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  1. #1
    2016 DDO Council Member Strimtom's Avatar
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    Default An easy warlock levelling build for players of any experience level

    Hello! My name Strimtom and I am here to deliver a warlock build that will be easy to follow and use for both new and old players. Many people get stuck on warlocks with how they work and how to make them effective so I wanted to make sure that there was a decent explanation as to how warlocks function so that if you are stumped with how to make your character more powerful, you'd have a way to learn!

    The basics of warlock can be found below in this general video that explains how the class works and what items and stats it needs:

    Now that you know all about warlock, lets look at the specifics of a warlock build!

    Warlock for levelling
    Warlock 20
    True Neutral Halfling

    . . . . . . . .28pt . . 32pt. . .34pt . . 36pt. . .Level Up
    . . . . . . . .---- . . ----. . .---- . . ----. . .--------
    Strength. . . . .8. . . .12 . . . 10. . . .12 . . . 4: CHA
    Dexterity . . . 10. . . .10 . . . 10. . . .10 . . . 8: CHA
    Constitution. . 14. . . .14 . . . 16. . . .16 . . .12: CHA
    Intelligence. . 12. . . .12 . . . 12. . . .12 . . .16: CHA
    Wisdom. . . . . .8. . . . 8 . . . .8. . . . 8 . . .20: CHA
    Charisma. . . . 18. . . .18 . . . 18. . . .18 . . .24: CHA
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28: CHA

    . . . . . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
    . . . . .------------------------------------------------------------
    Concent . 4. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 23
    Spellcr . 4. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 23
    UMD . . . 4. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 23
    . . . . .------------------------------------------------------------
    . . . . .12. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3


    .1. . . . : Quicken Spell
    .3. . . . : Maximize Spell
    .6. . . . : Empower Spell
    .9. . . . : Spell Focus: Evocation
    12. . . . : Spell Focus: Enchantment
    15. . . . : Completionist - Or Greater Spell Focus: Evocation
    18. . . . : Past Life: Wizard - Or Greater Spell Focus: Enchantment

    .1 Warlock: Pact: Great Old One


    1. Nightshield (1), Jump (2), Entangle (2)
    2. Blur (4), Protection from Energy (8), Knock (5)
    3. Displacement (7), Dimension Door (11), Phantasmal Killer (9)
    4. Evard's Black Tentacles (10), Teleport (14), Dominate Person (14)
    5. Finger of Death (13), Mass Protection from Elements (17), Mass Suggestion (17)
    6. Mass Hold Monster (16), Wail of the Banshee (19), Power Word: Kill (19)

    Enhancements (73 of 80 AP)

    Soul Eater (42 AP)
    • Inhuman Understanding, Inhuman Nature, No Worse Fate, Inhuman Nature II, Eldritch Seeker, Devour the Soul
      1. Consume, Taint the Blood, Hungry for Destruction I
      2. Stricken III, Feeding Frenzy, Taint the Aura, Hungry for Destruction I
      3. Strickened Soul, Eldritch Cone Shape, Charisma
      4. Strickened Form, Greater Hunger, Immortal Will, Charisma
      5. Eldritch Wave, Supreme Hunger, Feed on Magic, Spell Tearing, Finger of Death

    Tainted Scholar (31 AP)
    • Tainted Spellcasting, Tainted Lore, Stanch, Tainted Lore II, Blood Component
      1. Feigned Health III, Strong Pact
      2. Utterdark Blast, Strong Pact, Wand and Scroll Mastery III
      3. Confusion III, Strong Pact, Charisma
      4. Bewitching Blast III, Strong Pact, Charisma

