View Full Version : Unable To Login

12-15-2007, 10:38 PM
Says my account is no longer active. I played earlier today with no issues. Now, I try to login and zippo. Message says "The username entered does not have an active "DDO" subscription. Please try another username. " Of course I checked my spelling and password, everything is ok. I tried to look at my account status but I get another error saying: "The system was unable to retrieve your account information at this time. We apologize for the inconvenience. Please try again later. [err: 21001] "

According to my records I should be good until this coming March.

12-15-2007, 10:41 PM
Same problem here, I updated my cred card info and it took, and yet I can't log in.

12-15-2007, 10:45 PM
Well, I paid a year in advance last March. So, I don't think it is a credit card thing. Plus I can't even check my account subscription online since that information is all jacked up too. This is getting close to that last straw I heard so much about...

12-15-2007, 10:46 PM
Ya, I'm having that same problem too, this is not fun. I'm missing my abbott raid!!

12-15-2007, 10:50 PM
If you and I both are having the same exact issue, I am sure that there are others. Anyone have the duty pager this weekend Turbine?

12-15-2007, 11:04 PM
If you and I both are having the same exact issue, I am sure that there are others. Anyone have the duty pager this weekend Turbine?

The system was unable to retrieve your account information at this time. We apologize for the inconvenience. Please try again later. [err: 21001]

ME TOO!!!! help turbine!


12-15-2007, 11:16 PM
No after hours support. I figure the billing server has been messed up for at least 1/2 now and no news from Turbine. I wonder if they even know they have an issue... scary. If the VoIP servers or network devices I support went down for a certain military branch's HQ that I support, someone would wake me up guaranteed.

12-15-2007, 11:26 PM
i am getting it, but only when i try to log into risia, not the live servers..... hmmmm

12-15-2007, 11:28 PM
hmm all i can think to say is boobies

12-16-2007, 01:12 AM
Same Issue ...etc ..Hmm, pondering here ...I am guessing the forums are on GMT, which means this has been a problem now for what ..2 1/2, or so hours. For somebody who is considering playing this game (trial account) ...my willingness to immediately pay for a month , 3 months or whatever is not being built up much.

*shrug* ....Have met some great folks, but not sure I'm convinced of letting this be my other online game that I play. Maybe I'll just do the smart thing, just stick with one like I have been doing, since I know I'm not going to stop playing Eve (got too much time invested in it, and I still love playing) ...though I was wanting something to play sometimes with a more RPG type of pace.

Overall ...in my 3-4 days on my trail account I have already seen the servers down twice, and unable to login twice. I am a complete noob to DDO, so I don't know if this is about normal, or maybe DDO is just having a bad few days. Guess I will have to see how the next 6 days go.

12-16-2007, 01:20 AM
I'm getting the "unable to retrieve account info" error when logging into Risia. I wasn't having problems with standard DDO about 2 hours ago, though.

I'm thinking an account server crashed. The crashed server may only service certain accounts. This would explain the sporadic outages.

12-16-2007, 01:31 AM
I'm thinking an account server crashed. The crashed server may only service certain accounts. This would explain the sporadic outages.

Very well could be, just aggravating that on my "test drive" of DDO the salesman so far has not done well at all. I will admit though, as far as a visual representation of D&D, as well as interpreting that into an online RPG, I have enjoyed it. Currently after my trial is up, I doubt I would continue, though I will not make that decision until I have finished the whole experience. Speaking of which, I guess I will give it another go to get logged in ....and if nothing happens, it will just be part of the experience, and probably won't worry about logging in at all tonight. Better luck tomorrow maybe ...heh

12-16-2007, 01:36 AM
Could be the ice storm hitting North East.:mad:

12-16-2007, 01:44 AM
Could be the ice storm hitting North East.:mad:

Hmm, haven't watched the weather today ....How bad ? ....and still no login joy. Sort of puts me at a dilemma too ...Years ago I played Asheron's Call ...and enjoyed it immensely, hence the reason I am doing the DDO trial (as well as LOTRO trail, after this one) ...since it was also done by Turbine. When I played AC, I remember login/server problems as fairly rare, but so far with my experience of being able to login/play DDO I'm wondering ....bah, doesn't matter, ...I will finish out the trials, make a decision on possibly playing either, or neither at that time. And if the ice storm thing affects you Xalted ...be safe, and stay warm :)

12-16-2007, 03:08 AM
An error occured when communicating to the billing system to validate your subscription information. Please try again later. If the problem persists, please contact customer service.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

now im getting this message when i tried to log in forums ????

