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  1. #1
    Community Member wizdarrick's Avatar
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    Oct 2014

    Unhappy Mele sucks now days

    The part I feel sad about is the melee is my favorite type because you actually get in the action more and requires faster reflexes and timing to play well. On heroic levels melee still works fair you can do reaper 1 and survive but on epics it is hard to survive through any quest without getting killed even with 4 hirelings. Now for the instant death type of player or ranged heck bring it on. You just stand back and kill everything before it touches you and in groups the monsters are dead before the melee even has a chance to help until the end of quest fighting bosses. Another challenge for melee is beating a quest with melee takes much longer than ranged or magic as well so leveling up for a melee is slow as heck.

    On epic reaper 5+ feels like the melee using a great sword/axe gets killed in half a second because you just aggroed the whole group and since I am next to a monster it hits you boom your dead. Through the quest you keep dieing and get death penalties simply because you try and help or get a single kill in the quest. Hmm ok guess go total defense so I can actually survive but then I'm going to tickled the monster with 100 damage a hit on criticals. Oh look how good I do compared to the 100k of the magic and ranged or simply use instant kills and get everything dead with one spell. As for the ranged and magic their just having fun playing tag and slaughtering the monsters while running away easily defeating everything while the melee has to either stand back and do nothing or die trying to help. in the end of quest melee has 5% of kills in general.

    In korthos then harbor, market and what not melee does good but the higher the lvl the more helpless the melee becomes so when leveling up start making melee to where they get more HP, PRR, MRR or something to help them survive and actually able to contribute and do their part in the party with the quests again.
    Last edited by wizdarrick; 02-11-2020 at 11:01 AM.

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Community Member count_spicoli's Avatar
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    Its so far out of wack with melee i dont knownif they can get it back. Its a real problem that i dont know updat 45 can fix. Nerf to inauis may help so.e but casters are still way op. First thing i would do is get rid of the stupkd spell pods. Make them have somewhat limited sources
    Khyber IN BAD COMPANY Longand Drunkmage Sexyheals Fullforce

  4. #4
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    It's really no different than it has been for the last 2 years.

  5. #5
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    SSG don't know how to buff Melee

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by feelnofear View Post
    SSG don't know how to buff Melee
    Armor Up was an attempt at buffing Melee, but it just made Full Plate-wearing Sorcerers a thing instead, because they attached the survival buffs, which are what melee REALLY needs, to the armor they wear.

    Epic Defensive Fighting helped in that sense, but it feels like a band-aid.

  7. #7
    Community Member wizdarrick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xgya View Post
    Armor Up was an attempt at buffing Melee, but it just made Full Plate-wearing Sorcerers a thing instead, because they attached the survival buffs, which are what melee REALLY needs, to the armor they wear.

    Epic Defensive Fighting helped in that sense, but it feels like a band-aid.
    One I wonder about is why don't they just make it to where all magic except the healing type has 100% spell failure with medium or heavy armor. Then up the defense a ton so melee can actually wear something which really helps. Make it to where medium and heavy armor could counter act the healing amp penalty the reaper does since the melee are the ones taking the damage. Heck the primal healing past lives and barbarian enhancements are pretty much obsolete and worthless. Melee has the lowest amount of devotion and mana for healing themselves and yet they take the most damage. A caster has pretty much a endless supply to heal themselves and yet they never get hit since they blast everything a mile away and kill the monsters before it even reaches them, so really casters and ranged attackers don't need healing.
    Over all it feels like DDO has become one of these first person shooter games to kill everything before it reaches you instead of getting close and personal. Feels like its time to give up Melee and join the rest of the crowd who just kills it before I can even reach the monsters when I do melee. If I try to solo anything on reaper doing melee that way I can actually kill a few monsters finally it takes 4 times longer to beat the quest compared to magic or ranged.

  8. 04-27-2020, 09:40 AM

  9. #8
    The Hatchery Enoach's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wizdarrick View Post
    One I wonder about is why don't they just make it to where all magic except the healing type has 100% spell failure with medium or heavy armor. Then up the defense a ton so melee can actually wear something which really helps. ...
    I think the simple answer here is: Cleric, FvS and Druid. All classes that can wear Medium to Heavy Armor, be melee with spell support or Caster with melee support. They have already discourage using Combat Expertise for these and the Paladin with the 3x cooldown on spells including buffs, heal and offensive. This would be a worse suggestion.

