View Full Version : Despise the targeting change.

09-21-2009, 08:46 AM
Ya know, In beta, there wasn't this issue of targeting I am seeing now. If there was, I surely would have hollered then.

But I am having the devils own time trying to select the most simplest of objects, and my targeting goes haywire, driving me close to insanity... I have to click on a door a dozen or so times or more before the object interacts..

In fact, I have found I must use the "U" button to activate npcs and doors and whatnot, when I used to be able to click. And that my tab button isnt working properly anymore is driving me nuts as well... this really iks me as I seemingly cannot find out which of the dozen or more extra targeting choices in the UI options is Ticking me off!!!

As I play a support player most of the time, I rely on my targeting to be at 100%, when I want it, and what I want. Demands of whats left of my guild and the flavor is High level dungeons.. I need to be on the ball, I find I am being a huge detriment instead of a asset to the party.

So, I guess I am going to have to spend some quality time beating this system back into shape so I can play again.

If any of you players are experiencing anything similar, and found the cure, I would be most appreciative.


09-21-2009, 08:49 AM
I second this, soft targetting sucks. plus you cannot turn it completely off, with the constant keymapping getting overwritten makes game play extremely frustrating for those of us using keyboard mainly.

09-21-2009, 09:43 AM
Ya know, In beta, there wasn't this issue of targeting I am seeing now. If there was, I surely would have hollered then.

But I am having the devils own time trying to select the most simplest of objects, and my targeting goes haywire, driving me close to insanity... I have to click on a door a dozen or so times or more before the object interacts..

In fact, I have found I must use the "U" button to activate npcs and doors and whatnot, when I used to be able to click. And that my tab button isnt working properly anymore is driving me nuts as well... this really iks me as I seemingly cannot find out which of the dozen or more extra targeting choices in the UI options is Ticking me off!!!

As I play a support player most of the time, I rely on my targeting to be at 100%, when I want it, and what I want. Demands of whats left of my guild and the flavor is High level dungeons.. I need to be on the ball, I find I am being a huge detriment instead of a asset to the party.

So, I guess I am going to have to spend some quality time beating this system back into shape so I can play again.

If any of you players are experiencing anything similar, and found the cure, I would be most appreciative.

If you are having trouble double clicking on NPCs and doors to activate them, make sure your mouse button is mapped to "interact" and NOT "interact/steer". That mode was broken with the change to 'auto centering the cursor when toggling mouse look' in the last patch.

09-21-2009, 09:49 AM
It just seems to me that the new target system is more of a pain then it's worth. In some dungeons you need to click on something to finish (ie Stealthy) but when you have a mob around you all you can do is swing :rolleyes:

09-21-2009, 09:52 AM
Ya know, In beta, there wasn't this issue of targeting I am seeing now. If there was, I surely would have hollered then.
This is an acknowledged bug which will be fixed as soon as they can manage.

Until then, don't try to target something by clicking on it in mouselook.

09-21-2009, 09:57 AM

Very frustrating for getting down accurate directional attacks with casters. Has put me in the hurt locker a few times already. I was doing fine with tab when I wanted to target something...


09-21-2009, 01:37 PM
If you are having trouble double clicking on NPCs and doors to activate them, make sure your mouse button is mapped to "interact" and NOT "interact/steer". That mode was broken with the change to 'auto centering the cursor when toggling mouse look' in the last patch.

Will try it right away...

I commiserate with you all and thanks for the tips.

09-21-2009, 11:08 PM
Yeah, this is REALLY REALLY annoying. Yeah, can workaround it by changing RMB to interact only instead of interact steer, but the UI loses a lot of neat functionality then. Hopefully they patch this soon. I've gotten used to making sure my cursor is moved back to center before I try and RMB hard target stuff now, but it was so much nicer before.