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  1. #1
    Developer Steelstar's Avatar
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    Default Lamannia Update 59 Preview 3 Feedback: Loot

    Hey everyone! Welcome to Preview 3. We've worked in a lot of changes from the first two previews now, closing in on release - We may have room for a final few (small) tweaks though, so let us know where you'd like to see them.

    Quick Known Issue before the changes: It seems not all the changes listed here made it over into the build that's been put up for Lamannia. If anything below is currently missing, know that it's changed internally and will be there on release.

    Changes in this build:

    • Legendary Frostflame Robe had the typo in its name corrected.
    • The Legendary Stone Prison effect now works properly.
    • The Unstoppable Staggering Blow effect now works properly.
    • Legendary Stonedust Handwraps (in their various forms) now properly have Legendary Stone Prison
    • Armors and Shields in this pack now properly have a +15 Enhancement Bonus.
    • Many Legendary items in this pack that did not have two augment slots in Preview 2 now have two augment slots.
    • Legendary Crimson Chain has had its Speed replaced with Legendary Air Guard.
    • Legendary Stormsinger Cloak has had its Legendary Sonic Guard replaced with Insightful Resonance.
    • Legendary Stormsinger Cloak has gained Evocation Focus.
    • Legendary Night Hag's Heartstone now has slightly higher values for its effects, more in line with how other Artifacts relate to items in their pack.
    • Legendary Night Hag's Heartstone is now part of both the Legendary Wrath of Sora Kell set and the Legendary Perfected Wrath set.
    • Weapons in this pack have had their damage dice adjusted to match other similar Legendary weapons.
    • Legendary Trial by Fire has had its stacking Fire Resistance replaced by Quality Fire Absorption.
    • Legendary Frostflame Robe and Docent have had their Fire and Cold Resistance effects replaced by Fire and Cold Absorption, respectively.
    • Legendary Brutish Cuirass has had its Acid Resistance replaced with Insightful Doublestrike.
    • Legendary Blade of Fury (and its crafted Greatsword variants) now properly use Greatsword stats instead of Greataxe ones.
    • Legendary Gnollish War Bow now has Boneshatter in place of Bow Strength.
    • Legendary Gnollish War Bow (and its crafted variants) now innately have "Strength or Dexterity" as their damage ability score mod.
    • Legendary Sceptre of the Fleshweaver now has 5 charges per day.
    • Legendary Rocksplitter (and its crafted variants) have had their Sonic Blast replaced with Legendary Shockwave.
    • Legendary Wand of Blasting now has level-appropriate effects on it.
    • Legendary Wand of Blasting is now properly ML31.

    Known Issues:

    • Several items have flavor descriptions that no longer match the updated versions of the Legendary items.
    • Legendary Frostflame Robe and Docent are still missing a second Augment slot.
    Last edited by Steelstar; 04-18-2023 at 05:24 PM.
    We don't only build for the builds that exist.
    We don't only build for the builds that are good right now.

    The fact that some changes are necessary is not diminished by the fact that other necessary changes have not happened yet.

  2. #2
    Developer Steelstar's Avatar
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    Oh also! Items that were missing from the Dojo vendor last Preview should be there now.
    We don't only build for the builds that exist.
    We don't only build for the builds that are good right now.

    The fact that some changes are necessary is not diminished by the fact that other necessary changes have not happened yet.

  3. #3
    Squirrel Enthusiast Lokeal_The_Flame's Avatar
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    Default Crappy month.....

    Soooo, I got hit by a car on the 6th, phone smashed to pieces, repair kit came but the included screen was broken on arrival, and yesterday my main PC that had lamannia installed on it had its power supply go out..... and now I can't find a working link for Lamannia anywhere.

  4. #4
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    Default does this work?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lokeal_The_Flame View Post
    Soooo, I got hit by a car on the 6th, phone smashed to pieces, repair kit came but the included screen was broken on arrival, and yesterday my main PC that had lamannia installed on it had its power supply go out..... and now I can't find a working link for Lamannia anywhere.

    It's not https, but regular http.