O wow--phhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!

somehow i can log in to forums , but not into game/regular servers

Officer Wicked Rebellion

12-16-2007, 03:18 AM
still cant log in

Officer Wicked Rebellion

12-16-2007, 04:45 AM
Yeah, just checked again when I came back here to my office ....still nothing, same stupid error about not an active ddo subscription.

12-16-2007, 05:42 AM
I had the same problem for about 5 min before it now lets me log in...
Perhaps it has been fixed?

12-16-2007, 06:26 AM
I had the same problem for about 5 min before it now lets me log in...
Perhaps it has been fixed?

Not for me, just checked again while I was getting dressed to go run to the store. Same problem etc etc ...Actually found out a link on the support faq if you get this error ....it's solution :

If you are receiving this error message, please contact Turbine Account Management.

Heh, from what I can tell they are there M-F, 12-9 EST ...so looks like I might be out of luck until sometime Monday at best.

12-16-2007, 06:28 AM
Yeah I can't login and can't view my account info online. Glad it's not just me... well not glad it's happening but you get the picture.

*edit* Just checked again and it works... if you haven't tried again recently just try it.

12-16-2007, 07:50 AM
It would be awesome if someone from Turbine would chime in and let us know what the heck is going on. All I can say is if my account is lost... adios muchachos.

