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  1. #21
    Community Member Oxarhamar's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    I like better when the loot is posted up that when we need to go view it

    I don’t understand the shift sometimes it posted sometimes not but ok

  2. #22
    Community Member Seph1roth5's Avatar
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    May 2010


    * Shield of Reflecting
    -Absorb petrification is nice. Thematic, but the rest is fairly lackluster.
    -Guards are horrible. A small chance to force an enemy to make a save when you're hit, something most builds want to avoid. Should just give it petrification immunity (the other item is a raid item but you can rip out the augment so it's better). How about a chance to blind or petrify when actually attacking/shield bashing? That would let it proc more often and when you actually want it to.
    - Immunity to beam-mirror type traps?

    * Blade of Fury
    - You mentioned in discord medusa's fury couldn't really be modified, I say scrap it. It's a heroic level buff, needs something to legendary up. What about giving some sort of buff that procs when you drop below 25% for a set amount of time, 30 sec or so (with a cooldown), ala Lailat's I am War shenanigans. Something stacking, not just rage/haste.
    - Con damage on crit, very bad. Replace with one of the new contagions that inflicts a no-save blind/stun/I forget, and then inflicts the poison as an added "bonus"
    - wounding con damage on hit is pretty bad too. What about a penalty to fort saves on hit instead, ala Insanity?

    *Bloody Cleaver
    - Feeding, at legendary it should really be on crit instead of on vorpal, especially for the 30 it gives.
    - Bleeding/humanoid bane are thematic too I guess, but very uninspiring. Can't imagine anyone using this ever. How about some sort of elasticity for melee weapons? Or a big damage boost vs things that are bleeding?

    *Gnollish War Bow
    - Bow Strength at legendary is a waste of a slot. Any way to add bonuses based on your stat? Like if your base str >20, +5 damage, if it's >40, +10 damage (stacking?). Counting level ups and tomes and such, not items. Seen that in other MMOs (ragnarok) and it adds a ton of flexibility and options
    - Crippling is ok but also feels very low level heroic. Any way to make this more of a legendary crippling? Add in 10d6 or some penalty to fortification or something.

    *Hooked Blade
    - Limb Chopper: Like many of these other effects, needs a legendary spicing up. Have it work on everything but oozes maybe, and/or some sort of confusion effect
    - Maiming: bit boring also, maybe add more damage on top to limb-chopped stuff?

    * Ogrish War Axe
    - Vengeful: heroic and weak, needs to be bigger buffs than just rage. Maybe something more like rising fury that gives a stacking stuff the more you're hit?

    * Rocksplitter
    - Picks are very different since the helpless change years ago. Also I don't get why the flavor text says diggers used this to gain the element of suprirse when it has so much sonic damage...
    - Destruction: needs legendarifying. Lots of stuff cause destruction, and the 3 second cooldown makes it useless. What about a bigger destruction, like -4 or 5, so it only takes a few hits to get the max debuff, instead of 45 seconds. And cap the penalty at 20 instead of 15.
    - Sonic damage is okay I guess.
    - Feels kind of cheaty to count adamantine as an effect, especially on legendary. How about (also) a bonus vs things made of rocks, like that weapon in lord of stone.

    *Scepter of the Fleshweaver
    - Seems a bit off, int + transmutation + devotion is for...alchemist I guess?
    - Any way to give bonuses based on feats you have? Like give +6 to transmutation, but if you have spell focus transmutation, also let your transmutation spells have an on-hit spell effect? Like umm...stone to flesh? Ala crown of snow's freezing?
    - stone to flesh clicky: dc is going to be horrrrrrrrible, just ditch it.

    *Staff of Shadow
    - vampirism with the internal cooldown too weak. Bump up the numbers of all vampirism a LOT.
    - Life stealing is ok, the change is still pretty low though, would like to see it legendaried up too, to 2-6 levels or something at least

    * Maenya's Fists
    - Fairly good, but not a fan of the separate bonuses to saves. People usually fit in resistance anyway so it feels like almost a waste of a slot to just get a tiny bit more fort. Maybe just an exceptional (or other kind of stacking) bonus to fort?

    * Maenya's Iron Fists
    - I feel like set bonuses are all too similar, would love to see something different from prr, ability scores, helpless damage, melee/ranged power, etc. Don't have nearly enough sources of imbue dice, %HP, etc.

