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  1. Fighter Builds/Templates: A compiled link
  2. The Tempest Ranger, by Illuminati
  3. Mysterious Ring effects
  4. How exactly should I level from 1-12?
  5. My 32 point Melee Cleric
  6. 6 man dragon
  7. What weapons are finessable?
  8. Devs changing character names.
  9. vorpal tactics
  10. How fast can you run BAM elite?
  11. Overpowered by Arcane Skeleton
  12. Wizard King
  13. What is required to effectively trip?
  14. Dynamic Duo - Looking for suggestions
  15. Where are the orcs?
  16. Duality - Tips for survival?
  17. Radiance and Potency stack?
  18. Two Questions about tangleroot
  19. DDO just isn't a good game to solo!!!
  20. Improving rest shrine healing effects
  21. Weapons speeds
  22. Whisperdoom's Spawn (the lvl 11 version) What bypasses her DR?
  23. fireball sucks stop casting it
  24. Marut. Why? Just why?
  25. Soloing Bloody Crypt??
  26. The oft Maligned but Needed Battlecleric
  27. How Do I Heal Myself Fast?
  28. Evasion fix/nerf on the way
  29. A "Battlesorc/wiz"
  30. orc encampment
  31. Need Help With Undead Hunter Character
  32. The Perfect Ranged Ranger
  33. DDO did it right with Reavers Bane
  34. Jeweled Key in A Cry for Help
  35. Cerulean Hills is Great but some Questions
  36. Any one know what you get for favor
  37. Batman build variant- Human evasive survivor tank build
  38. Warforged Bard build
  39. Favor per Adventure
  40. Intimdate and Diplomacy
  41. A cry for help
  42. Multiple opponents when solo
  43. Banishers
  44. Spell Strategies
  45. Solo Demon Queen Raid Video
  46. smiting vs. sunblade
  47. The Shadow King....is he invincible?
  48. How do weapons evolve with character progression?
  49. Archer Point Defense? Frickin boss
  50. Your opinion on Spring Attack: worth it?
  51. What other items are out there that boost UMD?
  52. Prisoner of the Planes docent drop bug
  53. PoP D'Jinn room.
  54. Where is Chief Ungurz hiding?
  55. Looking for level 14 Battlecleric build - Leaning Towards Malice
  56. Blah
  57. drow/paladin/how do i build
  58. Balance question
  59. Stunning Blow and Improved Sunder
  60. Newbie build help: Dwarf Ranger/Barb/Fighter
  61. Energy Manipulation...
  62. Khopesh or Dwarven Axe?
  63. A Critical thought
  64. When should I be able to solo lvl 1 Elite?
  65. Funniest Class Inappropriate Loot Drops
  66. sneak attack fighter
  67. Whirlwind + TWF
  68. So how does the dragon raid work?
  69. Where to Repair?
  70. Do Blur & Displacement stack?
  71. Ring of the Ancestors
  72. stunning blow and power attack?
  73. Khopesh vs. Dwarven Ax: Does this make sense?
  74. Ranger/Fighter/Bard Build
  75. Fixing the Mobility Feat
  76. Resilience
  77. How do I find out what server I am on?
  78. VON-6 velah
  79. Demon Queen Raid
  80. Rapier VS Khopesh, the showdown
  81. Least Dragonmark of Making
  82. Ranger Question
  83. titan raid - shields dont come down after 6 strikes
  84. What's a good partner for a newbie cleric?
  85. Von 6
  86. Demon Queen solo/duo/short man
  87. Trip, Stunning Blow, Sunder, etc. Explanation
  88. Need Help with WF Pally build
  89. Charmed Monsters...Annoying? Or a Great Boon?
  90. Fighter/Rogue vs. Ranger/Rogue
  91. New Cleric Guild Question
  92. ?
  93. Gone since January...What's New?
  94. Need New Strategy Suggestions for Caravan Elite
  95. a dragon raid question
  96. What gives a character it's high AC
  97. elf sorce using a repeater
  98. Killing Razor Cats in The Madstone Crater
  99. Let me have a go at a Forum Build (Trap Gorilla)
  100. Need advice on Offering of Blood
  101. Tome Question
  102. Postmod 4.1 2-man or solo strategy to defeat DQ
  103. UMD, how to make it work
  104. righteous criticals
  105. Suggested strategies for attaining favor?
  106. duo'ing the demon queen, any tips?
