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Thread: Monk Archetype

  1. #21
    Founder & Super Hero Arkat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nugaot View Post
    That is fascinating, I actually never thought of doing a shuriken swashy before, but that's going on my list for sure. If I were to try and balance it, I suppose swashbuckling could break centering while active, but that might be why I am not a game systems designer.
    Pretty sure a Monk/Bard split is impossible.

    I know Monks have to be Lawful of some sort.

    Aren't Bards restricted from being Lawful of ANY sort, or is that just Barbs?
    Quote Originally Posted by Aelonwy View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    The release notes themselves are essentially the same as was seen on Lamannia most recently.
    This^, in so many words, is how you say time and feedback on Lamannia are wasted.

  2. #22
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fisto_Mk_I View Post
    Really, you need only 3 Monk lvl for ANT
    For anyone confused, ANT refers to Advanced Ninja Training, the second core (requires level 3 monk) in the Monk enhancement tree Ninja Spy.

    Advanced Ninja Training: While you are centered, you can use your Dexterity modifier for damage. You also gain a chance based on your Dexterity score to throw an extra shuriken per attack. If another ability allows you to remain centered while wielding other types of melee weapon (including unarmed/handwraps), then those weapons will also get the benefit of Advanced Ninja Training.
    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 5 Requires: Monk Level 3, Basic Ninja Training

  3. #23
    Community Member Fisto_Mk_I's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arkat View Post
    Pretty sure a Monk/Bard split is impossible.

    I know Monks have to be Lawful of some sort.

    Aren't Bards restricted from being Lawful of ANY sort, or is that just Barbs?
    Quote Originally Posted by Nugaot View Post
    Samurai - Centered non-evasion monk w/ medium armor. Can be any Lawful OR any Chaotic.
    You read from begin, or it just don't need to participate in suggestion thread?
    English not my native language. What's your excuse?

  4. #24
    Founder & Super Hero Arkat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fisto_Mk_I View Post
    You read from begin, or it just don't need to participate in suggestion thread?
    IN D&D (as well as Pathfinder), Samurai has ALWAYS been its own class (sub-class of fighter in at least one edition). It has NEVER been any sort of archetype. It should never be an archetype, much less be an archetype of Monk.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aelonwy View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    The release notes themselves are essentially the same as was seen on Lamannia most recently.
    This^, in so many words, is how you say time and feedback on Lamannia are wasted.

  5. #25
    Community Member Amideus's Avatar
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    This would likely both be too long of a name and also unlikely to be a monk archetype, but I can dream!

    Ninja of the Crescent Moon

  6. #26
    Community Member NemesisAlien's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arkat View Post
    IN D&D (as well as Pathfinder), Samurai has ALWAYS been its own class (sub-class of fighter in at least one edition). It has NEVER been any sort of archetype. It should never be an archetype, much less be an archetype of Monk.
    The samurai (or bushi) were the warriors of premodern Japan. They later made up the ruling military class that eventually became the highest ranking social caste of the Edo Period (1603-1867). Samurai employed a range of weapons such as bows and arrows, spears and guns, but their main weapon and symbol was the katana, the curved longsword unique to Japan.

    Samurai were supposed to lead their lives according to the ethic code of Bushido ("the way of the warrior"). Strongly Confucian in nature, Bushido stressed concepts such as loyalty to one's master, self discipline and respectful, ethical behavior. Many samurai were also drawn to the teachings and practices of Zen Buddhism.

    Making a Samurai
    The Samurai is more then a simple foot soldier, they are the knights of the eastern world. They have no fear, fight according to a code of honor, and honor the authority of their lord to the point of walking into a fire if asked. The Samurai is the person who blocks the passageway katana raised as his companions flee from the oncoming hoard of orcs. The Samurai is the one who cuts his way through the legion of zombies to take on the necromancer controlling them personally. The Samurai is the member of the party who defends his comrades, whether by standing with them and shielding the mage as she cooks goblins a la fireball, or by charging the enemies lines to fell their mages and commanding officers.

    The Samurai works very well with mages as their high damage output allows them to quickly kill enemies with their sights on the mage. They work incredibly well with clerics, many Samurai seeing Clerics as a Samurai who chose to serve a god rather then a lord, and a good casting of bull's strength never hurt a melee fighter. A Samurai works poorly with barbarians, finding them to be uncultured, crude, and well barbaric. They are seen by fighters as being arrogant, as a Samurai looks at the common fighter as a superior, seeing themselves as the masters and the fighters as students.

    Abilities: Strength and Constitution are the main attributes for the Samurai. A Samurai also benefits from Dexterity to make up for the lack of armor proficiency for anything heavier than Splint mail.

    Races: A skilled Samurai can be of any race. One should not that in the eyes of the Samurai a "True Samurai" is simply the next generation of Samurai in a long unbroken line of warriors. Any one else using the Samurai skills is considered a "R?nin" or a swordsman by other Samurai. The difference is entirely social however as whether ones parents also followed the way of the blade, or you are the first of your line to do so is of no real importance.

