Since I enjoy Sealed in Amber, I started a project to map the door passwords and to document the location of scrolls and icons. Thanks for the contributions from everyone, including lifestakers nice write-up. I verified all the information in this post.
Assumptions (verified):
It appears that the location of the Holy Symbol of Ravenkind, which is needed to complete the quest, depends on the card drawn by Madam Eva.
The passwords needed to open the doors are always the same regardless of Madam Eva's card.
The locations of scrolls appear to be assigned randomly to preset locations that are not related to Madam Eva's card.
Map the passwords needed to open each door (Done)
Document the location for the Holy Symbol of Ravenkind for each of Madam Eva's cards (Done)
Document the possible locations of each password scroll (Done)
Please forgive the amateur image work
Map of door passwords:
Note: If you want to activate the T3 and T4 teleports, use T2 to enter the lever room and only pull the lever on your right.
Scroll name, possible locations, passwords needed to access it:
Kasimir's Notes (Yantar password): Always pick it up at the entrance.
Wish (Mrak password): Lower level, south from main room, then SE skeleton sarcophagi room. Need Yantar password to access it.
Wish (Mrak password): Lower level, south from main room, then SW skeleton sarcophagi room. Need Yantar password to access it.
Wish (Mrak password): Lower level, the far east room before the Shield Guardian. Need Yantar password to access it.
Wish (Mrak password): Upper level, west hall, outside the castle room door. Need Yantar password to access it via the T1 teleporter.
Mordenkainen (Etherna password): Upper level, first NE room. Need Yantar password to access it.
Mordenkainen (Etherna password): Upper level, east room with Vilnius. Need Mrak password to access it.
Mordenkainen (Etherna password): Lower level, west hall then north to Amber Sarcophagi room. Need Mrak password to access it.
Mordenkainen (Etherna password): Lower level, west hall to far west Amber Sarcophagi room. Need Mrak password to access it.
Mordenkainen (Etherna password): Lower level, east hall, turn south, then first east room. Need Mrak password to access it.
Fireball (Maverus password): Upper level, west room with the model castle. Need Etherna password to access it.
Fireball (Maverus password): Upper level, Far NE room. Need Etherna password to access it.
Fireball (Maverus password): Lower level, west hall, south, then west to the Bedroom. Need Etherna password to access it, or Yantar if you can detect the secret door to T5
Fireball (Maverus password): Lower level, west then south to Amber Sarcophagi room. Need Etherna password to access it.
* Or once you have access to the Lich, cast restore on it and ask about the Library to get the Maverus password.
Map of door passwords and possible scroll locations:
If you are just farming for named loot:
1. Pick up the Yantar password at the entrance and search the Mrak scroll locations.
2. After finding Mrak, take the Upper NW hall to the Lich. Cast or scroll restore on the Lich and ask it about the library to get the Maverus password.
3. Go to the end chest room, then north through the secret passage and use the far north Amber Sarcophagi to start the NPC sequence, which will lead to the end chest fight.
If you want to complete the quest, you'll need to locate the Holy Symbol of Ravenkind. The location depends on the card presented by Madam Eva who is now located in the room south of the End Chest/Library room.
Location of the Holy Symbol of Ravenkind and the passwords needed to access it:
Card name: Broken One
Madam Eva clue: I see a secret place. I see a dead man who has forgotten his name. There is something here which is hidden from me. Magic may mend what words cannot
Holy Symbol of Ravenkind: Upper level, NW (In the Lich room).
Passwords needed: Yantar and Mrak, or Yantar and Maverus if you can open the secret door south of the end chest room.
Card name: Hooded One (Updated with U38 Patch 1 changes)
Madam Eva clue: I see a chamber of hidden malice and vigilance by fiends bound by ancient contracts.
Holy Symbol of Ravenkind: Upper level, NW (Room south of the Lich room). A force field protects the Symbol until all Slaads are killed.
Passwords needed: Yantar and Mrak, or Yantar and Etherna via the T3 teleporter.
Card name: Miser (Version 1)
Madam Eva clue: I see a room carpeted in coins of gold, and among the coins are bones of those who sought it. Beware of hidden guardians!
Holy Symbol of Ravenkind: Lower level, NW Gold room. Note: Miser has two spawn points. The message from Madam Eva is the same.
Passwords needed: Yantar and Maverus from the main room, or Yantar and Mrak via the upper level NW pit.
Card name: Miser (Version 2)
Madam Eva clue: I see a room carpeted in coins of gold, and among the coins are bones of those who sought it. Beware of hidden guardians!
Holy Symbol of Ravenkind: Lower level, NE Gold room. Note: Miser has two spawn points. The message from Madam Eva is the same.
Passwords needed: Yantar and Etherna from the main room, or Yantar and Maverus coming from the End Chest room on the upper level.
Card name: Raven
Madam Eva clue: I see a castle of parchment upon a round, wood table. I see many tomes. It is a place where a master-builder once opened his mind. Now all is fallen, crumbled, cobwebs, and lost souls.
Holy Symbol of Ravenkind: Upper level, west (Castle room).
Passwords needed: Yantar and Etherna (Via the T1 teleporter on the lower level)
Card name: Soldier (Updated with U38 Patch 1 changes)
Madam Eva clue: I see a place of rest and regrets, not within the temple itself, but somewhere near, where treachery begets scorn and misery.
Holy Symbol of Ravenkind: Upper level, north to end chest room (Library). Take the Dimension Door that Kasimir summons after using the amber sarcophagi to the far north.
Passwords needed: Yantar and Maverus.
Card name: Traitor
Madam Eva clue: I see a vault secured within the earth. Guarded by amber, duty, and fire. Beware the coward.
Holy Symbol of Ravenkind: Upper level, NE to Amber Sarcophagi room.
Passwords needed: Need Yantar and Etherna to access it.
Card name: Wizard
Madam Eva clue: I see a library, untouched by centuries. Not a page yellowed or crumbling, every one of them blank and yet covered in lies.
Holy Symbol of Ravenkind: Upper level, north to end chest room (Library).
Passwords needed: Need Yantar and Maverus to access it from the main room, or Yantar and Etherna if you can open the secret door from the NE gold room.
Map of the Holy Symbol of Ravenkind locations by card name:
Note: Only Traitor and Raven locations require the Etherna password. With 5 possible locations for the Etherna scroll, it might be faster to reset if you pull them. Add the Miser 2 location to this list if you can't detect secret doors.
For the Soldier card, True Seeing is is sufficient on any difficulty to detect the secret door leading to Kasimir's sarcophagus, which spawns the D-Door leading to the icon. If you don't pick up the icon before the fight with Strahd's vampire spawn, a second dimension door will open after they are defeated.
Just for reference, here is another map version with room descriptions:
If you use all the Amber Sarcophagi for the
draw Strahd's attention optional and survive his challenge, a second named loot chest will spawn in the library (End chest room).