on your ending split)
Or stock up +5 hearts (which only works if your a slow leveler, otherwise Tring would just be faster anyways)
07-20-2010, 02:36 PM
So I am just now looking into this and from all appearances I will NOT be tr'ing my Ranger.
I was undecided originally but after seeing what the past life feats are 2 more build points aren't worth the HORRIBLE past life feats for Rangers.
Way to completely avoid the fact that the MAJORITY of Ranger players in this game consider bow use secondary.
Epic fail Turbine.
07-23-2010, 02:59 PM
Ok, I have been reading this whole thread and it prompted a question. I was a pure ranger in my past life and I am working on another ranger this life. The purchasable past life feat of +2 to spot and the barkskin is only available once? So if I purchase the past life feat this life, am I able to purchase it again if I TR again into maybe a favored soul or will I already have it at the start of my new life?
07-23-2010, 03:03 PM
Ok, I have been reading this whole thread and it prompted a question. I was a pure ranger in my past life and I am working on another ranger this life. The purchasable past life feat of +2 to spot and the barkskin is only available once? So if I purchase the past life feat this life, am I able to purchase it again if I TR again into maybe a favored soul or will I already have it at the start of my new life?
You would have to select it again at the start of your next life - it's available once in the sense that you can have it once, as opposed to being able to have the free feat three times or select the toughness feat multiple times.
08-04-2010, 10:35 AM
Purchasable Feats:
These feats have a minimum level of 3 to select, and can be selected more than once. These feats do cost a feat slot, and all have a passive and an active component.
Currently Arcane Initiate cannot be purchased more than once for multiple wizard TRs. Is Tolero's information wrong or is this working as intended?
08-04-2010, 12:14 PM
Currently Arcane Initiate cannot be purchased more than once for multiple wizard TRs. Is Tolero's information wrong or is this working as intended?
thats old information, they can only be taken once
08-04-2010, 08:37 PM
Currently Arcane Initiate cannot be purchased more than once for multiple wizard TRs. Is Tolero's information wrong or is this working as intended?
There are two past life abilities/feats associated with each class. One is passive, automatically granted to your character on their next life, based on their previous lives, and can be stacked up to 3 times. The other is a feat you may purchase at character level 3+ and may only be taken once.
For wizards, that means you can get up to +6 spell pen and wand DCs, by TRing a few times, while the +1 DC feat is obtainable only once, and must be selected as one of your feats.
08-06-2010, 06:28 AM
Past Life: Sneak of Shadows
You recall more about your past life as a rogue. You have +1 to all skills and three times per rest you can skulk with the skill of your past life, gaining bonuses equal to your level to your hide and move silently skills, a +1 bonus to sneak attack damage for every two character levels, and a +1 bonus to hit with sneak attacks for every four levels.
Has anyone been able to confirm this works correctly? My understanding is at level 20 that would be a +5 to sneak attack hit and a +10 sneak attack damage. Just want to make sure. Thanks ahead of time..;-)
08-10-2010, 11:02 AM
The passive past life feats (the initial free one that you get). says it stacks up to three times. So, if I TR as a wiz twice, do i get the feat twice?
I'm betting someone probably already asked, but I didn't have the fortitude to crawl through 130 pages to find it.
08-10-2010, 11:33 AM
The passive past life feats (the initial free one that you get). says it stacks up to three times. So, if I TR as a wiz twice, do i get the feat twice?
I'm betting someone probably already asked, but I didn't have the fortitude to crawl through 130 pages to find it.
Yes. My monk ( with 2x wizard TRs has that useless thing with "Acquired 2 times" in the desription, similar to taking multiple toughnesses.
08-16-2010, 06:22 AM
Just thinking of how tharnes and other items give non rogues a sneak attack. Would past life affect these attacks?
08-27-2010, 07:04 PM
I'm only going to TR once just for the stat point bonuses, I do not care whatsoever in the least about the TR bonuses because they are laughable.
And I hate to pull the "Other" MMO card but... in ragnarok online when you were reborn, you at least got free stat points, a passive bonus that buffs you on level ups, and could go into a better version of the class you used to be later. Not to mention other systems make being "Reborn" a big deal.