    Leveling Guide
    1. TS0 Tainted Spellcasting; TS1 Strong Pact; TS1 Feigned Health I
    2. TS1 Feigned Health II; TS2 Eldritch Chain Shape
    3. TS2 Strong Pact; TS0 Tainted Lore; TS3 Strong Pact
    4. SE0 Inhuman Understanding; SE1 Consume; SE1 Taint the Blood
    5. SE1 Hungry for Destruction I; SE0 Inhuman Nature; SE2 Stricken I, II
    6. Reset All Trees
      • Soul Eater: Inhuman Understanding, Inhuman Nature
        1. Consume, Taint the Blood, Hungry for Destruction I
        2. Stricken III, Hungry for Destruction I
        3. Eldritch Cone Shape
      • Tainted Scholar: Tainted Spellcasting, Tainted Lore
        1. Feigned Health II, Strong Pact
        2. Utterdark Blast, Strong Pact
        3. Strong Pact
    7. TS0 Stanch; SE0 No Worse Fate; SE3 Strickened Soul
    8. SE2 Taint the Aura; SE2 Feeding Frenzy
    9. SE3 Charisma; SE4 Strickened Form
    10. SE4 Greater Hunger; SE4 Immortal Will
    11. SE4 Charisma; TS2 Wand and Scroll Mastery I, II
    12. TS2 Wand and Scroll Mastery III; TS1 Feigned Health III; SE0 Inhuman Nature II
    13. SE5 Eldritch Wave; SE5 Spell Tearing
    14. SE5 Supreme Hunger; SE5 Feed on Magic
    15. SE5 Finger of Death; TS3 Confusion I, II, III
    16. TS0 Tainted Lore II; TS3 Charisma
    17. TS4 Strong Pact; TS4 Bewitching Blast I, II, III
    18. SE0 Eldritch Seeker; TS4 Charisma; TS0 Blood Component
    19. (Bank AP)
    20. SE0 Devour the Soul
    All my builds in one place!
    Personal stream and I stream my show every day. Check my Discord to find the schedule.

  2. #2
    Founder Enkidu's Avatar
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    Nice build as usual, only change I'd make would be dropping those non-SE enhancements at 12 so you could take more SE-5s at 12 and 13. That'll give the finger of death SLA before you take it as a spell, freeing up the slot.
    Last edited by Enkidu; 05-09-2020 at 11:55 AM.

  3. #3
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    I know it's a radical suggestion, but, for new players, I'd suggest adding 1 level of Barbarian in there, probably at Level 8 (after Displacement).

    The kiting factor is huge, and that's something new players need help mastering. And it doesn't remove any spells - and you still get the ones from Level 19 at end game, same as pure.

    So the trade off is whether getting spells 1 level later is worth kiting 10% faster, which makes them as fast running backwards as many mobs, and delays how fast other mobs can catch them. (It also means new players can follow groups 10% faster, which can be a big help.) And the general Quality of Life for moving 10% faster in general, around town and wildernesses, and running to quests.

    The loss in power from the Capstone at 20 (which is significant) only lasts for about a dozen or two quests, while farming Tokens - so, there, the question is whether that added time is more than all the time saved in other quests to get there.

    Just a suggestion, for new(er) players only, and NOT for going to 30 (nor for farming Epics).

    (And before you dump on it, try it on a throw-away iconic. BIG difference.)

  4. #4
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    Dec 2011


    Follow up...

    Watched the vids - nice! Couple questions...

    • On this build (above), you take both Concentration and Quicken - why both?

    • Why Nightshield over Shield? The Nightshield bonuses to saves don't stack w/ a gear item, and are far inferior to gear values at the same Character Level, so past Level 1 or so...

    • Displacement effectively replaces Blur @ Warlock 7 - what would you recommend swapping for Blur? (And, minor, but your spell list doesn't include Web, which comes from TS core 3, nor any other enhcancement-based spells.)

    • Lastly, could you touch on Con-based Warlocks? (I'd think they'd be pretty newbie-friendly as well, no?)

  5. #5
    Community Member banjo174's Avatar
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    Mar 2010

    Default ???