  5. #5
    Hero QuantumFX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mindos View Post
    From this thread

    "NOTE TO CHROME USERS: You may need to Right Click on the link above then open it into an Incognito Window in order for the download to work."
    Things worthy of Standing Stone going EXTREME PREJUDICE™ on.:
    • Epic and Legendary Mysterious ring upgrades, please.
    • Change the stack size of filigree in the shared bank to 50. The 5 stack makes the shared bank worthless for storing filigree in a human usable manner.
    • Fixing why I don't connect to the chat server for 5 minutes when I log into a game world.
    • Fixing the wonky Lightning Sphere and Tactical Det firing by converting them to use alchemist spell arcing.
    • Redoing the drop rates of tomes in generic and raid loot tables.

  6. #6
    Hero QuantumFX's Avatar
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    Ye cannot feed ye Trial By Fire to ye sentient weapon
    Things worthy of Standing Stone going EXTREME PREJUDICE™ on.:
    • Epic and Legendary Mysterious ring upgrades, please.
    • Change the stack size of filigree in the shared bank to 50. The 5 stack makes the shared bank worthless for storing filigree in a human usable manner.
    • Fixing why I don't connect to the chat server for 5 minutes when I log into a game world.
    • Fixing the wonky Lightning Sphere and Tactical Det firing by converting them to use alchemist spell arcing.
    • Redoing the drop rates of tomes in generic and raid loot tables.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    • Weapons in this pack have had their damage dice adjusted to match other similar Legendary weapons.
    Shouldn't the Legendary Shield of Reflecting also have modified dice for those who want to bash with it? This is also a problem on the Dino Bone Shields.

    Now that the Legendary Snakeskin Vest has been upgraded to Epic Nimbleness, can we please fix the Legendary Tourney Armor to be the same? The nimbleness effect does not scale from Heroic -> Epic -> Legendary as expected for that armor.
    Last edited by SWCarter; 04-18-2023 at 09:50 PM.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    • Legendary Night Hag's Heartstone now has slightly higher values for its effects, more in line with how other Artifacts relate to items in their pack.
    • Legendary Night Hag's Heartstone is now part of both the Legendary Wrath of Sora Kell set and the Legendary Perfected Wrath set.
    The set additions are awesome, thank you! Given the fact that this is an artifact, would you please consider swapping Spell Focus Mastery +5 to Insightful Spell Focus Mastery +3 or Quality Spell Focus Mastery +2? Casters have countless options for standard enhancement DC bonuses, as well as the option to slot augments that provide a +6 bonus. But Insightful and Quality are much harder to slot.

  9. #9
    Community Member Seph1roth5's Avatar
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    Again, thanks for reworking some of this stuff. I know not every item is going to be omg I need that in all my builds, but the way they look now, I'm literally only ever going to use the handwraps, and that's because there's little to no competition, and that's only if the legendary stone prison gets a good dc. The problem still, as it's been since lam 1, is that most of these items are VERY BAD heroic. They don't offer effects people want on gear. Even after upgrading (some to most of) them to legendary numbers, it's still just extremely lackluster, other than for new people who have nothing else.

    * Shield of Reflecting
    - Lot better, but would still like the legendary stone guard to trigger on hit or miss. It's a what, 2% chance, maaaaybe 5%? That multiplied by how many hits miss (or hit, I don't know math...) means it's a pretty low proc

    * Blade of Fury
    - demon fever/wounding are still bad, very bad. I get the old weapon was going for a theme, but that theme died like 12 years ago. It's like the old bard hirelings that have abilities that don't exist for us anymore. Definitely time for stat damage to have a revamp, but in the meantime need to just change it completely.
    - It's the signature weapon of a medusa, what about a chance to turn to stone on crit? or vorpal, something medusa-y
    - Have it cast rising fury when you drop below 25%, or some buff that adds +2w

    *Bloody Cleaver
    - same notes, lots of stuff immune to bleeding, humanoid bane is esoteric, feeding 30 is low and only on vorpal.
    - Everything needs to be legendaried:
    - Legendary Bleeding 6 - 6d8 ignores bleeding immunity
    - Legendary Humanoid Bane 6 - 6d10 extra damage, +6d10 on crit (blast-like?)
    - Legendary Feeding 30 - On crit instead

    *Gnollish War Bow
    - Legendary Crippling - Pin effect on vorpal or crit?
    - Legendary Bow Strength: Add (half?) your str modifier to damage with the bow, not replace your stat
    - Legendary Monstrous Human Bane: as above