Just thinking of how tharnes and other items give non rogues a sneak attack. Would past life affect these attacks?
Tharnes and other items dont give nonrogues sneak attacks. They give a plus to hit and damage to attacks that would qualify as sneak attacks so the answer would be no.
01-28-2011, 07:45 PM
RANGER to me is elite light fighter not freaking bowman.
Ranger. its even in the name. And Bow's are ranged. therefore ranger=elite bowman :P
01-31-2011, 11:58 AM
Ranger. its even in the name. And Bow's are ranged. therefore ranger=elite bowman :P
Sigh. Ranger is about what they do, not how they fight someone. They "Range" all over the place, going where they will. (I suspect you may know that from the :P)
As such, in DDO, they can both HTH and Range combat fairly well. As an end cap at the time the end cap was designed, Rangers were considered the "Best" TWF's, so no bonus was required, and as Ranged combat has always been a bit substandard (or alot, depending on who is playing the Pew Pew), thats where the bonus went.
02-08-2011, 12:09 PM
Just maybe my ranger does not want to use a freaking bow. RANGER to me is elite light fighter not freaking bowman.
Well i have only 1 response to that .. Manyshoting Slaying arrows hasted with a bloodstone equipped .Try beating that DPS with TWF your ranger..
02-12-2011, 07:57 PM
Quick question; If I have 3 past lives as a fighter do I get +3 to hit?
Thanks for clarification.
02-12-2011, 08:04 PM
02-15-2011, 06:00 PM
You wont get any more after 3 of each PL feat
03-07-2011, 09:56 AM
If someone still interested:
Here is my suggestion for some changes in TR feat system.
When Turbine change TR feat system, I hope that some of my ideas will go within :)
03-11-2011, 05:54 AM
Bard active past life +1 dc on enchant stack with all in the game?
Rogue active past life stack with tharnes?
Bye, tnx!
03-21-2011, 09:48 AM
So my guild mate lotusfly has completionist. +2 to all stats is cool. i guess. but here are some issues with completionist
1) no passive bonuses
2) must spend a feat, making it not viable for some feat starved builds (like a KoTC for example)
3) the +2 to all stats do not qualify you for pre-reqs such as GTWF
if turbine wants us to spend 1-3 yrs (depending on how much you play) on "winning ddo" then you should in fact win ddo.
my proposed change is simply to leave the purchasable feat still give you +2 to all stats, but add a passive (like all the other past lives have) that gives you +1 bonus feat at level 3, and have the +2 stats act like stats purchased at character creation/spending level up points in them. that would make all the effort actually feel like it was worth it. overpowered? no. in the grand scheme of things if you have 1+ of EVERY past life, chances are you are geared out to the point that the game is no longer a challenge, its more about playing with cool new toys.
03-21-2011, 09:23 PM
my proposed change is simply to leave the purchasable feat still give you +2 to all stats, but add a passive (like all the other past lives have) that gives you +1 bonus feat at level 3, (...)
This is something what I suggested in my thread (give link 2 post above) :)
03-22-2011, 04:59 PM
So that great my duel wielding ranger in TR gets bow damage, great woot... do have to change classes to do my duel wielding ranger or maybe start over and grind the gear again.. Great job making rangers past life feats limited Tribune. Don't forget about the buy-able feat BARKSKIN, HOW IN THE EARTH DOES THIS HELP IF tr AS RANGER.. 2 TO SPOT WHAT TRASH. Just maybe my ranger does not want to use a freaking bow. RANGER to me is elite light fighter not freaking bowman. These past life feats so unbalance its not funny it like have to plan for past life, so what the point all these for are existing toons. I can not stand feeling my toon not good possible, because Tribune does not know what balance is.
Fighter +1 to hit all weapons +1 DC (Trip, stuns) with any melee weapon... Monk +1 damage any weapons.... Barbs get fudge to 10 hp LMAO.. Rogues have to be sneak damage so that really only helping if planing to be a rogue. Pallies 5% to heals really that blows to. To be ownest the wizard is the best one here it like a free feat. (lets see how many out there take spell pen). All I ask if fighter and monk get all weapon bonus make mine to stop the stupid resist lines for the rangers, I do not take the stupid enchantments because they limit use. Maybe if made it like 5 per level, but 2 sorry it will get look over all the time.