    Alignment: Any Lawful. A Samurai follows a strict Code of Honor, like a Paladin they must behave along these lines. Even if the law of the land is different a Samurai still follows their code and the orders of their Lord. This makes it impossible for a Samurai to be of any non-lawful alignment.

    Starting Gold: 3d4x10 (Average 70 gold.) plus one masterwork Katana, and one set of Splint mail . A Samurai starts with a great weapon, and their armor is usually given to him by their lord.

    Starting Age: As Fighter.

    Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
    Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (all skills individually) (Int), Listen (Wis), Search (Int), Move Silently (Dex), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Swim (Str), and Tumble (Dex).
    Saving Throws Special
    Fort Ref Will
    1st +1 +0 +0 +2 Bushido +1, Code of Honor, Fast Movement
    2nd +2 +0 +0 +3 Improved Initiative, Uncanny Dodge
    3rd +3 +1 +1 +3 Deflect Arrows,Side Step
    4th +4 +1 +1 +4 Vital Strike
    5th +5 +1 +1 +4 Bushido +2, Improved Bull Rush
    6th +6/+1 +2 +2 +5 Weapon Expertise,Kiai Shout
    7th +7/+2 +2 +2 +5 Improved Side Step
    8th +8/+3 +2 +2 +6 Lightning Reflexes
    9th +9/+4 +3 +3 +6 Improved Vital Strike
    10th +10/+5 +3 +3 +7 Bushido +3, Frightful Presence
    11th +11/+6/+1 +3 +3 +7 Step Up
    12th +12/+7/+2 +4 +4 +8 #Spring Attack
    13th +13/+8/+3 +4 +4 +8 Wind Stance
    14th +14/+9/+4 +4 +4 +9 Greater Vital Strike
    15th +15/+10/+5 +5 +5 +9 Bushido +4
    16th +16/+11/+6/+1 +5 +5 +10 Lightning Stance
    17th +17/+12/+7/+2 +5 +5 +10 Fearless, Acrobatic Steps
    18th +18/+13/+8/+3 +6 +6 +11 Bleeding Critical
    19th +19/+14/+9/+4 +6 +6 +11 Greater Combat Expertise
    20th +20/+15/+10/+5 +6 +6 +12 Bushido +5, Last Stand
    Class Features
    All of the following are class features of the Samurai.

    Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Samurai are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as a single exotic weapon appropriate to the Samurai's tradition (Usually this is a Katana). Samurai are proficient with light and medium Armor, and with Splint mail, but not with any other types of heavy armor or shields of any kind.

    Bushido: The Samurai is a warrior and a scholar. The art of Bushido improves them on and off the battle field. Starting at first level, and every fifth level after that a Samurai gains a +1 to Attack, a +1 Dodge Bonus to AC, and +1 miscellaneous bonus to 5 Class skills of the Samurai's choice.

    Code of Honor: The Samurai's Code of Honor is paramount to their life. The Samurai swear themselves to this code, which emphasizes duty, honor, loyalty, and obedience. This code extends not only to the samurai's lord and master, but also to his comrades and family. The Code of Honor is as follows: The samurai must protect the life and lands of his lord with his life. He must be truthful and courageous, respectful to his elders and his masters, and loyal to his friends and liege. He must conduct himself with honor and dignity. The Samurai must uphold Justice, and show mercy to those who have earned it.

    Fast Movement: A Samurai's land speed is faster than the norm for his or her race by +10 feet. This benefit applies only when not carrying a heavy load. Apply this bonus before modifying the Samurai's speed because of any load carried. This bonus stacks with any other bonuses to the Samurai's land speed.

    Improved Initiative: At second level, a Samurai receives Improved Initiative as a bonus feat.

    Uncanny Dodge: Starting at second level, the Samurai gains the ability to react to danger before their senses would normally allow them to do so. They cannot be caught flat-footed, even if the attacker is invisible. They still lose their Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized. A Samurai with this ability can still lose his or her Dexterity bonus to AC if an opponent successfully uses the feint action against them.

    If a Samurai already has uncanny dodge from a different class, she automatically gains improved uncanny dodge (see below) instead.

    Deflect Arrows: Starting at third level a Samurai can knock arrows and other projectiles off course, preventing them from hitting the Samurai. The Samurai must be wielding a sword or pole-arm to use this ability. Once per round when you would normally be hit with an attack from a ranged weapon, you may deflect it so that you take no damage from it. You must be aware of the attack and not flat-footed. Attempting to deflect a ranged attack doesn't count as an action. Unusually massive ranged weapons (such as boulders or ballista bolts) and ranged attacks generated by natural attacks or spell effects can't be deflected.

    Side Step: Starting at third level a Samurai gains the ability to step out of the way of an attack. As an immediate action when an attack misses the Samurai, he or she may take a five-foot step in any direction which is not directly into the path of the attack. For every five foot step taken, the Samurai looses 5 feet of movement speed on their next round. A Samurai may use this ability a number of times per round equal to his or her Dexterity modifier.

