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  1. #1
    Community Member Kza's Avatar
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    Default Wishlist for 2023!

    Is it not time to do a wishlist for what we that love ddo hope to get next year? :-)

    My wishlist:

    1. Iconic dwarf artificer
    2. 1 new class or race or one or more subclasses (love all 3 new ones!- but stormsinger was best/funniest of the 3 imho)
    3. A new expansion- maybe to Krynn now when new stuff are released? (and a Class or race from Krynn had been just awesome)
    4. A new destiny! (aritificer focused maybe? or a divine focused 2h melee focused one? or something else like a warforged focused one?)
    5. + 9 tomes only for the 2 new raids this year! (and next year you can sell them to all in store but have it 1 year as a drop not purchasable for runes/store = many want to run raids and raid scene will be even better! :-)
    6. A quest pack in cooperation with Keith Baker incorporating new Eberron stuff!

    I know this is way too little for the game and much more will be done in 2023, so what do other want? Bring it on dear ppl!
    Triple all

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    1) Archmage pass
    2) Warlock / artificer destiny
    3) Mounted combat ( possibly supported by cavalier class )
    4) Iconics for halflings and dwarves
    5) Expansion of Vecna story line

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    My wishlist:

    1) Revamp the Favor system- both patron rewards, and the total favor benchmark rewards. Single time patron rewards (like enhancement trees) should give an alternate reward scheme to anyone who already have the enhancement tree. Patron shops (especially House Deneith) should be revamped into unique and effective platinum sinks. An Iconic should be added to the total favor reward. And the tome rewards for total favor need to be revamped.

    2) Like you, I want more archetypes. While I do think there are still a few classes that DDO could add (Binder, the psionic classes), I don't think many of remaining D&D classes have enough substance to warrant being made into entirely new DDO classes. Dread Necromancer is my second favorite class in D&D, but it's just a necromancy focused Sorc. And if it were added to DDO, everyone would just be mad that SSG is charging $12 for a necromancy themed Sorc. There are lots of classes in D&D that fall into this trap.

    So I think that archetypes are the way to go. And because they don't mess with the reincarnation grind, I feel the devs are free to be as niche and experimental with them as they want- leading to more meaningful character customization. So I'd love to see several more added in 2023.

    3) I'd love for a Hireling revamp. Specifically adding "If; then" statements to the advanced hireling control page. So that we can, if we so choose, customize how our hirelings act. But, failing that, any kind of hireling improvement would be heckin shiny.

    3.5) Also, I'd love a summoning revamp. Let me minionmance even if it's not optimal for high tier endgame play.

    4) I'd love to see more content fleshing out what DDO has already done. For example, more Argonnessen. Or expand what we can do in Tangleroot. Or maybe The Yugoloth are getting uppity.

    5) I'd love to see the expansions items bundled together and added to the store for points- especially the items that you physically can't buy anymore because of the expansion trove.

    6) Would love to see new player bundles brought back. Especially if I'm able to buy them as gifts for my friends to get them into the game.

    7) I like to see SSG focus on the things that only DDO can do, instead of needless trend chasing that they can't capitalize on to retain new players. (Specifically they need to fix BOTH the in game onboarding experience, and the out of game new player experience. And they need to do it before March 31, 2023.)

    8) Like you, I think we should get a new race. I'd like to see something inspired, and unique. Either Kobold, Bullywud, or introduce a suite of alternate races (similar to archetypes, but for races) to the existing races. A Forgotten Realms Drow, metallic Dragonborn, Sea Elves, actually attractive half-elves).

    9) More Monster Manual stuff!

    (Though, to be honest- I don't care specifically what races are added. I just want more meaningful character customization.)

