You dont need the Wildflame even if it is very good. It is only really if you intend to stay for a long time at level 30 optimizing your gear that the Wildflame matters.
If you have access to the Borderlands you can easily make a level 20 scepter that will serve you reasonably well up to level 30 without being the very best.
ML 20 purchasable weapons
Weapons purchasable at Morten Edgewright. BtA, eligible for Sentient Weapon upgrades.
Epic Sceptre of (Element): +6, +16% (Element) Lore, +111 (Element) Spell Power, +55 Insightful (Element), +97 Insightful Wizardry, Empty Red Augment Slot Icon tooltip.png
Comes in Fire, Cold, Electricity, Acid, Sonic, Light, Positive,Negative, Impulse and Repair flavors. Requires one Epic Arcane Ingot per Sceptre.
If you dont mind farming some with your Pally before you Epic TR and then TR you should consider farming up a Pale Lavender Ioun Stone and a Vibrant Purple Ioun Stone.
The former has 50 charges of spell absorption which is great as a swap in item when needed against beholders or spell wards. The latter has 200 sp which is doubled on a sorc. Both are only level 5. You will get an extreme value out of those over many lives if you do so. Those two are simply amazing.
The most efficient way of getting ioun stones is running the end quest, Dreaming Dark, on heroic casual. Every third completion you get a random stone as an end reward + a small chance to get a stone from end chest. There’s no way to control the randomness I’m afraid, you can get 5 copies of the same one in a row.
Have fun.