    *Hooked Blade
    - Legendary Limb Chopper: Already does a bunch of stuff, make it work on all races?
    - Maiming 6: weak, especially on a normal crit range weapon.
    - Legendary Maiming 6: add 10 bane damage on each hit?
    - Legendary Human bane: as above

    *Ogrish War Axe
    - Vengeful: Weak, bad, and a very low level effect.
    - Legendary Vengeful: Another place that rising fury would work, a stacking buff that triggers when hit. Or raising melee power/lowered prr
    - Gashing 15: Ummm this is the same as maiming but just better? I'd still legendary it up. Needs scaling with melee power

    - Overwhelming shockwave: Hard to say without knowing what that damage is and the aoe. Should be a lot and/or a big area if it's only on vorpal. Needs to scale or just be really strong.
    - Reverberating 6: Meh, 6-36 extra damage non-scaling at lv 31?
    - Improved Destruction: Much lower level effect
    - Legendary Destruction: Should stack higher than 15x, the 1 sec cooldown is okay.

    *Scepter of the Fleshweaver
    - Int 14, devotion 149, trans focus 6, at least 2 of these should be a new bundled effect, since the clicky is taking up an effect slot? It's not going to come up much and is just a waste of a slot.
    - Still hoping for an on-spellcast petrification here, would definitely be a cool effect.
    - Any way to make the clicky mass flesh to stone? Or goldbreath (but stone?) With a good dc

    *Scepter of the Ogre Magi
    - Same with above, having 3 effects and a bad clicky makes this a very bad weapon.
    - Any way to mix potency with some sort of universal spell crit? Kind of like all the special elemental effects
    - Change cone of cold to burst of glacial wrath (again, good dc). Clickies are like wands, NONE of the damaging ones that exist in game are any good. Dcs bad, damage bad, taking up effect slot, very bad.
    - So many of these item descriptions just seem to say what the effects are. Need to rethink those and just swap stuff out, like concentration

    *Staff of the Shadow
    - New vampirism isn't good, the internal cooldown makes it completely worthless unless the numbers were MUCH higher.
    - Legendary Vampirism: On crit heals 10d10, drain 1d4 levels
    - Legendary Entropic 6: 6d6 extra damage on hit, on crit, disintegration (not the spell, but the effect on some weapons that just does a big pile O damage). We need more stuff on crit.

    *Stonedust Handwraps
    - Stoneskin super bad, just have it give 30 dr while equipped, 45 while in earth stance
    - Stunning is ok...but shows up on other gear you're probably wearing.
    - Legendary Stunning: +15 to stun tactics, low % chance to stun on hit (2%? wasn't that what stunning used to do?)
    - Legendary Stone Prison: notes say this effect works properly but it's still the old description? If an effect is on vorpal or just a low % (like crown of snow) it shouldn't have a save, and if it's on crit it should just have a good save, like 100.
    *NOTE: The dc for legendary stone prison is all over the place, some stonedust wraps show 27, some 100.

    *Stormsinger Cloak
    - Better, though I'd like something more bundled like sonic/cold/electric spellpower+crit, that'd be neat and very spellsingery. Anthem and perform are just okay so it's not like it would super overtune the item. Resistance is also something that can be augmented fairly easy so again, room for a little more fanciness.

    *Brutish Cuirass
    - Still hate the single-saves, would almost rather have speed
    - Still think staggering blow is wasted on a heavy armor. What dps builds/classes/whatever use heavy armor other than paladin? I mean, it's nice ON a paladin I guess lol

    *Crimson Chain
    - Legendary Air Guard: Does the knockdown have a dc like the normal air guard? haste is also a super waste of an effect here. I'd say bump it up to chance to knockdown or slow, no save
    - hate reflex bonus

    *Frostflame ___
    - Much better, not quite as good as a fire shield but fire+cold together...
    - Still not super great, since there's not much (normal druid?) that uses fire AND cold and would want the lore only. Most gear people want to use would have spellpower+crit, maybe insightful to both as well.

    *Garments of Equilibrium
    - Lose concentration and resistance
    - Add +1w to unarmed? Not sure if that's really good, really bad, or so-so lol.
    - Maybe some sort of alignment-based absorption to fit the balance theme?

