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  1. #41
    Community Member Yamani's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by QuantumFX View Post
    I can't answer for Unyielding Sentinel, and there's some tests that I'd like to try in a quest with perma dungeon alert, or the mobs stacked on top of each other in a 3D space*, but it seems to be: so long as nothing is trying to attack you, you get the full heal. My test for this is watching the procs for Sustaining Song, and Holy Presence.

    *Think the Yugoloth favor Amrath quests.
    Yep it seems whoever is at the top of the threat list is considered "in combat" everyone else is fine. So this change effectively neuters needing healers at all.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    Added even later: Ignore this add, I am the dumb.

  2. #42
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Krell View Post
    What defines out of combat? Some time period after taking damage? Some time period after attacking? Other?
    There is a "combat music" that plays, and characters adopt a "combat pose" when combat is imminent. Whatever triggers those. I'm guessing it has to do with Line of Sight (but that's only a guess).

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yamani View Post
    Yep it seems whoever is at the top of the threat list is considered "in combat" everyone else is fine. So this change effectively neuters needing healers at all.
    This is not intended behavior. We're looking into it.
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  4. #44
    Community Member mrfantastic1's Avatar
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    Default So nice to be with you, all the things

    Love seeing reaper move in a good direction, reference healing changes.

    Instead of nerfing casters, maybe restoring reliable defense to melees is a better option.

    Also, maybe adjust monster to hit, and "grazing, glancing blows". First And Then wait a tick

    Thank you thank you!

    A deep bow and show of fealty to DDOs continued success!

  5. #45
    Founder & Super Hero Arkat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by C-Dog View Post
    There is a "combat music" that plays, and characters adopt a "combat pose" when combat is imminent. Whatever triggers those. I'm guessing it has to do with Line of Sight (but that's only a guess).
    Yes, this is my thought as well.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aelonwy View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    The release notes themselves are essentially the same as was seen on Lamannia most recently.
    This^, in so many words, is how you say time and feedback on Lamannia are wasted.

  6. #46
    Community Member the_one_dwarfforged's Avatar
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    Several years ago there were many complaints that EE was too easy and that we needed a new difficulty setting. So reaper was added, with the myopic decision to include reaper power progression. Years of farming reaper points and guess what, people are complaining that reaper is so easy a blind baby could do it, we must have r11, or Turbo Mythic Elite because we need, deserve, demand an appropriate challenge.

    Obviously, it is not necessarily the same people saying the same things between then and now, but it should be obvious (one would imagine, hope) that adding difficulty scaling and equivalent power progression simultaneously does not ultimately create a difficulty setting that exists purely for challenge. It is just another hamster wheel, another micro-transaction conveyor belt, another dilution of the dwindling player base. The dummies asking for this will probably get what they're asking for at some point since it can be monetized and they have proven that they will pay through the nose for virtual participation trophies.

    Anyway, making reaper easier or more convenient as a bad idea. Carry on.
    You are but a lamb, ignorant of your own ignorance. You no longer interest me.

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by the_one_dwarfforged View Post
    Several years ago there were many complaints that EE was too easy and that we needed a new difficulty setting. So reaper was added, with the myopic decision to include reaper power progression. Years of farming reaper points and guess what, people are complaining that reaper is so easy a blind baby could do it, we must have r11, or Turbo Mythic Elite because we need, deserve, demand an appropriate challenge.

    Obviously, it is not necessarily the same people saying the same things between then and now, but it should be obvious (one would imagine, hope) that adding difficulty scaling and equivalent power progression simultaneously does not ultimately create a difficulty setting that exists purely for challenge. It is just another hamster wheel, another micro-transaction conveyor belt, another dilution of the dwindling player base. The dummies asking for this will probably get what they're asking for at some point since it can be monetized and they have proven that they will pay through the nose for virtual participation trophies.

    Anyway, making reaper easier or more convenient as a bad idea. Carry on.
    Agree with the unneccesary power creep sentiment......i mean if we wanted a challenge years ago people did naked raids.......maybe those looking for a challenge should do naked R10s or something

  8. #48
    Community Member azrael4h's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by krzyysiek098 View Post
    If you want to improve hirelings, then please consider the following:

    2) If it's possible, allow our hirelings to grow with our characters - when we level up, hireling could advance as well. Let us pick their feats on lvl up (can be limited to only a few feats from a preselected list, but at a minimum healers should have access to Quicken, casters to damage and DC boosting feats etc), plus the ability drag them to hireling bars;
    Long ago, when I bothered more regularly with coming here (and not on a once a decade plan), I suggested using the Druid/Arty pet "feat" as a basis for perm gold seal hirelings. A Wererat summon feat for each character that purchased the ultimate version of the mini-expansion (as an example, running on the assumption that it'll be like just about every other perm gold seal hire).

