Congrats TYRS PALADIUM for FINALLY making Guild Level 200! This was MANY, MANY YEARS in the making! 15 years.
For all our guildies that has run with us since 2008 - WE REMEMBER YOU and WE THANK YOU. Whether you ran one day with us or all 15 YEARS, you contributed. Whether we lost or won, we always won because we spent time together, made friends and KICKED ASS in the shadows of gaming GREATS Gary Gygax and Dave Arnesson. No drama, no zerg and NO B.S.
We never cheated, we never had a guild system for buying guild-renowned pots (Sorry SSG!) -- we just played the game because it was FUN.
Equally, we thank ALL guilds on GHALLANDA. Thanks for running with us and/or welcoming our guildies into your groups.
/salute /tyvm /May-Tyr-Bless-All-DDO-Guilds