    Vital Strike: Starting at fourth level a Samurai has learned a few techniques which improve the amount of damage he or she can do with a chosen weapon. The Samurai must pick one type of weapon with which to preform a Vital Strike. This choice of weapon is permanent and represents the time dedicated to perfecting the use of the Samurai's chosen weapon. As a full round action, The Samurai can make one attack at his or her highest base attack bonus that deals additional damage. Roll the weapon's damage dice for the attack twice and add the results together before adding bonuses from Strength, weapon abilities (such as flaming), precision based damage, and other damage bonuses. These extra weapon damage dice are not multiplied on a critical hit, but are added to the total.

    Improved Bull Rush: At fifth level a Samurai gains Improved Bull Rush as a bonus feat.

    Kiai Shout: At fifth level a Samurai gains the ability a shout, that strikes terror into your enemies. Opponents who hear the samurai and are within 30 feet may become shaken for 1d6 rounds. The Kiai Shout affects only opponents with fewer Hit Dice or levels than you have. An opponent in the affected area can resist the effect with a successful Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Cha modifier). You can use the benefit of this feat three times per day.

    Weapon Expertise: At sixth level a Samurai gains an unparalleled expertise with his chosen weapons. The Samurai selects two of the weapons he or she is proficient with. The Samurai can draw the selected weapons as a free action as if he or she had the Quick Draw feat. In addition, whenever a critical hit is threatened with the selected weapons, he or she gains a +2 bonus on the confirmation roll. Also, the Samurai levels of Samurai count as fighter levels for the purposes of meeting the prerequisites for feats that specifically select his chosen weapons, such as Weapon Specialization.

    Improved Side Step: At seventh level a Samurai no longer looses movement on their next round from side stepping an attack. In addition, they may side step an additional 2 times per round.

    Lightning Reflexes: At eighth level, the Samurai get a +2 bonus on all Reflex saving throws.

    Improved Vital Strike: At ninth level a Samurai's Vital Strike improves and the weapon's damage dice are now rolled three times rather then two and is now he or she may use Vital Strike as an attack action, rather then a full round action.

    Frightful Presence: At tenth level a Samurai when it pulls the sword all opponents within 10 feet who have fewer levels than you must make a Will saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 your level + your Charisma modifier). An opponent who fails his save is shaken, taking a –2 penalty on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks for a number of rounds equal to 1d6 + your Charisma modifier. A successful save indicates that the opponent is immune to your use of this feat for 24 hours. This feat cannot affect creatures with an Intelligence of 3 or lower. If you have the Renown feat, the Will save’s DC increases by 5.

    Step Up: At eleventh level, when an opponent makes any movement away from a Samurai the Samurai may, as an immediate action, move up to the edge of the square the opponent has fled to provided the square is a distance away the Samurai could reach in one move action. In addition, retreating from the Samurai provokes an attack of opportunity even if the action normally would not.

    Spring Attack: At twelfth level, a Samurai gains Spring Attack as a bonus feat.

    Wind Stance: Starting at thirteenth level opponents attacking a Samurai gain a 20% miss chance on their next round if the Samurai moves at least 5 feet during that round. Five foot steps made using the Side Step ability count for this movement, but normal five foot steps do not.

    Greater Vital Strike: At fourteenth the damage dealt by their chosen weapon is increased to four times the normal weapon damage.

    Lightning Stance: At sixteenth level opponents attacking a Samurai gain a 50% miss chance on their next round if during the current round the Samurai: used two move actions, charged, bull rushed, or Side Stepped.

    Fearless: Starting at seventeenth level a Samurai is immune to all fear based effects, and cannot be made to flee from battle or loose actions by any means. Gods, powerful Daemons and Devils, and other such outsiders can still effect the Samurai at the GM's discretion, but the Samurai's save DC is half what it normally would be.

    Acrobatic Steps: At seventeenth level, a Samurai ignores the first 20 feet of difficult terrain he or she moves into, crosses, or exists per round.

    Bleeding Critical: Starting at eighteenth level, a Samurai adds 2d6 ongoing bleed damage to every critical hit he or she lands. The bleed damage inflicted on a target from this class feature stacks with itself, but no other bleed effects will effect the target while it is bleeding from the Samurai's bleed effect. To stop bleeding the target must make a fortitude save with a DC equal to 10 + 1/2 the Samurai's level + his Strength modifier.

    Greater Combat Expertise: Starting at 19th level, a Samurai can choose to take a –1 penalty on melee attack rolls and combat maneuver checks to gain a +2 dodge bonus to your Armor Class. For every +4 BAB the Samurai's possesses, the penalty increases by –1 and the dodge bonus increases by +2. Note that the BAB used to calculate the attack penalty and defense bonus is taken from the Samurai's total BAB from all class levels, and not just from BAB gained from Samurai class levels. A Samurai can only choose to use this feat when he or she is making an attack or a full-attack action with a melee weapon. The effects of this feat last until the Samurai's next turn.

