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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Jun 2020

    Default First-Life Human Two-Handed Fighting Paladin 18 Rogue 2 for Free-to-play players

    Who is this build for?

    This build will work for anyone but it's designed for free-to-play players creating a new character with only 28-point build available. The build will perform well in groups but is optimized for soloing content. This build is not presented as an optimized end-game build with raid gear, tomes, store items, past lifes, etc. but rather is intended to work well without all those things. The race and class are free-to-play and paladin provides a really useful past-life feat if you reincarnate and start over at level 1 again.

    General Plan for This Build

    I am going to post videos of this build running content solo. The build isn't intended to be only for soloing, but since it's generally a good idea for new players to run content solo on lower difficulties to learn the game this build includes everything needed to solo content including reaper difficulties. I will run all content on normal and hard difficulty and will then solo reaper 4 levels above the level on 1 or 2 skull reaper. The reason for running 4 levels above is that it only comes with a -10% over the level penalty and still includes all first-time bonuses. Being 4 levels over helps tremendously as the extra power from 2 levels helps make up the power gap you have as a first-life character. Bravery bonus isn't a big deal since you want to run solo on normal initially to learn the content anyhow. I am going to post all content ran (unless I run into a technical issue) so you will see some normal, hard and even wilderness runs. It's intended for new players that want to get familiar with questing before running it.

    Some difficult quests will be skipped and ran on elite as part of a level 20 and 30 clean-up run rather than on reaper as we want to get maximum favor but do not want to spend too many cycles failing content that is too difficult.

    This character was born on June 7, 2020 and as I level up I will post videos and update this post with anything note-able. I'll link the level updates in this main thread which includes stat bumps, skills selected and any gear swaps (and where the gear came from). Please note I will not be leveling this character up super fast - if you want to level a first-life character super fast you can run the first life on normal to 30, then the second life on hard and then start running for favor on life 3. I want to get 5000 favor for a +2 and +5 tome each life and accumulate some gear as well. Also, it's my belief by running difficult content starting your first life you will develop better habits. Running difficult solo even helps more in this regard. NOTE: I have several other things going on besides this project so I won't be running through this life super fast, but rather spending a few hours most days on this project. Also, it is much quicker to run on Normal to 20, but I opted for a slower progression of running Normal then Hard then Reaper/Elite so I can earn my +5 tome this life and run the build on reaper even without optimized gear and past lifes.

    This plan is customizable if it's not working. For example, if you are finding running Reaper to hard @ 4 levels above you can run elite 4 levels above or even 6 levels above this first life. The key is to get used to more difficult content and to get the additional favor. Even at 6 levels above you will get more than enough experience to reach level 20 and 30.

    NOTE: After running through this plan and receiving feedback, I would recommend that new players run quests on Normal for the first life, Hard for the 2nd life, Elite for the 3rd life and Reaper for life 4. The build will work for your first 3 class and racial lifes so this is a more progressive approach to increasing dfficulty. Although I ran the build on a first life character on a new free-to-play account - I do have significant experience with the game that allows me to start with reaper right away. Also, if you join a group for R1 you should be able to contribute well as a first-lifer - the N/H/E/R1 progression is primarily intended for folks that solo.

    Level 1 Initial Creation

    Class: Rogue
    Race: Human
    Feats: Two-Handed Fighting, Insightful Reflexes
    Starting Stats: 28 Point Build

    Str: 15
    Dex: 8
    Con: 14
    Int: 14
    Wis: 10
    Cha: 14

    Note: Each character comes with a lesser heart. When you unlock 32-point build you can use that heart to add more stat points or save it for another life.

    Skill Points

    Class Skills (1 point per rank)
    Balance: 4
    Bluff: 4
    Disable Device: 4
    Haggle: 4
    Jump: 4
    Open Lock: 4
    Search: 4
    Spot: 4
    Tumble: 2
    Use Magic Device: 4

    Cross-Class Skills (1 point per 1/2 rank)
    Concentration: 2 (4)
    Heal: 1 (2)

    Summary by Level
    Level 1 - Rogue Level
    Running Quests @ Level 1 and Taking Level 2:
    Video Support:

    Level 2 - Rogue Level
    Running Quests @ Level 1 and Taking Level 2:
    Video Support:

    Level 3 - Paladin Level
    Running Quests @ Level 3 and Taking Level 4:
    Video Support:

    Level 4 - Paladin Level
    Running Quests @ Level 4 and Taking Level 5:
    Video Support:

    Level 5 - Paladin Level
    Running Quests @ Level 5 and Taking Level 6:
    Video Support:

    Level 6 - Paladin Level
    Running Quests @ Level 6 and Taking Level 7:
    Video Support:

    Level 7 - Paladin Level
    Running Quests @ Level 7 and Taking Level 8:
    Video Support:

    Level 8 - Paladin Level
    Running Quests @ Level 8 and Taking Level 9:
    Video Support:

    Level 9 - Paladin Level
    Running Quests @ Level 9 and Taking Level 10:
    Video Support:

    Level 10 - Paladin Level
    Running Quests @ Level 10 and Taking Level 11:
    Video Support:

    Level 11 - Paladin Level
    Running Quests @ Level 11 and Taking Level 12:
    Video Support:

    Level 12 - Paladin Level
    Running Quests @ Level 12 and Taking Level 13:
    Video Support:

    Level 13 - Paladin Level
    Running Quests @ Level 13 and Taking Level 14:
    Video Support:

    Level 14 - Paladin Level
    Running Quests @ Level 14 and Taking 15:
    Video Support:

    Level 15 - Paladin Level
    Running Quests @ Level 15 and Taking 16:
    Video Support:

    Level 16 - Paladin Level
    Running Quests @ Level 16 and Taking 17:
    Video Support:

    Level 17 - Paladin Level
    Running Quests @ Level 17 and Taking 18:
    Video Support:

    Level 18 - Paladin Level
    Running Quests:
    Video Support:

    Level 19 - Paladin Level
    See Level 18 above and I took level 19 and 20 after completing Questing @ Level 18

    Level 20 - Paladin Level
    Running Quests @ Level 20 and Taking 21:
    Video Support:

    Level 21 - Epic Level
    Running Quests @ Level 21 and Taking 22:
    Video Support:

    Level 22 - Epic Level
    Running Quests @ 22 and Taking 23:
    Video Support:

    Level 23 - Epic Level
    Running Quests @ 23 and Taking 24:
    Video Support:

    Level 24 - Epic Level
    Running Quests @ Level 24 and Taking 25:
    Video Support:

    Level 25 - Epic Level
    Running Quests @ Level 25 and Taking 26:
    Video Support:

    Level 26 - Epic Level
    Running Quests @ Level 26 and Taking 27:
    Video Support:

    Level 27 - Epic Level
    Running Quests @ Level 27 and Taking 28:
    Video Support:

    Level 28 - Epic Level
    Running Quests @ Level 28 and Taking Levels 29 and 30:
    Video Support:

    Level 29 - Epic Level
    See Level 28 above and I took level 29 and 30 after completing Questing @ Level 28

    Level 30 - Epic Level
    Running Quests @ Level 30 followed by Epic and Heroic Reincarnations:
    Video Support:

    Video Support
    The video support is intended to be more of a reference material rather than something that is watched all the way through. If you are having trouble with a specific quest I would suggest looking at the reaper version of the quest where I am usually being more careful with what I do. The videos are commercial-free but I am certainly not a professional. The first few levels there were some issues with voice capture being too high resulting in breathing and too many other noises (apologies), but as I progressed by level some of the issues were worked out or I made some small improvements. I recorded virtually everything I did (90%+ is definitely a reasonable estimate) but ran into a few technical issues and wasn't able to record a few. There is a large gap of missing videos from levels 17-19 quests. I will post those future lifes preferably when I am running those on reaper mode before 20. This life I ran those at level 20+ on Elite due to the level lockout.

    Cumulative List of PITA quests saved for favor cleanup @ 20 or 30
    Level 2 Stealthy Repossession - difficult quest for new players - won't be run on reaper so will be run as part of level 30 favor clean-up N/H/E
    Level 4 Proof is the Poison - difficult quest for new players - won't be run on reaper so will be run as part of level 30 favor clean-up N/H/E
    Level 6 The Price of Freedom - difficult mechanics for new players - won't be run on reaper so will be run as part of level 30 favor clean-up N/H/E
    Level 6 Gladewatch Outpost Defense - difficult protect NPC mission for new players with many reaper spawns - won't be run on reaper so will be run as part of level 30 favor clean-up N/H/E
    Level 7: Temple of Elemental Evil Part I and II - Difficult mechanics - won't be run on reaper so will be run as part of level 30 favor clean-up N/H/E
    Level 7: The Pit - Difficult mechanics - won't be run on reaper so will be run as part of level 30 favor clean-up N/H/E
    Level 8: Faithfully Departed - Difficult mechanics with two-handed fighting specialty combined with reapers/champions killing the Venerated - run on normal + hard and skipped on reaper
    Level 8: The Xorian Cyper - Never tried soloing this with bank account and likely won't - will run with guildies as part of level 30 favor clean-up or it might be skipped entirely - N/H/E
    Level 11: From Beyond the Grave - difficult mechanics for new players - won't be run on reaper so will be run as part of level 30 favor clean-up N/H/E
    Level 11: Desert Caravan - Protect mission skipped on reaper
    Level 11: Tomb of the Tormented - Painful to solo without a way to damage enemies killing the rats (typically AOE spellcasting or artificer rune arm)
    Level 11: Tomb of the Forbidden - Can't be solo'd - requires at least 2 people
    Level 12: Cursed Crypt - Flagging quests are on PITA list
    Level 13: Memoirs of an Illusory Larcener - Hireling AI is glitchy in this quest - saving it for level 21

    Note: As long as I reach 5,000 favor or higher to get my tome I may skip the PITA quests permanently. I will only run if required to get to 5,000 favor

    ** NOTE: These are quests that I won't be running on Reaper during heroic levels but will be running on Reaper @ Level 30. This is more of an efficiency play than a difficulty issue.


    DDOFREEQUESTS: Grants all non-expansion packs in the game for free - Expired August 31, 2020
    SOV2POT: Free 50% Sovereign XP Elixir - Expired Aug 6 even though it was advertised through August 8
    HAPPY14: Free Dragon Sentient Jewel - good through December 31, 2020 (1 per account)
    99 point Menace of the Underdark Expansion Deep Discount - Expired August 31, 2020 (regular price 2495)
    99 point Shadowfell Conspiracy Expansion Deep Discount - Expired August 31, 2020 (regular price 2495)

    Please take advantage of these discounts

    Final Enhancements after Taking Level 20

    Knights of the Chalice
    - Slayer of Evil
    - Courage of Heaven
    - Slayer of Evil II
    - Improved Courage of Heaven
    - Slayer of Evil III
    Tier 1
    - Holy Combatant
    - Improved Second Strikes x 3
    Tier 2
    - Adept Combatant
    - Divine Might x 3
    - Critical Mastery x3
    - Exalted Cleave
    - Melee Power Boost
    Tier 3
    - Holy Combatant
    - Charisma
    Tier 4
    - Knights Training
    - Censure Demons
    - Vigor of Life
    Tier 5
    - Ascendancy
    - Censure Outsiders
    - Vigor of Life
    - Avenging Cleave
    - Holy Retribution

    Sacred Defender
    - Holy Bastion
    - Sacred Defense
    - Divine Righteousness
    - Redemption
    Tier 1
    - Extra Lay on Hands x3
    - Durable Defense x3
    Tier 2
    - Resilient Defense x3
    - Defense Boost x3
    - Instinctive Defense x 3
    Tier 3
    - Constitution
    Tier 4
    - Swift Defense

    - Skill Boost
    - Constitution
    - Melee Power Boost
    Tier 1
    - Improved Recovery
    - Awareness x3
    Tier 2
    - Great Weapon Aptitude x3
    Tier 3
    - Improved Recovery
    - Heroism
    Tier 4
    - Greater Heroism
    Last edited by FTPDDO; 11-12-2020 at 09:19 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Jun 2020

    Default Questing @ Level 1 and Taking Level 2

    The following quests were run at level 1

    Heyton's Rest - Normal Difficulty
    The Storehouse's Secret - Normal Difficulty
    The Cannith Crystal - Normal Difficulty
    The Collaborator - Normal Difficulty

    Favor Earned: 10
    DDO Points Earned: 50 (first time bonus for earning 5 favor on the server)

    Notable items earned in the video
    • Level 1 Chilled 1 Quarterstaff of Deadly 1 (random item from harbor guard)
    • Level 1 Rugged Belt (adds 5 hp - end reward for Storehouse's secret)
    • Level 1 Spear Bane bracers (4 damage reduction from piercing damage - end reward from the Cannith Crystal)