    * Stormsinger Cloak
    - Same issue with resistance as above
    - Cacophonic Guard: Also really really bad. An aoe fascinate guard or irresistable dance guard might be good. Or even something that threw on a bunch of stacks of sonic vulnerability (like fatesinger) on a guard.
    - Anthem: Should be legendary'd. Add in a bonus to effective bard levels, +2 caster levels with bard spells? A cooldown reduction in bard singing would make this super useful. Arias are nice but we (bards) are still taking forever buffing everyone individually.

    * Terez'as Sight/Perfect
    - True Seeing shouldn't count as a slot either. Make it a mass true seeing clicky as well?
    - Feels like perfecting these items should be worth more than a green slot and another set you MIGHT use. A clumped up bonus of spot/search, faster searching? We'd love that lol

    * Frostflame Robe/Docent
    - Resistance is a waste of space as well. Even if you somehow have no access to resist energies at lv 31, the numbers aren't worth it. Maybe make a new effect that includes lore, resistance and absorption so there's more room for other effects?
    - A dual fire shield clicky would be nice too instead of absorption
    - I would love more on-spell procs, even if it's just a small % chance. Like a chance to cast otiluke's or fireball. Or if targetting is an issue uhh...iceberg or firestorm or something?

    *Brutish Cuirass
    - Staggering Blow: Nice idea but not sure how often dps uses heavy armor. What's the duration of the prone? Most effects like that say they knock them down for X sec or give a balance check or something every X sec. Also the flavor text implies it stuns, not knocks prone. Which would be a great effect for lv 31.
    - Acid resistance: Bad, please replace with...something lol.
    - Adamantine: Also bad, stuff isn't trying to break our armor and dr 3 is extremely bad. Even dr 30 is kind of iffy in legendaries. Any way to get a % reduction like barbarian? That'd be great for all legendary items instead of DR really.

    *Crimson Chain
    - Speed: No, shouldn't be a thing on any of these items. In going with the theme, how about a reduction in damage taken from traps ala dark hunter?
    - Any way to give specific action boosts or would that clash with ones you have? Would be cool if this item gave you 1-2 haste and sprint boosts. It's armor so it wouldn't be something people could/would easily swap to.

    * Garments of Equilibrium
    - Monky, but again, not a fan of resistance. It's like speed, it's on WAY too many items and doesn't do anything.
    - Any way for resistance/speed/maybe some other things to get bonuses if you have multiple stacks? Like if your speed bonuses are 20+, give a haste boost, 25+, also a spring boost, etc. (these legendary items seem to give speed 15, but would be neat at lower levels too)

    * Gorgon Armor
    - Guards again, very weak, I talked about stone guard earlier for the shield.
    - What's the DC on gorgon breath? Needs to be pretty **** high for lv 31, 100+.

    * Snakeskin Vest
    - Seems pointless to only have search/spot when there are items with all the trap skills.
    - Proof against poison/disease are incredibly bad. It's lv 31, how about just giving us a plain immunity to ALL poisons? Like before, it's an armor so it's not something people can swap to easily. It'd give it good use in quests heavy with poison
    - Nimbleness needs a bump to legendary too, more max dex, armor check penalty is negligible.

    *Katra's Wit/Razor
    - Same as the other perfected wrath items, a green slot and maybe-set aren't worth an upgrade most of the time.
    - Will saves, already talked about.
    - The flavor text on these items are much too specific and constrains the items.
    - Give it some sort of effect when you actually USE diplomacy, like one of the fvs beacons, a metamagic cost reduction, penalty to saves, etc.

    * Night Hag's Heartstone
    - Deep Slumber: incredibly impossibly awful as a clicky on gear higher than lv 4-5. Let it sleep enemies on spellcast (I really like crown of snow heh) or give it no save/a really high save like 110 on the clicky. It's only a few charges and it's a lv 31 item.
    - Nightmare Guard: guards bad, very bad. Let it PK on vorpal instead, so instead of guard more of a Nightmare...Embrace?
    - Proof against disease/poison: Also extremely bad, even if the numbers were way higher. Just a waste of item effect space really. If you want to really guard it up, maybe nightmare guard could cause a pile of force damage and give a big debuff to saves vs fear, like -5 or -10 or something. And the guard would have to be at least 10% chance to proc when attacked, not hit.