    Last Stand: At twentieth level a Samurai can make a last stand once per day. While the Last Stand is in effect, all melee and ranged weapons deal the minimum amount of damage to the Samurai, unless the attack scored is a critical hit. In addition, the Samurai remains conscious and is not staggered while he is below 0 hit points. Ranged attacks made by opponents deal no damage when samurai has 0 or fewer hit points. This ability has no effect on spells, environmental effects, supernatural abilities, or any other source of damage other than melee and ranged weapons. Such sources of damage affect the Samurai normally and can kill him or her (although they do not cause him to fall unconscious or to become staggered if they reduce his hit points below 0). This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to the Samurai's total constitution score.

    If a Samauri breaks his or her Code of Honor under any circumstances, or becomes a non-lawful alignment by any means, the Samurai looses all benefits of his or her Bushido ability, cannot make a Last Stand, and may be hunted down by his or her lord/an offended party. In addition the Samurai cannot level in the Samurai class until he has preformed an Atonement ritual (see the spell Atonement) and formally apologized to any individual he or she directly offended in the actions which led to the Samurai loosing his or her abilities.

    Epic Samauri
    Samurai's who progress beyond the 20th level receive a +1 to their Bushido Ability every 3 levels. In addition they also gain a bonus feat every even level which may be any Combat or Skill related feat.

    Samurai Starting Package
    Weapons: +1 Katana (Masterwork).

    Gear: +1 Splint mail (Masterwork).

    Gold: 28 GP.

    Campaign Information
    Playing a Samurai
    Religion: Most Samurai follow the god or gods their lord worships, adding to their loyalty by converting religiously to their side. Samurai who do not worship as their lord does typically worship a god of Battle, Tactics, or Justice.

    Other Classes: Samurai get along well with Mages, Clerics, and Paladins, all of which the Samurai hold respect for as disciplined masters of their crafts. Samurai are often seen looking down on fighters, who they consider to be beginners and will frequently offer advice in "Becoming a better warrior." which makes fighters see them as arrogant people. Samurai look at Barbarians with absolute distaste, for the mindless way the Barbarian fights and the crude and vulgar ways they act off the battle field make them the Samurai's antithesis.

    Combat: In combat the Samurai is best suited to defending casters and striking at enemy tanks and casters. The Samurai is built for dishing out large amounts of damage on a single target while ignoring punishment from other opponents which surround them. In the event of the latter combat role the Samurai is often cut off from the rest of the party, meaning it would be a good idea to find an item or spell with which to allow the party's healer to heal the Samurai from a distance.

    Advancement: The Samurai would benefit greatly from some levels of Cleric or Paladin as the ability to heal or buff him or herself fills a large hole in the Samurai's armor up nicely. Arcane classes are not even to be considered for the reasons of spell failing and lowering AC is a bad idea for a Samurai. The best prestige class for a Samurai is the Weapon Master

    Samauri in the World
    “ "You took my sister from me. You claim to be death itself. I do not fear you, let's see if death can die!" ”
    —Stonyas the Warrior, Elven Samurai
    Daily Life: A Samurai's life is spent in service to their lord. That which they are commanded to do, they do, offering advice but never questioning an order's wisdom or refusing to obey. Whether they are to guard their lord's home, march to war, patrol the town, or carry a message, a Samurai is always doing as his lord wishes.

    Organizations: Samurai divide themselves into clans, composed of many families all of whom serve the same lord. Each Clan has its own traditions, festivals, and other such cultural elements. Lordless Samurai even have a few small "unofficial" clans which have the same features, ambitions, and designs as other clans, but usually lack the manpower and/or funds to do much of anything.

    NPC Reactions: People will usually react to a Samurai the same way they would any warrior, unless the person is from an area where the Samurai are a prevalent force, in which case they will offer the Samurai all the perks of their station as members of the ruling class.

    Samurai Lore
    Characters with ranks in Knowledge History, Nobility, and Bard can research Samurai to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.

    Knowledge History/Nobility/Bard
    DC Result
    5 Samurai are warriors with rich traditions dating back many generations.
    10 The Samurai are said to be some of the best swordsmen around, and serve a lord with nearly religious devotion as bodyguards, servants, and advisers.
    15 Samauri of sufficient skill are fearless and will not run from a fight, chasing their opponents until they catch up to and kill them. Unless the foe surrenders that is. The Samurai abide by a strict code of honor much like paladins.
    20 A master Samurai is more then a match for most forces anyone could muster against him. He won't even die until his body is completely unable to move, and will swat arrows aside, dodging attacks with ease to run up and finish even the most skilled of enemies in one single blow.