    Quote Originally Posted by Kza View Post
    3. A new expansion- maybe to Krynn now when new stuff are released? (and a Class or race from Krynn had been just awesome)
    I have no connection to Dragonlance, and don't have any interest in it. But, I'm not opposed to a Dragonlance expansion. If its story and thematic quality is on par with Ravenloft, and it's aesthetic quality is on par with Isle of Dread, then I'd be down for a Krynn expansion. Especially since I know that Dragonlance is pretty beloved, and would make a lot of other fourmfolk happy!
    Quote Originally Posted by KraftLorance View Post
    There should be something along the lines of "Taking the best mechanics and lore of D&D 4th and 5th editions, and seamlessly weaving them into the unparalleled character customization and depth of play from D&D 3.5 to form a handcrafted homebrew experience that's survived and enticed for 16 years"

  4. #4
    Community Member J1NG's Avatar
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    Boots cosmetics. (Some armours just need adjustments)

    Gloves cosmetics. (Same as above)

    Movement Speed Cosmetic (I want the Overlevel Movement Debuff effect on something like this please, as the standard "walk" animation is a poor alternative in many cases for the different races, and the standard run animation when debuffed with super slow is much more accurate a representation instead. Indeed some instances you can super slow the standard walk animation for other imitations; like walking through mud, etc)

    Psionics (Yeah, I've been asking for this forever, so sue me Class, Class Sub-Monk maybe?, or Universal Tree)

    Monk Enhancements Pass (If not other features, as they've been crippled in association with previous overinflated updates that no longer apply, making them very sub par early on now and barely hanging on in some cases mid and later on. The Finisher Moves in particular needs help, as they've been using the very old Finishers that were Save and do something, but against a Boss with immunities they did very little; how about adding some side effects that did something anyway on the Save made by the boss instead? Especially with the Void and Path moves involved)

    A combat pass. But I ABSOLUTELY want the Devs to be asking the players feedback on this one. Half the ideas since 2012 to now (last 10 years) have been half measures that went nowhere (over time) and as things updated, became obsolete by being abandoned or pointless because other measures were introduced. The old scaling also that persists through to this day also does not help matters (again, a matter of things being implemented, promosing future updates, then when future updates come, is replaced with something else, making it totally pointless in the first place, whilst the Devs crippled something in the first place to get ready for it, only for it to never materialise)

    A Reaper Player Debuff pass. But as above, I want the Devs to ask for player Feedback over a longer period of time.

    Vorpal Strike to work properly; I want the VORPAL effect to work please. Not just the Slashing DR type addition to Handwraps, but the actual Vorpal effect being applied to the HW weapons equipped. And whilst we're on this; how about Vorpal at 23 Wisdom, Improved Vorpal at 25 Wisdom, and Greater Vorpal at 27 Wisdom, etc whilst we're at it.

    Thelanis: Yijing (*Completionist* TR 20 Aasimar Scourge Monk Level 20 / Epic Level 10)
    Thelanis: Pocket-Monks: Sightblur, Peashoote, Jigglypath, Jedinja.
    Invisible Fences, unkillable Target Practice Dummy's, Shared Bank's, Pale Lavender Ioun Stones, the dimensional barrier between Eberron and Shavarath, I've broken them all...

  5. #5
    Phoenicis' Wife SavageDoom's Avatar
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    I would really love to see female looking warforged.

  6. #6
    Savage's Husband Phoenicis's Avatar
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    Default My Wishlist. . .

    I'd like treasure bags to actually drop collectables again.

    I'd like all the end reward lists that hand out old versions of loot to be updated.

    I'd like an option to turn off champions in hard & elite quests.

    I'd like the quests that have been 'tuned' downwards over the history of the game to have a 'classic' option that plays them at their original deadly as hell version. (yes, I know power creep will trivialize some of them, but I still want the original versions back)

    I'd like player housing so I can take all my items in the bank, shared bank and TR cash and dump them someplace that isn't loaded into memory alongside the rest of my character.

    I'd like HC twice a year with fixed dates.

    I'd like logout to actually, you know, log out in a reasonable amount of time, not fifteen-twenty minutes afterwards.

    I'd like a safety net for named items, so that if you do a specific quest more than a certain number of times without a named item dropping SOMETHING is guaranteed to drop.

  7. #7
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    1: Regain my trust.
    2: Reignite my interest.
    3: Stop changing things just for the sake of change.
    Exit, pursued by a bear. ~ William Shakespeare (stage direction from The Winter's Tale)


  8. #8
    Founder & Super Hero Arkat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Memnir View Post
    1: Regain my trust.
    2: Reignite my interest.
    3: Stop changing things just for the sake of change.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aelonwy View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    The release notes themselves are essentially the same as was seen on Lamannia most recently.
    This^, in so many words, is how you say time and feedback on Lamannia are wasted.