    Video support:

    Leveling Up From 2 to 3

    Level Up Stat: None
    Feats: Evasion (auto-granted)

    Class Skills (1 point per rank)

    Balance: +1 (5 total)
    Bluff: +1 (5 total)
    Disable Device: +1 (5 total)
    Haggle: +1 (5 total)
    Jump: +1 (5 total)
    Open Lock: +1 (5 total)
    Search: +1 (5 total)
    Spot: +1 (5 total)
    Tumble: +0 (2 total)
    Use Magic Device: +1 (5 total)

    Cross-Class Skills (1 point per 1/2 rank)
    Concentration: .5 (2 total)
    Heal: 1 (2 total)
    Last edited by FTPDDO; 07-10-2020 at 08:12 AM.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Jun 2020

    Default Questing @ Level 2 and Taking Level 3

    The following quests were run at level 2

    Heyton's Rest - Hard Difficulty
    The Collaborator - Hard Difficulty
    Stopping the Sahuagin - Normal Difficulty
    Redemption - Normal Difficulty
    Sacrifices - Normal + Hard Difficulty
    Necromancer's Doom - Normal + Hard Difficulty
    Misery's Peak - Normal Difficulty

    Favor Earned: 26 (36 total after level 2)
    DDO Points Earned: 25 (first time bonus for earning 25 favor on the server)

    Notable items earned in the video
    • Level 1 Protective Gloves x2 (with Shield Clicky - very important when we start reapers - from Necromancer's Doom chest)
    • Level 1 Anger's Step x2 (with 2 Expeditious Retreat 25% movement increase clickies - 20 min total - from Sacrifices end reward)
    • Level 1 Expeditious Boots (with 1 Expeditious Retreat 25% movement increase clicky - from Stopping the Sahuagin chest)
    • Level 1 Anger's Gift (+1 Strength +1 Resistance to Saves and +2 attack set bonus - from Misery's Peak end reward)
    • Level 1 Goggle's of Insight (+1 attack bonus - from Necromancer's Doom end reward)

    Video support:

    Leveling Up from 2 to 3

    Level Up Stat: None
    Feats: Magical Training - I take this so when I get spells in a few levels I have more spell points and if I run out they will regenerate enough to continue casting spells. I may swap this out at higher levels.
    Diety: Sovereign Host (NOTE: Video indicates Aureon but I now recommend sovereign host as unyielding sovereignty will help heal through the plague reaper debuff and quarterstaff benefits aren't important enough justify Aureon over Sovereign Host)

    Class Skills (1 point per rank)

    Concentration: +0 (2 total)
    Heal: +0 (2 total)

    Cross-Class Skills (1 point per 1/2 rank)

    Balance: +0 (5 total)
    Bluff: +0 (5 total)
    Disable Device: +1 (6 total)
    Haggle: +0 (5 total)
    Jump: +0 (5 total)
    Open Lock: +0 (5 total)
    Search: +1 (6 total)
    Spot: +.5 (5.5 total)
    Tumble: +0 (2 total)
    Use Magic Device: +0 (5 total)
    Last edited by FTPDDO; 07-17-2020 at 10:42 PM.

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Jun 2020

    Default Questing @ Level 3 and Taking Level 4

    The following quests were run at level 3

    The Storehouse's Secret - Hard Difficulty
    The Cannith Crystal - Hard Difficulty
    Stopping the Sahuagin - Hard Difficulty
    Redemption - Hard Difficulty
    Misery's Peak - Hard Difficulty

    Keep on the Borderlands
    Wilderness Run - Explorers, Rares and Slayer
    Watch Your Step - Normal + Hard Difficulty
    Violent Delights - Normal + Hard Difficulty
    Treasure Hunt - Normal + Hard Difficulty
    Obstructing the Orcs - Normal + Hard Difficulty
    The Hobgoblin Horde - Normal + Hard Difficulty
    Caged Beast - Normal + Hard Difficulty
    The Bugbear Bandits - Normal + Hard Difficulty
    Total Chaos - Normal + Hard Difficulty

    Favor Earned: 50 (86 total after level 3)
    DDO Points Earned: 25 (first time bonus for earning 50 favor on the server)

    Notable items earned in the videos
    • Level 1 Mount (Horse) - 80% movement speed bonus in public areas and wilderness areas
    • Level 3 Alkaline 12 Leather Armor of Cold Resistance 7 (12% acid absorb and 7 cold resistance - random loot from an end reward)
    • Level 3 Seeker +1 Spot +4 goggles (random loot from a chest)
    • Level 1 Granite Grippers (+1 strength and blue slot - from Treasure Hunt end chest)
    • Level 1 Wisdom +1 Cold Absorption 10% Cloak (from Auction House to deal with plat limits)
    • Level 2 Constitution +2 Ring (from Auction House to deal with plat limits)

    Video support:
    Keep on the Borderlands Wilderness Run:
    How to Purchase Mount (Horse) and Weapon with Keep on the Borderlands Ingredients:
    Keep on the Borderlands Quests on Normal:
    Korthos Clean Up - Remaining Hard Quests:
    Keep on the Borderlands Quests on Hard:
    Inventory Clean Up and Taking Level 4:

    Leveling Up from 3 to 4

    Level Up Stat: Stength (Base 15 to Base 16)
    Feats: Divine Grace - auto-granted (bonus to save based on charisma score)

    Class Skills (1 point per rank)

    Concentration: +0 (2 total)
    Heal: +0 (2 total)

    Cross-Class Skills (1 point per 1/2 rank)

    Balance: +0 (5 total)
    Bluff: +0 (5 total)
    Disable Device: +1 (7 total)
    Haggle: +0 (5 total)
    Jump: +0 (5 total)
    Open Lock: +0 (5 total)
    Search: +1 (7 total)
    Spot: +.5 (6 total)
    Tumble: +0 (2 total)
    Use Magic Device: +0 (5 total)
    Last edited by FTPDDO; 06-08-2020 at 12:57 PM.

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Jan 2017


    Hello, i wanted to restart DDO as a Paladin and i think due to my french language native (But i'm not so bad in english) i will mostly play Solo.

    You're build seems what i seek but i got several questions :

    Why 14 int ? Is it just for insightful reflexes/skills points ? and it's worth ? No better stats to up lvl 1 ?

    2 levels of rogues are mandatory ? isnt one level enough to get disable/open lock ect ?

