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  1. #1
    Community Member gnarledmaw's Avatar
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    Default 56.1 "no multiclass"

    "The Path of Light is no longer exclusive with other religions and players can no multiclass without losing the feat."

    No, Im not picking on the typo but Ive long suspected that whoever types up these various official statements on changes and events doesnt have English as their primary language because what is stated often is not reflective of what occurs.

    Then again, sometimes things are supposed to be updated and then are missed only to be updated later.

    Anyone know what the deal is with this, as in, what is this ("no[t] multiclass without losing the feat") supposed to mean?

    I just built one to test it as this struck me as a terrible idea. Though I triple multiclassed I still had the feat. I swapped weapons to various types but, still had the feat Path of Light. Logged out/logged in and still there.

    Does it not mean what it says or did they miss it?
    Last edited by gnarledmaw; 09-14-2022 at 02:37 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member dlsidhe's Avatar
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    They dropped a "w"; it should say "can now multiclass". Just a typo.
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  3. #3
    Community Member gnarledmaw's Avatar
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    Deleted previous post...

    I read typo as "NOT" but its apparently supposed to be "NOW".

    Thats and entirely different thing. Nevermind...
    Last edited by gnarledmaw; 09-14-2022 at 02:39 PM.

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    What I was thinking it meant was that you could now take the first levels as sacred fist, adding another deity later, but I have not tested it yet.

  5. #5
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    I just tested it on a Vet II character, took Monk as First level, Sacred Fist as Second Level (which have path of light), and then took Favored Soul as the Third level, which level me choose the Blood of Vol Deity.

    You could do this before, but ONLY if you took the Divine level before Sacred Fist. It seems like you should be able to do it either way now, which is cool.

  6. #6
    Community Member Nugaot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gnarledmaw View Post
    Deleted previous post...

    I read typo as "NOT" but its apparently supposed to be "NOW".

    Thats and entirely different thing. Nevermind...
    Emphasis mine.

    "Is English not your primary language?"

    That's you, that's how dumb you sound.

    You should probably learn to proofread before criticizing other's proofreading.

  7. #7
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    "Is English not your primary language?"
    Meh, I've become fluent in Typo (both reading AND writing!), so no big either way. <shrug>

  8. #8
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    One of the things I wish they would fix is that Bladeforge can get Path of Light. Your forced to take Lord of Blades as a regular pally, but if you do an LR+0 and pick melee pally Sacred fist, you are not forced to pick Lord of Blades as your deity, however, you do NOT get Path of light Feat that gives proficiency to hand-wraps and making them favored.

    Whats really weird I tested the level 6 Feat Sacred fist get, Divine Dream which gives charisma to hit and damage, and while centered you are treated as if wearing heavy armor for sacred defender tree. But if you look at the feat, one of the requirements is RED , says you need Follower of the light, which is the level 1 feat.. but luckily this feat works on bladeforge. Because I took Hardy defense in tier 3 of sacred defender and it gave me the +6 constitution points.

    What doesnt work though, and I think it should is if you take Heavy Armor Training feat +3 prr mrr you do not get it because your not wearing heavy armor, but you are considered to be wearing heavy armor for the sacred defender tree.. oh well. I just wish they would fix it so Bladeforge can get follow the light at level 1.
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  9. #9
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    Is that Bladeforged your main character, or just a test Iconic?

    Well, either way, you might find some ideas in this build that I put together when it was still possible to create Bladeforged Sacred Fist on creation without a lesser heart.

    Start by reading the last message I posted with a summary of the downsides to it.

    If its your main, and you have to make it work, or its a test, and you just want to make it work for fun, go back to the start of the thread and see if you can apply that setup to your character.

    If you are looking to start a new character, or TR into Sacred Fist, look at any of the other builds. This is not a good choice due to the limitations detailed in my last post there. It was convienent for starting a pure sacred fist for sacred fist and bladeforged past lives at the same time, but is not ideal.
    Last edited by dogsoldier; 09-17-2022 at 01:23 AM.

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