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  1. #1
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    Default Where is t he additional monitoring to look into TR cache? I lost all my gear!

    First, Let me start with a post from Cordovan Cordovan stated in this post "...This downtime will also include a small game update to put additional monitoring into the game which will help us investigate lost items during the reincarnation process."

    Is this system even real or simply a bluff to make us believe SSG cares? Well, In this post
    There are people who had the same problem of losing their gear after Cordovan's post. For example, a post from calebos shows us it's a bluff: "Update: I was contacted by support via email and met them in-game today. Long story short, everything that was lost was unrecoverable because they were not able to find any traces of my gear in any of my previous logs. I am not sure what that means as I am unaware if/how their systems tracks items. Anyhow, at least I know it's gone for good and can stop wondering. I was given a few TP as a concession. Hopefully their tools for tracking item loss now will help players avoid issues in the future."

    So why am I ranting about this? I Tr'd, and lost all my items. The only items that I have were ones in my bank before I tr'd. Everything on my character or in my inventory is gone. Weirdly, I talked to imTonE, and we had some similarities in how we went about tring and losing our gear: We both tr'd during an event, We both had not ETR in a long time and both ETR before doing a racail past life. We both also got "please wait" at character creation. We had 8 backpack slots at level 1 with 0 coin lords favor. We both lost all of our tomes. And finally, we both had our inventories overflowing.

    In a game that pushes people to tr, but has a bug when doing so, what is one to do? I lost all of my lgs, all my slavers, all my bags, esos and much more. I was not someone running lifes. I played end game and raided all the time.

    UPDATE: Just noticed I lost all my Epic destinies, but weridly, still have karma. Also in game support contacted me and said they are going to look into my gear.

    Update: 6 days latter still no answer. It is starting to get annoying logging in 10+ hours a day and waiting for respond....

    Update: I put ticket asking for an update, and in game support closed the ticket. They didn't even give an automated response

    Also, that ticket was put in on the 12th, so it took them 5 days to just close my ticket, and not even reply with any kind of information.

    Found this today: I feel it explains a lot.

    HOW SAD IS THIS? IT IS POSTED ON CS_ALKAID ABOUT ME. I feel giving my situation this is why I' m not getting an asnwer!

    Last edited by chippy; 08-12-2017 at 05:12 PM.

  2. #2
    Barbarbarian Sam-u-r-eye's Avatar
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    Without new players DDO will go the way of the dodo.
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  3. #3
    Community Member Psiandron's Avatar
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    There have pretty much always been problems with lost items especially when TRing, but this really goes past anything I've heard of or experienced previously. SSG really needs to get this sorted.
    Quote Originally Posted by MalkavianX View Post
    and then dropped it like a burning kitten

  4. #4
    Community Member AzureDragonas's Avatar
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    That's why its worth to send to banking toon as many items as you can, slavelord items are bta, also ppl tend to switch a lot before tr "preparations". So its worth before reincarnation itself to exit game and start anew. Seems switching which causes lag on toons, can cause loose of tomes and maybe items? Just adapt single rule before each tr restart client so game won't be with full of loaded cached info of other toons.

  5. #5
    Community Member Hobgoblin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AzureDragonas View Post
    That's why its worth to send to banking toon as many items as you can, slavelord items are bta, also ppl tend to switch a lot before tr "preparations". So its worth before reincarnation itself to exit game and start anew. Seems switching which causes lag on toons, can cause loose of tomes and maybe items? Just adapt single rule before each tr restart client so game won't be with full of loaded cached info of other toons.
    while this may be true it doesn't address the issue

    he is playing the game the way you want him to.

    why should he have to do special precautions?

    why hasn't this been fixed?

    the silence is deafening.


    dont blame the victim blame the system!

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hobgoblin View Post
    while this may be true it doesn't address the issue

    he is playing the game the way you want him to.

    why should he have to do special precautions?

    why hasn't this been fixed?

    the silence is deafening.


    dont blame the victim blame the system!
    Exactly, people are conforming to these crazy ideas of logging off ect. Instead of demanding a fix for the problem. On a side note, I did close my client. It didn't do anything for me. I bet if the people who have a ritual of how to tr had all their stuff missing, they would be upset, and not just say I closed my client and did xyz it should have worked. We as a community must demand that SSG fixes this problem, or you could be the next victim. I just noticed I loss tomes and some pls too.
    Last edited by chippy; 08-07-2017 at 03:43 AM.