  7. #27
    Community Member Fisto_Mk_I's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arkat View Post
    IN D&D (as well as Pathfinder), Samurai has ALWAYS been its own class (sub-class of fighter in at least one edition). It has NEVER been any sort of archetype. It should never be an archetype, much less be an archetype of Monk.
    1st, DDO is not D&D or Pathfinder.
    2nd, I answer to proposal clearly definite Samurai/Ronin as Monk archetype.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fisto_Mk_I View Post
    ...if the developers have a drop of common sense, we will never see it.
    You really read whole thread before answering, pal?
    English not my native language. What's your excuse?

  8. #28
    Community Member Jodro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EdsanDarkbane View Post
    Anyone have ideas on a monk Archetype?
    Just today watching monks attack animation I thought of a kick based monk (name pending) replacing shintao tree.

    • Weapon is tricky. Either introduce a new weapon thats like shoe covering with attributes or just wrap their feet with handwraps. No idea about where it should be equiped.
    • His attacks are stronger than fists, but their attack speed is normal (don't get 10% faster attack speed like monks with handwraps) and like regular monks, his kicks get stronger (or faster) with lvl up.
    • They have same class skills with monks but have a headstart on jump and balance (I'm thinking something small like +5) or get an extra 0.5 on them during lvl up.
    • They main stats are strength and wisdom, secondary is dex (but that can easily change since ninja spy tree is still there).
    • Unfortunatelly none of THF, TWF or SWF are compatible with it, but tier 4 or 5 passive enchantment on kicking tree (name pending) enables him to hold 1 shield (not tower shield) on off-hand without getting uncentered, when uses kick as main weapon. So shield feats are useable and shield bush as well.
    • Other interesting enchantments of kick tree, besides some mainstream ones like Critical Mastery and fast movement, and some same as shintao (conditioning, the whole healing ki line and maybe a couple more), are a roundhouse kick dealing +1/2/3 [W], a weird jumping spinning kick that basically has the same effect as whirlwind attack, on tier 4 a dropkick that does +5[W] but you fall down and takes 1 second to stand up and on tier 5 a passive enchantment that enebles air kick when one kick (attack) while jumping.
    • Stances are the same, seems too much hustle to make new ones just for this.

    Overall i think its nice and can be a very balanced built, probably multiclassed too, but requires a huge amount of extra animations and other features.

    Please give feedback and other suggestions on this.

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by EdsanDarkbane View Post
    Anyone have ideas on a monk Archetype?
    I'd like to see a Monk that combines Dark path with Pale Master. So give it full access to Pale Master tree in place of Shintao, and either have the Monk stuff scale with Int or the Wiz stuff scale with Wisdom, whichever way fits best. I imagine making the Monk side scale to Int would be easier because spell DCs but who knows.

    Possible ideas:

    An imbue that deals Necro damage. Would be nice combining this with T4 Pale Master Necro immunity bypass.

    Or instead a False Life Imbue that grants you stacking temp hp on hit? Maybe make it on par with Fists of Light and scale with necro spellpower?

    Who wouldnt want to play a Lich with Touch of Death, or a Dark Path Monk with Death Aura? An actual melee Pale Master, played similarly to Light Path Monk but with tons more flavor. Path of the Grave? Fits perfectly into the unlikely heroes theme, could even look to Grave Domain in 5e for extra inspiration. Increased unconscious range?

    Two new Dark Finisher ideas. 1) Casts Negative Energy Burst, or 2) Converts temp hp into necro damage AoE. This would of course rely on a regular source of temp hp, such as the afformentioned False Life imbue.

    I remember when Pale Master first came out and Lich form was level 12, so I made a Monk 8/Wiz 12 and it was a lot of fun, until Lich was moved to level 18 and you then had to just run it as 18/2 and invest heavily in EK.
    Last edited by Ungermax; 04-22-2023 at 07:13 PM.

  10. #30
    Founder & Super Hero Arkat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Memnir View Post
    I'm betting on a Greatsword Monk...
    I made a Greatsword Monk. He uses Eidolon of the Shadow.

    It's pretty fun, Mem. Give it a try.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aelonwy View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    The release notes themselves are essentially the same as was seen on Lamannia most recently.
    This^, in so many words, is how you say time and feedback on Lamannia are wasted.

  11. #31
    Community Member EdsanDarkbane's Avatar
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    Default Nice so many concepts

    I like that there are so many good ideas in here.

    Anyone thought about multiclassing to barbarian or bard, but still.being monk? Like a chaotic version?
    Using Trackless Step,

  12. #32
    Founder & Super Hero Arkat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EdsanDarkbane View Post

    Anyone thought about multiclassing to barbarian or bard, but still.being monk? Like a chaotic version?
    A Chaos Monk would DEFINITELY need to be approved by WotC. I'm guessing it would have to appear as a PC possibility in a new D&D product first.

    In other words, don't hold your breath.

    I don't think it will ever happen.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aelonwy View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    The release notes themselves are essentially the same as was seen on Lamannia most recently.
    This^, in so many words, is how you say time and feedback on Lamannia are wasted.

