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  1. #1
    Community Member swiftus's Avatar
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    Default Build Request: Favored Soul 18 Monk 2 dual wielding Long Swords builds?

    Hello all,

    I took a long DDO hiatus and have been back lately slowly bringing my characters up to speed as I adjust to changes in the game (reaper mode is something new to me.)

    I have a character that I planned as FVS18/Mnk2 that is currently FVS16/Monk2. I don't remember why, but I set him to reincarnate because of problems I saw with the build back then. It might have been because I had STR and DEX base about the same and wanted to take from either to put into CON instead for better HP/fort.

    Before I get into trying to salvage the character myself and risk further brain strain, I'd like to see if ya'll can suggest some builds that can help me understand how to make this combo viable in the current game state.

    When I first attempted this, FVS was still the new kid (class) on the block and I was fascinated with being able to utilize Wisdom between the two classes and have a melee/caster/healer combo on top of that a centered monk splash with twf longswords, of course understanding I couldn't be a master of all. I went human at that time.

    Any help appreciated!
    Last edited by swiftus; 10-30-2019 at 04:51 AM.
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    *Dehks*Perplex*Phokkus*Praesidius*Pwnlee*Swervific us*
    Tycoons of Tomorrow Guild @ Khyber "I'm your huckleberry" ~ Doc Holiday - Tombstone

  2. #2
    Community Member voxson5's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by swiftus View Post
    Hello all,

    I took a long DDO hiatus and have been back lately slowly bringing my characters up to speed as I adjust to changes in the game (reaper mode is something new to me.)

    I have a character that I planned as FVS18/Mnk2 that is currently FVS16/Monk2. I don't remember why, but I set him to reincarnate because of problems I saw with the build back then. It might have been because I had STR and DEX base about the same and wanted to take from either to put into CON instead for better HP/fort.

    Before I get into trying to salvage the character myself and risk further brain strain, I'd like to see if ya'll can suggest some builds that can help me understand how to make this combo viable in the current game state.

    When I first attempted this, FVS was still the new kid (class) on the block and I was fascinated with being able to utilize Wisdom between the two classes and have a melee/caster/healer combo on top of that a centered monk splash with twf longswords, of course understanding I couldn't be a master of all. I went human at that time.

    Any help appreciated!
    Big feat investment for centered long swords - 3x 2wf, icrit:slash, wf:slash, WSS, knights training, precision/power attack - That's already 8 of your 10 heroic feats

    Quicken & Maximize?

    I think you'ld be a hard to kill lower dps melee & group healer

    *edit - removed errors
    Last edited by voxson5; 10-30-2019 at 05:36 PM.

  3. #3
    Community Member darkniteyogi's Avatar
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    I think its a very thinly spread combo but doable. I suggest using what twf is good at, wc is maximizing weapon effects like vorpal and banes, smiting, and disruption.

    I would not dump wis and still make Blade barrier my goto offense for trash. You lose too much by throwing away one of the best spells in the game.

    U can still use twf for mages and archers.

    I wouldnt waste any more feats for centered longsword.

    Twf x3 is enough. Ic slashing, power attack cleave, g cleave, maximize empower quicken

  4. #4
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Dipping below FvS 18 costs you level 9 spells and +1 critical range from War Soul. Not worth it just to get an extra feat.
    Last edited by unbongwah; 10-30-2019 at 01:23 PM.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by darkniteyogi View Post

    I wouldnt waste any more feats for centered longsword.

    Twf x3 is enough. Ic slashing, power attack cleave, g cleave, maximize empower quicken
    Power Attack, Cleave and Great Cleave are gonna be very unhelpful for this build. Stick with Knight's Training at the very least

    Cleaves are generally underwhelming at the moment. This is especially true for TWF folks, who only get to cleave with one weapon at the cost of breaking their attack animation. As a War Soul, you've also got Divine Vessel, which shares a cooldown with Great Cleave and is quite a bit more powerful.

  6. #6
    Community Member Lonnbeimnech's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by voxson5 View Post
    Big feat investment for centered long swords - 3x 2wf, icrit:slash, wf:slash, WSS, knights training, precision/power attack - That's already 8 of your 10 heroic feats

    Quicken & Maximize? I'ld maybe think about adding in a fighter level for easy access to haste boost + another feat + retain wings

    I think you'ld be a hard to kill lower dps melee & group healer
    warsoul already gives haste boost in t2

  7. #7
    Community Member voxson5's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lonnbeimnech View Post
    warsoul already gives haste boost in t2
    Yeah.. derped on that & crit - show how much I pay attention to warsoul. Will edit my post

  8. #8
    Community Member swiftus's Avatar
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    Thanks everyone for the input!