    * Windhowler Bracers
    - Cyclonic Blast clicky: Damage negligible, but can be useful super rarely to blow away fogs and such. Don't even think of it as damage, because it isn't, give us 50 charges that renew over time.
    - Marksmanship should be legendary and higher numbers. You mentioned on discord that even though the bonus is competence, it IS stacking with deadly because "ranged damage" and "damage" are different and it doesn't show what your ranged damage bonus is. But still, at 31, it should be a good chunk more than +3 atk/+2 dam
    - Proficiency bows: Super heroic effect and should be a new bundled effect as well. Just fold that into legendary marksmanship and give extra range for ranged sneak attacks or something
    - shrieking bolt: Super low damage for heroic really, much less legendary. If you really want damage it should be aoe, more damage, and maybe daze or something.

    *Wand of Blasting
    - Don't even know where to start with this, wands, like guards and some other stuff need a massive overhaul.

    * Trial By Fire:
    - Showing heroic stats right now, but assuming everything just goes up...
    - Inherent Fire resistance - weak, very weak. How about some sort of buff when you take fire damage instead? A boost to (all kinds of) healing amps, extra damage on ranged attacks, some imbue dice for 20-30 sec with a 1 min cooldown?
    - Vitality also seems like something that could be betterfied. Something that gives a pile of temporary HP when you make a save? That'd all be very trial by fire-y.
    Last edited by Seph1roth5; 04-04-2023 at 11:20 PM.
    Mains - Messam, Indalecio, Mozenrath, Quackerjack.

  3. #23
    Hero QuantumFX's Avatar
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    I have spent the last 6 hours trying to put a positive spin on my feedback. It's late, I'm tired, so hopefully this comes across as feedback and not personal attacks.

    With a few minor exceptions, this gear is boring.

    Generic weapon notes:
    • I was getting tired of typing this on all the weapons, so please add "Needs another Augment slot" to the list for every weapon.
    • With the narrow exceptions of Construct and Undead, bane damage is a wasted enchantment on a named item. There are a lot of quests that are wall to wall, beginning to completion, filled with Constructs or Undead. No other bane type has this, so just stop trying to make bane weapons happen.

    Legendary Blade of Fury:
    • By level 31, the Medusa Fury enchantment is all barf and no buzz. Morale bonuses to STR, CON and Doublestrike come from other easier to access places. But, you do lose fortification which makes Medusa Fury items excellent sentient gem food. Maybe make it add something unique to your rage if you rage while below 25% health? (ex. Raging Strength, or Extra Imbue dice?)
    • Wounding 3 and Legendary Demon Fever is so 2008. At best, it regulates the weapon to trash beater duty. Maybe replace Wounding with Poison Damage and Legendary Demon Fever with Poison on crit, and Poison damage bypass for 6 seconds on vorpal?

    Legendary Bloody Cleaver:
    • Bleeding 6 is a choice that I actually like. It's got the usefulness of Construct or Undead bane.
    • Humanoid Bane: Please read my notes about bane damage above. It's also a puzzling choice for a blade that's only described as being very, very sharp.
    • Feeding 30 is very Craven Edge of you.

    Legendary Gnollish War Bow:
    • Crippling: Meh.
    • Bow Strength is meh since all bows got changed to DEX for damage. Elasticity would be more meaningful.
    • Monstrous Humanoid Bane: Please read my notes about bane damage above. This is not a large enough group to carry a meh weapon.

    Legendary Hooked Blade:
    • Limb Chopper
    • Maiming 6: This is fine.
    • Human Bane: Please read my notes about bane damage above. It's not a large enough group.

    Legendary Ogrish War Axe:
    • Vengeful: Guys, come on, it procs a heroic rage spell. That is just a sad waste of an enchantment. We're in Legendary, it should do something cool like proc Primal Scream, add all the Fury of the Wild effects if you have them trained, and have a separate cooldown from the Fury of the Wild ability.
    • Humanoid Bane: Please read my notes about bane damage above. And make it add slashing damage instead.
    • Gashing 15: Yes, no notes.

    Legendary Rock Splitter:
    • This would be a solid weapon if we had any support for Heavy picks in DDO.

    Legendary Staff of the Shadow:
    • The procs on the weapon aren't bad. But it needs something fun to set it apart from the other Legendary quarterstaves. Maybe make it a weapon that does Evil Damage instead of Bludgeon? Like an Evil take on Celestia? It would be on theme for the Shadow.

