Are you tired of joining guild after guild just to leave because you seem to be the only person active? Have you been looking for a few semi casual players to help get your levels up? Is that pesky completionist goal constantly slipping through your fingers?
Well I think I have something help with that! I, along with one other dedicated friend, have started the Black Feathers Guild. Currently we are level with just 2 player (a couple characters each) and we are looking for people to join in on the fun. If you are interested hit me up in the Orien server as Slagithor Jones or Maikal Paggin for more information. As we are a small guild we are open to almost everyone who is willing to keep playing. Not asking for anything in return except that you contributed to the guild’s growth by logging in as sporadically as you please and running a few quests. Nothing you don’t already do. Officer positions are a available for those who join early and helps keep things in check. Really just looking for casual players.
Thanks to all who read this,
Mrdouglad92 -
Maikal Paggin- leader of the Black Feathers