Happy November!
Find below a rough outline of the topics and information given in the Twitch interview with Severlin (November 17th 2021)
Discussion of topics is encouraged. However before writing criticism of something or entering into a civilized debate, please visit the link below to watch the relevant segment(s) of the interview, so that your feedback if well informed; time codes are included for convenience. That being said, it was also stressed that a lot of future system updates talked about are still in early planning stages, and some may not happen at all.
3:20: More Gold seal hirelings?
- Don't want to disparage current sources of hirelings.
- Long term TENATIVE hireling update: training hirelings, which lv with you and you can gear. The tech allows some of this already!
- Thus, don't want to ruin the design space for when/if that actually happens.
5:30: Isle of Dred?
- Yes, yes, a thousand times yes! Expansion for Spring of 2022 (or maybe summer).
- Will be an expansion
- Artists and animators are very happy to work on dinosaurs.
- Full expansion, with a LV cap increase
- (44:30): Should have a new race and new iconic!
- Concept art is cool, but secret.
- (56:00) Revealing Iconic Class would spoil the race
6:30: Before Isle of Dread:
- U52: Quest of some kind in December
- U53: Adventure pack with a raid
7:15: VIP benefits
- Can't give specifics, since might be seen as a promise.
- Long term wish: would like to revamp adventure journal to allow teleport to quest givers
- VIPs could get Single-player housing benefits? Far off to the future.
- Loot & named item loot bonus might be nice, there are implications.
- It is on the commerce team's mind.
12:00: Lag
- Lag is bad
- U51.1 will fix a lot of ED issues, and fix one big source of lag (important: not all lag will be fixed by it)
14:45: Value for people who have maxed out Reaper points?
- Existing players are much more powerful than new players
- MIGHT replace with a "reaper rating" system, instead of a tree system, to grant automatically. Would then be able to help weaker players with some % of your reaper rank. Thus, new players are more able to contribute to the group. (emphasized that this is very not set in stone); Hardest part might be the UI.
17:30: LothRO cosmetics are easier to use?
- Yes, because they're vastly different projects at this point.
21:15: Expansion teleports tab in UI, like the mount system?
- Might do that. Has been suggested by the dev team.
- Might be able to prioritize QoL things like that now that EDs are out the door.
22:30: ED T5s at lv 30?
- Players haven't seen the LV increase yet - will make more sense when LV cap increase.
- LV 30 then becomes more of a Milestone in the 31+ levelling process
24:30: In-game support:
- New CS manager and agents are coming up to speed. Moving tickets to a new portal to make ticket tracking easier. New tools are now in place to help agents help players. Stating to work though backlog of tickets.
26:15: UI updates to handle 2K & 4K
- Engineering resources are looking into Lag. When lag is better, can start looking into that type of thing.
- UI scaling is hard!
- Might hopefully start on that next year?
29:00: New Producer:
- Starting start of year. Sev will still be a part of the team.
29:45: R10 is now easier:
- Yes. New EDs are powerful. Should do a reaper pass to help shake it up and be harder.
- Maybe turn it up to R11?
- maybe add a challenge mode checkbox?
31:00: Get rid of TR cache?
- Nobody likes it.
- Where would items go then?
- Wouldn't want to increase load on mail system.
32:00: Increase Platinum cap?
- Not sure they want to; not ready to talk about it.
- Acknowledged that there is a wide disparity of wealth among levels
- A platinum economy would be nice to have again.
33:30: Megaservers?
- Might revisit after more lag fixes
35:00: Next Hardcore season. Why re-offer rewards?
- Will have a new cloak
- In some respects, exclusivity will be only for a time (executive produced decisions; it is know some players have strong opinions)
38:15: Psionics?
- Not in the near future.
- Creating new unique spells is expensive, so will need good lead-up time.
40:00: Balance post U-51?
- Balance is an ongoing thing.
- U51.1 patch has some ED balance changes
- Will let players sit with the Epic destinies to see how things shake out, so likely won't do ED balance changes for a while (unless something is obviously broken)
43:30: Point codes in DDO Market?
- It's know that it's desired. Might re-offer once tech is available again
- It does make account theft more appealing though
45:15: New ED trees? Maybe next year; the devs are tired.
46:15: New feature - Roll back a level?
- No, that would be hard. Lesser reincarnate instead.
49:15: Level cap increase - what should players know?
- LV 30 content is technically higher, so will be relevant for endgame.
- ETR is still LV 30
- Possible feature: After ETR, Legendary XP is retained, and reapplied when you hit LV 30.
51:45: Monk pass?
- Would still like to do that - dev team does want to.
- It's known that some Monks are struggling to find good ED load-outs.
53:00 Winter event:
- Will swap cookies, may add new prizes. Time is limited though (devs are tired).
53:30: Undead iconic?
- Would need to attach it to an undead race.
- May do a "Revenant" universal tree, so any player can be undead.
- Might do more Ravenloft after Isle of dread, since new 5th edition source material has been released.
55:15: Missing Tomes post U51?
- Can't reproduce internally and no smoking gun.
- Customer service is working though the backlog of tickets.
56:15: Streamline Epic reincarnation (save 1-20 options):
- VERY likely hard.