12-16-2007, 07:57 AM
Contents of log file C:\Documents and Settings\Alan & Holly\Local Settings\Application Data\Turbine\Dungeons and Dragons Online\Launcher\Launcher_128422649234843750.log
Launcher execution begins: 12/16/2007 7:48:43 AM 12/16/2007 7:48:43 AM
Command line: "C:\Program Files\Turbine\Dungeons & Dragons Online - Stormreach - Risia\TurbineLauncher.exe" -invoker_hwnd 3539406 -invoker_pid 2736 12/16/2007 7:48:43 AM
Administrator: True 12/16/2007 7:48:43 AM
UAC enabled: False 12/16/2007 7:48:43 AM
Mutex Created: "C:_Program Files_Turbine_Dungeons & Dragons Online - Stormreach - Risia_TurbineLauncher.exe" 12/16/2007 7:48:43 AM
Read user settings file. 12/16/2007 7:48:43 AM
Installed resources: 12/16/2007 7:48:43 AM
en en English "Select a Language" 12/16/2007 7:48:43 AM
12/16/2007 7:48:43 AM
Target culture: "en-US" 12/16/2007 7:48:43 AM
Looking for resources in "en-US" 12/16/2007 7:48:43 AM
Looking for resources in "en-GB" 12/16/2007 7:48:43 AM
Looking for resources in "en" 12/16/2007 7:48:43 AM
Final resource culture: "en" 12/16/2007 7:48:43 AM
12/16/2007 7:48:43 AM
Resources library: 12/16/2007 7:48:43 AM
FileName: C:\Program Files\Turbine\Dungeons & Dragons Online - Stormreach - Risia\en\TurbineLauncher.resources.dll 12/16/2007 7:48:43 AM
Comments: Resources and assembly imported from library 12/16/2007 7:48:43 AM
FileVersion: 1.3.2888.18282 12/16/2007 7:48:43 AM
AssemblyVersion: 1.3.2888.18282 12/16/2007 7:48:43 AM
BuildTime: 11/28/2007 10:09:24 AM Central Standard Time 12/16/2007 7:48:43 AM
12/16/2007 7:48:43 AM
ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings: 12/16/2007 7:48:43 AM
Launcher.DataCenterService.GLS=http://test.gls.ddo.com/GLS.DataCenterServer/Service.asmx 12/16/2007 7:48:43 AM
DataCenter.GameName=DDO 12/16/2007 7:48:43 AM
DataCenter.DefaultCenter=DDO 12/16/2007 7:48:43 AM
Product.DocumentFolder=Dungeons and Dragons Online 12/16/2007 7:48:43 AM
Launcher.DocumentFolder=Launcher 12/16/2007 7:48:43 AM
12/16/2007 7:48:43 AM
Enter LoadPrivateFonts 12/16/2007 7:48:43 AM
FontFamily "Masoch Dirach" loaded. 12/16/2007 7:48:43 AM
Exit LoadPrivateFonts 12/16/2007 7:48:43 AM
Trying to load splash screen from the local directory... 12/16/2007 7:48:43 AM
No local splash screen image found. 12/16/2007 7:48:43 AM
12/16/2007 7:48:43 AM
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12/16/2007 7:48:43 AM
System Information 12/16/2007 7:48:43 AM
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12/16/2007 7:48:43 AM
Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP Professional (5.1.2600, Build 2600) Service Pack 2 12/16/2007 7:48:44 AM
Language: English (United States) 12/16/2007 7:48:44 AM
System Manufacturer: Dell Inc. 12/16/2007 7:48:44 AM
System Model: Dell DXP051 12/16/2007 7:48:44 AM
BIOS: Phoenix ROM BIOS PLUS Version 1.10 A04 12/16/2007 7:48:44 AM
Processor: GenuineIntel x86 Family 15 Model 6 Stepping 4 (2.99GHz) 12/16/2007 7:48:44 AM
Memory: 2046MB RAM 12/16/2007 7:48:44 AM
Page File: 353MB used, 3585MB available 12/16/2007 7:48:44 AM
Cipher strength: Min=40-bit, Max=128-bit 12/16/2007 7:48:44 AM
.NET CLR version: 1.1.4322.2407 () 12/16/2007 7:48:44 AM
Default Proxy Address: 12/16/2007 7:48:44 AM
BypassProxyOnLocal: False 12/16/2007 7:48:44 AM
BypassList: 12/16/2007 7:48:44 AM
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12/16/2007 7:48:44 AM
12/16/2007 7:48:44 AM
Initialization status: "Logging module version data" 12/16/2007 7:48:44 AM
12/16/2007 7:48:44 AM
Assemblies: 12/16/2007 7:48:44 AM
ModuleName: TurbineLauncher.exe 12/16/2007 7:48:44 AM
FileName: C:\Program Files\Turbine\Dungeons & Dragons Online - Stormreach - Risia\TurbineLauncher.exe 12/16/2007 7:48:44 AM
Comments: (RELEASE) Launches Turbine MMORPGs. 12/16/2007 7:48:44 AM
FileVersion: 12/16/2007 7:48:44 AM
AssemblyVersion: 1.3.2887.18999 12/16/2007 7:48:44 AM
BuildTime: 11/27/2007 10:33:18 AM Central Standard Time 12/16/2007 7:48:44 AM
12/16/2007 7:48:44 AM