    The build is thinked for be played in heavy armor and a Two handed weapon right ?

    If we want to soloing, An hireling rogue seems to be better than sacrifie ourself into multiclassing no ? Or maybe the one/two level spash rogue doesnt hurt that much a paladin ?
    Last edited by Folund; 06-08-2020 at 03:47 PM.

  6. #6
    Community Member
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    Jun 2020


    Quote Originally Posted by Folund View Post

    Why 14 int ? Is it just for insightful reflexes/skills points ? and it's worth ? No better stats to up lvl 1 ?
    The build is based around splashing rogue for evasion and trapping. Some trade-offs are made to make this happen. To make trapping feasible with just 2 levels of rogue the 14 int is necessary to have enough skill points for disable device and search while taking paladin levels. Insightful reflexes is not an absolute requirement - but since paladin has cleave and greater cleave as enhancements it provides some extra feats and human provides a bonus feat. Those extra feats are used for survivability on this first-life character. I am also making the assumption that int gear will be used for trapping anyhow so taking insightful reflexes makes gearing simplier.

    The reason why 2 levels of rogue instead of 1 is that with 2 levels a rogue is auto-granted evasion. This means when making a reflex save against traps and spells I take no damage instead of half damage. The build is designed to wear light armor instead of heavy armor. Although heavy armor gives more PRR light armor benefits include higher dodge cap and the ability to take advantage of evasion.

    There was recently a "hardcore" league which is a 3 month permadeath event. Someone tracked all deaths while they are online and here are the results:

    Traps were responsible for nearly 1/3 of deaths and the largest single killer. Some of the other top killers like kobold shamans kill people with lightning bolt on elite which a high reflex save + evasion will help against.

    In addition, one of the goals of this build is to earn reaper xp as it's the fastest way to add character power today. Disabling the traps provides an XP bonus and takes very little time.

    Quote Originally Posted by Folund View Post

    2 levels of rogues are mandatory ? isnt one level enough to get disable/open lock ect ?

    The build is thinked for be played in heavy armor and a Two handed weapon right ?
    The most important thing is the best build for you is the one that you enjoy playing and feel comfortable with. Rogue levels and trapping isn't mandatory - they help for the reasons I listed above but there are players that forge ahead without those things and succeed. There are other tactics you can take such as running quests with heavy traps/caster damage 5-6 several levels above the base level on elite or just skip those and run them at cap for favor. You can learn how to avoid most trap damage with timing and positioning but since this build is designed for a first-lifer I am making the assumption most new people will not know how to avoid trap damage with timing and positioning on their first life. It's also my experience that disabling traps helps me remember where they are in future lifes even when I am not a trapper and just want to avoid taking damage without disabling.

    Advantages of Pure 20 Paladin
    - More Hp at heroic levels (20% hp bonus which isn't available with light armor)
    - Accelerated two-handed fighting and offensive feats compared to splashing 2 rogue resulting in better dps at lower levels
    - Better PRR (maybe 2-4% more damage reduction)
    - Ability to take advantage of capstone at epic levels

    Advantages of Splashing 2 Rogue
    - Trapping and lock picking
    - Evasion for traps and caster damage
    - Higher dodge to avoid getting hit
    - Earlier empowered healing for improved self-healing at lower levels

    Quote Originally Posted by Folund View Post

    If we want to soloing, An hireling rogue seems to be better than sacrifie ourself into multiclassing no ? Or maybe the one/two level spash rogue doesnt hurt that much a paladin ?
    Unless there was a change rogue hirelings are only available for turbine points or astral shards at heroic levels (1-20). As this build is designed to work for a new free-to-play player I wanted to make the assumption that no money would be spent on gameplay and that DDO points would be used for longer term benefits such as buying epic destinies, the 2 expansions on sale through 8/31, etc.

    Also, I've been in many quests where a rogue hireling failed to find and disable a deadly trap even when the owner had past lifes granting maximum benefits to the hireling.

    When building for an end game - running high reapers especially but secondarily raiding people will build more of a specialist min/max build. What this means is that they will build with some goal in mind and dump all else - such as maximum dps with a melee or maximum dc with a spellcaster. A high percentage of current builds on the forums are focused on level 30- this build is not.

    For this build designed for first-life free to play players I am proposing more of a generalist build that isn't optimized for an end game role, but rather dealing with the realities of questing to 30 solo. Traps can be very deadly in this game and my reason for offering this build over pure paladin is solely because it makes the learning curve less painful with regards to traps and spellcaster damage.

    For levels 1-15 quests I will be running those solo on reaper at 4 levels above and selectively picking quests to skip on reaper (maybe 10% of the quests) and run on elite - in some cases well above the level just for favor. For level 16-19 quests I might selectively run a few on reaper but due to reaper restrictions will probably run many on elite at level 20 or higher. For epic level quests my focus is solely on getting skill tomes and filling out epic destines this life so the goal will be to run sagas on normal/hard - no concerns about reaper at all for epic levels this first life.

    Then my plan is to immediately TR at 30. As a full free-to-play player tr'ing not only provides some additional power in the form of epic and heroic past lifes, but it allows me to earn more favor to unlock additional things.

    Of course some people might get bored Tr'ing so there are other options such as having one character at cap and another Tr'ing or spending significant time at cap before Tr'ing. If you plan to spend significant time at cap then pure paladin would likely be better as running high skull reapers and raiding is mostly about filling roles.
    Last edited by FTPDDO; 06-09-2020 at 10:19 AM.

  7. #7
    Community Member
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    Jan 2017


    Thanks for the awnser !

    way more clear for me now, i'm kinda sad to not play with heavy armor because i like it lol.

    Do you think i can just splash one level rogue for the ability to pick locks and disable traps ? As i want to be in heavy armor for roleplaying, is one level dip good too ? or a waste ?

  8. #8
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    Jun 2020


    Quote Originally Posted by Folund View Post
    Thanks for the awnser !

    way more clear for me now, i'm kinda sad to not play with heavy armor because i like it lol.

    Do you think i can just splash one level rogue for the ability to pick locks and disable traps ? As i want to be in heavy armor for roleplaying, is one level dip good too ? or a waste ?
    Yes that would work just fine. I think that's a fine way to go - unfortunately even 1 level of rogue slows down your feat progression by 3 levels just like taking 2 rogue levels, but you can wear heavy armor and get the 20% hp bonus which in some situations is better than evasion (carnage reapers for example)

    To the extent a quest has a trap before the trap box - and the trap kills you - just run it several levels over the level for favor. There will only be a small handful of those.
    Last edited by FTPDDO; 06-09-2020 at 05:13 PM.

