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  1. #81
    Community Member J1NG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    All of this is completely false. Skill checks being intrinsically tied to their major skills is a known complication with DDO - it's the same frustrating bug that is hampering the DC of Half-Orc's Lock Bash.
    Don't take this the wrong way as it's not directed specifically at you.

    But I call codswallop on that. Something only doesn't work as the previous update only if "something" was changed, whether it was a Dev finally taking a look in and trying to add the 5 Ki needed to use it, or making sure that the Hate Bonus after a successful use of Ki Shout is checking Concentration instead of Intimidate as well (both of which are "issues" related to the ability, since they don't match the description of effects).

    Ergo, something associated with Ki Shout Enhancement ability that uses Concentration was changed, whether directly or indirectly. Otherwise, it would still be working.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    This was fixed in 2016.
    Er I'm sorry. As DrawingGuy posted, Slashing to Handwraps and Unarmed works. Vorpal works whilst Unarmed. That was all made possible in 2016 yes. But Vorpal doesn't work whilst using Handwraps since that fix in 2016. I should have made that clear.

    But again, it's been a good long while now. And with no sight of it being changed, I'm swapping it out now on my main, as it's simply taking up an Epic Feat for no good reason. It doesn't even give an extra +0.5W or anything like that. And I remember you saying it's beyond your ability to fix back last time I brough that up, so I'm not expecting anything this time either. But no news means it's not on radar, and not on radar means it could be years before it even gets a look in. Nope, no thanks. Swapping it out for... well, anything virtually at this point. But certainly not keeping it.


    :: edit ::

    And I'm concerned that you believe Vorpal Strike to be "Fixed". I remember that you went to look at the Issue/Ticket I submitted in, with details on what is wrong a while back. No updates on that front back then. But to hear/read from your info now that it was fixed in 2016 suggests to me that either the Ticket with the details of its lack of functionality was not read properly, or the ticket lacked sufficient detail, or someone has not bothered to update and tell everything that Vorpal Strike is not supposed to work with Handwraps. And so that is why this Feat has remained untounched.

    I wonder what the case was here?
    Last edited by J1NG; 09-11-2018 at 09:49 PM. Reason: Something came to me about waht was said...
    Thelanis: Yijing (*Completionist* TR 20 Aasimar Scourge Monk Level 20 / Epic Level 10)
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  2. #82
    2016 DDO Players Council
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    Default New Turn Undead Abilities

    So, I noticed that ANY turn undead ability (IE: positive energy burst) will trigger the Domain buff for the Cleric and party. However, for the DEBUFFs (IE: vulnerability to light damage from sun domain when you use turn undead) only stack on enemies when you actually use the turn undead ability (again, the buffs to light damage do apply, but the stacks of vuln do not).

    Not sure if WAI or not, but figured I'd throw it in here.
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  3. #83
    Community Member Brightheart245's Avatar
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    Oooh came across one more:

    In Fatesinger, the T5 enhancement "Fragment of the Song: Valor" misspells 'vulnurability' in the last (unique) effect; it should be spelled 'vulnerability'. On that same note, it doesn't specify exactly the name of the "unique" type bonus of 2% Electric, Light, and Sonic vulnerability debuff, so maybe that would be good to clarify too.
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  4. #84
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    Default making vistani knife tree wothwile...

    Don´t know, if this is the right thread- but experimented with the vistani knife tree and compared TO SHURIKEN and heavy repeater builds in low levels (1-5).
    Since I could´t use combinations of swashbuckler with vistani knifes, its so low in power, that I had to really laugh out loud and delete the build.

    For making this tree worthwhile even trying more then a few test chars, the base-damage of knifes must be increased (like the swashbuckler does with different weapons and the
    attack speed have to be increased by double or more (making two instead of one throw) especially for knife thrower builds. I feel really bad, getting a tree so worthless then that
    with a ravenloft premium package. Ok the fluff of using melee daggers with another graphic is nice, but not enough to play it with a real build. Any plans to change that in near future?

    Best regards

  5. #85
    Community Member redoubt's Avatar
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    Negative Healing Amplification items are not typed consistent with other items. It appears that the player crafted items are profane instead of the regular bonus type.

  6. #86
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    I'd like to see a fix for the autolocation ability monsters have now, not just in reaper, but also in other difficulties where according to SSG stealth is supposedly still supported.

    Specifically, if monsters become aware of our presence and we flee, get out of line of sight and hearing range then get back into stealth, they still know where we are. They still converge on our location slowly even if we move around while in stealth. And if we leave stealth again, even when not in line of sight or hearing range, they will instantly know it and react by moving to our location.

    This has to be a bug, right? Since the only explanation is a problem with how the AI forgets our location rather than monsters only detecting us through their senses or being warned by allies. There doesn't seem to be any plausible explanation for how they are getting this new information about our locations.

    We have been waiting for some help with this for a while now, and it is hard to reconcile the claims that stealth is fine and is supported in some parts of the game with the bad outcomes being delivered by the current system.

    For extra credit: remove tremorsense from reapers too and you'll be 90% of the way there to having a functional stealth game again.

    Last edited by blerkington; 09-12-2018 at 01:59 AM.

