These random and entirely under-considered thoughts were inspired by this thread, where some vet players are kicking around the paradox of the Level 17-19 quest vs. the Level 19-20 character, and why, as a whole, they are not being run.

As a side thought, it's understandable why this divide was created. Originally, the moment a veteran character could take 20, a pile of previously-earned Epic Destinies (twists/etc) could rain down, and the power level jumped, making end-Heroic quests trivial. And "no one" wants that. <tries to look innocent, fails>

And I thought... "Why not allow the player to decide whether they were Level 20 Heroic or Level 20 Epic, and when they made that jump?" This could be done with some sort of toggle - the details are unimportant, let's just assume it can be done. Talk to the Fate Weaver, pull the trigger, but until then you are "Heroic 20", unable to run Epic quests but still able to run Heroics.

The question then becomes "Why would anyone want to?!" And justly so - why stay weak, why delay earning Tokens, why etc etc? So... there would have to be an incentive of some sort, something that would make that delay worthwhile, at least to some, and/or at least for a short while, long enough to hold at 20 and run some of those currently-forsaken Level 18 & 19 quests.

... and that's where these thoughts become glaringly undeveloped, because nothing is jumping out at me as an obvious solution, or not one attractive to any majority of players.

Maybe add some Fragments of Tokens of the Twelve to level 19 quests, so that process can be started? Hrmmm - a partial enticement, but not "solution" quality.

Epic crafting ingreds? Not terrible.

Some new drop included in end-rewards/chests? I thought maybe a crafting-style approach to create your own +1-3 tomes (skill and/or ability? on the theory that "no one" buys those at level 1-3), and to fill in where new(er) players need them - but vet characters would yawn at that.

BUT... IF(!) an appropriate and wide-appealing enticement could be introduced... maybe?