  7. #7
    Community Member noinfo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chippy View Post
    First, Let me start with a post from Cordovan Cordovan stated in this post "...This downtime will also include a small game update to put additional monitoring into the game which will help us investigate lost items during the reincarnation process."

    Is this system even real or simply a bluff to make us believe SSG cares? Well, In this post
    There are people who had the same problem of losing their gear after Cordovan's post. For example, a post from calebos shows us it's a bluff: Update: I was contacted by support via email and met them in-game today. Long story short, everything that was lost was unrecoverable because they were not able to find any traces of my gear in any of my previous logs. I am not sure what that means as I am unaware if/how their systems tracks items. Anyhow, at least I know it's gone for good and can stop wondering. I was given a few TP as a concession. Hopefully their tools for tracking item loss now will help players avoid issues in the future.

    So why am I ranting about this? I Tr'd, and lost all my items. The only items that I have were ones in my bank before I tr'd. Everything on my character or in my inventory is gone. Weirdly, I talked to imTonE, and we had some similarities in how we went about tring and losing our gear: We both tr'd during an event, We both had not ETR in a long time and both ETR before doing a racail past life. We both also got "please wait" at character creation. We had 8 backpack slots at level 1 with 0 coin lords favor. We both lost all of our tomes. And finally, we both had our inventories overflowing.

    In a game that pushes people to tr, but has a bug when doing so, what is one to do? I lost all of my lgs, all my slavers, all my bags, esos and much more. I was not someone running lifes. I played end game and raided all the time.
    So they force us all into a flawed hamster wheel where gear accumulated over years goes out the window. guess they found a way to solve storage issues.
    Milacias of Kyber

    Leader of the Crimson Eagles Kyber

    The Myth- TR will make my character powerful
    The Reality- Those kobolds in Water Works won’t have a chance but nothing else cares-Learn to play your build and all its abilities in actual difficult content, get gear and reaper points in level 30+ content and raids.

  8. #8
    Community Member CaptainPurge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chippy View Post
    First, Let me start with a post from Cordovan Cordovan stated in this post "...This downtime will also include a small game update to put additional monitoring into the game which will help us investigate lost items during the reincarnation process."

    Is this system even real or simply a bluff to make us believe SSG cares? Well, In this post
    There are people who had the same problem of losing their gear after Cordovan's post. For example, a post from calebos shows us it's a bluff: Update: I was contacted by support via email and met them in-game today. Long story short, everything that was lost was unrecoverable because they were not able to find any traces of my gear in any of my previous logs. I am not sure what that means as I am unaware if/how their systems tracks items. Anyhow, at least I know it's gone for good and can stop wondering. I was given a few TP as a concession. Hopefully their tools for tracking item loss now will help players avoid issues in the future.

    So why am I ranting about this? I Tr'd, and lost all my items. The only items that I have were ones in my bank before I tr'd. Everything on my character or in my inventory is gone. Weirdly, I talked to imTonE, and we had some similarities in how we went about tring and losing our gear: We both tr'd during an event, We both had not ETR in a long time and both ETR before doing a racail past life. We both also got "please wait" at character creation. We had 8 backpack slots at level 1 with 0 coin lords favor. We both lost all of our tomes. And finally, we both had our inventories overflowing.

    In a game that pushes people to tr, but has a bug when doing so, what is one to do? I lost all of my lgs, all my slavers, all my bags, esos and much more. I was not someone running lifes. I played end game and raided all the time.
    I'd probably just quit...Theon style (S7E4). I still fear this every reincarnation but it hasn't happened yet but what do you do when it does happen? If it happens one time, what is stopping it from next time?

  9. #9
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    Moving stuff to other characters when i TR? Logging out? Why should i have to do some pseudo-mystical ritual BS when i want to TR just to make sure i don't lose my gear? Perhaps i should do the Harlem Shake with a dead chicken on my head before hand for good measure? Or maybe include a gerbil somehow in the ritual... hmmm, I'll have to see about contacting Richard Gere about that last one...