P.S. not a free to play, my freaking normal forum account got lock out can not log in for months sent great and wonderful Tribune complaint. Said nothing wrong here your in the system. While great I can not log in from any CP, although no problem with this free to play account I made.
04-20-2011, 12:33 AM
So my guild mate lotusfly has completionist. +2 to all stats is cool. i guess. but here are some issues with completionist
1) no passive bonuses
2) must spend a feat, making it not viable for some feat starved builds (like a KoTC for example)
3) the +2 to all stats do not qualify you for pre-reqs such as GTWF
if turbine wants us to spend 1-3 yrs (depending on how much you play) on "winning ddo" then you should in fact win ddo.
my proposed change is simply to leave the purchasable feat still give you +2 to all stats, but add a passive (like all the other past lives have) that gives you +1 bonus feat at level 3, and have the +2 stats act like stats purchased at character creation/spending level up points in them. that would make all the effort actually feel like it was worth it. overpowered? no. in the grand scheme of things if you have 1+ of EVERY past life, chances are you are geared out to the point that the game is no longer a challenge, its more about playing with cool new toys.
No thanks - leave it as is. You'll still have, at the very least, the past life bonuses from all the classes you've played - and if you qualify for Completionist, that means at least one from every single class.
Then you can start building up on enhancing said classes, and stacking those passives. You guys always want too much. Shhh.
04-24-2011, 11:40 AM
If I TR numerous times, do I get passive past life feats for each past life (up to three stacked per class), or is it just for the first 3 lives?
Life 1 Rogue
Life 2 Fighter
Life 3 Monk
Life 4 Ranger
In Life 5, do I get all the passive past life feats (4), or are they limited? If each can be stacked 3 times, can I theoretically have 3 past life feats per class (assuming I quit my job, my wife and kid leave me and I win the lottery to allow me to do this)?
I have a few more raids for some 20ths, but plan to TR soon. I wasn't sure how much past life order/sequence planning was needed...
Thanks in advance for your replies...
04-24-2011, 12:05 PM
If I TR numerous times, do I get passive past life feats for each past life (up to three stacked per class), or is it just for the first 3 lives?
Life 1 Rogue
Life 2 Fighter
Life 3 Monk
Life 4 Ranger
In Life 5, do I get all the passive past life feats (4), or are they limited? If each can be stacked 3 times, can I theoretically have 3 past life feats per class (assuming I quit my job, my wife and kid leave me and I win the lottery to allow me to do this)?
I have a few more raids for some 20ths, but plan to TR soon. I wasn't sure how much past life order/sequence planning was needed...
Thanks in advance for your replies...
yes, they all stack( up to 3 per class) and will all be used on each life.
yes, planning out your order/sequence is a good idea to make the most use out of your past lives.
04-24-2011, 12:27 PM
yes, they all stack( up to 3 per class) and will all be used on each life.
yes, planning out your order/sequence is a good idea to make the most use out of your past lives.
Thanks for the quick reply. I am 18/1/1 Rgr/Rogue/Monk now (and love it). I will generally be TWF melee/specialist, and was thinking of generally having some self buffing/healing/UMD. I have the Hearts of Wood to have pretty much any 1st past life I want. Should I just take the Ranger? I had thought about Rogue, Fighter or Monk as well. Lots of GS Rapiers... Capped alts are FvS and Wizzies, so this one will probably only do the true caster classes when I retire and go for Completionist in 30 years...