  7. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by LrdSlvrhnd View Post
    Also: The door in Curse of Strahd to the crypt room thinks it's the Kobold Foreman, when you click on it while the first person is still interacting with it.
    Door still hate you! Door remember waterworks!

  8. #88
    Community Member HuneyMunster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blerkington View Post

    For extra credit: remove tremorsense from reapers too and you'll be 90% of the way there to having a functional stealth game again.

    Im ok with this remaining, but tremor sense should should not have extended range over regular detection. It should probably also have a save against so that only a handful of those the have maxed their move silent being able to become unnoticed.

    I think that Shadow form where you float above the ground should grant immunity to tremor sense and they have to make regular spot and listen check.

  9. #89
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    The red dragon in the eveningstar challenge 'ring of fire' became an albino red dragon somewhere during an update (I think round the dragonborn update?).

    Monsters in White Plume Mountain drop empty purple bags.

  10. #90
    Cosmetic Guru Aelonwy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EmGreen View Post
    The red dragon in the eveningstar challenge 'ring of fire' became an albino red dragon somewhere during an update (I think round the dragonborn update?).

    Monsters in White Plume Mountain drop empty purple bags.
    The red dragon in the Underdark was white the last time I ran through there too, I thought at first they changed his type but the landmark narration still claimed he was the great red dragon.

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  11. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aelonwy View Post
    The red dragon in the Underdark was white the last time I ran through there too, I thought at first they changed his type but the landmark narration still claimed he was the great red dragon.

    He's a red dragon in spirit I think the red dragon that spawns in Epic Ruins of Gianthold is still red, but I'll have to do some searching to find out.

  12. #92
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    I had a request a while ago about changing the sound effect of Horn of Thunder to be the sound that the Archons make in To Curse the Sky. Can this still be a thing?

  13. #93
    Community Member apep1412's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aelonwy View Post
    The red dragon in the Underdark was white the last time I ran through there too, I thought at first they changed his type but the landmark narration still claimed he was the great red dragon.
    I always just assumed that the white colour was to mark it as an ancient dragon whose scales had faded, similar to the purple-coloured black dragon after which the Cormyrian knights are named.

    This reminded me of a similar bug. Most wild cats still use the sound effect that topiary lions were introduced with. I'm not sure if that's intentional, but it is helpful for the kinds that are initially hidden.

  14. #94
    Community Member glmfw1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by apep1412 View Post
    This reminded me of a similar bug. Most wild cats still use the sound effect that topiary lions were introduced with. I'm not sure if that's intentional, but it is helpful for the kinds that are initially hidden.
    I assumed that was by design, as they are padding through the grass & bushes.
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  15. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    With the amount of headache this particular "quirk" of DDO has caused us over the last 12 years, it's safe to say that any suggestion that could fit into less than 100 words is a no-go

    The good news is we're at least aware of the problem, and with all of the impossible I've seen become possible in literally the last 24 hours, it might just start randomly working at any moment or something, who knows XD
    Can we remove it entirely and replace it with something that actually functions? Even if it's not remotely similar to what Ki Shout is supposed to be. It doesn't need to be OP, just not completely worthless...

    Y'all know it doesn't work. You've known it hasn't worked for a long time. Shame on you all for leaving it be for so long. Bugs that you (as a company, not YOU) are aware of and have no way to resolve need to be addressed in some fashion. In this case, removal of the ability entirely is probably best. Re-implement it when you can get it to work properly. If that time never comes, at least we players have a functioning ability in its' stead.
    Last edited by Xanthrawl; 09-12-2018 at 09:45 AM.

  16. #96
    Community Member DYWYPI's Avatar
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    Lynnabel, is it possible you can get in touch with the DDO Graphics department; so we can have cosmetic levitating hairpieces like some female Drow? For example within the quest: The House of Broken Chains.

    Important people are called big wigs.

    The entire quest has that issue. :-)

  17. #97
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    New one: The new epic defensive fighting feat, which is supposed to persists through death per devs, does not.
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  18. #98
    Community Member btolson's Avatar
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    As of today's patch: Level 12 Cove Weapons only have 1[w] (except Brigand's Cutlass' 1.5[w], due to vorpal). Which is worse than the Level 8 weapons (still includes Brigand's Cutlass).

    And: New Ornamental Daggers still don't provide any Implement bonus to spellpower.

  19. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by HuneyMunster View Post
    Im ok with this remaining, but tremor sense should should not have extended range over regular detection. It should probably also have a save against so that only a handful of those the have maxed their move silent being able to become unnoticed.

    I think that Shadow form where you float above the ground should grant immunity to tremor sense and they have to make regular spot and listen check.
    You're right, tremorsense wouldn't be such an issue if it didn't have the extended range and didn't also ignore people not in stealth. So there are a few different ways a change to this could be approached.

    If they did make a change to SD so it bypassed tremorsense, which is also a good idea, I would prefer to see it in the top core not in shadow form. It makes a certain amount of sense to associate it with shadow form but that would pretty much make investing in that part of the tree a requirement. That is something I'd prefer to avoid.

    Thanks for your comments.

  20. #100
    FreeDeeOh PsychoBlonde's Avatar
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    Four Eyes does not display properly on female Deep Gnomes (not sure about other gnomes). The eyeballs get lost somewhere in the character's head.

    I suspect this is related to Gnomes being taller than they appear.
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