    *Gorgon Armor
    - Still no clue on the dc or anything
    - Again, guards are mostly super junk. Making this trigger on hit OR miss would at least make it passable
    - Clickies are pretty bad as well, anything that needs a dc or does damage is in a horrible place. Taking up a special effect slot is just bleh

    *Snakeskin Vest
    - Same comments as the last 2 lams. Completely worthless to a trapper because it only has 2/4 of the skills you'd want, when several other items have all 4. Proof against poison very bad, epic nimbleness pointless when you're not going to use the item anyway

    *Katra's Wit
    - Will save has to go, rather just have all the single-target saves bonuses removed and put in something else

    *Nightmare Hagstone
    - Well the set additions are nice, but it seems to suffer from the same problem as snakeskin vest. It's only half of what you want as a spellcaster, you're going to have overlap
    - Having spell focus/insightful, spell pen/insightful might be pretty neat. Powerful but it's an artifact
    - Really don't need/care about magical efficiency or embolden saving 2sp.

    *Wind Howler Bracers
    - Cyclonic blast is okay, but it shouldn't be weighted as a lv 30 clicky as if the damage or knockdown will ever do anything. it's basically 5 clickies of sweep away fogs/aoe. More or recharging charges please
    - Legendary Shrieking Bolt: on crit or higher damage
    - Overall not a bad item though

    *Wand of Blasting
    - Not sure what potency is doing on the wand...
    Mains - Messam, Indalecio, Mozenrath, Quackerjack.

  10. #10
    Ultimate Lord of Shadows Dreppo's Avatar
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    Most of the weapons don't have weighted dice, e.g. they just have 5[1d6] instead of 5[1d6+2]. Quite a few of them so can you please just do a pass through them. Also the large shield (for bashing).

  11. #11
    Founder & Super Hero Arkat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    Changes in this build:

    • Legendary Rocksplitter (and its crafted variants) have had their Sonic Blast replaced with Legendary Shockwave.
    The crafted versions of the Legendary Rocksplitter still have Sonic Blast 6. They do NOT have Overwhelming Shockwave. They also do NOT have weighted dice.

    The non-crafted Legendary versions DO have Overwhelming Shockwave. They also DO have weighted dice.
    Last edited by Arkat; 04-19-2023 at 08:09 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aelonwy View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    The release notes themselves are essentially the same as was seen on Lamannia most recently.
    This^, in so many words, is how you say time and feedback on Lamannia are wasted.

  12. #12
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    Leg. Wand of Blasting tests in Searing Heights
    * deals around 194 - 255 damage
    * the damage is AoE
    * The recharge rate is around 15 seconds. Quite slow, considering the effect.
    * I've seen several monsters making their saving throw. Maybe doublecheck the DC.
    * At point blank, the wand pretty consistently fizzles; charge is consumed and deals no damage.
    * fairly short range
    * fairly slow moving projectile

    EDIT: Artificer 20 (arcanotechnician with capstone) with +75% wand mastery: 586, 423, 563, 435, 402, 596, 554, 572, 430, 591, 586, 518, 389, 203, 407, 553, 530, 448, 572, 280, 251, 198
    Considering that 4 monsters saved out of 22 hits... maybe really check the DC.
    Last edited by cru121; 04-19-2023 at 10:44 AM.

  13. #13
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    "Legendary Night Hag's Heartstone now has slightly higher values for its effects, more in line with how other Artifacts relate to items in their pack."
    But its the same as the last lamania, so i wonder if this is one of the items that didn't have their effects updated for this lamania? in that case could you tell us what are the final stats? sow e can provide feedback, I would love to see Spell focus VI plz its a minor artifact it should be powerful.

  14. #14
    Community Member thegreatcthulhu's Avatar
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    None of these items IMO look like clear upgrades versus what we can get in Sharn/Fey/Dread/SM. I just do not see the incentive when there is a new paid update on the horizon. The only way I think this stuff could compete, you'd have to make Vecna Unleashed's items equally as difficult to fit into the gear tetris, and I seriously doubt that is part of the plan.