  13. #33
    Community Member Fisto_Mk_I's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arkat View Post
    I made a Greatsword Monk. He uses Eidolon of the Shadow.

    It's pretty fun, Mem. Give it a try.
    I think with DC 2nd core Confront any Foe, convert any weapon material type to Light, you may use any weapon? You don't test it?
    English not my native language. What's your excuse?

  14. #34
    Community Member EdsanDarkbane's Avatar
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    Default Someone needed a link

    Here is a link to the chaos monk, just scroll down till u find it.
    Using Trackless Step,

  15. #35
    Founder & Super Hero Arkat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EdsanDarkbane View Post
    Here is a link to the chaos monk, just scroll down till u find it.
    That appeared in Dragon Magazine #335.

    It has never appeared in any official TSR/WotC v3.5, v4.0, or v5.0 books.

    I should also point out the disclaimer:
    Note: The chaos monk is an optional rule that might seriously alter your game. A DM should be comfortable with the concept before allowing it into his campaign.
    I suppose SSG could add it to DDO, but I'm positive they still would need to get approval from WotC to do so.
    Last edited by Arkat; 04-26-2023 at 11:04 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aelonwy View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    The release notes themselves are essentially the same as was seen on Lamannia most recently.
    This^, in so many words, is how you say time and feedback on Lamannia are wasted.

  16. #36
    Community Member Nym_Craian's Avatar
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    Most of all, I want a monk where we can choose - according to our own taste - the weapons we use and thus the style of martial arts. With this, everyone could put together the style combination they like.

    My vision (half-finished & the names are only hints):

    Weapon Dancer (or Soul Blade, or Weapon Master, or Kensei,...)

    Enhancement tree: Weapon Dancer, Henshin Mystic, Kensei, <Lose: Shintao, Ninja Spy>

    Proficient: Simple and Martial weapons, <Lose: Handswarp, Kama, Shuriken>

    Fighter bonus feat on level 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 (can chosoe feats as equal level fighter, e.g. greater weapon focus in level 8)
    <Lose: Unarmed Stike feat on level 1, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20>
    Note: Weapon Dancer is a weapon focused monk without unarmed fight.


    Based on the characteristics of the weapons, I have classified melee weapons into 4 different styles (and an encore style for ranged weapons).
    Although there are weapons that could be used in several styles, I only added each weapon to 1 group. In this way, the automatic style change can be solved - just like with fighting styles.

    Locust (close combat):
    It is really effective in close range, with short, light weapons. The fighting style is characterized by fast and multiple attacks and nimble sideslips. It requires constant movement, its masters almost dance in battle. He always moves more than his opponent who follows a different fighting style. Only in this way can he neutralize the disadvantage caused by longer weapons and assert his own advantages.
    Weapons: Dagger, Handaxe, Kukri, Light hammer/mace/pick, Sickle, *Kama, *Handwraps
    Useable with Single weapon fight or Two weapon fight (if all 2 weapon are style weapon)

    Serpent (sword play):
    Instead of brute force, sword play is made of technique and knowledge. It is characterized by careful distance, tricks, precisely timed attacks and parries. It is primarily based on mental agility, but it also requires arm and leg work.
    Weapons: Long/Short sword, Rapier, Scimitar, *Bastard sword, *Khopeshes
    Useable with Single weapon fight

    Buffalo (destruction/rampage):
    Combat style of heavy weapons. It is characterized by heavy blows and breakthrough attacks. Defense is secondary, follows the principle: If I have incapacitated my opponent, he can no longer attack. Compared to the other styles, the tactic here is simple: "I enter, strike down, step back".
    Weapons: Club, Battle axe, Heavy mace/pick, Morningstar, War hammer, *Dwarven war axe
    Useable with Single weapon fight or Two weapon fight (if mainhand weapon is style weapon)

    Tiger (spear fencing):
    The fighting style of large, long, handled weapons. The fighting style is based on the length of the weapon, it tries to keep the opponent so far away that he cannot use his weapon. Taking advantage of the length of the weapon, he tries to assert his techniques against several opponents at the same time.
    (It's basically the combat style of spears and other polearms, but since they don't exist in DDO I use them for two-handers because of their size.)
    Weapons: Falchion, Great axe/club/sword, Maul, Quarterstaff
    Useable with Two handed weapon fight

    Eagle: It's a non choosable style. This style focused the ranged weapon, available from level 12 with kensei focus.
    Weapons: Weapons: Long/Shortbow, Heavy/Light Crossbow, Dart, Throwing axe/dagger/hammer, *Shuriken, *Great Crossbow, *Heavy/Light Repeating Crossbow

    *Required learn the weapon proficiency.


    Core 1 - Style (Passive)
    Choose your style: Locust, Serpent, Buffalo or Tiger.
    You can use Style weapons as a Soul Blade. You can use Soul Blade as Ki weapons.
    Style and Dance bonuses effect only with Soul Blade, if you are centered.
    Note: The style does not need to be switched on, it turns on automatically if you use the right weapon and you are centered.
    Note: All Style bonuses are Psionic bonuses (stack with other bonus type).

