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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2020

    Default LF Guild - Relatively New, But Looking to Possibly Raid

    Hello fellow DDO players viewing this. Per the title, I'm a relatively new-ish player. I started up mid COVID because my tabletop crew talked me into it. They don't play nearly as much as me, and I'm looking to try out endgame content. The amount of information about the game was pretty daunting at first, but I've definitely learned a lot, and am willing to learn more. I'm on my 2nd life as a twf ranger, and did a couple of epic reincarnations as well. I am mainly aiming to find a guild that's welcoming newer players in the same mindset that I have. Size doesn't really matter (or does it..?) as long as there are others active that I could play and learn with. My in-game name is Karise, and feel free to PM me or send mail if i'm not on for whatever reason. Thanks, and I hope whoever reads this has a great day/night or whatever.

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    Easily Distracted Gaming Community (EDGC)


    The EDGC is an open community for raiding and reaper content on the Sarlona server. Everyone from new/returning players to grizzled veterans are welcome to participate.

    Please play nice with everyone and focus on having a good time.


    Sarlona: Tobril | Syg | Trogbril | Warmachyne | Sql

    YouTube | Twitch

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