Personally, I find Heroic play to be absurdly boring. HCL spiced it up a bit, but all you get in the end is a cosmetic and a bank mule, nothing for your real characters. What if you could run an "HCL" life on a live server? What should the reward be? What would the life look like?
Here's my take on how that might work:
- On death, your character is reset to L1 or sent to the creation screen without a PL feat.
- On death (maybe), all coin and inventory on the character is lost (destroyed)
- During play, HCL powerleveling restrictions apply for XP gains (zero XP outside FTB limits, etc)
- During play, XP is only gained from reaper completions.
- On TR, your character acquires 3x the normal PLs; eg. racial = 3x RPLs, heroic = 3x HPLs, etc..
I suspect the on-death and on-tr parts would be relatively simple to add and get right. The hard part would be ensuring there's no way to do no-risk HCL leveling of a zone-parked piking alt.