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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Default Return player 4 Monk / 2 Rogue Darkelf

    I am a return player, several years hiatus. I reactivated my DDO account, Im on the Sarlona server, NA. I'm looking for a active, social, chatty, (Discord) guild. I was in one, but they only have 3-6 people on at any given time of the day. That's not for me. I like grouping, exploring, adventuring. I put significant effort to reactivate my account, and in return, I'd like to find a socially active guild. I'm a older player with MMO experience in EQ EQ2 DoAC, SWG CoV CoH GW2. My play time is CST USA, evenings after 4-5 PM. Toons name is Tshanik Level 4 Monk / 2 Rogue Darkelf. - Thank you. I can do a server move in necessary.

  2. #2
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011


    Welcome back!

    Sarlona is not currently* one of the (two) "more populated" servers, but it's about the same as 4 others, you should be able to find what you're looking for without the headache of swapping.

    (* The default server changes every now and then, and then that server becomes one of the "more populated" fairly quickly.)


    GL, and haff fun stomin da cassul!

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