04-25-2011, 09:14 PM
Thanks for the quick reply. I am 18/1/1 Rgr/Rogue/Monk now (and love it). I will generally be TWF melee/specialist, and was thinking of generally having some self buffing/healing/UMD. I have the Hearts of Wood to have pretty much any 1st past life I want. Should I just take the Ranger? I had thought about Rogue, Fighter or Monk as well. Lots of GS Rapiers... Capped alts are FvS and Wizzies, so this one will probably only do the true caster classes when I retire and go for Completionist in 30 years...
well, for that guy the only option you have is the ranger past life. you get the past life based on the class that you had the most levels in when you TR. in the case of a tie (i believe) it's the first class you chose. example 8rgr/8fighter/4sorc. whichever of the rgr or fighter you took first is the past life you get. sorc is eliminated due to being lower level. you don't choose the past life
the game decides it for you based on your character.
self-buffing/healing is always good. for your second life, i'd go with the class you like the least (as it will be quicker to level and tr now than later). at
least one iteration of that class life will be easier :)
05-16-2011, 12:16 AM
Wow, I can not believe how whiny some people are.
1) To people complaining that PL feats don't benefit the original class:
a) No one said it was supposed to.
b) No one is forcing you to TR as the same class.
2) People complaining that the feat alone doesn't justify a TR:
a) You also get two stat points.
Ranger feat is ridiculous? Honestly I don't know if you say that because it's too good or too bad because on one hand it gives one of the highest bonuses - +2 damage but on the other hand it gives the bonus to a DPS attack form that, in spite of it, will still never compare to the effective forms of DPS.
And too any whiners who want to leave because things aren't going their way:
I'm glad i'll be able to enjoy this game without your whiny voice anywhere to be heard.
05-16-2011, 12:38 AM
well, for that guy the only option you have is the ranger past life. you get the past life based on the class that you had the most levels in when you TR. in the case of a tie (i believe) it's the first class you chose. example 8rgr/8fighter/4sorc. whichever of the rgr or fighter you took first is the past life you get.
Unfortunately, I've read plenty that says this isn't so. If you have the same number of ranger and fighter levels, your past life will be considered fighter. Why? Because fighter is alphabetically lower than ranger. The exception is the two classes that were added later - FVS and monk.
(Effectively, when the first classes were introduced they were enumerated in alphabetical order. When the other two were added, they were given the next numbers in the sequence. In the case of tied level numbers, the lowest enumerated number wins).
The best way to tell what your PL feat will be when you TR is look at your icon.
07-12-2011, 05:33 AM
Past Life: Favored Soul
You were a favored soul in a past life. You occasionally find yourself wishing to leap off of tall things. Each time you acquire this feat you gain +1 to spell penetration checks and gain 20 additional spell points. (These spell points are only available if you are able to cast spells.) This feat can be stacked up to three times.
Past Life: Wizard
You were a wizard in a past life. You occasionally find yourself desiring a good book. Each time you acquire this feat you gain +2 to spell penetration checks and the DC's of wands you use. This feat can be stacked up to three times.
2 questions :
1. if I TR 3 times wiz and 3 times FVS on the next life as sorc i will get +9 spell penetration ?
2. can i take the wiz +1 dc to all spells feat. as sorc?
07-12-2011, 06:23 AM
2 questions :
1. if I TR 3 times wiz and 3 times FVS on the next life as sorc i will get +9 spell penetration ?
2. can i take the wiz +1 dc to all spells feat. as sorc?
07-17-2011, 08:49 PM
Any speculation on what the past life feat for Artificier is going to be?
08-04-2011, 10:37 AM
Past Life: Student of the Sword
You recall more about your past life as a fighter. You have +2 to your Intimidate skill, +1 to the Maximum Dexterity Bonus of armor and shields, and can remember your martial prowess three times per rest, increasing your base attack bonus to your level and granting +4 to hit.
Anyone know how much this last?
Can't find this information anywhere, not here, not ingame or wiki.
08-04-2011, 10:39 AM
Anyone know how much this last?
Can't find this information anywhere, not here, not ingame or wiki.
id bet on one min, as per the others
08-04-2011, 10:42 AM
id bet on one min, as per the others
You bet? No one who has a fighter past life can reply?
I would really appreciate a precise answer :)
08-04-2011, 10:52 AM
Anyone know how much this last?
3 charges/rest, one minute each.
08-04-2011, 11:07 AM
3 charges/rest, one minute each.
Thanks a lot!