  9. #9
    Community Member Baahb3's Avatar
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    1.) To be able to open multiple 'Modify your Sentient Item' windows at the same time. Two would be fine, one for weapon, one for artifact. This would make organizing and reviewing your full Filigree layout easier. Either that or make the existing window able to handle both your weapon and artifact split by borders of course.

    2.) I will second a Destiny for Warlocks.

    3.) I would like them to make Archmage into a Force casting focused tree and then make a new tree based off of the Master Specialist prestige class from Complete Mage for the school focused tree.
    Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. -Seneca the Elder
    Iryklaunavan, Karaskkesir, Desideratum, Gregorii, Jhasmyne, Vis
    Ubique eo, invenio me esse ducem hominium.

  10. #10
    Community Member Baahb3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Memnir View Post
    1: Regain my trust.
    2: Reignite my interest.
    3: Stop changing things just for the sake of change.
    I'll third this.
    Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. -Seneca the Elder
    Iryklaunavan, Karaskkesir, Desideratum, Gregorii, Jhasmyne, Vis
    Ubique eo, invenio me esse ducem hominium.

  11. #11
    Community Member Drunkendex's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Memnir View Post
    1: Regain my trust.
    2: Reignite my interest.
    3: Stop changing things just for the sake of change.

    I mean, I have interest in DDO, but 1 and 3 are something SSG should REALLY consider for many, MANY players.

  12. #12
    Community Member gravisrs's Avatar
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    Just one - MOAR LAG!

    (I hope SSG - as always - will do exactly opposite what players actually want
    Polska gildia DDO / Polish guild

    Polska gildia DDO - Magia i Miecz (200), Argonnessen

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Memnir View Post
    1: Regain my trust.
    2: Reignite my interest.
    3: Stop changing things just for the sake of change.

  14. #14
    Community Member Firebreed's Avatar
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    Default 1 simple request:


  15. #15
    Community Member mr420247's Avatar
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    Sorc iconic that isnt a kobold and take my money

    A real tier 5 list for the sorc casting tree not useless garbage a sorc arch type and arch mage and take my money
    Damonz Cannith

  16. #16
    Community Member Assassination's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Memnir View Post
    1: Regain my trust.
    2: Reignite my interest.
    3: Stop changing things just for the sake of change.
    Yes Please. Stop releasing bug ridden content. If you're going to put things up on Lamma, actually use the feedback you get.

    Redo "Shadowdancer" for Assassins. Or just make it for casters and make a new one for Assassins.

    Happy New Year

  17. #17
    Community Member Arkai's Avatar
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    1. Iconic artificer
    2. Iconic sorcerer
    3. Epic destinies for Arti and warlock
    4. Archetypes for sorc, arti, rogue or wizard.
    5. New eberron expansion

  18. #18
    Community Member DoctorOfLiterature's Avatar
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    None of the OPs wishes are interesting to me.

    Mine have to do with making Ddo easier for new players and for grouping.

    1. Eliminate the flag gates from any quests except raids. All quests should be able to be red boxes. It is hard enough to find groups and this is another unnecessary and pointless obstacle.

    2. Make it possible to teleport directly to quest when you are in a group. Ideally this would be a vip benefit.

    3. Update the character paths; new players should have a better start than the horrible pre-made paths they are encouraged to play.

  19. #19
    Community Member Kelledren's Avatar
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    1) Artifacts bound to account (enough is enough with banking issues-promised relief but only offered overpriced options to buy 10/20 slots- would you rather me pay for VIP or save up to buy suuuper exciting bank space).

    2) VIPs to get 2nd form of account banking storage (see above with enough of banking issues)

    3) A psionic Epic Destiny

    4) Some outside the box thinking quest challenges
    Khyber: Baeylan, various Annarras

  20. #20
    Community Member Son_of_the_South's Avatar
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    Love the idea of a Sorcerer iconic, so many options for race:

    Astral Elf
    Chromatic Dragonborn

    New Destiny would be good also, along with mounted combat (Cavalier ,Fighter, archetype given we already have a Paladin one).

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