    Each Core Enhancement grants you the following passive abilities: +3 Melee power and +5 HP and +1 imbue dice.

    Core 2 - Weapon Dance I. (Active)
    Cost: 20 ki (only in a style)
    Target: Self
    Duration: 18+ Concentration skill * 2 seconds
    While you dance gains +1 to all ability, +5 Melee power and your style traning bonuses doubled. Passive ki regeneration decreases to 0.
    If the end becomes fatigued for 60 second.
    Additional grant +0,5[W] to War Techniques and Style Attack for dance duration.
    Passive: Each Core Enhancement include this one grants 1 use per rest.
    Note: All Dance bonuses are Psionic bonuses (stack with other bonus type).

    Core 3 - Soul Bound Weapon (Passive)
    While you are in Style you gain +2 Ki. This stacks with all other sources of Ki generation.
    Active Soul Weapon imbue with ki your Soul Blades (can't lose durability).

    Core 4 - Weapon Dance II (Passive)
    Improved dance: +2 to all ability, +10 Melee power and your style traning bonuses tripled.
    War Techniques and Style Attack dance damage bonus increase to +1[W].

    Core 5 - Dancing Soul (Passive)
    You are immune to fatigue and your Base Attack Bonus equal with your character level.
    Meditation use regenerate 1 dance.

    Core 6 - Ancient Soul (Passive)
    +2 to all ability
    +12 to Melee Power (sum 30), +20 to HP (sum 50),
    +2 imbue dice.
    Note: sum 10 imbue dice from tree grant +1[W] to style weapon. With HeM 5 core imbue +1,5[W]
    While dancing:
    • you get Death Ward spell effect,
    • increase War Techniques and Style Attack dance bonus to +1,5[W],
    • to your Soul Blades gain +1 untyped bonus to Critical Range, Multiplier & Vorpal range.


    Tier 1

    War Techniue I. (Active 1 AP) (only centered)
    Select one of the four technique
    Cost: 5 ki
    Cooldown: 10 second (shared)
    You strike enemy with a ki focused attack. This attack grant +0,5[W] & if you hitting, you gain following morale bonus for 30 second (??Useable with any ki weapon.??):
    • Power strike: increase your melee power with 5.
    • Fast strike: increase your attack speed with 5%.
    • Deadly strike: increase your critical range with 1.
    • Precision strike: increase your attack with 5%.

    Note: Sum while Dancing: Core 2 +1[W], Core 4 +1,5[W], Core 6: +2[W]

    Soul Weapon (Toggle 2 AP)
    Imbue: While you in a style grant +0,1[W] per imbue dice to Soul Blades.

    Soldier (Passive 1-3 AP)
    +[50/100/150]% bonus to threat generation with melee weapons. Dance doubled this bonus (+100/200/300%).


    War Training (Passive 1-3 AP)
    +[1/2/3] Jump, Balance and Intimidate

    Tier 2

    War Technique II. (Active 1 AP)
    Requires: War Technique I.
    Select one of the four techniques.

    Style Training I. (Passive 2 AP)
    While you in style:
    • Locust: Increase movement speed 10{20/30}%.
    • Serpent: Increase fortification bypass with 10{20/30}%.
    • Buffalo: Increase critical range with 1{2/3}.
    • Tiger: Increase strike thourong chance with 50{100/150}%
    • Eagle: Your Point Blank Shot and Ranged Sneak Attack range is increased by 10{20/30} meters.

    Note X { Y / Z } where X = by default { Y = with Core 2 dance / Z = with Core 4 dance }

    Elemental Ki Strikes (Active 2 AP)
    Cost: 5 ki
    Cooldown: 3 second
    Select one of four attacks that have secondary aftereffects.

    Style Attribute I. (Passive 2 AP)
    While you in style:
    • Locust: you can use your Dexterity modifier to hit.
    • Serpent: you can use your Wisdom modifier to hit.
    • Buffalo: gives 1,5x strength modifier damage scaling.
    • Tiger: you can use your Constitution modifier to hit.
    • Eagle: Your ranged attacks use the higher of Melee Power or Ranged Power.

    Trained (Passive 1-3 AP)
    +[1/2/3] Concentration and Attack.
    Rank 3: Your Vorpal hits grant 2 imbune dice for 10 second while dancing.

    Tier 3

    War Technique III. (Active 1 AP)
    Requires: War Technique II.
    Select one of the four techniques.

    Style Training II. (Passive 2 AP)
    While you in style:
    • Locust: Increase melee attack speed 5{10/15}%.
    • Serpent: You gain 5{10/15}% melee/ranged attack parrying chance.
    • Buffalo: Increase critical multipler with 1{2/3}.
    • Tiger: Increase melee range with 33{66/99}%.
    • Eagle: Increase ranged attack speed 5{10/15}%

    Deep Breath (Passive 1-3 AP)
    Increase dance duration with [25/50/50]%.
    Rank 3: While you dance, your Vorpal hits have monk level % chance to restart the dance timer.