11-30-2011, 04:35 PM
Past Life: Sneak of Shadows
You recall more about your past life as a rogue. You have +1 to all skills and three times per rest you can skulk with the skill of your past life, gaining bonuses equal to your level to your hide and move silently skills, a +1 bonus to sneak attack damage for every two character levels, and a +1 bonus to hit with sneak attacks for every four levels.
How long does this bonus last each time it is invoked?
Also more general question about True Resurrection: when you TR, do you have to start at level 1, or does Veteran status apply? (I do not see how anyone could reach level 20 and TR without getting Veteran status.)
How long does this bonus last each time it is invoked?
Also more general question about True Resurrection: when you TR, do you have to start at level 1, or does Veteran status apply? (I do not see how anyone could reach level 20 and TR without getting Veteran status.)
vet doesnt work with TR sadly
11-30-2011, 04:43 PM
How long does this bonus last each time it is invoked?
Pretty sure its a minute
Also more general question about True Resurrection: when you TR, do you have to start at level 1, or does Veteran status apply? (I do not see how anyone could reach level 20 and TR without getting Veteran status.)
Yes you start at level 1!
11-30-2011, 06:35 PM
How long does this bonus last each time it is invoked?
It is indeed 1 minute, 3 uses and well worth it.
05-17-2012, 07:35 AM
If I TR:
wiz >> sorc >> ftr >> brb >> pal >> clr >> art
1)will I be able to use wizards selectable Past Life feat?
2)will I be able to select any other TR-ed selectable Past Life feats or only from last/first 3 TR-ed class?
3)can I select any number of those or only 3 in total?
05-17-2012, 09:25 AM
If I TR:
wiz >> sorc >> ftr >> brb >> pal >> clr >> art
1)will I be able to use wizards selectable Past Life feat?
2)will I be able to select any other TR-ed selectable Past Life feats or only from last/first 3 TR-ed class?
3)can I select any number of those or only 3 in total?
1) Yes
2) You' ll be able to select all past life active feats of your former life classes
3) The artificer life will have the option of 6 previous life.
09-26-2012, 09:17 AM
How long does this bonus last each time it is invoked?
Also more general question about True Resurrection: when you TR, do you have to start at level 1, or does Veteran status apply? (I do not see how anyone could reach level 20 and TR without getting Veteran status.)
This feat looks pretty impressive on paper. Had it on my DPS rogue splash > +10 sneakdamage at cap = win!
Unfortunately it looks better than it is. It is limited to 3 uses / 1 minute each. Activating this PL feat triggers a massive delay which takes about as long as the barbarian rage trigger or even longer. If u got several clickies / boosts that you want to activate pre-combat the delay pretty much cancels out the damage-gain. If you activate it mid-combat the delay is most likely even higher than any sneak damage you would deal as u trade a plus 10 per hit for 3-4 seconds with zero damage. Considering that not all damage you deal is actually sneakdamage makes this feat widely pointless DPS-wise.
Now if the sneak-damage was lower but permanent (i.e. not an activation boost) - that would be a different story.
10-02-2012, 07:40 AM
Can we get clarification on which past-life feats we get in split multiclassing. Perhaps the logic code for it because I've heard so many different things.
10-02-2012, 07:44 AM
Can we get clarification on which past-life feats we get in split multiclassing. Perhaps the logic code for it because I've heard so many different things.
You get the majority class. To put it another way if you have a 18/1/1 build you get the PL of the 18. If you have an 11/9 You get the class that has 11 levels not the 9. If you have a 6/6/8 You'd get the PL of the class that has 8 levels.
10-02-2012, 10:34 AM
Can we get clarification on which past-life feats we get in split multiclassing. Perhaps the logic code for it because I've heard so many different things.
Most levels wins. In the event of a tie, see which class is listed first here: OMG! The Wiki Has It! (
[edit]Dominant Class
You gain the Past Life of your dominant class (i.e., the class that is shown as your character's class icon in parties), which is determined by the class you have the most levels of. In the case of a tie, the dominant class is the highest on this list:
Favored Soul
Thus a 10 Sorc 10 Pally gets Pally Past Life...
10-02-2012, 10:43 AM
Is there planned any Past Life feats revamp?
Some like Warrior of the Wild are really horrible.