FileName: C:\Program Files\Turbine\Dungeons & Dragons Online - Stormreach - Risia\ControlLibrary.dll 12/16/2007 7:48:44 AM
Comments: (RELEASE) New versions of controls which properly support background images and colors. 12/16/2007 7:48:44 AM
FileVersion: 12/16/2007 7:48:44 AM
AssemblyVersion: 1.3.2887.18954 12/16/2007 7:48:44 AM
BuildTime: 11/27/2007 10:31:48 AM Central Standard Time 12/16/2007 7:48:44 AM
12/16/2007 7:48:44 AM
Libraries: 12/16/2007 7:48:44 AM
FileName: C:\Program Files\Turbine\Dungeons & Dragons Online - Stormreach - Risia\AxInterop.SHDocVw.dll 12/16/2007 7:48:44 AM
FileVersion: 12/16/2007 7:48:44 AM
12/16/2007 7:48:44 AM
FileName: C:\Program Files\Turbine\Dungeons & Dragons Online - Stormreach - Risia\Interop.PatchWrapper.dll 12/16/2007 7:48:44 AM
FileVersion: 12/16/2007 7:48:44 AM
12/16/2007 7:48:44 AM
FileName: C:\Program Files\Turbine\Dungeons & Dragons Online - Stormreach - Risia\Interop.SHDocVw.dll 12/16/2007 7:48:44 AM
FileVersion: 12/16/2007 7:48:44 AM
12/16/2007 7:48:44 AM
FileName: C:\Program Files\Turbine\Dungeons & Dragons Online - Stormreach - Risia\PatchClient.dll 12/16/2007 7:48:44 AM
FileVersion: 01,04,01,04001 12/16/2007 7:48:44 AM
12/16/2007 7:48:44 AM
FileName: C:\Program Files\Turbine\Dungeons & Dragons Online - Stormreach - Risia\PatchWrapper.dll 12/16/2007 7:48:44 AM
FileVersion: 1, 3, 12, 8 12/16/2007 7:48:44 AM
12/16/2007 7:48:44 AM
FileName: C:\Program Files\Turbine\Dungeons & Dragons Online - Stormreach - Risia\PatchWrapperPS.dll 12/16/2007 7:48:44 AM
FileVersion: 12/16/2007 7:48:44 AM
12/16/2007 7:48:44 AM
FileName: C:\Program Files\Turbine\Dungeons & Dragons Online - Stormreach - Risia\SelfPatch.dll 12/16/2007 7:48:44 AM
FileVersion: 01,04,01,04001 12/16/2007 7:48:44 AM
12/16/2007 7:48:44 AM
FileName: C:\Program Files\Turbine\Dungeons & Dragons Online - Stormreach - Risia\TTEPatchClient.dll 12/16/2007 7:48:44 AM
FileVersion: 12/16/2007 7:48:44 AM
12/16/2007 7:48:44 AM
FileName: C:\Program Files\Turbine\Dungeons & Dragons Online - Stormreach - Risia\zlib1T.dll 12/16/2007 7:48:44 AM
FileVersion: 1.2.3 12/16/2007 7:48:44 AM
12/16/2007 7:48:44 AM
FileName: C:\WINDOWS\system32\schannel.dll 12/16/2007 7:48:44 AM
FileVersion: 5.1.2600.3126 (xpsp_sp2_gdr.070425-0226) 12/16/2007 7:48:44 AM
12/16/2007 7:48:44 AM
12/16/2007 7:48:44 AM
Initialization status: "Registering update wrapper" 12/16/2007 7:48:44 AM
regsvr32 /s /c PatchWrapper.dll exit code: 0 12/16/2007 7:48:44 AM
regsvr32 /s /c PatchWrapperPS.dll exit code: 0 12/16/2007 7:48:44 AM
Initialization status: "Constructing data center browser" 12/16/2007 7:48:44 AM
Initialization status: "Constructing alert service" 12/16/2007 7:48:44 AM
Initialization status: "Constructing configuration service" 12/16/2007 7:48:44 AM
Initialization status: "Constructing authentication service" 12/16/2007 7:48:44 AM
Initialization status: "Constructing update service" 12/16/2007 7:48:45 AM
Initialization status: "Constructing UI manager" 12/16/2007 7:48:45 AM
Initialization status: "Constructing phase engine" 12/16/2007 7:48:45 AM
autoPatchTimer interval: 14400000 12/16/2007 7:48:45 AM
Initialization status: "Getting data centers" 12/16/2007 7:48:45 AM
Current Data Center: DDO 12/16/2007 7:48:45 AM
AuthServer: https://test.gls.ddo.com/GLS.AuthServer/Service.asmx 12/16/2007 7:48:45 AM
12/16/2007 7:48:45 AM
World status servers: 12/16/2007 7:48:45 AM
Risia @ http://launcher.turbine.com/serverinfo.php?s= 12/16/2007 7:48:45 AM
12/16/2007 7:48:45 AM
Initialization status: "Getting remote configuration" 12/16/2007 7:48:45 AM
GetLauncherConfig from: "http://test.gls.ddo.com/launcher/ddotest/dndlauncher.server.config.xml" 12/16/2007 7:48:45 AM
Configuration.AppSettings: 12/16/2007 7:48:46 AM
LauncherConfig.DateTime=3/1/06 3:30 PM 12/16/2007 7:48:46 AM
LauncherConfig.RefreshFrequency=15 12/16/2007 7:48:46 AM
GameName=DDO 12/16/2007 7:48:46 AM
Patching.ProductCode=DDO 12/16/2007 7:48:46 AM