  9. #9
    Community Member
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    Jun 2020

    Default Questing @ Level 4 and Taking Level 5

    The following quests were run at level 4:

    Three-Barrel Cove
    Wilderness Run for Specific Items

    The Kobold's New Ringleader - Normal + Hard Difficulty
    Protect Baudry's Interests - Normal + Hard Difficulty
    Stop Hazadill's Shipment - Normal + Hard Difficulty
    Retrieve The Stolen Goods - Normal + Hard Difficulty
    Bringing in the Light - Normal + Hard Difficulty
    The Smuggler's Warehouse - Normal + Hard Difficulty
    Home Sweet Sewer - Solo Difficulty
    Recovering the Lost Tome - Normal + Hard Difficulty
    Garrison's Missing Pack - Normal + Hard Difficulty
    An Explosive Situation - Solo Difficulty
    Durk's Got a Secret - Normal + Hard Difficulty
    Haverdasher - Normal + Hard Difficulty
    The Miller's Debt - Solo Difficulty
    Information is the Key - Normal + Hard Difficulty
    Anacrhophobia - Solo Difficulty
    Walk the Butcher's Path - Normal + Hard Difficulty

    Missing in Action - Normal + Hard Difficulty
    The Sunken Sewer - Normal + Hard Difficulty

    Favor Earned: 94 (180 total after level 4)
    DDO Points Earned: 25 (standard bonus for earning 100 favor on a character)

    Notable items earned in the videos
    • Kobold Admiral's Uniform (+3, Axeblock III, Spearblock III, Blue slot - from three-barrel cove wilderness chest)
    • Strength 3, Deadly 3 Gloves (4000 plat from auction house)
    • Fortitude +1, Fortification 41% bracers (random chest drop)

    Video support:
    Level 4 Introduction:
    - Buying A Quiver
    - Free small ingredient bag from the Twelve
    - Crafting Tutorial in House K crafting hall with reward
    - Buying medium gem and collectible bags
    Three-Barrel Cove Wilderness Run:
    - farming for armor and staff
    Questing Part I:
    - The Kobold's New Ringleader - Normal + Hard Difficulty
    - Protect Baudry's Interests - Normal + Hard Difficulty
    - Stop Hazadill's Shipment - Normal + Hard Difficulty
    - Retrieve The Stolen Goods - Normal + Hard Difficulty
    Buying a medium collectible bag:
    - House J
    Questing Part II:
    - Bringing in the Light - Normal + Hard Difficulty
    - The Smuggler's Warehouse - Normal + Hard Difficulty
    Questing Part III:
    - Home Sweet Sewer - Solo Difficulty
    - Recovering the Lost Tome - Normal + Hard Difficulty
    - Garrison's Missing Pack - Normal + Hard Difficulty
    - An Explosive Situation - Solo Difficulty
    - Durk's Got a Secret - Normal + Hard Difficulty
    - Haverdasher - Normal + Hard Difficulty
    - The Miller's Debt - Solo Difficulty
    - Information is the Key - Normal + Hard Difficulty
    - Anacrhophobia - Solo Difficulty
    Questing Part IV:
    - Walk the Butcher's Path - Normal + Hard Difficulty
    - Missing in Action - Normal + Hard Difficulty
    - The Sunken Sewer - Normal + Hard Difficulty
    Level 4 Wrap Up:
    - Taking level 5 with choices
    - Enhancement changes
    - Buying an item from auction house and looking at several other candidates

    Leveling Up from 4 to 5

    Level Up Stat: None
    Feats: None

    Class Skills (1 point per rank)

    Concentration: +0 (2 total)
    Heal: +0 (2 total)

    Cross-Class Skills (1 point per 1/2 rank)

    Balance: +0 (5 total)
    Bluff: +0 (5 total)
    Disable Device: +1 (8 total)
    Haggle: +0 (5 total)
    Jump: +0 (5 total)
    Open Lock: +0 (5 total)
    Search: +1 (8 total)
    Spot: +.5 (6.5 total)
    Tumble: +0 (2 total)
    Use Magic Device: +0 (5 total)
    Last edited by FTPDDO; 06-09-2020 at 05:11 PM.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Folund View Post
    Hello, i wanted to restart DDO as a Paladin and i think due to my french language native (But i'm not so bad in english) i will mostly play Solo.

    You're build seems what i seek but i got several questions :

    Why 14 int ? Is it just for insightful reflexes/skills points ? and it's worth ? No better stats to up lvl 1 ?

    2 levels of rogues are mandatory ? isnt one level enough to get disable/open lock ect ?

    The build is thinked for be played in heavy armor and a Two handed weapon right ?

    If we want to soloing, An hireling rogue seems to be better than sacrifie ourself into multiclassing no ? Or maybe the one/two level spash rogue doesnt hurt that much a paladin ?
    My first life build (on second life) was a THF Paladin, though pure. So first note is that there are no rogue hirelings (unless purchased from DDO Store possibly) before level 20. If you want external trapping, you need a group.

    As to French, unless you cannot speak two words of English, even with an all-american group, you will be fine. Most ingame chat deals with very simple things like : "Help, I am dead" (and yes, DDO players are like the military: 'leave no man behind' so rest assured someone will help 98% of the time), or "brb, selling and leveling". After someone heals you, or helps you resurrect, always say 'ty'. It is just polite. The real challenge is learning the specific DDO acronyms and shortcuts. ior1 = I opened Reaper1.

    That said, I am also 100% certain there are guilds for French players, most likely multiple ones. I live in Brazil and on Orien server there are multiple level 200 Brazilian guilds.

    There is a considerably new powerful system of random loot (prizes) that is making the game MUCH more playable for new players. When you see an item, pay close attention to see if the color around the icon is a light blue. This indicates something more powerful. Dark Blue is the best, and is almost always named.

    Pure Paladin will be more powerful in the end at level 20 especially, but if you reach level 20, you will have other things to boost your power too. If you stick to the game that far, then I will suggest three significant goals for you as a free player:

    1) Learn the game, and read the Wiki as much as you can for any questions. It is incredibly helpful.