    But hey, on the bright side - I am very much looking forward to Vecna Unleashed.
    Dragnilar, Follow of Bahamut
    Server: Khyber
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  15. #15
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    Default Tokens of the Twelve

    Given the location of these quests in central Storm Reach, is there any prospect of adding Token's of the Twelve to the quest rewards?

    These quests are in the right location for Token's to drop, and some new options to run different quests to obtain them would act as a great incentive to play these quests, and help break-up the the need to run identical quests on each rotation of the TR hamster wheel.

  16. #16
    Community Member PainStealer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    Hey everyone! Welcome to Preview 3. We've worked in a lot of changes from the first two previews now, closing in on release - We may have room for a final few (small) tweaks though, so let us know where you'd like to see them.

    Quick Known Issue before the changes: It seems not all the changes listed here made it over into the build that's been put up for Lamannia. If anything below is currently missing, know that it's changed internally and will be there on release.

    Changes in this build:

    • Armors and Shields in this pack now properly have a +15 Enhancement Bonus.

    The Legendary Shield of Reflecting is still garbage though. The shield bonus is now +22. Still quite a bit less than the heavy shield from the cogs as well as the recent anniversary shield. I realize I may be the only player that actually cares about the shield bonus on Legendary Heavy Shields but this really makes no sense. The Dino Shields have this same problem. Their shield bonus is less than older loot. It would be nice if there were a reason to use the newer shields but as it is they are pure sentient food.
    Deijah / Deijara / Deijanna / Deijora / Deijaugh
    Ornery and Loving it.

  17. #17
    Community Member Uruk-hai's Avatar
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    Hey first of all thanks for working on these items and updating them so quickly throughout the Lam process. It's nice letting the players have some say.

    That being said, I just want to posit that the pack would get a lot more replay value if there were one or two items made for whatever builds that are just 'special' either through a stat or unique clicky or what have you.

    None of the items thus far are really "better schedule this with my guild buddies" worthy and the packs themselves are a rehash of older content at the end of the day.

    Just be nice to have something to look forward to, as well as have people try out the content more since you guys did work on them so hard.

    Thank you Dev team in general though for this update. Absolute perfection Probably #2 or even #1 as a stand alone update.


  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by PainStealer View Post
    The Legendary Shield of Reflecting is still garbage though. The shield bonus is now +22.
    ~11 years ago (with MotU), devs introduced "new" shields with increasing AC and [W] size (darkwood, densewood, spiritcraft, celestial, ...). Of course, they promptly forgot about the system.

    If you look at the table, the original idea was to introduce new shield types at ML28, buuuut, that never materialized.

    The system still applies to random loot, but on named items, the stats are completely arbitrary. Some high-level shields get 5[W], some get 5[W+6] or +8; W size varies wildly as well. Some receive a free extra threat, many receive extra crit multiplier. AC fluctuates wildly as well.

    Design a progression and stick to it, please!

  19. #19
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    Legendary Wind Howler Bracers: Steelstar acknowledged Greater Marksmanship is not reflected on the character sheet during preview 2. While it wasn't listed as fixed in the first post, it's also not listed as a known issue. Just pointing out it still does not modify the character sheet.

  20. #20
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    Default Legendary Shield of Reflecting

    Quote Originally Posted by PainStealer View Post
    The Legendary Shield of Reflecting is still garbage though. The shield bonus is now +22. Still quite a bit less than the heavy shield from the cogs as well as the recent anniversary shield. I realize I may be the only player that actually cares about the shield bonus on Legendary Heavy Shields but this really makes no sense. The Dino Shields have this same problem. Their shield bonus is less than older loot. It would be nice if there were a reason to use the newer shields but as it is they are pure sentient food.
    Your not the only that cares about AC and feels the pain of the low shield bonus on the Legendary Shield of Reflecting and pretty much most shields released in the past 2-1/2 years. While I don't agree the shield is garbage, I do agree it is unusable on an AC build.

    Given that we have level 29 shields with a 27 Shield Bonus, a level 31 shield should have at least a 27 shield bonus to be an par with level 29 shields. It would be nice if it was even a bit higher and be 28 or 29 to give AC builds something to work for. My main is a tank and I don't have any gear on it newer than Feywild. After 2-1/2 years and two expansions I would really like to see something to look forward to, even if it is just a small uptick in AC.

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