GameClient.Filename=dndclient.exe 12/16/2007 7:48:46 AM
GameClient.ArgTemplate=-a {0} -h {1} --glsticketdirect {2} --chatserver {3} --rodat off --language {4} --supporturl https://tss.turbine.com/TSSTrowser/trowser.aspx?GameType=DDO --authserverurl https://test.gls.ddo.com/gls.authserver/service.asmx --glsticketlifetime 80000 12/16/2007 7:48:46 AM
GameClient.ResetGraphicsArg= --safe 12/16/2007 7:48:46 AM
URL.Support=http://www.ddo.com/support/ 12/16/2007 7:48:46 AM
URL.Home=http://www.ddo.com 12/16/2007 7:48:46 AM
URL.Community=http://www.ddo.com 12/16/2007 7:48:46 AM
URL.Account=https://billing.turbine.com 12/16/2007 7:48:46 AM
URL.NewAccount=https://billing.turbine.com/index.php?page_id=29&billing[process]=2&billing[action]=5 12/16/2007 7:48:46 AM
URL.ForgotPassword=https://billing.turbine.com/?page_id=29&billing[process]=13 12/16/2007 7:48:46 AM
URL.Account.Post=https://billing.turbine.com/?page_id=29 12/16/2007 7:48:46 AM
Format.Account.Login=form_user_name={0}&form_user_pass={1}&siteuser[action]=login&user[action]=login&billing[process]=1&billing[action]=1 12/16/2007 7:48:46 AM
Format.Account.BuyNow=form_user_name={0}&form_user_pass={1}&siteuser[action]=login&billing[process]=17&billing[forms][subscriptionName]={2}&billing[scenario]=DDO_BUY_NOW_POPUP&billing[forms][productCode]=DDO&billing[forms][purchaseProductCode]=DDOBuy&billing[forms][purchasePlanCode]=DDO-Purch 12/16/2007 7:48:46 AM
Activate.Account.BuyNow=false 12/16/2007 7:48:46 AM
Threshold.Account.DaysLeft=35 12/16/2007 7:48:46 AM
Activate.Account.DaysLeft=false 12/16/2007 7:48:46 AM
LauncherConfig.SubscriptionRefreshFrequency=60 12/16/2007 7:48:46 AM
URL.PrivacyPolicy=http://www.turbine.com/?page_id=59 12/16/2007 7:48:46 AM
GameClient.AlwaysPatchHighRes=true 12/16/2007 7:48:46 AM
GameClient.HighResPatchArg= --HighResOutOfDate 12/16/2007 7:48:46 AM
GameClient.RequiredVersion=0 12/16/2007 7:48:46 AM
GameClient.ForwardVersion=0 12/16/2007 7:48:46 AM
URL.UpdateDownload=http://downloads.turbine.com 12/16/2007 7:48:46 AM
Patch.UpdaterNameFormat={0}updater_{1}_{2}.exe 12/16/2007 7:48:46 AM
URL.NewsFeed=http://launcher.turbine.com/rss_client.php/vortex.sitearticle.getLatestArticlesByRSS/ 12/16/2007 7:48:46 AM
URL.NewsStyleSheet=http://launcher.turbine.com/files/05/77/77/25/26.xslt 12/16/2007 7:48:46 AM
URL.AlertsStyleSheet=http://launcher.turbine.com/files/58/97/82/09/25.xslt 12/16/2007 7:48:46 AM
URL.LogoButton1=http://www.atari.com 12/16/2007 7:48:46 AM
URL.LogoButton2=http://www.hasbro.com 12/16/2007 7:48:46 AM
URL.LogoButton3=http://www.wizards.com 12/16/2007 7:48:46 AM
URL.LogoButton4=http://www.turbine.com 12/16/2007 7:48:46 AM
WorldUpdateRate=1 12/16/2007 7:48:46 AM
PatchWindow=30 12/16/2007 7:48:46 AM
PatchConnectRetryInterval=1 12/16/2007 7:48:46 AM
DisablePatch=false 12/16/2007 7:48:46 AM
EmailAddress.Errors=LauncherErrors@turbine.com 12/16/2007 7:48:46 AM
TrialTokenList=StormreachGuest 12/16/2007 7:48:46 AM
URL.ExpiredTrial.Template=http://www.ddo.com/ 12/16/2007 7:48:46 AM
Eula.en.FilePath=en\DDO Eula - Turbine.rtf 12/16/2007 7:48:46 AM
12/16/2007 7:48:46 AM
Initialization status: "Getting alerts and news" 12/16/2007 7:48:46 AM
Initialization status: "Opening main form" 12/16/2007 7:48:46 AM
Trying to load main form background image from the local directory... 12/16/2007 7:48:47 AM
No main form background image found. Using default. 12/16/2007 7:48:47 AM
Transition to phase: UpdaterSelectControl 12/16/2007 7:48:48 AM
Update Option: Local Forward Version is newer than Remote ForwardVersion. 12/16/2007 7:48:48 AM
Transition to phase: PatchStatusControl 12/16/2007 7:48:49 AM
Begin update: productCode="DDO" language="English" server="test.patch.ddo.com" port="80" 12/16/2007 7:48:49 AM
Connect: Waiting 12/16/2007 7:48:49 AM
Connect: Done 12/16/2007 7:48:50 AM
Examine Programs: Waiting 12/16/2007 7:48:50 AM
Examine Programs: Done 12/16/2007 7:48:50 AM
Update Programs: Done 12/16/2007 7:48:50 AM