    2) Seek out to reach 1750 Total Favor. Achieving this will allow you to create builds later that start with 32 stat points. A nice plus. Right now, Total Favor might seem like Chinese to you, but it goes like this: each quest has a number of 'favor' points you get for finishing. At Casual and Normal, you get the base value. So if a quest had 4 favor points you would get four. If you finish it on Hard, you get 8, and if you finish it on Elite or harder you get the maximum of 12 (3x the base). Groups are very helpful to achieve this, but with so many more experienced players, a tip is to warn them you are a noob. They will know and be more attentive to you with advice: "once you are in, run left" etc. and your character's vulnerability.

    3) Save your DDO points, all of them, and do not spend any in a store. At level 20, if still playing and enjoying the game, use 995 DDO points to unlock Epic Destinies. This is THE key to level 20-30. It is a series of enhancements that give you super powers to allow you to continue to evolve and get stronger. Both these perks 2) and 3) will be available to all characters after on the server you are located

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by SouCarioca View Post
    My first life build (on second life) was a THF Paladin, though pure. So first note is that there are no rogue hirelings (unless purchased from DDO Store possibly) before level 20. If you want external trapping, you need a group.

    As to French, unless you cannot speak two words of English, even with an all-american group, you will be fine. Most ingame chat deals with very simple things like : "Help, I am dead" (and yes, DDO players are like the military: 'leave no man behind' so rest assured someone will help 98% of the time), or "brb, selling and leveling". After someone heals you, or helps you resurrect, always say 'ty'. It is just polite. The real challenge is learning the specific DDO acronyms and shortcuts. ior1 = I opened Reaper1.

    That said, I am also 100% certain there are guilds for French players, most likely multiple ones. I live in Brazil and on Orien server there are multiple level 200 Brazilian guilds.

    There is a considerably new powerful system of random loot (prizes) that is making the game MUCH more playable for new players. When you see an item, pay close attention to see if the color around the icon is a light blue. This indicates something more powerful. Dark Blue is the best, and is almost always named.

    Pure Paladin will be more powerful in the end at level 20 especially, but if you reach level 20, you will have other things to boost your power too. If you stick to the game that far, then I will suggest three significant goals for you as a free player:

    1) Learn the game, and read the Wiki as much as you can for any questions. It is incredibly helpful.

    2) Seek out to reach 1750 Total Favor. Achieving this will allow you to create builds later that start with 32 stat points. A nice plus. Right now, Total Favor might seem like Chinese to you, but it goes like this: each quest has a number of 'favor' points you get for finishing. At Casual and Normal, you get the base value. So if a quest had 4 favor points you would get four. If you finish it on Hard, you get 8, and if you finish it on Elite or harder you get the maximum of 12 (3x the base). Groups are very helpful to achieve this, but with so many more experienced players, a tip is to warn them you are a noob. They will know and be more attentive to you with advice: "once you are in, run left" etc. and your character's vulnerability.

    3) Save your DDO points, all of them, and do not spend any in a store. At level 20, if still playing and enjoying the game, use 995 DDO points to unlock Epic Destinies. This is THE key to level 20-30. It is a series of enhancements that give you super powers to allow you to continue to evolve and get stronger. Both these perks 2) and 3) will be available to all characters after on the server you are located

    Now i hesitate so hard lol

    The point is do i really miss a lot of content/xp/loot if i can't disable device and open lock ? Because i love the paladin class and maybe want to go pure, but dont want to miss a nice free xp or die due to a trap :/

  12. #12
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    Great work on the leveling guide so far FTPDDO
    Last edited by Coffey; 06-10-2020 at 06:27 PM.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Folund View Post
    Now i hesitate so hard lol

    The point is do i really miss a lot of content/xp/loot if i can't disable device and open lock ? Because i love the paladin class and maybe want to go pure, but dont want to miss a nice free xp or die due to a trap :/
    Some quests are worse than others in terms of traps, but overall it depends on the difficulty level you choose to play in. Getting one-shot by a trap as a paladin is very unlikely unless you are completely naked and take no precautions. If you get badly hurt, you have the two unbelievably useful abilities Lay On Hands, and Unyielding Sovereignty, which do not use spell points. And if that is not enough you can bring a Cleric as a hireling to spam hit points on you as you play.

    Will you miss out on XP? Yes, probably, but nor is it the only source of bonuses. You also get bonuses for specific tasks, smashing everything in sight, and killing everyone in sight. Still, I would not focus my concerns on this now as you have not even wet your feet, and are worried about how efficiently you can make turns in a swimming race.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by SouCarioca View Post
    That said, I am also 100% certain there are guilds for French players, most likely multiple ones.
    I agree and additionally there are many Canadians playing this game. Some Canadians speak French as their primary language and others speak both French and English.

    I would suggest posting in the general forum and asking which servers have a large french-speaking population. While it might not seem like the right place on the forum, it's the most likely place to get a good answer to that question since so many players only ever use the general discussion area.

  15. #15
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    I will surely go 1 rogue /19 Pal, i like heavy armor :/, hope it will not lower my ability to pick lock and open lock.

    As a new player and surely ftp, i will follow ur guide step by step (for, feat, stats ect) i will level by my own, want to keep the feeling of discovering the game.

    Do you think u can put here a list of the feats u will recommend ?

  16. #16
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    Default Questing @ Level 5 and Taking Level 6

    Quick Note: I apologize for the quality of the videos up to this point. I am not a professional and have no intention of trying to make money from youtube - I just want to help new folks joining the game in the hope it will help some enjoy the game more and accomplish more even if they can't afford to spend money on the game. Players can be successful with or without spending money. With that said I lowered the capture % for my mic from 100% to 80% and that seems to reduce some of the breathing and other noises caused by the prior mic setting. I'll keep trying to tweak the settings for a better outcome.