    The code is there, just needs to be tweaked to allow multiple hires and to treat them as party members instead of pets.

    I'd pay points for that, separate, or buy whatever grants the wererat and another for a similar gold seal healer hire. Right now, all they've done is a very very tiny plat sink, and I already try to buy Shroud mats or whatever useless junk I can find on the AH on occasion to dump plat. I'd have to run a mule to have a character not swimming in plat I'll never have a use for. As it is, probably will just get the cheapest version to access the quests like I usually do; a teleport clicky and some junk I'll never use as bonuses won't entice me much. A trapper hire that I can carry from 1 to 40 (whenever the cap gets there)? And at least has some enhancements I can set to make them actually able to do the job they're there for? Definitely dropping the coin on it. Might not be able to easily convert the older perm hires, but that's okay.

    The same code could probably be reused and tweaked into a make-summons-semi-useful update as well. Have the spell act as a temporary pet, scaling with level, and granting a control bar. Won't be on par with the pets still, since they have no enhancements or gear, and would still only last x minutes (it's been a few years since I've bothered to summon anything. I think it was before MotU came out).
    Anyone who disagrees is a Terrorist...

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  9. #49
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    Any chance of taking a look on Ravager Tree bugs?
    1 - Hate
    2- Mutilate
    3 - Laughter
    4 - Dismember
    5 - Festering Wounds

    All of them doesnt work. Not even show on combat log.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    Welcome to our second preview of Update 59! There are also elements in this week's preview slated for release after Update 59, and even a few bits from Update 60. Lamannia is expected to open later today and remain open until 3:00pm Eastern (-4 GMT) on Thursday, April 13th.

    Of Special Note:

    Update 59: Performance Work

    We have fundamentally changed how bonuses are calculated behind the scenes to be using a more performant algorithm to reduce lag in the game. This change impacts:

    • Feat bonuses
    • Enhancement bonuses
    • Epic destiny bonuses
    • Past life bonuses
    • Toggled bonuses
    • Temporarily granted Feats
    • Armor Class bonuses
    • Blocking Armor Class bonuses
    • Attack bonuses
    • Damage bonuses
    • Savings throw bonuses

    Please keep an eye out for discrepancies in bonuses on your character sheet between the regular Live game worlds and this Lamannia build. Adding and removing Feats, Enhancements, and acquisition of Past Lives are the primary mechanisms that might cause these bonuses to exhibit erroneous behaviors. There are more than 485 bonuses affected and not all of them are on the character sheet and easily displayable. So if character abilities are not acting as you would expect them to normally, please report your experience in a separate Lamannia forum thread here.

    Update 59: Droaam Legendary Edition

    This preview includes Legendary version of all seven quests in the Droaam chain:

    Attack on Stormreach:

    Free quests:

    You can find the NPCs for these quests in the Lordsmarch Plaza, located off of the Marketplace in Stormreach. Feedback threads for each of the Legendary quests is linked to above.

    After Update 59: Underdark-themed Mount preview

    A preview of an Underdark-themed Mount is available in the Test Dojo for you to check out! We are specifically looking for things like animation bugs as this is a new mount "rig type" compared to a horse or dinosaur. We are not yet announcing where this mount will be available in the future, but it will be after the release of Update 59 and not with it.

    Update 60: Hireling Wererats

    Hireling Wererats are now available in the Test Dojo to check out! These hirelings are expected to be released with Update 60: Vecna Unleashed. We are not yet announcing how players will be able to acquire the Hireling Wererat.

    News and Notes:

    Changes are in blue!!

    Bug Fixes:

    • Level 32 skill augments now grant their listed amount of +skills
    • The offhand slot should no longer go missing sometimes after reincarnation as an Artificer.
    • The Legendary Spiked Turban should now have its proper visuals.
    • Mirrors of Glamering now have a clearer tooltip to explain how their eligibility works.
    • Energy Vortex Poison and Negative now both have their correct tooltips within the spell.
    • The web barriers in the quest Sacrifices can now be broken with Eldritch Blast.
    • Technomage filigree now provide their 5% Armor Class set bonus and no longer call the set the wrong name.
    • Divine Righteousness (Paladin Sacred Defender 3rd core) is now untyped and grants its correct amount of threat generation.
    • Mass Suggestion now has its correct icon.
    • A few pet benefit icons have changed to reflect their passive states.
    • Black Dragon bolt's damage to PLAYERS has been reduced to its original values (from before Blightcaster update.)
    • Natural Fighting Feats will now work correctly with Blight Wolf.
    • Fixed the bank issue where moving an item from the shared crafting storage to character bank if the character bank was full would result in the 'loss' of the item and the breaking of inter bank transfer. If this did happen to you, please contact Customer Service for your character to be fixed as well.
    • The Soul of Cruelty Dot now has a cooldown again so no more triple stacks from a Frost Lance.
    • Fix for monsters who keep attacking recently dead pets/defenders/NPCs. They should no longer do so.