Examine Game Data: Waiting 12/16/2007 7:48:50 AM
Examine Game Data: Done 12/16/2007 7:48:50 AM
Update Game Data: Waiting 12/16/2007 7:48:50 AM
Update Game Data: Done 12/16/2007 7:48:50 AM
Disconnect: Done 12/16/2007 7:48:50 AM
Patching complete. Peak throughput: 0.00 KB/sec 12/16/2007 7:48:50 AM
Total downloaded file patch: 0 bytes 12/16/2007 7:48:50 AM
Total downloaded dat patch: 0 bytes 12/16/2007 7:48:50 AM
Raising PatchComplete event... 12/16/2007 7:48:50 AM
Setting current version in registry... 12/16/2007 7:48:50 AM
Game client applied version stored: 0 12/16/2007 7:48:50 AM
Game client forward version stored: 0 12/16/2007 7:48:50 AM
Transition to phase: AuthenticationControl 12/16/2007 7:48:50 AM
...PatchComplete events finished 12/16/2007 7:48:51 AM
gls url: https://test.gls.ddo.com/GLS.AuthServer/Service.asmx 12/16/2007 7:48:55 AM
Launcher.authenticator.Status: BillingSystemError 12/16/2007 7:49:26 AM
Launcher.authenticator.LastException: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Unable to get a connection to Total-e, monitor timed out!
at AccountManagement.Accounts.Authenticate(String username, String password, String additionalInfo) 12/16/2007 7:49:26 AM
gls url: https://test.gls.ddo.com/GLS.AuthServer/Service.asmx 12/16/2007 7:49:26 AM
Launcher.authenticator.Status: BillingSystemError 12/16/2007 7:49:56 AM
Launcher.authenticator.LastException: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Unable to get a connection to Total-e, monitor timed out!
at AccountManagement.Accounts.Authenticate(String username, String password, String additionalInfo) 12/16/2007 7:49:56 AM
gls url: https://test.gls.ddo.com/GLS.AuthServer/Service.asmx 12/16/2007 7:49:56 AM
Launcher.authenticator.Status: BillingSystemError 12/16/2007 7:50:26 AM
Launcher.authenticator.LastException: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Unable to get a connection to Total-e, monitor timed out!
at AccountManagement.Accounts.Authenticate(String username, String password, String additionalInfo) 12/16/2007 7:50:26 AM
gls url: https://test.gls.ddo.com/GLS.AuthServer/Service.asmx 12/16/2007 7:50:26 AM
Launcher.authenticator.Status: BillingSystemError 12/16/2007 7:50:56 AM
Launcher.authenticator.LastException: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Unable to get a connection to Total-e, monitor timed out!
at AccountManagement.Accounts.Authenticate(String username, String password, String additionalInfo) 12/16/2007 7:50:56 AM
gls url: https://test.gls.ddo.com/GLS.AuthServer/Service.asmx 12/16/2007 7:50:56 AM
Launcher.authenticator.Status: BillingSystemError 12/16/2007 7:51:26 AM
Launcher.authenticator.LastException: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Unable to get a connection to Total-e, monitor timed out!
at AccountManagement.Accounts.Authenticate(String username, String password, String additionalInfo) 12/16/2007 7:51:26 AM
gls url: https://test.gls.ddo.com/GLS.AuthServer/Service.asmx 12/16/2007 7:51:26 AM
Launcher.authenticator.Status: BillingSystemError 12/16/2007 7:51:56 AM
Launcher.authenticator.LastException: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Unable to get a connection to Total-e, monitor timed out!
at AccountManagement.Accounts.Authenticate(String username, String password, String additionalInfo) 12/16/2007 7:51:56 AM
12/16/2007 7:51:57 AM
*** Login Error 12/16/2007 7:51:57 AM
12/16/2007 7:51:57 AM
An error occurred while trying to access the billing system. Please try again. 12/16/2007 7:51:57 AM
12/16/2007 7:51:57 AM
System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Unable to get a connection to Total-e, monitor timed out!
at AccountManagement.Accounts.Authenticate(String username, String password, String additionalInfo)
at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtoc ol.ReadResponse(SoapClientMessage message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream, Boolean asyncCall)
