One thing to consider when spells are granted early is that many aspects of the spell are limited by Spell Level of the class they are granted.
Spells like Wail of the Banshee and mass hold are limited to the Spell DCs of a 6th Level Spell. In core rules different classes get the same spells at different spell levels. Getting a spell one level before the wizard and 2 levels before sorcerer is not as big an issue as some make it out to be. As prior to this Wizard and Sorcerer have access to other spells.
This is an interesting idea to remove the metamagics from these abilities. But I don't think it will solve the issue unless you also remove it from other abilities in other trees that can also be meta'd.
To me the question needs to include two other aspects - How Often? and How Far does it reach?
All considerations on this and Eldritch blast needs to take all three aspects into consideration and make adjustments so that it is still useful but not something that points all builds to these abilities
See above
Changes here need to be made based on how SSG intends this ability to be used going forward. Do they intend it to be a temporary shield? reduce the time it lasts. Do they intend it to be a way to "self heal" reduce the cooldown.
It is not necessarily what is needed, but it is a point to launch discussion if used that way.