    This is inspiring me to put something into one of the character planners, which I mostly used for crafting planning, to try to work him out before I complete the reincarnation.

    I appreciate the feat, class, and enh ideas, I'll have stuff to factor in!

    For stat stuff I'm considering:
    STR - Can't dump so I can carry stuff and be able to hit until a feat or enh kicks in.
    DEX - To finesse or not finesse, evasion/dodge/reflex factor
    CON - HP/fort
    WIS - Will/FvS th/DC/dmg option
    CHR - UMD, FvS th/DC/dmg option
    INT - Skill points

    ... specifically for FvS considering Wis-based-to-hit type options if-any available to shift points.

    Mainly looking at War Soul and Angel of Vengeance trees, but intrigued to find something to put on the monk side beyond Henshin Mystic's first core in Riddle of Fire (+3 Melee Power +2 Fire Resistance +3 PRR.)

    Of course I got Monk for evasion and interesting gearing (the monk Whirling Steel feat makes the centered longswords a thing,) with added features of monk effects on weapons can be twitchy fun.

    I'll post the character creator output if I can drudge it well enough. :P
    __________________________________________________ _________________________
    *Dehks*Perplex*Phokkus*Praesidius*Pwnlee*Swervific us*
    Tycoons of Tomorrow Guild @ Khyber "I'm your huckleberry" ~ Doc Holiday - Tombstone

  9. #9
    Community Member voxson5's Avatar
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    Ok. Lets take a closer look.

    TLDR - I'ld recomend to go wisdom based. Dont dump con. Focus on getting more dodge, wisdom, spell dc etc


    * FvS gets wisdom or charisma to hit and damage from level 2, when using favoured weapons, and FvS class levels make up your main class.
    * When centred, Monks get dodge bonuses, can activate stances (such as water for more wisdom and dodge).
    * While defensively centred (light encomberance & wearing robes/cloth/no armour), they benefit from wisdom bonus to AC.

    * helps to qualify for power attack - generally precision is higher DPS
    * helps vs carry capacity (ie to remain centred)
    * helps offset spells such as ray of enfeeblement - not often cast at your level range

    Other stuff:
    * longswords cant be finessed
    * need 17 minimum dex (incl tomes - 1750 favour?) For itwf

    * 11 ap into shintao gets you +10% offhand, +20% healing amp, +20 PRR, +1 ac & saves, ki strike (fist of iron?)
    * 2 ap into beacon gets you +10% healing amp, good hope (+2 skills, saves, damage etc)
    * 35 ap into warsoul gets you crit mods & self cast haste, haste boost, perma blur, 5/- dr, + 10 AC, divine intervention, +2 wisdom, divine will, +10% double strike
    * 31 ap into AoV gets you spamable sla's, archon shoulder cannon, debuff aura, +1 spell DC, caster level boosters, +2 wisdom

    I'd focus on boosting wisdom, dodge, doublestrike, conjuration DC (commetfall) and evocation DC (orders wrath, blade barrier, implosion, sun bolt)

    With 32 point buy in and no tome(s), I'd go:
    Str - 11
    Dex - 17
    Con - 14
    Int - 8
    Wis - 16 + level ups
    Cha - 8

    Balance & heal probably for skills.

    Edit - gearsets such as silent avenger + adherents (incl pinnicle ring and summoners googles), with sharn upgrades, might be a good place to start if you have either expac
    Last edited by voxson5; 10-30-2019 at 07:23 PM.

  10. #10
    Community Member swiftus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by voxson5 View Post
    Ok. Lets take a closer look.

    TLDR - I'ld recomend to go wisdom based. Dont dump con. Focus on getting more dodge, wisdom, spell dc etc


    * FvS gets wisdom or charisma to hit and damage from level 2, when using favoured weapons, and FvS class levels make up your main class.
    * When centred, Monks get dodge bonuses, can activate stances (such as water for more wisdom and dodge).
    * While defensively centred (light encomberance & wearing robes/cloth/no armour), they benefit from wisdom bonus to AC.