    Quote Originally Posted by Strimtom View Post

    .1. . . . : Quicken Spell
    .3. . . . : Maximize Spell
    .6. . . . : Empower Spell
    .9. . . . : Spell Focus: Evocation
    12. . . . : Spell Focus: Enchantment
    15. . . . : Completionist - Or Greater Spell Focus: Evocation
    18. . . . : Past Life: Wizard - Or Greater Spell Focus: Enchantment

    .1 Warlock: Pact: Great Old One
    Why take quicken spell at level 1, when it doesnt really do anything? Your eldritch blast cant be interrupted, and it doesnt speed up the animation at all. A warlock would benefit more from taking maximize spell and Empower spell much earlier, because they could be wanting to ramp up their Consume and Stricken damage asap.

    Why take spell focus before taking completionist or past life wizard? A good warlock will be using all different kinds of spells, not only that, but completionist is just better over all.

    Why go with the great old one, if you are suggesting this to players of **ALL** skill levels? Wouldnt it be better to suggest feywild, when they have two no fail CCs available to them, they also have a very nifty abundant step like ability, which is nice when someone gets in a rough situation. On top of all of that... There are very little things that are immune or resistant to sonic, where as there is many more that are immune, resistant, or heal from acid

    Quote Originally Posted by Strimtom View Post

    1. Nightshield (1), Jump (2), Entangle (2)
    2. Blur (4), Protection from Energy (8), Knock (5)
    3. Displacement (7), Dimension Door (11), Phantasmal Killer (9)
    4. Evard's Black Tentacles (10), Teleport (14), Dominate Person (14)
    5. Finger of Death (13), Mass Protection from Elements (17), Mass Suggestion (17)
    6. Mass Hold Monster (16), Wail of the Banshee (19), Power Word: Kill (19)
    Why are you suggesting Nightshield over Shield, everyone will have a resistance item on, but very few warlocks will have a shield bonus if they are focusing on damage. Its a small bonus, but it is better than nightshield. In fact, why are you suggesting nightshield/shield at all? Use shield wands, and use hypnotism instead, drain the enemies saves with hypnotism, or better yet use hypnotism as a way to get away. Ooze puppet is also nice... A warlock doesn't need the jump spell, when there are scrolls.

    Why are you suggesting that a warlock take the teleport spell, when they could take the single target hold monster for reapers?

    Why are you suggesting a warlock take mass protection from elements, when you suggested they take finger of death? If you are going insta kill, why not take circle of death?

    Quote Originally Posted by Strimtom View Post
    Enhancements (73 of 80 AP)

    Soul Eater (42 AP)
    • Inhuman Understanding, Inhuman Nature, No Worse Fate, Inhuman Nature II, Eldritch Seeker, Devour the Soul
      1. Consume, Taint the Blood, Hungry for Destruction I
      2. Stricken III, Feeding Frenzy, Taint the Aura, Hungry for Destruction I
      3. Strickened Soul, Eldritch Cone Shape, Charisma
      4. Strickened Form, Greater Hunger, Immortal Will, Charisma
      5. Eldritch Wave, Supreme Hunger, Feed on Magic, Spell Tearing, Finger of Death

    Tainted Scholar (31 AP)
    • Tainted Spellcasting, Tainted Lore, Stanch, Tainted Lore II, Blood Component
      1. Feigned Health III, Strong Pact
      2. Utterdark Blast, Strong Pact, Wand and Scroll Mastery III
      3. Confusion III, Strong Pact, Charisma
      4. Bewitching Blast III, Strong Pact, Charisma

