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  1. #1
    Community Member SerPounce's Avatar
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    Default Thunder-shock weapon DCs & effectiveness?

    I'm wondering what DCs people have for thunder-shock weapons and how effective you've found it. I've been doing EPLs with about 75-90 DC depending on level (more on the lower end except on 30 where I have I different gear-set) and it doesn't seem to work on ANYTHING. Even on epic hard stuff seems to save 90%+ of the time.

    I'm sure I could get that DC up higher, but the fact that it just doesn't seem to work at all makes me skeptical that I'm ever going to it high enough for LE/LR type content where I'd actually use it.

    It uses a strength save, which you would think would be lower than normal saving throws, but a 75+ DC works pretty decently on most epic mobs (not legendary, but I'm just talking regular epic mobs).

    Kind of wondering if something isn't working right?

    [edit] whoops, meant to put this in the Artificer subforum. Mods feel free to move.
    Last edited by SerPounce; 11-19-2017 at 05:14 PM.


  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by SerPounce View Post
    I'm wondering what DCs people have for thunder-shock weapons and how effective you've found it. I've been doing EPLs with about 75-90 DC depending on level (more on the lower end except on 30 where I have I different gear-set) and it doesn't seem to work on ANYTHING. Even on epic hard stuff seems to save 90%+ of the time.

    I'm sure I could get that DC up higher, but the fact that it just doesn't seem to work at all makes me skeptical that I'm ever going to it high enough for LE/LR type content where I'd actually use it.

    It uses a strength save, which you would think would be lower than normal saving throws, but a 75+ DC works pretty decently on most epic mobs (not legendary, but I'm just talking regular epic mobs).

    Kind of wondering if something isn't working right?

    [edit] whoops, meant to put this in the Artificer subforum. Mods feel free to move.
    Yeah, I too feel like it has a solid 5% success rate. I know my level 30 DC is nowhere near enough for legendary reaper level so it's not a surprise it wasn't working there, but it hardly worked while leveling either. I think either the real DC is not as advertised, or it only has a chance to trigger the save when you use it, but does have the correct DC against a low save.
    Nistafa on Khyber

  3. #3
    Community Member SerPounce's Avatar
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    Further testing pretty much confirms that there's *something* fishy going on.

    For example I just went into EH Grim and Barett with a 85 TSW DC and and 46 tactical detonation DC. I couldn't get thunder shock weapons to knock ANYTHING down. Literally zero knock downs over about 30 hits. While my pitiful 46 DC tactical detonation was knocking abashis down about 75% of the time.

    The little blue hexagons (or whatever) indicating a "save" DID show up when hit with TSWs so I don't think the problem is that the effect isn't being applied consistently. The problem is either:

    1. The DC is not being calculated correctly for the actual effect (the tool tip shows what the DC should be)

    2. Mobs have fantastically high strength checks compared to saves.
    Last edited by SerPounce; 11-21-2017 at 11:07 AM.


  4. #4
    Community Member SpartanKiller13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SerPounce View Post
    Further testing pretty much confirms that there's *something* fishy going on.

    For example I just went into EH Grim and Barett with a 85 TSW DC and and 46 tactical detonation DC. I couldn't get thunder shock weapons to knock ANYTHING down. Literally zero knock downs over about 30 hits. While my pitiful 46 DC tactical detonation was knocking abashis down about 75% of the time.

    The little blue hexagons (or whatever) indicating a "save" DID show up when hit with TSWs so I don't think the problem is that the effect isn't being applied consistently. The problem is either:

    1. The DC is not being calculated correctly for the actual effect (the tool tip shows what the DC should be)

    2. Mobs have fantastically high strength checks compared to saves.
    90% success rate at DC 85 STR check indicates ~176 STR - which I'm pretty sure is a bit higher than they have... TBF they probably have higher Str than Dex, but I'm sure they have a baseline Reflex save as well.

    I'd assume that the save DC's are not displaying correctly, or TSW is bugged. Frankly I'm pretty surprised at your success with Tactical Detonation, 75% knockdown indicates ~30 Reflex, which seems a bit low for a lvl 30 quest on EH from a fairly new set.
    -Khysiria of Cannith
    Quote Originally Posted by zehnvhex View Post
    Warlock is basically a ghetto Shiradi Sorc. You gives up some of the damage and self sustain for the ability to just hold down left click and yolo blast your way to victory.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    It's DDO. There are probably 6 different types of Evil damage.

  5. #5
    Community Member SerPounce's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SpartanKiller13 View Post
    Frankly I'm pretty surprised at your success with Tactical Detonation, 75% knockdown indicates ~30 Reflex, which seems a bit low for a lvl 30 quest on EH from a fairly new set.
    Some mobs have amazingly low relfex saves.

    I'm not properly speced for evocation DCs right now, I'm uh... between gear (Looks like it's actually 48 though, transcription error).


  6. #6
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    Just started using thunder-shock weapon (TSW). Works reliabliy in Heroic (DC 48) in R5. But, as soon as I reach level 20 it becomes almost useless. I got my DC up to 78 and it worked once after many attempts.

    I had the same issue last life (reliable in heroic, useless in Epic) but in my latest life I worked hard to push up the DC for my rogue4 /arti5 /Dark hunter build.

    On the other hand, Greater Color Spray (DC 47) effects most Epic mobs at R5 (and thus is viable crowd control) and is nearly 100% effective in R3.

    From the initial posts here, it seems that the problem with TSW has been known for many years, so it seems unlikely that it has made it onto anyone's "to do" list. Luckily it only costs 6k plat to respend my enhancement points once I reach level 20, but on balance I would prefer to have TSW working.

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