at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtoc ol.EndInvoke(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
at com.turbine.launcher.gls.GlobalLoginSystemAuthenti cationService.EndLoginAccount(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
at com.turbine.launcher.Services.SOAPAuthenticator.En dAuthenticate(IAsyncResult ar) 12/16/2007 7:51:57 AM
12/16/2007 7:51:57 AM
gls url: https://test.gls.ddo.com/GLS.AuthServer/Service.asmx 12/16/2007 7:52:15 AM
Launcher.authenticator.Status: BillingSystemError 12/16/2007 7:52:45 AM
Launcher.authenticator.LastException: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Unable to get a connection to Total-e, monitor timed out!
at AccountManagement.Accounts.Authenticate(String username, String password, String additionalInfo) 12/16/2007 7:52:45 AM
gls url: https://test.gls.ddo.com/GLS.AuthServer/Service.asmx 12/16/2007 7:52:45 AM
Launcher.authenticator.Status: BillingSystemError 12/16/2007 7:53:16 AM
Launcher.authenticator.LastException: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Unable to get a connection to Total-e, monitor timed out!
at AccountManagement.Accounts.Authenticate(String username, String password, String additionalInfo) 12/16/2007 7:53:16 AM
gls url: https://test.gls.ddo.com/GLS.AuthServer/Service.asmx 12/16/2007 7:53:16 AM
Launcher.authenticator.Status: BillingSystemError 12/16/2007 7:53:46 AM
Launcher.authenticator.LastException: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Unable to get a connection to Total-e, monitor timed out!
at AccountManagement.Accounts.Authenticate(String username, String password, String additionalInfo) 12/16/2007 7:53:46 AM
gls url: https://test.gls.ddo.com/GLS.AuthServer/Service.asmx 12/16/2007 7:53:46 AM
Launcher.authenticator.Status: BillingSystemError 12/16/2007 7:54:16 AM
Launcher.authenticator.LastException: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Unable to get a connection to Total-e, monitor timed out!
at AccountManagement.Accounts.Authenticate(String username, String password, String additionalInfo) 12/16/2007 7:54:16 AM
gls url: https://test.gls.ddo.com/GLS.AuthServer/Service.asmx 12/16/2007 7:54:16 AM
Launcher.authenticator.Status: BillingSystemError 12/16/2007 7:54:46 AM
Launcher.authenticator.LastException: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Unable to get a connection to Total-e, monitor timed out!
at AccountManagement.Accounts.Authenticate(String username, String password, String additionalInfo) 12/16/2007 7:54:46 AM
gls url: https://test.gls.ddo.com/GLS.AuthServer/Service.asmx 12/16/2007 7:54:46 AM
Launcher.authenticator.Status: BillingSystemError 12/16/2007 7:55:16 AM
Launcher.authenticator.LastException: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Unable to get a connection to Total-e, monitor timed out!
at AccountManagement.Accounts.Authenticate(String username, String password, String additionalInfo) 12/16/2007 7:55:16 AM
12/16/2007 7:55:16 AM
*** Login Error 12/16/2007 7:55:16 AM
12/16/2007 7:55:16 AM
An error occurred while trying to access the billing system. Please try again. 12/16/2007 7:55:16 AM
12/16/2007 7:55:16 AM
System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Unable to get a connection to Total-e, monitor timed out!
at AccountManagement.Accounts.Authenticate(String username, String password, String additionalInfo)
at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtoc ol.ReadResponse(SoapClientMessage message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream, Boolean asyncCall)
at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtoc ol.EndInvoke(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
at com.turbine.launcher.gls.GlobalLoginSystemAuthenti cationService.EndLoginAccount(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
at com.turbine.launcher.Services.SOAPAuthenticator.En dAuthenticate(IAsyncResult ar) 12/16/2007 7:55:16 AM
12/16/2007 7:55:16 AM
End of log file