  107. Tank only guild
  108. Tanks? Tanks are Over Rated
  109. DR of jarilith
  110. help help help need a person or dev about tokens rewards
  111. Spell Point Management
  112. All Server Pvp World!!!
  113. Should I multi-class?
  114. Good XP grinding quests
  115. multi-class BaB
  116. Glitterdust question
  117. twilight forge small group question
  118. Stat damagers
  119. Another use for create undead
  120. Leeeeeeeeeeeeeeroy Jenkins
  121. Mystic Theruge
  122. Strategy for 3 lvl 2 quests
  123. Seeking knowledge: Which solo quests to do at lvl 3?
  124. Noobtastic Rogue questions
  125. understanding critical hits
  126. Builds
  127. The Art of Charming
  128. What they do to the game?
  129. lol
  130. Toughness Enhancements
  131. opps on my back again
  132. Help - Twilight Forge Quest Completion
  133. Alternative for "Running the Bases"?
  134. Help with TRIP / Improved TRIP
  135. level 1
  136. Sorcerer or wizard
  137. 2 WFighting build DPS
  138. Otto Cakes in Reaver Raid
  139. Questions for the Elite among us
  140. Mr. Ed's Helpful Hint #1
  141. Two questions concerning rouges
  142. What 7 weaponsets would you use for a TWF?
  143. favor grind over 1400
  144. Wizard King Question
  145. And The Dead Shall Rise
  146. THE BEST DD - With comparisons to other builds to prove it
  147. need TITAN quest help from start to finish
  148. Whats your worst build?
  149. How do you "Tank"
  150. How to cope with scorching ray
  151. My first build ..... Need advice
  152. Demon Queen bugging
  153. A quick how-to?
  154. My first actual 'build'
  155. greenblade vs. blue dragonscale robe
  156. Use of Hot Keys
  157. My First Character Build (In Progress) Please give your thoughts.
  158. Lightening Reflexes...good feat???
  159. Dumb Names
  160. Knock Enhancements
  161. Titan Question
  162. The Crucible?
  163. The Dark Arts
  164. More power.
  165. Red Boss Immunities
  166. Portable party fort
  167. Elf dragonmark build
  168. What quests now?
  169. titan raid questions
  170. Rez Rings
  171. Date?
  172. When to use Precision, when to use Power Attack
  173. Commo Skills
  174. Feast or Famine End door
  175. Relics
  176. Shadow King questions
  177. The Clr/Fgt/Wiz Build
  178. WF: Best Solo Race?
  179. low end computer
  180. The tank slant in DDO
  181. New Velah Strategy?
  182. New content... just wondering....
  183. ADQ2 post mod5
  184. Fleshmaker's Optional End
  185. Need Tips for Undead Beholder on Elite!
  186. Tips on Completing the Litany Preraid
  187. Need help with Beholders!
  188. STK Question
  189. New Velah Elite Strategy (no pillars, just the Velah)
  190. Optional Chests
  191. Need dragon raid expert - can you only get haywires voice once now?
  192. Twilight forge underwater valve puzzle - anyone have a guide?
  193. von6 pillar 'fix'
  194. Advancing the Trinkets
  195. Mod 5 Items
  196. Googles?
  197. Orchard Of The Macabre Map (spoiler)
  198. How high does intimidate need to be?
  199. Velah Elite Guaranteed Win
  200. Getting stuck on the Inferno part of the Abbott raid, all pointers appreciated.
  201. How do you get to Overwatch Point?
  202. Adamantine Melee Weapons??
  203. Demon Queen Solo tips
  204. black anvil mines ore run help
  205. threnal reflagging
  206. tips for rushing Valeh
  207. Can someone who has, ...
  208. Bastard sword's advantage over khopesh
  209. best 4some ?
  210. wizard king help
  211. WF 3some Input
  212. Question about feats and stacking
  213. Mephit Banes
  214. Spell Defense
  215. Abbott Raid
  216. Kamas: Why Do It?
  217. Litany of the Dead - Beholder Part
  218. Tips from DDO loading screen
  219. DQ 6 man pre-raid tips and help
  220. Mephits Are Elementals
  221. Tempest Spine End Room
  222. Best Weapon Combo's?
  223. 4 person Twilight Forge full completion suggestions needed!
  224. whisperdoom on backside of house p questq
  225. Abbot Raid
  226. Strategy and sheild Blocking
  227. dq1.....can you enter with a party if you are unflagged?
  228. zawabis revenge
  229. How Do *YOU* Defeat the White Dragon (Spoiler Alert)
  230. How Do *YOU* Defeat the Blue Dragon? (Spoiler Alert)
  231. How Do *YOU* Defeat the Black Dragon? (Spoiler Alert)
  232. How Do *YOU* Defeat Velah, the Red Dragon? (Spoiler Alert)
  233. Improved Feint - Anyone Used It ?
  234. Tower Shields and evasion
  235. mind blast
  236. New Fun Thread-Solo Multi-class ideas
  237. Question about Subtle Backstabbing
  238. Question about Cleave
  239. Flesh Render in Threnal West
  240. heighten spell?
  241. Oversized Weapon Feat Build Help
  242. The roles of a party... Thoughts on the way we interact
  243. Bluff?Diplo?or other??
  244. Crowd Control
  245. actual strength required for von 5 str levers?
  246. Question: Power Critical
  247. Crafting Planner V1.0 ALPHA
  248. 2 shroud thoughts
  249. Healing Amplification calculations
  250. Dragonmark Feats