    It's very simple, hit 20 (or 30) and TR after emptying my TR cache and no problem. Its Standing Stone Games responsibility to make sure the system they designed is safe and working as intended for the players. Not my job to try and figure out the best way of doing it without it screwing up and making me lose everything.

    Guess I'll be doing screenshots of everything before I TR.

    BTW, they should have a record of the items somewhere anyways so if they wont work with you to recover your items your just getting a lazy worthless DM that doesn't want to do their job. I know this cause I know people that had to contact multiple times till they got a DM that would help them.

  10. #10
    Community Member Brightheart245's Avatar
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    As someone who recently finished a triple heroic/iconic/epic completionist project, I consider myself lucky that this hasn't happened to me. I'm genuinely afraid and discouraged from doing any sort of true reincarnation at all now.

    And that's the worst thing for a game that revolves around reincarnation as its replay value. It's what separates DDO from all other MMOs, but if there are even internal issues with that system, it's going to kill the population. One by one. If it can happen to imTonE, it can happen to chippy; it can happen to me.

    In the past, at least as I remember it, as I had a friend who actually did this before, you could (pay to) roll back a character that was deleted so long as it was within 24 hours. Genuinely asking, how is that any different from this? Does it cost the company enough resources to afford losing a customer, never mind potential many others?

    I'm seeing a huge lack of professionalism here. 24+ hours and chippy still has yet to get an official response from his ticket, bug report, or even here. It should not be the norm to always just "deal with it" as a solution, or necessitating players to even take precaution measures (which is never a bad idea, but the lack thereof should not mean fault on the player). And as a 5+ year player, I often feel that it comes to that, despite how fortunate I've been in my personal experiences. It's my friends and those around me who suffer from these consequences, and there's never a moment where I doubt that it can and will happen to me someday.

    I'm curious as to whether this system is really in place. If it is, then great, I don't see much of an issue that SSG will (eventually) get around to resolving. The best case scenario is that chippy restores all of his lost items. But I have yet to hear a case about the previous folks who lost their items reaching out to their still pending issue and having it resolved, or one that's happened after that downtime notice (such as this one). In fact, I had no idea that such a system was in place until this thread, so I certainly will be keeping tabs on it.

    I strongly urge that we as a community take a stand against this, as well as SSG/Devs to implement a temporary system until this issue has been resolved completely, or until the True Reincarnation process is 100% safe. It seems to me that the TR cache is the main issue, so make a storage work-around or something. Create a new bank tab in the Shared Storage UI and allow players to start caching their items there with ample space, 500, 1000 slots, whatever; add a conditional where its only accessible after all bank and inventory slots are filled and when the RTR or HTR heart (assuming this only happens to True Reincarnations from what I hear) has been queued (remove the requirement to deplete the old TR cache - many problems with that one alone). I don't know - whatever it is, if the new monitoring system will essentially solve the root of this issue, then awesome! I just feel for these folks who are losing tons of items, being a hoarder. :x
    Ghallanda | Seraphemia | Best Beaches Around | Celestial Radiance

  11. #11
    Community Member Eryhn's Avatar
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    I believe I said this before but, why is there no create item list/tome/EPL/PL backup before TR and auto load it after a botched TR?

    make it so ensigns, the prolonged picard facepalm i have when reading threads like these hurts my head and my arm is getting stiff. im sure im not alone in that ...

  12. #12
    Community Member XAlexosauronX's Avatar
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    Hope you get all back man, really sorry that this things keep happening.

  13. #13
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    This is a really a bad bug. People can lose hundreds or even thousands of hours worth of in-game effort during a TR.

    I have noticed some lag and issues zoning in to new areas this past weekend. I am not sure it's related to the problems people are having but I won't be TRing any characters until CC is done.

    This isn't directed to the Op- just something that seemed to help me stop having TR issues. I used to have trouble losing my destinies and tomes during TR about every other time I TR'd at one point. Now after I see the message I am ready to TR I stay logged in for about 10 minutes. Then log out and reboot my machine before starting my TR. I haven't had an issue since. I don't have any proof this is the reason my issues stopped, but I do question whether things are still happening when I get the message I am ready to TR. This is why I no longer log out as soon as I get the message I am ready to TR.

