View Full Version : Fort question

02-11-2008, 02:54 PM
Any advanatge to having the WF feat for 100% Fort vs. just wearing a Heavy For item?

Our Fort stacks so we get 100% fort from moderate fort so do 125% and 200% do more that just the base 100% fort?

02-11-2008, 03:15 PM
Any advanatge to having the WF feat for 100% Fort vs. just wearing a Heavy For item?

Our Fort stacks so we get 100% fort from moderate fort so do 125% and 200% do more that just the base 100% fort?Unless you are trying to roleplay a WF Juggernaut that cannot be healed by a Cleric, there is no reason whatsoever. Improved Fortification requires BAB+6. And Moderate Fortification items (stacks to 100%) are ml:7.

02-12-2008, 08:33 AM
Unless you are trying to roleplay a WF Juggernaut that cannot be healed by a Cleric, there is no reason whatsoever.

I did not think so i could not figure out why some one would wnat it unless it did somthing for you later on. I could see mabey taking it if fort items where hard to come by.

Improved Fortification requires BAB+6. And Moderate Fortification items (stacks to 100%) are ml:7.

What is ML:7? I am not fimler with that.

Is forttification over 100% better than 100%? Do you get better protection out of it?

Thanks for the replys.

02-12-2008, 08:47 AM
ML:7 means minimum level 7 and there is not bonus to haveing over 100% from what I've seen.

02-12-2008, 08:36 PM
ML:7 means minimum level 7 and there is not bonus to haveing over 100% from what I've seen.
Unless they ever introduce items or abilities that lower fortification on a target.

03-03-2008, 03:38 PM
don't ask me to find it, but months ago the devs said that mobs would in fact have fort reducing or eliminating abilities.

03-04-2008, 08:15 AM
don't ask me to find it, but months ago the devs said that mobs would in fact have fort reducing or eliminating abilities.Aye, I remember reading the same thing, that's kinda why I mentioned it. I would expect to see it in the future. My DDO motto: Be prepared for everything, get suprised by nothing.

03-13-2008, 06:17 PM
A docent of blood. Other than that, not really.

04-16-2008, 03:30 PM
I know the the scorpions in the Vale have improved sunder and that lowers your AC I don't think it lowers your fortification, at least I now have a use for those shatter weapons.l

04-16-2008, 05:17 PM
Any advanatge to having the WF feat for 100% Fort vs. just wearing a Heavy For item?

Our Fort stacks so we get 100% fort from moderate fort so do 125% and 200% do more that just the base 100% fort?

It gets those clerics to stop casting those dirty cure spells on you...............................eventually. :P

04-16-2008, 10:39 PM
while a mod fort item is indead Ml:7 you will often find it with a much higher lvl req, and they are not always that easy to get right away. I could so a solo mostly WF (or WF party only) character snagging Improved fort at lvl 6 and then trading it out later once he got a mod fort or heavy fort item.

Even if higher lvl enemies do eventually reduce your fortitude bonus eventually you can just toss a heavy fort item in the slot you had a mod fort one and you'll end up with 125% (don't think it helps right now though).

Light fort items are good even at the early lvls since it reduces your chance to be crit or sneak attacked by 50% (stacks with your base 25%).

I wasn't able to get a mod fort item with a Mlvl of less then 10 on my current WF melee wizard sadly (restarted on a new server recently). As a wizard by the time I could take improved fort I was way past having a mod fort item equiped though so it wasn't really an option for me.

100% fort + displacement + energy resistance + 6/adamandtium DR all the time = happy wizard though. I just wish his max hp were higher.