Would be possible to change the cores to reduce the CD of some of the attacks? This way, if someone wanna use this skill tree as "main" could be viable.
The point will be to have at least 2 "spamable" attacks, in the order of 6/8 seconds (1 single target with more dmg, 1 that cleaves).
The instakill could be in the order of 30 secs (like hurl through hell from warlock) and the 10% extra damage could be 1 min (as in raid will be powerfull) or make ir with a low CD (like 6 secs) that inflics vulnerability stacks BUT each 1 min, it also debuffs with the extra 10%.
Also, the need of refresc the WIS to tactics is a hassel. A toggle will be a QoF improvement. Make even a T5 to justify it.