    Generic Armor and Shield notes:
    • Every item has the wrong Shield, Blocking DR, Armor, Enhancement, and Max Dex Bonus for it's armor/shield type and material type.
    • Like every other legendary 31+ item, everything should have 2 augment slots when fully upgraded.

    Legendary Shield or Reflecting:
    • Petrification Immunity needs to replace the absorbs. We have an Augment, an Epic Destiny and a Filigree set that do this job better.
    • Also, why not have an enchantment that reflects a medusa's eye beam nonsense back on them if you're actively blocking? It would absolutely make this shield pop for a couple quests as it would make tanking a medusa interesting for once.

    Leg-D&D-ary (Leg-DAD-Ary) Frostflame Robe and Legendary Frostflame Docent:
    • Did you see what I did with that name? I can't tell if you're making a D&D plug or thirsting for Pedro Pascal.
    • Condense the lores into a new "Flamefrost Lore" enchantment. (+22% Fire and Cold Spell lore)
    • Change the elemental resistances into a new "Flamefrost Absorption" enchantment. (+36% Enhancement bonus to Fire and Cold absorption)
    • Add Alchemical Fire Attunement and Alchemical Water Attunement. IMO, this will be fun as no one can bypass both elements and what is harmed by one type tends to get healed by the other. Let chaos reign.

    Legendary Brutish Cuirass:
    • IMO, Quality Strength +3 or Raging Strength +3 would create more anxiety than +14 Strength for gear tetris.
    • Can we get +3 Quality Fort saves instead of +11 Enhancement? It's not a huge bonus, isn't cancelled out by an augment, and it's fairly unique.
    • Unstoppable Staggering Blow is good.
    • I wish you guys had Epic and Legendary versions of material types. Like Legendary Adamantine that gives 30 DR/Adamantine.

    Legendary Crimson Chain:
    • IMO, Quality Dexterity +3 would create more anxiety than +14 Dexterity for gear tetris.
    • Can we get +3 Quality Reflex saves instead of +11 Enhancement? It's not a huge bonus, isn't cancelled out by an augment, and it's fairly unique.
    • Legendary Air Guard would be more interesting than yet another speed item.

    Legendary Garments of Equilibrium:
    • Resistance 11 is so boring. Maybe trade it for Knockdown Immunity?

    Legendary Gorgon Armor:
    • Clickies without a saving throw listed, like Gorgon Breath, are a waste of developer time. Either list an accurate save, or use something else.
    • IMO, Quality Constitution +3 would create more anxiety than +14 Constitution for gear tetris.
    • Legendary Stone Guard: I like this.
    • Natural Armor +14: Sure, I guess. It's on theme.

    Legendary Snakeskin Vest:
    • I feel like this should have a poison damage proc like the various elemental attuement enchantments. (Poison Proc on Melee, Ranged and spellcast) It would be unique in DDO, and support Alchemist and Blightcaster.

    Accessories and Misc:

    Legendary Fists, Sight and Wit:
    • Overall, I love these! I'm less offended by the separate sheltering and save bonuses as the set includes all of them.
    • But I think you should add an additional colorless slot to each upgraded item.
    • Also, the non-upgraded versions should be ML:29. This gives them a niche, and has the same theme of the heroic version.

    Legendary Stormsinger Cloak:
    • Look, if you want to create maximum gear tetris anxiety, replace everything on this item with the following: Melody: Imperial Resonance, Melody: Bulwark, Melody: La Victoria!, Insightful Evocation Focus +3, and Legendary Anthem. Have Legendary Anthem regen songs and grant +6 Artifact bonus to Sonic Spell Lore.
    • Okay, that might be overkill, but the gear tetris anxiety would be real.

    Legendary Night Hag's Heartstone:
    • So, this item is very sad. Ditch the "Proof vs." enchantments.
    • Add +6 Fear Spell Focus. (I am assuming this will work like "Breath Weapon" and "Rune Arm" focus enchantments, and stack with their school based dc boosts.)
    • Add Artifact Spell Focus +3 and create gear tetris anxiety with the LGoMF.

    Legendary Wind Howler Bracers:
    • Stop considering the bow proficiencies as a bonus. Anyone who will want to use this item will already have the proficiencies.
    • Greater Marksmanship is okay, but you should fold the ranged weapon proficiencies into it if you think this item needs it.
    • Make a Legendary Shrieking Bolt that does a lot more damage. It's a vorpal effect, make it special.
    • Add Insightful Doubleshot for the gear tetris anxiety.
    • Deception +11 - Ok, sure.