    Leveling Guide
    1. TS0 Tainted Spellcasting; TS1 Strong Pact; TS1 Feigned Health I
    2. TS1 Feigned Health II; TS2 Eldritch Chain Shape
    3. TS2 Strong Pact; TS0 Tainted Lore; TS3 Strong Pact
    4. SE0 Inhuman Understanding; SE1 Consume; SE1 Taint the Blood
    5. SE1 Hungry for Destruction I; SE0 Inhuman Nature; SE2 Stricken I, II
    6. Reset All Trees
      • Soul Eater: Inhuman Understanding, Inhuman Nature
        1. Consume, Taint the Blood, Hungry for Destruction I
        2. Stricken III, Hungry for Destruction I
        3. Eldritch Cone Shape
      • Tainted Scholar: Tainted Spellcasting, Tainted Lore
        1. Feigned Health II, Strong Pact
        2. Utterdark Blast, Strong Pact
        3. Strong Pact
    7. TS0 Stanch; SE0 No Worse Fate; SE3 Strickened Soul
    8. SE2 Taint the Aura; SE2 Feeding Frenzy
    9. SE3 Charisma; SE4 Strickened Form
    10. SE4 Greater Hunger; SE4 Immortal Will
    11. SE4 Charisma; TS2 Wand and Scroll Mastery I, II
    12. TS2 Wand and Scroll Mastery III; TS1 Feigned Health III; SE0 Inhuman Nature II
    13. SE5 Eldritch Wave; SE5 Spell Tearing
    14. SE5 Supreme Hunger; SE5 Feed on Magic
    15. SE5 Finger of Death; TS3 Confusion I, II, III
    16. TS0 Tainted Lore II; TS3 Charisma
    17. TS4 Strong Pact; TS4 Bewitching Blast I, II, III
    18. SE0 Eldritch Seeker; TS4 Charisma; TS0 Blood Component
    19. (Bank AP)
    20. SE0 Devour the Soul

    Why are you suggesting that a warlock take their final core in soul eater, when taking the cores in tainted scholar is a HUGE HUGE HUGE damage boost?

    These are the enhancements I would recommend.


  6. #6
    Community Member mr420247's Avatar
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    Because if i remember right trap the soul works against death warded champs in high skulls that matters

    Adrenaline n Vengeance buff n bypass all immunities and immune to cc kind of ones

    Red named aint nothing dooms and those champs r

    Agree on quiken never even needed b4 15 but sonic is the worst dps no synergy at all with draconic where all the dps is at now

    Or maj for maximum instakills
    Last edited by mr420247; 05-09-2020 at 05:55 PM.
    Damonz Cannith

  7. #7
    Founder Enkidu's Avatar
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    I can't really say I've ever had quicken either on a warlock before, even when I played fey and had that long casting time for the disco. Concentration seemed to be solid all the time.

    While nothing resists sonic it's like half damage already. When I tested goo and fey on the dummy it took a full ten seconds longer to kill with fey, so go goo and take the CC spells you'll need as you level.

    I like the barb idea for level 20 TR. You won't have time to miss the capstone. Now if you do epics you'll want to get the capstone and lose the 10% speed boost.

    SE T5 beats TS T5 on a 20 TR. Only reason to take TS would be you don't have enough DC for epic reapers. You can get plenty of DC from EDs for EE runs.

    I hate the idea of telling new players use wands and scrolls for spells unless they really should use the slot for a better spell. Telling them to carry healing and res scrolls is fine.

    Strim usually has good reasons for what he does, but nobody's perfect either.
    Last edited by Enkidu; 05-10-2020 at 12:23 AM.

  8. #8
    Community Member banjo174's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Enkidu View Post
    SE T5 beats TS T5 on a 20 TR. Only reason to take TS would be you don't have enough DC for epic reapers. You can get plenty of DC from EDs for EE runs.
    I never said Tier 5 SE didnt beat tier 5 Tainted Scholar

    I said the cores in Tainted scholar beat the cores in Soul Eater. Learn to read please. The final core is Tainted scholar isnt something that Strim is recommending on his forum post, so he is getting rid of a ton of damage.

  9. #9
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by banjo174 View Post
    Why go with the great old one, if you are suggesting this to players of **ALL** skill levels? Wouldnt it be better to suggest feywild, when they have two no fail CCs available to them, they also have a very nifty abundant step like ability, which is nice when someone gets in a rough situation.
    Each Pact has its own "special abilities". Strim values Knock and the rest over what you value. <shrug>

    Quote Originally Posted by banjo174 View Post
    There are very little things that are immune or resistant to sonic, where as there is many more that are immune, resistant, or heal from acid
    Sonic is not as attractive as you make it out to seem.