    * helps to qualify for power attack - generally precision is higher DPS
    * helps vs carry capacity (ie to remain centred)
    * helps offset spells such as ray of enfeeblement - not often cast at your level range

    Other stuff:
    * longswords cant be finessed
    * need 17 minimum dex (incl tomes - 1750 favour?) For itwf

    * 11 ap into shintao gets you +10% offhand, +20% healing amp, +20 PRR, +1 ac & saves, ki strike (fist of iron?)
    * 2 ap into beacon gets you +10% healing amp, good hope (+2 skills, saves, damage etc)
    * 35 ap into warsoul gets you crit mods & self cast haste, haste boost, perma blur, 5/- dr, + 10 AC, divine intervention, +2 wisdom, divine will, +10% double strike
    * 31 ap into AoV gets you spamable sla's, archon shoulder cannon, debuff aura, +1 spell DC, caster level boosters, +2 wisdom

    I'd focus on boosting wisdom, dodge, doublestrike, conjuration DC (commetfall) and evocation DC (orders wrath, blade barrier, implosion, sun bolt)

    With 32 point buy in and no tome(s), I'd go:
    Str - 11
    Dex - 17
    Con - 14
    Int - 8
    Wis - 16 + level ups
    Cha - 8

    Balance & heal probably for skills.

    Edit - gearsets such as silent avenger + adherents (incl pinnicle ring and summoners googles), with sharn upgrades, might be a good place to start if you have either expac
    Ahh yes, finesse doesn't factor into this, I confess I'm a mess from character build stress. :P

    Thanks for going into that depth, I know you saved me a lot of time as it feels like the direction I want to go with this.

    The character I'm LR'ing is a Champion (32pt first lifer) with a +3 dex tome, but I might use this as a third life for a different Hero character.

    An initial go at this in the planner trying to apply the hive mind...

    18/2 Favored Soul/Monk
    Lawful Good Human

    Level Order

    1. Monk. . . . . . 6. Favored Soul. .11. Favored Soul. .16. Favored Soul
    2. Favored Soul . .7. Favored Soul . 12. Favored Soul . 17. Favored Soul
    3. Monk. . . . . . 8. Favored Soul. .13. Favored Soul. .18. Favored Soul
    4. Favored Soul . .9. Favored Soul . 14. Favored Soul . 19. Favored Soul
    5. Favored Soul . 10. Favored Soul . 15. Favored Soul . 20. Favored Soul

    . . . . . . . .32pt . . Tome
    . . . . . . . .---- . . ----
    Strength. . . . 11
    Dexterity . . . 17. . . .+3
    Constitution. . 14
    Intelligence. . .8
    Wisdom. . . . . 16
    Charisma. . . . .8. . . . . . . .


    .1. . . . : Two Weapon Fighting
    .1 Human. : Dodge
    .1 Monk . : Mobility
    .3. . . . : Weapon Focus: Slashing
    .3 Monk . : Whirling Steel Strike
    .6. . . . : Precision
    .9. . . . : Improved Two Weapon Fighting
    12. . . . : Improved Critical: Slashing
    15. . . . : Spell Focus: Evocation
    18. . . . : Greater Two Weapon Fighting
    21 Epic . :
    24 Epic . :
    26 Destiny: Perfect Two Weapon Fighting
    27 Epic . :
    28 Destiny: Mass Frog
    29 Destiny:
    30 Epic . :
    30 Legend :

    .4 FavSoul: Knowledge of Battle
    .9 FavSoul: Purity of Heart

    .7 FavSoul: Energy Absorption: Fire
    12 FavSoul: Energy Absorption: Electricity
    17 FavSoul: Energy Absorption: Cold

    .2 Deity. : Follower of: Sovereign Host
    .8 Deity. : Unyielding Sovereignty

    ... Got WSS by level 3 and none of the more suggested feats were available until later levels so went with dodge and mobility along with TWF to get there.

    I have a lot of different spell focus and spell enhancing gear, so might rely on that and enhancements so I can save on that SF: Evocation feat slot, was just thinking I wanted those spells to hit more in GH, Necro, Vale, and Reaver's Reach.

    Still at it though, would like to go into depth planning out the enhancements but tempted to have a go already and let the journey along with all this information (play style focus, what trees to look in etc) guide me to picking them.

    I'll post progress as it goes any interesting direction or distance.

    How would you change the attribute layout with the +3 Dex tome? It will apply at level 3 before the planned itwf level.
    Last edited by swiftus; 10-30-2019 at 10:57 PM.
    __________________________________________________ _________________________
    *Dehks*Perplex*Phokkus*Praesidius*Pwnlee*Swervific us*
    Tycoons of Tomorrow Guild @ Khyber "I'm your huckleberry" ~ Doc Holiday - Tombstone

  11. #11
    Community Member voxson5's Avatar
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    Hopefully our building lord and master, Unbongwah, will chime in to offer a (likely) better opinion than I can.

