Hello friends,

I think this is my first time posting on the forums. I'm a semi-casual/noobish player that needs your help.

I'm a F2P player (by choice) that's trying to get the most out of the game. I try to experience the lore, feel and vibe of the quests lines and raids and simply buy a pack every once in a while. I'm currently trying to finish up the "Restless Isles", but I've been having trouble finding a party to do the raids with. People either seem unmotivated (or unknowing on how) to finish the Raids. It saddens me.

If you know how to complete these Raids or are willing to figure them out with me, please let me know. Feel free to add me in game (ign: "Faustis"). I don't care about the experience points, but would like the favor if possible, so running at Heroic Elite is my goal.

Is there anyone that can help me out?