    I agree that Epic Defensive Fighting was a band-aid and not a good one. The problem was not the Hit Points of the Player Characters. The problem lied elsewhere.

    1. Mobs ability to land a blow - which was made worse with glancing - "well it was almost a hit, here is some damage"
    2. Tactics - Many melee don't even know they could stun, trip or sunder. Mostly because they don't see the point or because they can only do one with the cooldown being so long in between. Don't get me wrong melee don't need to be able to stun and trip with every swing I just think it is high time they look at the cooldowns maybe make some adjustments in the epic levels

    There are ways to create encounters that can handicap non-melee types using the environment, or even bring in some of the utility spells such as silence or even wall of wind.

    Melee it is always been a trade off of defense/offense even all the way back to pen and paper days. I do think adjustments need to be made in the realm of how often and how hard for melee range. I think that can be adjusted by making more options available for tactics.

    I realize you are being hyperbolic but run a melee tank that is high defense and I don't crit for 100, it is much higher. It is not full Barbarian Smash higher but it is not Tickle either.

  10. #9
    Community Member PiotrekS's Avatar
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    Maybe if two last Basic points of melee (so it reqires at least 18 levels in melee to avoid having another 2 melee, 18 mage ops) will give let's say 75 PRR & MRR for a total +150 each on lvl 20 would help?

    Edit: i mean last two basic enhancement points on every melee specialisation
    "Sometimes winning turns out to be losing, and victory is best achieved in defeat." -Sturm Brightblade, Dragons of Summer Flame

  11. #10
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    Melees didn't got a pass on the "new" eds because they where already in a good tier. But when the casters and ranged got a pass the game got more even. The lack of meld became a bigger problem for melees for obvious reasons and this is a serious issue that we should ask, ops, not ask. We should DEMAND because reaper was build around the older ED. If they limit the ED they should give us something back. Everyone got a power limit but all classes "roles" had something in return, melees got nothing and got more limited with the new EDS so this was really a terrible move by them.

  12. #11
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  13. #12
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    Default Your right

    Quote Originally Posted by wizdarrick View Post
    The part I feel sad about is the melee is my favorite type because you actually get in the action more and requires faster reflexes and timing to play well. On heroic levels melee still works fair you can do reaper 1 and survive but on epics it is hard to survive through any quest without getting killed even with 4 hirelings. Now for the instant death type of player or ranged heck bring it on. You just stand back and kill everything before it touches you and in groups the monsters are dead before the melee even has a chance to help until the end of quest fighting bosses. Another challenge for melee is beating a quest with melee takes much longer than ranged or magic as well so leveling up for a melee is slow as heck.

    On epic reaper 5+ feels like the melee using a great sword/axe gets killed in half a second because you just aggroed the whole group and since I am next to a monster it hits you boom your dead. Through the quest you keep dieing and get death penalties simply because you try and help or get a single kill in the quest. Hmm ok guess go total defense so I can actually survive but then I'm going to tickled the monster with 100 damage a hit on criticals. Oh look how good I do compared to the 100k of the magic and ranged or simply use instant kills and get everything dead with one spell. As for the ranged and magic their just having fun playing tag and slaughtering the monsters while running away easily defeating everything while the melee has to either stand back and do nothing or die trying to help. in the end of quest melee has 5% of kills in general.

    In korthos then harbor, market and what not melee does good but the higher the lvl the more helpless the melee becomes so when leveling up start making melee to where they get more HP, PRR, MRR or something to help them survive and actually able to contribute and do their part in the party with the quests again.
    Your right, SSG is probably scared to hear all of the whining from the meta players and the people that want easy R10 xp.

  14. #13
    Community Member DeathbringerGod's Avatar
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    Unhappy Tactical DC on Legendary is awful

    Fix the saves on mobs in legendary so some melee tactical build could do something....
    Last edited by DeathbringerGod; 04-09-2023 at 12:29 AM.
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