    First, this build does not have the skill points for Perform, so you're losing out on a little spellpower there - which is not a good thing on a new account, when you're scraping for all you can get. Second, Evasion removes ALL Pact damage, and a first-life build will not have great DC's, so a Sonic 'lock is going to have a hard time against that sort of mob. An Acid lock has no equivalent problem environment (because Will ST's only reduce the acid damage to half, not "zero").

    While it's true there is almost nothing resistant to Sonic, there is also (almost?) nothing vulnerable to it, either. Nothing beats an Acid lock against a bunch of Trolls for good times.

    And there are not that many targets that present a real problem to Acid - and for the few that do, the core damage (force/evil) carries the day mostly. Rarely encountered Clay Golems (in Wiz King, etc.) are one where you have to turn your Pact damage off (Acid attacks ~heal~ them), but that's ~about~ it.

    At the end of the day, the benefits at least outweigh the penalties. Fey is not easy "first life" material.

    Quote Originally Posted by Enkidu View Post
    I hate the idea of telling new players use wands and scrolls for spells unless they really should use the slot for a better spell. Telling them to carry healing and res scrolls is fine.
    Yeah, while "wands and scrolls" for misc. spells works great in theory, and are not a problem on a developed account, for a new player it's a real burden. Remember - they're only going to have 4 inventory tabs, so space is tight! And for a while platinum will be equally tight - expecting them to "pay to play" (even if it's just plat ) is asking a lot.

  10. #10
    Founder Enkidu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by banjo174 View Post
    I never said Tier 5 SE didnt beat tier 5 Tainted Scholar

    I said the cores in Tainted scholar beat the cores in Soul Eater. Learn to read please. The final core is Tainted scholar isnt something that Strim is recommending on his forum post, so he is getting rid of a ton of damage.
    Lol, you're arguing over which capstone to take right before you TR? Really worried about not having enough DPS for those half dozen EN runs in DA?

  11. 05-11-2020, 02:04 AM

  12. #11
    Community Member banjo174's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Enkidu View Post
    Lol, you're arguing over which capstone to take right before you TR? Really worried about not having enough DPS for those half dozen EN runs in DA?
    If this is just a 1 to 20 build, why is he recommending any final cores?

  13. #12
    Community Member banjo174's Avatar
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    I really do love that everyone is cherry picking my critiques, in order to defend Strim. Instead of looking at every critique I make.

  14. #13
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by banjo174 View Post
    I really do love that everyone is cherry picking my critiques, in order to defend Strim. Instead of looking at every critique I make.
    I found some of your critiques valid (or at least worthy of consideration), and some dubious. I questioned the dubious ones. Doesn't have anything to do w/ the rest.

    Still waiting for a response to those, among others, if you care to.

  15. #14
    Founder Enkidu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by banjo174 View Post
    If this is just a 1 to 20 build, why is he recommending any final cores?
    I agreed with c-dog that taking a barb level would get more mileage than worrying about the capstone already in the thread. Nevertheless, we're talking about a warlock build to get to 20 and I might be able to do it naked with any build. Sure ES might take longer, but it's still a 'lock and it'll cruise to 20. We really don't need to theorycraft them much and we really don't want to complicate the build because it's for first life players. Strim's pretty easy going and thoughtful, he might go for some of your choices. Nobody needs to defend him.

  16. #15
    Community Member majorhavoc's Avatar
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    Warlock for levelling
    Warlock 20
    True Neutral Halfling

    . . . . . . . .28pt . . 32pt. . .34pt . . 36pt. . .Level Up
    . . . . . . . .---- . . ----. . .---- . . ----. . .--------
    Strength. . . . .8. . . .12 . . . 10. . . .12 . . . 4: CHA
    Dexterity . . . 10. . . .10 . . . 10. . . .10 . . . 8: CHA
    Constitution. . 14. . . .14 . . . 16. . . .16 . . .12: CHA
    Intelligence. . 12. . . .12 . . . 12. . . .12 . . .16: CHA
    Wisdom. . . . . .8. . . . 8 . . . .8. . . . 8 . . .20: CHA
    Charisma. . . . 18. . . .18 . . . 18. . . .18 . . .24: CHA
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28: CHA

    . . . . . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
    . . . . .------------------------------------------------------------
    Concent . 4. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 23
    Spellcr . 4. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 23
    UMD . . . 4. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 23
    . . . . .------------------------------------------------------------
    . . . . .12. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3


    .1. . . . : Quicken Spell
    .3. . . . : Maximize Spell
    .6. . . . : Empower Spell
    .9. . . . : Spell Focus: Evocation
    12. . . . : Spell Focus: Enchantment
    15. . . . : Completionist - Or Greater Spell Focus: Evocation
    18. . . . : Past Life: Wizard - Or Greater Spell Focus: Enchantment

    .1 Warlock: Pact: Great Old One


    1. Nightshield (1), Jump (2), Entangle (2)
    2. Blur (4), Protection from Energy (8), Knock (5)
    3. Displacement (7), Dimension Door (11), Phantasmal Killer (9)
    4. Evard's Black Tentacles (10), Teleport (14), Dominate Person (14)
    5. Finger of Death (13), Mass Protection from Elements (17), Mass Suggestion (17)
    6. Mass Hold Monster (16), Wail of the Banshee (19), Power Word: Kill (19)

    Enhancements (73 of 80 AP)

    Soul Eater (42 AP)
    • Inhuman Understanding, Inhuman Nature, No Worse Fate, Inhuman Nature II, Eldritch Seeker, Devour the Soul
      1. Consume, Taint the Blood, Hungry for Destruction I
      2. Stricken III, Feeding Frenzy, Taint the Aura, Hungry for Destruction I
      3. Strickened Soul, Eldritch Cone Shape, Charisma
      4. Strickened Form, Greater Hunger, Immortal Will, Charisma
      5. Eldritch Wave, Supreme Hunger, Feed on Magic, Spell Tearing, Finger of Death

    Tainted Scholar (31 AP)
    • Tainted Spellcasting, Tainted Lore, Stanch, Tainted Lore II, Blood Component
      1. Feigned Health III, Strong Pact
      2. Utterdark Blast, Strong Pact, Wand and Scroll Mastery III
      3. Confusion III, Strong Pact, Charisma
      4. Bewitching Blast III, Strong Pact, Charisma


    A few comments based on over 100 Warlock lives.
    Do not put any points into anything other stat other than Chr & Con, any other left over points should go into Int for a few extra skills, all other stats are totally irrelevant.
    Why bother maxing out concentration when you have quicken, I just put a few points into it for the rare occupations of a skill check.
    Heal & Preform are the basis for healing & sonic spell power and thus should be maxed.
    Jump & search are incredibly useful and both are a good place to dump extra points.
    Lastly, no need to dump points into UMD, it is a Chr based skill thus you will always have more than enough skill to cast any scroll or wand.
    If you have the ability to take Completionists, you should take it at 3rd when it is available, easily one of the best feats in the game.
    No need to take Any Spell Focus feats, your DC will be amazing without them, at 30 I easily get unbuffed Mass Hold DC of 115 and Finger DC of 112.
    Extend Spell is an absolute must, you can finger or hold mass groups long before they can see you, trust me on this, just get it you will not regret it.
    Clearly Past Life: Wizard is the single best DC caster feat in the game and is a must!
    Lastly I like getting Armor Proficiency: Medium, this allows you to ware the Flameclensed Set, which is superior to the Esoteric Set. Removing the 25% spell failure is easily done with 1 blue augment &amp;amp; 1 filagree.
    Below is my build which I have played for over 100 lives and it makes soloing R4s 1-30 a cake walk. And also makes the Absolutely best CC build in the game for R10s at cap. I understand that this is not a first life build, but it is a very viable end game build.