10-02-2012, 12:16 PM
Can we get clarification on which past-life feats we get in split multiclassing. Perhaps the logic code for it because I've heard so many different things.
Note that the past life feat is based on your current life at the time you TR, not what you were when you made each level. If you are 11Pal/9Fighter and you want to TR as a fighter you can LR with Heart +X that lets you change classes to an 9Pal/11Fighter or a 10Pal/10Fighter (since Fighter is higher on the list and therefore you main class now).
You will have to wait the 1 week after you LR to TR though.
10-02-2012, 04:32 PM
You will have to wait the 1 week after you LR to TR though.
I don't believe this is correct. I TR'd an hour after hitting 20 a few weeks ago...and eating a +5 Lesser to turn 15/5 Sorc/Pally to 10/10 Sorc/Pally to get a Pally past life.
10-02-2012, 05:22 PM
I don't believe this is correct. I TR'd an hour after hitting 20 a few weeks ago...and eating a +5 Lesser to turn 15/5 Sorc/Pally to 10/10 Sorc/Pally to get a Pally past life.
With 10/10 split, how do you know which past life you get?
10-02-2012, 05:29 PM
Is there planned any Past Life feats revamp?
Some like Warrior of the Wild are really horrible.
I second this motion. DDO is a fluid game where feats, destinies, items, enhancements grow or change the nature of the game. Now, most of these things change over time to better fit the current state of DDO. Past life feats, thus far, have not. Now I can understand hesitence to change something that someone may have spent an entire character live attempting to get, with the goal of putting it to good use in their next life... but lets be honest here, a few of the past life feats (Specifically the active past life feats) are SO TERRIBLE that changing them to be unrecognizable from their current state woudl probably not ruffle too many feathers. Or, if you prefer, changing them to be similar to their current state, but significantly better.
The ranger active past life feat is, in my opinion, the top offender here. Natural armor is available from multiple different sources nowadays, including sources that can exceed Barkskin's cap of +5. As such, the Ranger past life feat is a complete and utter waste of a feat slot. Favored Soul and Cleric active past life feats are also pretty big clunkers. Since past life feats are the only feats a player needs to "earn" or "unlock", they should be atleast on par with readily available/first life feats, doncha think?
Personally, i think past life feats should mimic already existing feats, but also have some kind of added-on bonus, similar to the barbarian, sorcerer and wizard past life feats. Unfortunately I don't know if that adjustment would be possible for all past life feats without necessarily nerfing some of the better ones in some other way, for the sake of balance (e.g. the Paladin past life feat is considered decent. Making it have its current function AND be the equivalent of some other generic feat might be too much).
10-02-2012, 05:30 PM
With 10/10 split, how do you know which past life you get?
Most levels wins. In the event of a tie, see which class is listed first here: OMG! The Wiki Has It! (
[edit]Dominant Class
You gain the Past Life of your dominant class (i.e., the class that is shown as your character's class icon in parties), which is determined by the class you have the most levels of. In the case of a tie, the dominant class is the highest on this list:
Favored Soul
Thus a 10 Sorc 10 Pally gets Pally Past Life...
Literally 3 posts above the one you quoted!
10-02-2012, 05:33 PM
Yes :0
Realized it almost as soon as posted. Was going to delete the question, but got delayed.
03-01-2013, 05:59 PM
-Past Life: Bardic Dilettante
You recall more about your past life as a bard. You have +1 to all Charisma based skills, +1 to the DC's of your Enchantment spells, and can Inspire Courage three times per rest. (Activate this bard ability to rally your companions, giving them a +1 morale bonus to saves against fear effects and a +1 morale bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls before enhancements.)-
This is not working properly, when i play Inspire Courage i got on my cmd:
(Effects): You benefit from your Inspire Courage.
(Effects): --- Morale modifier to Attack Rolls: +0
(Effects): You benefit from your Inspire Courage.
(Effects): --- Morale modifier to Damage: +0
(Effects): You benefit from your Inspire Courage.
(Effects): --- Morale modifier to Will (Fear) Saving Throws: +0
Went to check stats and realized morale modifiers were not applied, even with song effect icon on top left screen. Hope at least +1 DC's Enchantment spells is working
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