    RE: Stats, you could drop Dex to 14, push Wis to 18, and round Str to 12

    I use this little online point buy calc, if it helps you shuffle things around -

    IMO, you probably don't need dodge & mobility, and I would still recommend considering quicken (heals etc) & maximize (sunbolt is super good all the way though). It is your character at the end of the day, so the choice is ultimately yours

    I'd also recommend stout of heart - hp instead of sp. FvS spell point pool is huge already, and because you will be leveraging melee, you may find you wont be running out of sp very often.

    Epics and epic destinies might slightly alter things - eg you may want a spell focus feat to pick up relevant twists etc, but you could get that in epic levels as well. Running in grandmaster of flowers might be a fun choice, twisting DC out of magister/ sense weakness from fury / lithe from shadow dancer - but there are loads of options to try out and you will need a bit of grind to get the most out of it.
    Last edited by voxson5; 10-30-2019 at 11:39 PM.

  12. 11-30-2022, 09:28 PM

  13. #12
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    Default same question about whirling steel

    Quote Originally Posted by swiftus View Post
    Thanks everyone for the input!

    This is inspiring me to put something into one of the character planners, which I mostly used for crafting planning, to try to work him out before I complete the reincarnation.

    I appreciate the feat, class, and enh ideas, I'll have stuff to factor in!

    For stat stuff I'm considering:
    STR - Can't dump so I can carry stuff and be able to hit until a feat or enh kicks in.
    DEX - To finesse or not finesse, evasion/dodge/reflex factor
    CON - HP/fort
    WIS - Will/FvS th/DC/dmg option
    CHR - UMD, FvS th/DC/dmg option
    INT - Skill points

    ... specifically for FvS considering Wis-based-to-hit type options if-any available to shift points.

    Mainly looking at War Soul and Angel of Vengeance trees, but intrigued to find something to put on the monk side beyond Henshin Mystic's first core in Riddle of Fire (+3 Melee Power +2 Fire Resistance +3 PRR.)

    Of course I got Monk for evasion and interesting gearing (the monk Whirling Steel feat makes the centered longswords a thing,) with added features of monk effects on weapons can be twitchy fun.

    I'll post the character creator output if I can drudge it well enough. :P
    sorry I meant to put this here, please help
    i was on hiatus for a while also and just can't figure out why I cannot get whirling steel, it says I need "weapon focus: longsword" but it is not listed as available. centered while wielding two longswords is what I am going for, maybe I'm just not high enough level yet. I guess I was kinda checking in to see if there have been fundamental changes I'm proficient in the soveirn host. level 9 only this life fvs with 2 levels of monk following an old build guide. has anything changed or am I just getting ahead of myself?

  14. #13
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by badassbilly View Post
    i was on hiatus for a while also and just can't figure out why I cannot get whirling steel, it says I need "weapon focus: longsword" but it is not listed as available. centered while wielding two longswords is what I am going for, maybe I'm just not high enough level yet. I guess I was kinda checking in to see if there have been fundamental changes I'm proficient in the soveirn host. level 9 only this life fvs with 2 levels of monk following an old build guide. has anything changed or am I just getting ahead of myself?
    You need longsword proficiency (free from Sovereign Host) and BAB 1 (which you certainly have by level 9) to take Weapon Focus (longsword). I made a new toon and confirmed that I could take Weapon Focus + WSS:

    And also Knight's Training at level 6 (FvS 4 / monk 2):
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  15. #14
    Community Member Kodwraith's Avatar
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    If you're still interested in a Centered Longsword build, the 16 Sacred Fist / 1 FVS / 3 Monk build works well. It relies on 1 level of FVS to take Sovereign Host which gives you Longsword prof and favored weapon. WF:Slash + WSS the regular SWF feats eat pretty much all you feats. The VKF dagger build or Vol Drow Shortsword builds are likely better, but they don't look as cool and I have a large collection of longswords.

    I'm running this now for a Dwarf life. Damage is great for an AoE melee with 3 cleaves (Whirlwind x2 and Exalted smite). Defenses are good because you can pick up extra PRR form Shintao and extra Imbuwe dice from Henshin. It's not nearly as fast leveling as a burin-it-all-down Sorc, but it's fun and fairly self reliant.

    I'll post the build over in the Pally forum.
    Kodraith / Xanxibar / Xinibar / Lensgrinder :: Lava Divers of Khyber :: I'm a monk. I hit things; it's what I do.

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