    Legendary Wand of Blasting:
    • You know, since the ToEE revamp made us all aware that wands in DDO are destined to suck, maybe you could make it an ingredient to add Elemental Spiral to the malleable weapons?

    Legendary Trial By Fire:
    • Look, no matter what you do to this thing, the shot it uses is hated by all artificers.
    • And, no matter what you add to it, it's not a part of any set bonus, and it'll be ignored.
    • So, if you want to make this runearm unique in the Legendary gearspace: Make it a Legendary Cannith Craftible runearm!
    Things worthy of Standing Stone going EXTREME PREJUDICE™ on.:
    • Epic and Legendary Mysterious ring upgrades, please.
    • Change the stack size of filigree in the shared bank to 50. The 5 stack makes the shared bank worthless for storing filigree in a human usable manner.
    • Fixing why I don't connect to the chat server for 5 minutes when I log into a game world.
    • Fixing the wonky Lightning Sphere and Tactical Det firing by converting them to use alchemist spell arcing.
    • Redoing the drop rates of tomes in generic and raid loot tables.

  4. #24
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    Can you start releasing a series of Aff/Dust/Ooze/Ash/Vacuum/Salt/Ice/etc. effect pet collars, since Dino crafted Handwraps don't work for pets since augments don't work for pet collars, and LGS handwraps don't exist.

    Maybe pair them up with pet armors such that the sets activate:

    Slow-mo: Ice + Salt
    Feel the Burn: Ash + Fire
    Good Boy: Aff + Balanced
    I'm Melting: Magma + Acid
    Can't Touch This: Radiance + Smoke
    Earthbound: Mineral + Dust
    Whipping wind: Vacuum + Steam
    Erosion: Ooze + Negation

    The Armor should have Fort, Amp, Deathblock, Con, Dex, Resistance (Since augments don't work), set bonus as above
    The Collar should have Deadly, Acc, Speed, Doublestrike, Deception, Str, set bonus as above
    Last edited by Tilomere; 04-05-2023 at 07:15 AM.

  5. #25
    Community Member magaiti's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    Overall, we're definitely looking for feedback and already know these items aren't perfect yet. We aren't likely to add many (if any) brand-new items, but are definitely open to adjusting what's here. And as usual with feedback, please remember saying "these items are trash" will almost never result in meaningful change, but giving clear descriptions of what you specifically don't like, and clear thoughts on what you would specifically like to see instead is way more likely to result in real feedback adjustments.
    We specifically don't like that these items are trash, and we would specifically like to see them not being trash. Is it not that hard to understand, c'mon!

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by magaiti View Post
    We specifically don't like that these items are trash, and we would specifically like to see them not being trash. Is it not that hard to understand, c'mon!
    I'm with steel here...that's not actionable criticism

    What about them is trash? What do you want to see changed that's not just straight power creep or asking them to be auto bis? It's hard enough to get the devs to listen about changing anything on Lama, let alone if you're deliberately taunting them

    It's like if you were trying to learn a new raid and the only instructions the leader gave you is "try not to suck so much" lol

  7. #27
    Community Member magaiti's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by droid327 View Post
    I'm with steel here...that's not actionable criticism

    What about them is trash? What do you want to see changed that's not just straight power creep or asking them to be auto bis? It's hard enough to get the devs to listen about changing anything on Lama, let alone if you're deliberately taunting them

    It's like if you were trying to learn a new raid and the only instructions the leader gave you is "try not to suck so much" lol
    I'm afraid that's exactly the kind of instructions they get from the higher ups.

  8. #28
    Community Member Michele's Avatar
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    Make them Minimum Level 32 please.

    Level cap is 32, so why creating ML 31 items for new content?

  9. #29
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    Default some loot ideas

    Hag items

    - Eversight instead of True Seeing
    - Prudent Skills instead of Heal

    - Alluring Skills instead of Diplo

    Leg. Night Hag's Heartstone
    - make it part of the hag set (!)
    - add Spell Focus Mastery . Assuming wiki is right, we don't have a trinket with +5 yet.
    - ditch the useless Deep Slumber clicky (or replace with Nightshade from T5 Apothecary)
    (PS: Remember how costly Alchemist infusions were? Why not reuse some of them for clickies?)

    Non-hag items
    New set for armor and all non-hag items - Might of Droaam: +1-2% damage per item.