Thats the description of the error I am getting, thanks for your time.

12-16-2007, 08:17 AM
Same thing here:

The script starts bugging out around the "unable to contact total-e server" ****.

12-16-2007, 08:26 AM
Most of the scripting appears to be in java. I did just update my java install. hmmm.... I'm going to try a reinstall my JRE and see what happens.

12-16-2007, 08:30 AM
OK I just uninstalled Java (TM) 6 Update 3 and was able to login. Can anyone else log in without changing any Java settings? I'm just thinking the login servers might have been down and just come back up at the same time.

12-16-2007, 08:37 AM
Well i just tryed my self and notta getting the same error someone at turbine needs to wake up and take a look at the problem and give up some information on what the heck is going on

12-16-2007, 08:54 AM
I was able to login Saturday morning, but not Saturday late night (EST). I still am unable to login. Additioanlly, I cannot access the account Management webpage either. It says cannot retreive information. Obviously a problem with the account server or a portion of them if some are able to login and some are not. Hopefully not a currupted database or someone trying to steal account information.

Bottom line is that I am quickly losing patience with Turbine. I understand that it is a weekend, but I am in at work right now working on a STP topoogy issue for a particular branch of the military. I am not even oncall, but it is within my realm of responsibility. Someone needs to get out of bed and get the ball rolling here. An update of any kind should already have been posted.

If the account servers are down, I have to assume that other games are being affected as well, the lack of resources to DDO is probably not the issue here.

Again, give us a status update ...

12-16-2007, 09:10 AM
Looks like there are problems over at LoTRO as well. Same EXACT issues coming from a lifetime account owner. The differnce is that Turbine did bother to reply to the LoTRO users... just not us. Well, I guess that sums up the attention that this game gets, eh? Well, I guess I will repost what Patience posted over there, here:

All of the servers are up (I've been hopping around them all night) and there are no known problems with the login servers. I also went to myaccount.turbine.com and logged in with a couple of different accounts without encountering the error. I'm not saying there might not indeed be a problem, just that so far, it doesn't seem to be very widespread. I'll keep an eye on this thread to see if more people chime in!


Bottom line is that they are waiting for more people to report an issue. If that is the case, I guess we can probably kiss Sunday goodbye or until enough people at LoTRO get upset for Turbine to do something.

12-16-2007, 10:01 AM
Same exact issue here. Can't play. What gives Turbine?

12-16-2007, 11:33 AM
i am getting it, but only when i try to log into risia, not the live servers..... hmmmm

Same here Cow.

12-16-2007, 11:38 AM
Very strange.

I can log in fine.

I was on this morning around 6:00am as well.

I had rebooted my pc this morning as well, so it wasn't like i was holding a previous connection.

I wonder if there is an issue somewhere between you all and the servers.

Just wanted to let you all know it's not everyone...

12-16-2007, 11:42 AM
My issue is on both Risia and regular. Still no response from Turbine... AWESOME. 12+ hours of downtime and posting and no response.

12-16-2007, 02:13 PM
My issue is on both Risia and regular. Still no response from Turbine... AWESOME. 12+ hours of downtime and posting and no response.

same here

12-17-2007, 02:00 AM
Well, I couldn't login from around 11:00 pm or so mytime until at least 8:00 am this morning ....Now i wasn't checking constantly the whole time, during that interval ....but probably every hour or so. I check again around lunch today, still nothing ...but then tonight around 7 or so when i checked again, was able to login ...*shrug*