    Gameplay Changes:

    • The firing arc tolerance for general missile weapons (bows, etc.) has been upped from 45 degrees to 60 degrees. This should help avoid dry fires when the player is strafing circling a monster up close with a missile weapon.
    • Darling the Wererat Rogue Henchmen has gotten a new special ability for her hot bar. For 15 seconds Darling becomes a cute little rodent who is simply to precious to harm. Darling becomes immune to all damage, and monsters will ignore her but her physical damage drops by 100%. This has a 2 minute cooldown.
    • Most individual Resistance, Insight, and Quality bonuses to Reflex, Fortitude, and Will Saving Throws on items have been increased by 1, putting them slightly above the values on Resistance items.
    • Work has been done behind the scenes for Universal Tree tomes to make them work slightly differently on our end. This should have no effect on Universal tome functionality - existing tomes will still function - but we wanted to let you know work had been done in case something goes pear-shaped.
    • The Fast Nightmare mount is now Bound to Account.
    • When you spot or automatically detect a secret door, a "?" icon will appear over your head.
    • When you spot or automatically detect a trap, a "!" icon will appear over your head.
    • Fury of the Wild - Great Leveler
      • Reduced the duration of the movement pause.
      • Removed awkward pause to your ability to attack after using the great leveler.
      • Detect size increased on none enhanced smash.
      • Visualizes on enhanced smash better match detect size.
      • +500 attack bonus applied to hit roll.

    • The cooldown on Sacred Vial has been increased from three to ten seconds to match Banishment and other death effects.
    • Tsunami's correct max caster level and CC duration have been adjusted. The Max caster level is down to 20 from 25 to match other level 9 spells, CC duration down to 6 seconds to match other CC/Damage Combo Spells.
    • Caster damage in Reaper difficulty has been adjusted for Skull 7 and higher:

      • Skull 7: From 25% damage to 23%
      • Skull 8: From 20% damage to 18%
      • Skull 9: From 18% damage to 15%
      • Skull 10: From 15% damage to 10%

    • The self-healing penalty in Reaper Difficulty has been adjusted. The penalty for self-healing while outside of combat is now the same as the existing penalty for healing others while in or out of combat.


    • Pet character sheet now only sorts its pet feats by alphabetically instead of nonexistent categories.
    • Pet character sheets saving throws label is now no longer cut off visually.
    • The crafting storage sort should no longer reset if you hover over the options.

  10. #50
    Community Member Hawkwier's Avatar
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    Question Ravager Enhancement Bugs

    Hey Cordovan

    FWIW, I like a lot of the U59 changes.

    But, as this feedback is for U59 and beyond, is there any chance you could ask the Devs to look at the four completely broken Ravager tree enhancements please?

    Sadly, combined they really do cripple the effectiveness and utility of the tree, and consequently barb build options.

    Even if short-term only 2 or 3 could be addressed that would at least be a solid step forward.

    Edit: just seen pizzaiolo is coincidentally asking for the same consideration.
    Last edited by Hawkwier; 04-13-2023 at 08:30 AM.

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rilok View Post
    Agree with the unneccesary power creep sentiment......i mean if we wanted a challenge years ago people did naked raids.......maybe those looking for a challenge should do naked R10s or something
    Simply open their reaper tree, wipe all the points, then run that r-10 raid. Then they'll know if they're as good as they profess to be.

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by azrael4h View Post
    Long ago, when I bothered more regularly with coming here (and not on a once a decade plan), I suggested using the Druid/Arty pet "feat" as a basis for perm gold seal hirelings. A Wererat summon feat for each character that purchased the ultimate version of the mini-expansion (as an example, running on the assumption that it'll be like just about every other perm gold seal hire).

    The code is there, just needs to be tweaked to allow multiple hires and to treat them as party members instead of pets.

    I'd pay points for that, separate, or buy whatever grants the wererat and another for a similar gold seal healer hire. Right now, all they've done is a very very tiny plat sink, and I already try to buy Shroud mats or whatever useless junk I can find on the AH on occasion to dump plat. I'd have to run a mule to have a character not swimming in plat I'll never have a use for. As it is, probably will just get the cheapest version to access the quests like I usually do; a teleport clicky and some junk I'll never use as bonuses won't entice me much. A trapper hire that I can carry from 1 to 40 (whenever the cap gets there)? And at least has some enhancements I can set to make them actually able to do the job they're there for? Definitely dropping the coin on it. Might not be able to easily convert the older perm hires, but that's okay.

