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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Default One Against Many Set not showing up?

    Hey guys, the "One Against Many" filigree set isn't showing up on my artifact (evom) or weapon (esos). I've got the rare sucker punch/one against many filigree slotted in each, but only sucker punch is showing up (on both).

    Any idea what's going on?


  2. #2
    Community Member Fisto_Mk_I's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2022


    Check this thread.

    If yours raid filigree not in weapon slots 7 or 10 - it's just visual bug, you can add any One Against Many filigree to artifact for see full set with all slotted filigrees. If they at slots 7 or 10 - you must re-slot they in any other slots.
    English not my native language. What's your excuse?

  3. #3
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Default Repost of cause

    Quote Originally Posted by J1NG View Post
    Tests have confirmed that it is Slot 7 (SEVEN) and 10 (TEN) that are causing hte Set Bonus miscalculation. So long as you avoid using those slots for Raid Filigree, it should be fine. Earliest tests because of observation and knowing the past of the Sentient increase of slots, lead me to theorise it might have been Spark related. But I'm glad to report that is not the case.

    Yeah... Sparks are not a concern, originally I had thought it might have been related to the fact we originally at 7 slots and each Spark moved the last slot up by one and that might have caused the issue. But further tests show that a non-spark'd weapon at Slot 7 (SEVEN) will also have the same trouble. So Sparks "indirectly" have a relation to the problem at Slot 10 (TEN) by making it available (and the 10 slot weapon being the first test we did here as it matched your intiial experience), but they themselves are not the cause of the issue thankfully.

    Also, I would like to thank you for providing the detailed list of your Filigree setup. Especially the order of them as well. Without of which I wouldn't have been able to replicate and then diagnose the issue. As I would have used a "blank" item and artifact and just tested the Filigree for functionality, stacking and Set Bonus application. To which they absolutely will work and I wouldn't have found an issue. It's just only in the very specific circumstances (Slot 7 and 10) which is not something everyone may use a Raid Filigree on that causes the issue. And so diagnosis would have been hard even WITH the amount of spare resouces I had without that detailed list.

    Anyone who is reading this, spread the word (Guildies, friends, allies). Until it's fixed, don't use Slot 7 (SEVEN) or 10 (TEN) for your Raid Filigree if you are intentding to have the Set Bonus from both be counted and be active; Make sure they are in any of the other slots instead.

    From the other thread.

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