    - replace with Vengeful Fury from Battlerager's Harness. Tweak the enhancement to stack and maybe scale.

    Infectious/Legendary Demon Fever
    - replace with Disease: Unholy Tear from Baz'Morath, the Curator of Decay.

    Wand of Blasting
    - Wand Maximizing
    - Ruin (balance by charges and refresh rate)
    - some fun LGS proc (not top tier debuff, maybe Affirmation, Concordant Opposition,...)

    Leg. Trial by Fire
    - can you make it eligible for Cannith Crafting, just like the heroic version?

    Scepter of Fleshweaver
    replace clicky with "Greater Evolution" (Alc 5), 1 charge/rest. CL3-5?

  10. #30
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    Alright, I took a look at the gear and it definetely needs more oomph to be interesting.

    Here are a few suggestions regarding the Legendary 3 piece set of gloves, helm and ring.

    a) +14 stats are nice but very, very common. Augments, Isle crafting etc already give +14, and crafting on Isle minor artifacts even give +15.
    Change the +14 stats to +6 insightful stats. Better yet, add an option to either get +6 insightful or +3 quality.

    b) +11 reflex/will/fort is weak. It is easy to replace with a single augment.
    Change one of them to +11 resistance, another to +6 parry and the third to Spell Saves.

    c) +21 Heal / Diplo / Intim is a bit lackluster and all are easily replaced by augments.
    Change Diplo to Alluring Skills and Intim to Insightful Alluring Skills. Change Heal to Prudent Skills.

    d) True Seeing is plain weak and very easy to scroll cast if ever needed.
    Change to Quality Potency (an effect that is not very common).

    e) Magical Sheltering and Physical Sheltering as seperate effects is too weak when you can get +36 Defense in a single augment.
    Change one to Insightful Sheltering and the other to Quality Sheltering.

    f) A single augment slot is no longer competitive as more recent gear offers two augment slots on all items.
    Add a colorless slot to each of the items.

    g) ML32 rather than ML31

    I am still not certain I would use these items but now they atleast have at chance of being competitive.
    Last edited by mikarddo; 04-05-2023 at 07:49 AM.
    Member of Spellswords on Ghallanda

  11. #31
    Community Member WarDestroyer's Avatar
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    Could you add insightful doublestrike somewhere that is not bracers, head, necklace or gloves? We haven't got a new source of that since Fey, constraining this (important) affix to 4 slots, one of them usually taken by the BiS necklace

  12. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michele View Post
    Make them Minimum Level 32 please.

    Level cap is 32, so why creating ML 31 items for new content?
    Level cap is 40. Not yet, but it is.

  13. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dilbon View Post
    Level cap is 40. Not yet, but it is.
    Do you really believe 40 will be the final cap? There is always room for one more round of raising the level
    Member of Spellswords on Ghallanda

  14. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    HEH. Thank you. On it.
    Not sure if I had missed it, has Lynnabel left the company as you are doing the loot stuff now?

  15. #35
    Developer Steelstar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Valtan View Post
    Not sure if I had missed it, has Lynnabel left the company as you are doing the loot stuff now?
    Nope! Just switching things up for a while. Good for a change of pace.
    We don't only build for the builds that exist.
    We don't only build for the builds that are good right now.

    The fact that some changes are necessary is not diminished by the fact that other necessary changes have not happened yet.

  16. #36
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    some other loot that really needs to show up soon, hopefully with this update, is +6 insightful stat augments. the highest we have now is +5 which is level 24. since we were not able to craft +6 insightful onto dinosaur bone items, i and a lot of people i play with, haven't been able to move beyond sharn sets for end game gear. perhaps the mini expansion coming could add in +6 insightful to dino bone.
    Server: Sarlona. Characters: Rackoribs Barbequed, Brautwurst Flamegrilled, Porkloin Flameseared

  17. #37
    Cosmetic Guru Aelonwy's Avatar
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    Default Focusing on four items

    Others will give feedback on the weapons and armors, I want to just focus on four items that I have never liked or found particularly useful.
    Pictures are from the new Legendary item versions.

    Stormsinger Cloak
    The most useful for the lot in heroics once upon a time, a long time ago before anthem got put on almost every bard item ever created as if to say here this is for a bard. I also don't like guards because I have to get hit to see any benefit from the effect.