    Storm Warlock
    Warlock 20

    . . . . . . . .36pt . . Tome . . Level Up
    . . . . . . . .---- . . ----. . .--------
    Strength. . . . .8. . . .+8. . . .4: CHA
    Dexterity . . . .8. . . .+8. . . .8: CHA
    Constitution. . 18. . . .+8. . . 12: CHA
    Intelligence. . 12. . . .+8. . . 16: CHA
    Wisdom. . . . . .8. . . .+8. . . 20: CHA
    Charisma. . . . 20. . . .+8. . . 24: CHA
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28: CHA

    . . . . . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
    . . . . .------------------------------------------------------------
    Spellcr . 4. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 23
    Perform . 2. ½. ½. ½. ½. ½. ½. ½. ½. ½. ½. ½. ½. ½. ½. ½. ½. ½. ½. . .11
    Heal. . . 2. ½. ½. ½. ½. ½. ½. ½. ½. ½. ½. ½. ½. ½. ½. ½. ½. ½. ½. . .11
    Concent . . . . . . . . . . 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. . . . . . . 10
    Search. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ½. ½. 1. 1. 1½ 1½ 1½ 2½ 10
    Jump. . . . . . 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
    UMD . . . . .1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
    . . . . .------------------------------------------------------------
    . . . . .12. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 6. 6. 6. 6. 6. 6


    .1. . . . : Maximize Spell
    .3. . . . : Completionist
    .6. . . . : Empower Spell
    .9. . . . : Quicken Spell
    12. . . . : Enlarge Spell
    15. . . . : Past Life: Wizard
    18. . . . : Armor Proficiency: Medium
    21 Epic . : Epic Eldritch Blast
    24 Epic . : Embolden Spell
    26 Destiny: Epic Arcane Eldritch Blast
    27 Epic . : Intensify Spell
    28 Destiny: Hellball
    29 Destiny: Mass Frog
    30 Epic . : Burst of Glacial Wrath
    30 Legend : Scion of: Feywild

    .1 Warlock: Pact: Fiend


    1. Jump (1), False Life (2), Command (2)
    2. Blur (4), Suggestion (8), Rage (5)
    3. Dimension Door (7), Displacement (11), Fire Shield (9)
    4. Evard's Black Tentacles (10), Symbol of Persuasion (14), Binding Chain (14)
    5. Finger of Death (13), Undeath to Death (17), Power Word: Blind (17)
    6. Mass Hold Monster (16), Mass Charm Monster (19), Howl of Terror (19)

    Enhancements (80+14 AP)

    Soul Eater (42 AP)
    • Inhuman Understanding, Inhuman Nature, No Worse Fate, Inhuman Nature II, Eldritch Seeker, Devour the Soul
      1. Consume, Subtle Spellcasting III, Hungry for Destruction III
      2. Stricken III, Hungry for Destruction III
      3. Strickened Soul, Eldritch Cone Shape, Charisma
      4. Greater Hunger, Immortal Will, Charisma
      5. Eldritch Wave, Supreme Hunger, Feed on Magic, Spell Tearing, Finger of Death

    Tainted Scholar (33 AP)
    • Tainted Spellcasting, Tainted Lore, Stanch, Tainted Lore II, Blood Component
      1. Feigned Health III, Strong Pact
      2. Utterdark Blast, Eldritch Chain Shape, Strong Pact, Wand and Scroll Mastery III
      3. Faltering Blast, Strong Pact, Charisma
      4. Penetrating Blast, Enervating Shadow, Strong Pact, Charisma

    Tiefling (18 AP)
    • Bloodhunt I, Charisma I, Bloodhunt II, Charisma II, Bloodhunt III
      1. (none)
      2. Traditionalist Caster III
      3. Ash III, Incineration
      4. Improved Scorch, Incineration

    Harper Agent (1 AP)
    • Agent of Good I

    Destiny (24 AP)

    Exalted Angel
    1. Radiant Power III, Endless Faith III, Healing Power III, Charisma
    2. Charisma
    3. Charisma
    4. Charisma
    5. Leap of Faith, Charisma
    6. Divine Wrath, Charisma

    Twists of Fate (35 fate points)
    1. Energy Burst: Fire (Tier 4 Draconic)
    2. Echoes of Arcane (Tier 3 Fatesinger)
    3. School Specialist: Enchantment (Tier 2 Magister)
    4. Charisma (Tier 1 Draconic)
    5. Charisma (Tier 1 Crusader)
    It is better to be silent and be thought a fool than speak and remove all doubt.... Mark Twain.