    The following quests were run at level 5:

    Heyton's Rest - Elite
    The Storehouse's Secret - Elite
    The Cannith Crystal - Elite
    The Collaborator - Elite
    Stopping the Sahuagin - Elite
    Sacrifices - Elite
    Necromancer's Doom - Elite
    Redemption - Elite
    Mysery's Peak - Elite

    Keep on the Borderlands
    Watch Your Step - R1
    Violent Delights - R1
    Treasure Hunt - R1
    Obstructing the Orcs - R1
    The Hobgoblin Horde - R1
    Caged Beast - R1
    Bugbear Bandits - R1

    Full Chains
    Catcombs - Normal
    Waterworks - Normal
    Seal of Shan-To-Kor - Normal
    Tangleroot Gorge - Nromal

    The Harbor
    Kobold Assault - Normal + Hard
    Housekeeping - Normal + Hard + Elite (attempt for book of spirits which did not drop)
    The Sacred Helm - Normal + Hard
    Redfang the Unruled - Normal + Hard

    Favor Earned: 151 (331 total after level 5)
    DDO Points Earned: 50 (standard bonuses for earning 200 and 300 favor on a character)

    Notable items earned
    • Marguerite's Necklace (Deathblock, Lifefore 7 - profane bonus of 7 to hp)
    • +2 Holy 1 Greatsword of Keen Edges (1800 plat from auction house)
    • Ring with 12% Electricity Absorb for Harbor Reaper Quests (5000 plat from auction house)
    • Cloak with 8 Electricity Resistance and feather fall for Harbor Reaper Quests (5000 plat from auction house)
    • Defensive 8 Helm of Search 6 - 8 bonus to MRR/PRR (3600 plat from auction house)
    • Potions of Heroism from House K guild vendor for +2 to saves and +2 to skills
    • Wand of Serious Wounds from House K wand Vendor

    Video support:
    Korthos Elite Run:
    Hobgoblin Horde R1:
    Watch Your Step R1:
    Obstructing the Orcs R1:
    The Bugbear Bandits R1:
    Treasure Hunt R1:
    Caged Beast R1:
    Violent Delights R1:
    Spending Your First Reaper Point:
    Waterworks Chain Normal:
    Seal of Shan-To-Kor Chain Normal:
    Sacred Helm Normal+Hard:
    Catacombs Chain Normal:
    Tangleroot Gorge Chain Normal:
    Borderlands R1 Level 1s - Repeat for RXP:
    Redfang the Unruled Normal+Hard:
    Level 5 Clean Up and Taking Level 6:

    Leveling Up from 5 to 6

    Level Up Stat: None
    Feats: Empower Healing

    Class Skills (1 point per rank)

    Concentration: +0 (2 total)
    Heal: +0 (2 total)

    Cross-Class Skills (1 point per 1/2 rank)

    Balance: +0 (5 total)
    Bluff: +0 (5 total)
    Disable Device: +1 (9 total)
    Haggle: +0 (5 total)
    Jump: +0 (5 total)
    Open Lock: +0 (5 total)
    Search: +1 (9 total)
    Spot: +.5 (7 total)
    Tumble: +0 (2 total)
    Use Magic Device: +0 (5 total)

    Current Enhancements after Taking Level 6

    Knights of the Chalice
    - Slayer of Evil
    - Courage of Heaven
    Tier 1
    - Holy Combatant
    - Improved Second Strikes x 3
    Tier 2
    - Adept Combatant
    - Divine Might x 3
    - Exalted Cleave
    Tier 3
    - Holy Combatant

    Sacred Defender
    - Holy Bastion
    - Sacred Defense
    Tier 1
    - Extra Lay on Hands x2
    - Durable Defense x3
    Last edited by FTPDDO; 06-11-2020 at 01:34 PM.

  17. #17
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    Default Quick Update on Reaper XP and Plan for Reaper

    With our first run-through of the 7 level 1 Keep on the Borderlands Quests we earned 1013 reaper xp. With our second run-through of the same quests we earned 426 reaper xp. I was expecting one or more deaths considering my status as a first-life character with free-to-play limitations, but didn't die.

    Sacred defender increases physical damage reduction to 27.54% and my magical damage reduction to 24.81% which is a very significant upgrade. In addition in preparation for Harbor reaper quests I purchased items with electrical absorb and electrical resistance to reduce damage when failing my save. I wasn't able to find a resistance item so am without an item giving bonuses to saves. I'll keep an eye out for this as I run quests. Prior to running level 3 reaper quests I would like to find some fire resist/absorb items and potentially an item to boost turn undead - although I am not sure if it will be successful at all.

    I plan to re-run level 2 reapers enough to have 3 reaper points at the end of level 6 in preparation for level 3 reapers which will also include champions.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Folund View Post
    I will surely go 1 rogue /19 Pal, i like heavy armor :/, hope it will not lower my ability to pick lock and open lock.

    As a new player and surely ftp, i will follow ur guide step by step (for, feat, stats ect) i will level by my own, want to keep the feeling of discovering the game.

    Do you think u can put here a list of the feats u will recommend ?
    Taking 1 rogue level will slow down your feat progression as the first level of rogue provides 0 BAB

    Currently pure paladin would take:

    1) Two Handed Fighting
    6) Improved Two Handed Fighting (requires 6 BAB but with 1 rogue level you only have 5 BAB at 6)
    9) Improved Critical (requires requires 8 BAB)
    12) Greater Two Handed Fighting (requires 11 BAB)

    I would suggest splashing 1 fighter in to fix this issue before level 9. You still get the paladin 18 core. So the build would be 18 Paladin / 1 Fighter / 1 Rogue

    Level 1 Rogue
    Level 2 - 7 Paladin
    Level 8 Fighter
    Level 9 - 20 Paladin

    Feats would be as follows for a human (if you want the bonus feat). For feats you can either focus solely on dps or try to add some boosts to your healing. My preference is self-healing focus but if you took a poll most would probably suggest dps. It would slow down holy sword a little but worth it for the extra feat in my opinion.

    1) Two-Handed Fighting
    1 Human Feat) Power Attack
    3) Magical Training
    6) Empower Healing
    8 Fighter Feat) Improved Two Handed Fighting
    9) Improved Critical Slashing (if sword or axe focused)
    12) Greater Two Handed Fighting
    15) Stunning Blow
    18) Quicken

    Based on personal preference you can switch up the order of power attack, stunning blow and quicken.

    You would need a 14 int to have enough skill points for search/disable and a little to spot.

  19. #19
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    Default A quick summary of DDO points and how to spend points earned

    Prior to making my character on the server I picked as home - I first ran for 100 favor on the other 7 servers giving me 875 points. If you wanted to run a shortened version of that you could instead earn 5 favor on the other 7 servers for 400 quick points while keeping the option open to finish 100-favor runs at a later time.