    Style Attribute II. (Passive 2 AP)
    While you in style:
    • Locust: you can use your Dexterity modifier for damage.
    • Serpent: you can use your Wisdom modifier for damage.
    • Buffalo: gives 2x strength modifier damage scaling.
    • Tiger: you can use your Constitution modifier for damage.
    • Eagle: gives 1,5x ability modifier for damage.

    Attribute I (Passive 2 AP)
    +1 to [any]

    Tier 4

    War Technique IV. (Active 1 AP)
    Requires: War Technique III.
    Select one of the four techniques.

    Style Training IV. (Passive 2 AP)
    While you in style:
    • Locust: You gain 3{6/9}% dodge and dodge cap.
    • Serpent: You automatically attack your attacker after parrying, once per 6{4/2} second.
      Note: It's a real ripost attack with miss, hit, critical and vorpal chance.
    • Buffalo: You gain 3{6/9}% damage absorp (except untyped/bane).
    • Tiger: Your hits have 10{20/30}% chance to block enemies movement for 1{2/3} second and break active enemies action.
    • Eagle: Your every attack have 10{20/30}% chance to halve the enemy's movement speed.

    Mantle of the Dragon (Passive 1-3 AP)
    You gain Aura of Fear for dance duration.
    • Rank 1: Nearby enemies receive a -2 penalty to Strength and Charisma.
    • Rank 2: Nearby enemies receive a -2 penalty to Strength, Charisma, Dexterity and Wisdom.
    • Rank 3: Nearby enemies receive a -2 penalty to all ability scores.

    Note: Equal with Ravager's Aura & don’t stack with it.

    Style Attack (Active 1-3 AP)
    Cost: 15? ki
    Cooldown: 25/20/15 sec???
    (base damage+[0,5/1,5/2,5][W] damage)
    • Locust - Swarming Locusts: ???AoE, rush or rapid
    • Serpent: - Tricky Snake (rapid): Start a burst of [1/2/3] attacks with following bonuses: 1. attack +0,5[W], 2. attack +5 to hit & +1,5[W] and 3. attack +10 to hit & +2,5[W].
    • Buffalo - Trampling Buffalo (AoE): You attacks all enemies in a [120/240/360] degree arc around you, and inflict +[0,5/1,5/2,5][W].
    • Tiger - Leaping Tiger (rush): Rush forward up to [10/20/30] meter to your selected opponent and deal +[0,5/1,5/2,5][W] damage, this attack hits all enemies in your path.
      Note: You rush across enemies in your path and they can't block your movement.
    • Eagle - Swooping Eagle: ???AoE (cone) or rapid

    The stylus attack is one ability - but it has different forms - the exact effect depends on which style you have active.
    Note: While dancing: Core 2 +0,5[W], Core 4 +1[W], Core 6 +1,5[W].

    Attribute II (Passive 2 AP)
    Requires: Attribute I
    +1 to [any]

    Tier 5

    Battle Master (Passive 2 AP)
    Requires: War Technique IV.
    Add following critical hit effect (no save) to War Technique:
    • Power strike: -10% AC, -25% Fortification for 12 seconds, stack 3 times.
    • Fast strike: -10% Movement & -5% attack speed for 12 seconds, stack 3 times.
    • Deadly strike: Stun 2 second & 1 stack bleed for 12 seconds, stack 3 times.
    • Precision strike: Trip for 12 seconds.

    Critical hits from style attacks have random effects from the above.

    Master of Weapons (Passive 2 AP)
    Grant 2 imbue dice.

    Widening Horizon (Passive 2 AP)
    The Weapon Dancer extends his knowledge to other well-known weapons.
    Your Soul Blade is Kensei focus weapons for you (Kensei focus bonus add to style weapon).
    Kensei Focused weapon is Soul Blade for you (the new Soul Blades open another styles for you).
    Note: If Kensei Focus group is ranged weapon, bow use open the Eagle style.
    For example:
    You are a Serpent (swords) and focused Archery in Kensei tree. You have double style Serpent and Eagle. You automatically switch between styles when you change weapons. (sword+bow ~samurai)
    You are a Tiger (2h) and focused Light Blade in Kensei tree. You have 3+1 style. You automatically switch between styles when you change weapons. (2h - Tiger, Rapier & Shortsword - Serpent, Daggers & Kukri - Locust, Throwing Dagger - Eagle)

    Granit Skin (Passive 2 AP)
    Gain BAB*1 bonus to PRR, if you are centered.
    Note: As if you were using light armor. It's +30 PRR on level 30.

    Crystal Skin (Passive 2 AP)
    Requires: Granit Skin rank 1
    Gain equal bonus to MRR & increase MRR cap to 100.
    Note: It's +30 MRR & 100 MRR cap on level 30.
    Last edited by Nym_Craian; 05-03-2023 at 02:09 AM.

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