  17. 12-29-2020, 10:51 PM

  18. #16
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Hey Major...

    What gear are you using on your build that you suggested? I do not currently have the new Fey Wild pack.

  19. #17
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2020


    the necessary answers and tips

  20. #18
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    Agree TS capstone over SE without even an after thought. It is levelling build, however most suggest levelling an epic life or two with each heroic or racial life to manage the grind with 1st time bonuses and BB. There is no need to cripple that chance if its possible and a new player may not know what exactly they plan to do once they hit epics. However if the intent is known to only go 20 and TR, then SE does lend better, as you want to race to tier 5s there and you might as well make best use of the capstone. If however you take 1 barb (which I prefer) then this is all a moot point.

    Definitely move quicken back to 15, but not a big deal.

  21. #19
    Community Member MichelleOtter's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2021


    this is a great experience for me!)
    thanks for assembling this information, i'm new to this)

  22. #20
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Strimtom View Post

    .1. . . . : Quicken Spell
    .3. . . . : Maximize Spell
    .6. . . . : Empower Spell


    Enhancements (73 of 80 AP)

    Leveling Guide
    1. TS0 Tainted Spellcasting; TS1 Strong Pact; TS1 Feigned Health I
    2. TS1 Feigned Health II; TS2 Eldritch Chain Shape
    3. TS2 Strong Pact; TS0 Tainted Lore; TS3 Strong Pact
    4. SE0 Inhuman Understanding; SE1 Consume; SE1 Taint the Blood
    5. SE1 Hungry for Destruction I; SE0 Inhuman Nature; SE2 Stricken I, II

    Looking back over this, I'd suggest a slightly alternate approach to consider as to how to start off...

    Push Quicken back to L6 - take Max & Empower before that.

    Meanwhile, for Enhancements, beeline* to SE Consume (3 AP) & Stricken (6 AP total for Stricken I) - that's doable by the end of Level 1/mid-level 2, still in Korthos/KotB. Those two SLA's w/ Max+Empower are 1-shot killers all thru low Heroics, even vs. some bosses, and absurd in Level 1-2 quests. Stunning how hard they hit, players who are used to "normal" lock builds ask "How are you one-shotting things at Level 3? What is that?!"

    (* If you don't use a hire healer, maybe get Feigned Health II* (3 AP) first, delaying things by almost a full level. But doing quests like Cannith Crystal w/ those 2 SLA's are a cakewalk, and I find that a 1st-life 'Lock otherwise can't muster the DPS to stop all the crystal-zergers. Ymmv.)

    You don't have Utterdark yet, but still should be using Light spellpower gear to make these count. That's Impulse + Light, ignore your Pact damage for the moment (it's only a d6), you can dump Impulse the moment you get Utterdark.

    Just remember not to spam it on every mob, and save it for Champs, Casters and Reapers and other surprise "real" threats - a great "Get out of Jail Free!" card.

    (* @ players new to 'Lock - With a starting Cha of just 18 and nothing else, Feigned Health II is a buffer of +12 hit points (2/3 of Cha) whenever you need it - very little (non-boss/-caster/-champ/-reaper) hits for more than 12 at this level (and you are now one-shotting them). Put your free "Featherfall" spell on your hotbar and spam it on yourself (F1 targets "self"). It's an AoE that affects more with more caster levels so higher levels spreads the love.

    By level 4 you'll have FH III and (hopefully) at least +2 Cha from your Guild and another +2 from gear, so with FH III a buffer of 22 HP - or whatever your current Cha is.

    Meanwhile, re the delay of Chain, there are very few groups of mobs in Level 1 quests so big that they require Chain, and since your single-shot blasts are hitting significantly harder**, that's just not a big loss - it's overkill either way.)

    (** Scaling off 130% Spellpower vs. 95% + -1 Pact Die!)


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