    I used the free coupon code DDOfreequests to get the non-expansion content. I purchased the Menace of the Underdark and Shadowfell Conspiracy expansions so my current DDO point total is:

    +875 points from 7 100-favor runs
    +175 points from favor earned so far on the server I picked
    - 0 for all historical content with special coupon code
    - 99 points for Menace of the Underdark
    - 99 points for Shadowfell Conspiracy

    Remaining Total: 852 DDO points

    The Monster Manual I and II are both on sale for 25% off and are very compelling items because each Monster Manual grants 500 DDO points which is more than the cost on sale. After weighing the pros and cons I decided not to take advantage of this great sale price because July is historically a month where DDO and other game companies offer many specials. Although I will eventually earn all my DDO points back with the Monster Manual it will take significant time. I want to make sure I keep enough points for any deep discounts that might occur in the summer - especially with the need to buy Epic Destinies which costs 995 points when not on sale. My goal is to have enough DDO points saved up to take advantage of deep sales with a focus on acquiring epic destinies as soon as I hit 20 whether it's on sale or not.

    I am definitely taking advantage of the weekly coupon code THIEVES2 for +2 thieves tools x10 since it's better than what I currently have access to.
    Last edited by FTPDDO; 06-11-2020 at 10:10 PM.

  20. 06-14-2020, 07:49 AM

  21. #20
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    Default Questing @ Level 6 and Taking Level 7

    The following quests were run at level 6:

    House Jorasco
    Redwillow Ruins - Normal + Hard

    Full Chains
    Catcombs - Hard
    Waterworks - Hard
    Seal of Shan-To-Kor - Hard
    Tangleroot Gorge - Hard
    Baudry Chain - Elite (Retrieve the Stolen Goods on R1)
    Cerulean Hills - Normal + Hard

    Keep on the Borderlands
    Total Chaos - R1

    The Harbor
    Bringing in the Light - R1x2
    Kobold's New Ringleader - R1x2
    Smuggler's Warehouse - R1x2
    Recovering the Lost Tome - R1x2
    Garrison's Missing Pack - R1x2
    Walk the Butcher's Path - R1x2
    Durk's Got a Secret - R1x2
    Haverdasher - R3 (I moved up to R3 in an attempt to get at least 1 reaper to spawn so I could get 10 kills as the quest has only 9 and 10 are required to get reaper xp)
    Information is the Key - R1x2

    Missing in Action - R1x2
    Sunken Sewer - R1x2
    Swiped Signet - Normal + Hard

    Favor Earned: 180 (511 total after level 6)
    DDO Points Earned: 100 (standard bonuses for earning 400 and 500 favor on a character + the one-time 50 point bonus for the first time earning 500 favor on a server)

    Notable items earned
    • Visor of the Flesh Render which has one death ward clickie for 7 minutes (end reward for Tangelroot Gorge Chain - iconic DDO item)
    • Fortifying Belt of Strength +4 belt (Constitution + 3, Fortification 51%, Strength +4 - end reward for Redwillow Ruins Hard - probably the best random item drop I've seen so far)
    • Battleword Medal trinket (Charisma +1, Heroism, Mythic Trinket Boost +3 (+3 to melee power) - end chest for Heart of the Problem)
    • Silverflame Boots of Swim +7 (Hallowed +4, Sacred +4 Swim +7 - Redwillow Ruins elite chest)
    • Intelligence +4 Spot +5 goggles (auction house)

    Video support:
    Redwillow Ruins Normal + Hard + Elite Chest Farm:
    Making an Extra Account for Unbound Item Storage:
    Bringing in the Light R1x2 :
    Kobold's New Ringleader R1x2:
    Smuggler's Warehouse R1x2:
    Recovering the Lost Tome R1x2:
    Garrison's Missing Pack R1x2:
    Walk the Butcher's Path R1x2:
    Durk's Got a Secret R1x2:
    Haverdasher R3:
    Information Is The Key R1x2:
    Missing in Action R1x2:
    Taking Our 2nd Reaper Point:
    Sunken Sewer R1x2:
    Baudry Chain Elite:
    Total Chaos R1:
    Cerulean Hills Chain Normal:
    Mid-level Inventory Management:
    Swiped Signet Normal + Hard:
    Cerulean Hills Chain Hard:
    Waterworks Chain Hard:
    Seal of Shan-To-Kor Chain Hard:
    Tangleroot Gorge Chain Hard:
    Getting House Phiarlan Favor and Using the Patron Vendor:
    Catacombs Chain Hard:
    Level 6 Wrap-up and Taking Level 7:

    Leveling Up from 6 to 7

    Level Up Stat: None
    Feats: None

    Class Skills (1 point per rank)

    Concentration: +0 (2 total)
    Heal: +0 (2 total)

    Cross-Class Skills (1 point per 1/2 rank)

    Balance: +0 (5 total)
    Bluff: +0 (5 total)
    Disable Device: +1 (10 total)
    Haggle: +0 (5 total)
    Jump: +0 (5 total)
    Open Lock: +0 (5 total)
    Search: +1 (10 total)
    Spot: +.5 (7.5 total)
    Tumble: +0 (2 total)
    Use Magic Device: +0 (5 total)

    Current Enhancements after Taking Level 7

    Knights of the Chalice
    - Slayer of Evil
    - Courage of Heaven
    Tier 1
    - Holy Combatant
    - Improved Second Strikes x 3
    Tier 2
    - Adept Combatant
    - Divine Might x 3
    - Exalted Cleave
    Tier 3
    - Holy Combatant

    Sacred Defender
    - Holy Bastion
    - Sacred Defense
    Tier 1
    - Extra Lay on Hands x3 (1 tier added)
    - Durable Defense x3
    Tier 2
    - Resilent Defense x3 (new)

    I initially spent my points on Knights of the Chalice to get the first tier of Improved Turning. I ran a quick test in R1 The Friar's Niece. The d6 damage wasn't significant enough (would be much better with all 3 tiers @ 18d6) and turning didn't work at all. Also, even though they are typed differently the Seek Eternal Rest spell didn't seem to stack with my Silver Flame Boots (when I cast the spell I didn't see the buff unless I removed my boots). So I swapped back cure light wounds for my spell and made the changes above by resetting my KOTC enhancement tree for 1013 plat - opting for the extra lay on hands and better saves.

    Plan for Level 7

    Run most level 3s on R1 with a few run on elite (e.g., tangleroot level 3 quests)
    Run level 4 quests on Normal + Hard
    Run Delera's chain on Normal for 5% xp trinket before my reaper runs

    I was originally planning on repeating level 2 R1s for a few days to build up another reaper point. However, after doing well in the reaper quests (not yet dying despite being a first-life character with FTP limits) I was bullish on the level 3 R1s with just the 2 reaper points and decided not to delay leveling. By repeating the level 1 R1s and most level 2 R1s once we have 2 reaper points going into level 7.

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