    For OP I empathize and hope you get everything back. Good luck and thanks for raising the issue here.
    Last edited by slarden; 08-07-2017 at 07:27 AM.
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  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by AzureDragonas View Post
    That's why its worth to send to banking toon as many items as you can, slavelord items are bta, also ppl tend to switch a lot before tr "preparations". So its worth before reincarnation itself to exit game and start anew. Seems switching which causes lag on toons, can cause loose of tomes and maybe items? Just adapt single rule before each tr restart client so game won't be with full of loaded cached info of other toons.
    Victim blaming at its best (worst).

    SSG needs to get this sorted out. It's not the players' fault. We shouldn't have to pat our head, rub our stomach, and spin in a circle 10 times to try and avoid this.
    Last edited by Drwaz99; 08-07-2017 at 08:52 AM.

  15. #15
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    It is standard procedure at ddo management and Q&A to LIE about a hotfix addressing a serious issue. Most of the time it is a fix to an exploit. It was so in 2k14 (back then a simple "to improve game performance" was the phrase), 2k15, and it seems 2k16 and 2k17 did not bring any change.

  16. #16
    Community Member goodspeed's Avatar
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    print screen x however much **** ya got.
    Through avarice, evil smiles; through insanity, it sings.

  17. #17
    Community Member elkorm's Avatar
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    Man, so sorry about this. It's another piece of **** on the a game that's turned into a tr routine (even if this was not your specific case) this bug is hurting players that are doing it...big time! They need to go beyond the "monitoring" witchcraft and do something FOR REAL!
    R.I.P. Devourer - 20-Aug-2010 11:00 GMT(+1 DST)
    (World Broadcast): World broadcast: 'Farewell to all our loyal players and thank you for your time in Eberron. We wish you all the best for your future adventures. Please log out now as the servers are now going down. Many thanks, Codemasters Online.'

  18. #18
    Community Member tralfaz81's Avatar
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    If they're not going to to make TRing 100% safe, they need to be giving away some (a lot of) free shared bank slots to make it easier for us to protect ourselves. That's the easiest, quickest solution.
    "Shut up and die like a wizard"

  19. #19
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    This is so ridiculous and angers me so much. There is no reason why someone should just lose all of there stuff playing the game the way they are supposed to play it and hear, "Oh, bummer. Nothing we can do!" or crickets.

    Have you sent private messages to devs about it and reported it to the in-game support? I would start there. History shows that does nothing,'s worth a shot. When we complained about this a few months ago, we were told they were "implementing a system" that was sufficiently vague to reassure us not at all. But they can put their money where there mouth is, so to speak - if they "implemented a system" to monitor better, then they can "monitor" and replace your stuff.

    If they can't, they didn't really do anything to address this problem.
    A little snark, no vitriol.
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  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by chippy View Post
    Exactly, people are conforming to these crazy ideas of logging off ect. Instead of demanding a fix for the problem. On a side note, I did close my client. It didn't do anything for me. I bet if the people who have a ritual of how to tr had all their stuff missing, they would be upset, and not just say I closed my client and did xyz it should have worked. We as a community must demand that SSG fixes this problem, or you could be the next victim. I just noticed I loss tomes and some pls too.
    I completely agree. The OP is the second person in my guild to suffer massive loss of items during TR within a few months. Chatting in TS with the IO, I 1/2 way joked that he needed to mention warlock nerfs in his post to generate enough community interest. Out of curiosity I just looked up one of the warlock nerf threads, approximately 1 day after being posted it was 3 pages long; ending page count 53. imTonE's thread on his loss of gear during TR generated a whole 9 pages. It's no wonder SSG isn't properly dealing with this issue. The community is so busy crying about issues they can avoid and not calling out SSG on an issue they cannot avoid. If you dont want to run with warlocks (or whatever "OP" class you personally hate), no problem, don't join lfms with them; put up lfms that exclude them, whatever. What triggers this loss of items? How do I avoid it (100% of the time)? I don't know no one from SSG has directly addressed this.

    Anyone with the idea that logging out, flogging chickens, or whatnot need not reply that this is a fix as I have follow that mantra (sans the chickens) and still have lost tomes.

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