    Ideally, this is what I would have this item do:
    Anthem in heroic but some sort of vastly improved Anthem for level 31, either regen songs twice as fast or give bonus bard levels for song duration, or give extra song uses. Pick one. Just make it better than regular anthem that I can slot with an augment.
    Insightful Resonance heroic value then Legendary 31 value
    Evocation Focus heroic value, then Legendary 31 value
    NEW EFFECT Least Sounding ( a small version of the effect from Resonation) this would replace the intent of the guard with 1d6 sonic dmg rider on harmful spell casts. The Legendary version so as not to compete entirely with the raid items could be Minor Sounding and do 2d6 leaving the raid items still far better.
    Why is the cloak made of steel? I never noticed that before. Why would a harpy be weighed down by a steel cloak?

    Wind Howler Bracers
    Mostly I used these in the past as just a click to blow away annoying clouds like the ones the constructs in Ravenloft use.

    So Cyclonic Blast is useful, I would prefer 5 charges on Legendary.
    Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't Deadly a competence bonus to damage? And Accuracy a competence bonus to attack? If this Marksmanship/Greater Marksmanship effect doesn't stack with deadly/accuracy items its pointless. And even if it does the bonus seems incredibly minimal. What would make this special to me is to add 5 meters to PBS range for heroic and 10 meters to PBS range for Legendary.
    The proficiencies are NOT a bonus. No one is using these forever to have prof with a main weapon, and if they are using a non main weapon its incidental enough that prof doesn't matter like hitting a target to lower a bridge.
    Deception is fine.
    Ins Double Shot would be good. Or you could go with the Wind theme and put the Feat: Wind Through the Trees here.

    Wand of Blasting
    Doesn't look like you changed anything but the caster level to 31. Potency, Durability, even minimum level to equip is level 10. For Legendary it could use more charges, but I liked someone's suggestion to use it as a crafting component to add Elemental Spiral to other items from the pack.

    I never used this for anything more than breakables on live, its damage at level is poor.

    Night Hag's Heartstone

    This has always, always been a crummy item.
    The Deep Slumber clicky has always been pretty useless against mob saves at level.

    I decided to look up Night Hags in the Monster Manual to learn more about the Heartstone. in the entry it says this: Etherealness. The hag magically enters the Ethereal Plane from the Material Plane, or vice versa. To do so, the hag must have a heartstone in her possession. So the Heartstone is a required focus of their planar travel.

    So I would put Ethereal on the heroic item, Enhanced Ghostly on the Legendary item
    I would replace Deep Slumber clicky with a Nightshield clicky. It has Night in the name, its useful for blocking magic missiles a spell Night hags have, and Night hags have a certain Magic Resistance according to the entry.
    I would put either a bonus to casting Fear Spells or a bonus to the Illusion school.
    Ins Impulse or if a more defensive item is desired Force Absorption.
    Blood Scented Axe Body Spray (Thelanis)
    Aelonwy - Wydavir - Metaluscious - Aertimys - Phantastique - Kaelaria - Lunaura - Aelurawynn - Saurscha - Crystalorn - Aurvaeyn - Vaelyns - Wyllowynd

  18. #38
    Community Member Stradivarius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    Nope! Just switching things up for a while. Good for a change of pace.
    Steel, I know this newly legendized Droaam adv pack is free2play but the general sense I'm getting from the gear is that it's underwhelming in terms of the power level relative to other content of similar level.

    Albeit I see some glimmers here and there but the general sense is that it's under-performing and there isn't anything in the loot list that says "OMG I gotta have that!"

    Understandably, you may have a certain direction for the loot since other loot from paid content may be down the pipeline so I totally get it if that's the case.

    Just touching base on what a lot of other peeps in my guild have been saying. Thanks and you're doing great!


  19. #39
    Squirrel Enthusiast Lokeal_The_Flame's Avatar
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    Nov 2010

    Default Feels like a fail.....

    I really don't feel that loot wise this update is breathing new life into old content.

    Suggestions that might remedy this issue:

    1-Add a new augment for Legendary Trap The Soul Guard (Emerald) (This will enable more people to justify choosing Legendary Tereza's Perfect Sight over a Legendary Skullduggery Cap)

    2-Add Legendary Gorgon Armor to the Wrath Of Sora Kell and Legendary Perfected Wrath sets, and add the other armors to sets as well, the Wind Howler Bracers not belonging to a set is a real shame too.