    The same code could probably be reused and tweaked into a make-summons-semi-useful update as well. Have the spell act as a temporary pet, scaling with level, and granting a control bar. Won't be on par with the pets still, since they have no enhancements or gear, and would still only last x minutes (it's been a few years since I've bothered to summon anything. I think it was before MotU came out).
    This would be awesome, IF when you TR, they go back to the level you are now, so you can level them up again with you.

  13. #53
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    FYI devs, I went over to Lam yesterday and if you aren't already aware the panther mount animations are not working properly for PDKs.

    As far as the reaper healing penalty change, as of now I don't think it's a necessary change. I wonder if it will open methods of cheesing content (will players find creative ways to get the game to consider themselves "out of combat"?) I thought the consensus was that Reaper was getting too easy already and that spell point regeneration through gems and such was already too generous. This change does also reduce the role of the party healer even more. I see more downside than upside here.

    That said I play mostly divines so will be the most negatively impacted by the change as my role won't be as valued. I actually quite enjoy topping people off between fights. I thought it was perfectly OK for self-healing to not be much of a thing in reaper. That's one of the main reasons reaper mode was needed in the first place. Self-healing got too good which was a large part of why content became too easy and why the BYOH mentality was so prominent back during the few years before reaper mode came out. I fear we are repeating history here. I know it's out of combat only, but still. It's one more step in that direction. Self-healing does need limits to allow for party play and for meaningful challenge that feels good and isn't just entirely 1 shot mechanics, and there is nothing wrong with how self-healing is functioning in reaper currently.
    Last edited by axel15810; 04-13-2023 at 01:41 PM.

  14. #54
    Uber Completionist rabidfox's Avatar
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    Suggestion for out-of-combat reaper healing. Have out-of-combat self-healing scale starting at 0% penalty in r1 to full penalty based off skulls (maybe scaled up to be the same as in-combat heal penalty around r6). This would keep higher skulls more group oriented for healing at all times while giving an easier on-ramp for newbies in lower skulls.

  15. #55
    Community Member thegreatcthulhu's Avatar
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    I am assuming Darling is going to be the special bonus for "Ultimate Vecna Unleashed". I am a bit puzzled as to why we're getting another Rogue... seems kind of redundant with Frogo. And the under dark themed mounts seem puzzling as well... where the heck is Vecna taking us? Both Forgotten Realms and Greyhawk??

    As for the reaper changes - I'm fine with them, from the soloing perspective and if that's the direction you are still ultimately headed with DDO.

    I'm also happy with the lag changes and am definitely looking forward to seeing that on live. There's so much in this game that I took for granted as "oh that's just how it works" and seeing it play differently via Strimm's recent videos, I am quite impressed.
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  16. #56
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    Default Reaper heal others penalty

    Was the heal other's penalty in reaper present from reapers debut or was it added later?

  17. #57
    Uber Completionist rabidfox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mindos View Post
    Was the heal other's penalty in reaper present from reapers debut or was it added later?
    I wasn't around when reaper launched, but it's been around for at least a couple years. A lot of people don't even seem be aware it (-4% positive heal/repair/negative heal per skull above r1 capping out at -36%); depending on the skulls one runs and variables like other's HAMP, it can be pretty easy for those numbers to not be immediately apparent in-game.

  18. #58
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    What if we have another calculation to cut off high damages?

    For example,
    You get no damage penalty until 10,000 damage to enemies
    You get 50% penalty for the additional damage beyond 10,000 damage threshold to enemies

    This means:
    10,000 dmg -> 10,000 dmg
    15,000 dmg -> 12,500 dmg (5,000 /2)
    20,000 dmg -> 15,000 dmg (10,000 /2)

    and then, let's say this threshold exists for every 10,000 damage.
    I mean, these 50% penalties will be stacked for every threshold you reach for the additional damage you do.
    then this means:

    25,000 dmg -> 16,250 dmg (10,000 + 10,000/2 + 5,000/4)
    30,000 dmg -> 17,500 dmg (10,000 + 10,000/2 + 10,000/4)
    40,000 dmg -> 18,750 dmg (10,000 + 10,000/2 + 10,000/4 + 10,000/8)

    so, if you do too much higher damage you do, you'll get penalties.
    of course, this 50% penalty for every 10,000 threshold is just an example.
    this can be 10% stacking penalty for every 1,000 threshold, or something else.

    btw, you'd bypass this penalty if you hit multiple times in short time though...
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  19. #59
    Community Member Dendrix's Avatar
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    take away helpless damage from casters

  20. #60
    ([ ]'.')>-{===> <( ;..; <)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Targal View Post
    What if we have another calculation to cut off high damages?
    I like this idea a lot in theory, but in reality people would just go for lots of small hits instead of slow big hits. Crits would also become useless (unless of course exempt from the penalty).

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