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  1. #1
    Rogue of the Realms Zoogar's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Default Character's Missing from Account

    Is there a help line that we can call in regards to our DDO accounts, or has that be fully done away with now?

    The reason I am asking as I have a guild mate that stopped playing for a short time and it appears all of his character are no longer attached to his account.
    Before you ask "Did he long in to the right server?" the answer is yes, he looked on all the servers, and he has no character attached to the account.
    They are all still listed in the guild roster.

    Is there anything out of game that could be done, or does he have to make a new character and log in game and wait for an in game bug report?

    I tried searching the forum but the but I could not find an answer. If this was answered some where else could you please a link.

    Any help in this matter is greatly appreciated, Thank you!
    Thelanis ~ Zoogar

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Zoogar View Post
    Is there a help line that we can call in regards to our DDO accounts, or has that be fully done away with now?

    The reason I am asking as I have a guild mate that stopped playing for a short time and it appears all of his character are no longer attached to his account.
    Before you ask "Did he long in to the right server?" the answer is yes, he looked on all the servers, and he has no character attached to the account.
    They are all still listed in the guild roster.

    Is there anything out of game that could be done, or does he have to make a new character and log in game and wait for an in game bug report?

    I tried searching the forum but the but I could not find an answer. If this was answered some where else could you please a link.

    Any help in this matter is greatly appreciated, Thank you!
    All characters missing?

    Did he accidentally create a new account?

  3. #3
    The Hatchery Enoach's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    My first thought is, are you sure he isn't on a different account.

    Next, did they play after the European Server Merge or before?

    DDO has a policy of not deleting characters/accounts.

    Also in the Launcher there is a Transfer button on the same screen you pick the server to login on to. This will give you a list of characters on all servers.

  4. #4
    Rogue of the Realms Zoogar's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Default Working Fine Now

    Quote Originally Posted by Enoach View Post
    My first thought is, are you sure he isn't on a different account.

    Next, did they play after the European Server Merge or before?

    DDO has a policy of not deleting characters/accounts.

    Also in the Launcher there is a Transfer button on the same screen you pick the server to login on to. This will give you a list of characters on all servers.
    Not sure what the problem was, but I think he did a fresh reinstalled the game and it seems to be working now.
    I didn't think the characters were deleted as they showed in the guild, and I could not see DDO deleting them or messing with the account.
    My guess would be his launcher was not connecting to the server correctly.

    Thelanis ~ Zoogar

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