    3-Replace Helplessness damage from Legendary Perfected wrath to 30% Fortification Bypass

    4-Make the feeding effect much more legendary, it is sub-par and far from a truly legendary effect as is, changing the negative levels inflicted to 1D6 and the hitpoints granted to 10d100 would do the trick.

    5-Add new weapon types to the fusible options

    6-Allow this fusible weapon system to have compatibility with the caster fusible/malleable weapons.

    7-Consolidate Proof Against poison and Proof against disease into a single effect on the Night Hag's Heartstone and throw in the addition of curse resistance, add Greater Disease guard, add yellow augment slot, add green augment slot, add sticky goo guard then add it to the Wrath Of Sora Kell and Legendary Perfected Wrath sets.

    It could look like this:

    Legendary Night Hag's Beating Heartstone Trinket
    Minimum Level: 31
    • Legendary Nightmare Guard
    • Night Hag's Essence: Grants the wearer immunity to natural poisons and diseases. This item grants +11 enhancement bonus to saving throws against magical diseases, magical poisons, and curses. and the wearer does not fail saving throws against them on a roll of a natural 1 (this renders the wearer immune to magical diseases with a DC of less than 12 + their Fortitude save).
    • Sticky Goo Guard
    • Greater Disease Guard
    • Legendary Wrath Of Sora Kell
    • Legendary Perfected Wrath
    • Yellow Augment Slot
    • Green Augment Slot

    8-Add a recipe to disjunct Legendary Katra's Razor Wit and make it Fusible with the Malleable scepters from The Peril of Planar Eyes pack but allow it to keep its set bonuses in its disjuncted form.

    9-Introduce "Simple Chain" neck slot item that can consume a ring turning the ring into a necklace.
    Last edited by Lokeal_The_Flame; 04-05-2023 at 04:29 PM.

  20. #40
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    So here are my suggestions, there are a lot of items, and to be honest most of them need a lot of work to make them useful in end game content, because those came from a very different time in the game, so just scaling those effects to legendary level wouldn't be enough. So, I will focus on what I think need a little help to be a really good option in endgame.

    Let's start by the set items, probably the most important part of loot from this update.
    The set bonuses are good, ( I only wish to change the damage bonus to imbue dices bonuses 1 in heroic 3 in legendary to keep the item ) but the items need some help.

    But first a note on something all these items have in common, their specifics saves resistances.
    This specifics saves have the problem that they don't stack with Resistance bonus, which is what everyone put in their gear to improve their defenses, the fact that the bonus is exactly the same and not higher at the same level just bring salt to the injury. One option could be to just transform this effect into a quality saves bonuses that does stack with other resistances bonuses. BUT!, my recommendation would be to just change these effects altogether... to gives every one of these items a more flavoured effects. that take into consideration the hybrid nature of the set bonuses.

    Teraza: This item has a starting point in wisdom and healing, so why not go deep into that fantasy? I read that some ppl say that Wisdom 14 is way to common nowadays so I agree that Wisdom could be replaced with insightful/quality wisdom, I would appreciate the change, but my focus is on the two big issues the item have, True Seeing and Reflex saves.

    True seeing is a bad effect for legendary level, first because the auto search effect won't work because of the DC issues of the spell, and second because the spell can easily be scrolled by almost anyone. So I would like to see it change to healing amplification, maybe exceptional Hamp?

    and change the Reflex saves with something like Accuracy or quality Accuracy? as per the name perfect sight?

    Katra's Wit: I'll join the choir and suggest the diplomacy changed to Alluring Skills, to accommodate the name better, and change the will save for Potency, or quality potency, to keep the focus on the hybrid nature of the set.
    but if you want to get extra points you can fuse the MRR and PPR of this item in Maenys Fist and just add another source of potency ( so 2 types of potency effects)

    Maenya's Fists: So, since you consolidated PPR and MRR in this item, you could change Intimidate (since is already into the Alluring skill and put Quality deadly here. and change the fortitude save for Cannith Combat Infusion.

    Legendary Wind Howler Bracers:Ill join other Shrieking Bolt could use some more damage or have an aoe effect, the feat proficiency could both be erased, or at least just leave the longbow only since is the only one that make sense. that open up one slot for something like Quality double shot, that would rise this item into a really good spot.
    Finally, and I understand this is a long shot) I would love to see the active spell become an arrow creator with wind damage arrows maybe and arrow that can cast a version of cyclonic blast? and you got a winner!

    As for the rest, if Steel say he is open to biggest changes I could take the time to give more feedback.

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