these suggestions come across foolish at best.
1. Warlocks use eldritch power which does not use spell points, is not affected by meta's, no save, ignores spell pen. period..
..screwing with this would likely cause issues with the DnD license granted from WoTC..
..adjustments need to fall within reasonable limitations of the core class..
2. no.
..the Temp HP should be governed by warlock levels.. splashing 5 levels of warlock for full Temp HP access should be looked at.
..duration and cooldown could be looked at.
..address the Temp HP access for other classes.. like the upcoming cleric pass.. other classes..
Divines in particular should have access to casting temp HP buffs on players that do not stack with warlock temp HP.
3. no. Eldritch blasts have no save and the aoe is what it is.
smarter implementation of mobs.. ask a warlock how they fare against the Arach Knight in Von5..
..where are the mobs that are resistant, immune or healed by force damage.. easy button for warlocks since this type of damage was never factored into old content.
..address things like 'Uttedark blast', the easy all access full damage button.. some Evil mobs should be immune or healed by evil damage like Liches..
..speed of eldritch attacks early in the game.. spam lobbing eldritch blasts from each hand , no cooldown, chargeup, just hold attack button...
..Pact access and pact damage comes early in the game.. this could be pushed back.
The game deserves smart tweaks, not uneducated nerf batting.
Fix melee.. it is currently fuxed. a melee needs to be able to stand toe to toe without being one or two shotted.. they are 'melee' after all...
Fix tanks.. a tank needs to be able to take a beating with minimal smart cures.. not yo-yo spam heals.. or rez cakes...flatten out that PRR curve for armored melee.. higher damage mitigation is needed.
Tanks need real damage mitigation.. standing stances that increase DR/PRR/MRR while stationary...
Melee DPS in Reaper.. something needs to be done here.. the melee reaper tree is weaksauce.. amp it up.. increments of +1 Melee Power/action point .. really.. pft... pathetic..
Cleric pass..
Cerics are supposed to be the walking destroyers of undead not just nanny booboo bandaid dispensers and rez spammers.
Serious revamp to turn undead..
Necro enhancement tree like wizard pale masters..
Temp HP spells/SLA's, regen spells, .. worthy spells, not left over garbage like 'mass aid' that died when endgame was level 12...
remove spell caps from healer spells.
Have the Temp HP be the same type as warlock Temp HP so it doesn't stack for them.
add enhancements for divines to add caster level/meta's to scrolls
NPC scrolls used to be part of the healer cycle of casting.. up through level 16.. now healers are left sucking mana pots to try and keep up..
Blue bars in general should have better access to mana regenning (without relying on DDO store mana pots and shrines)
.. its a big part in why Warlocks are so favorable.. they can keep contributing long after the mana bar is gone...
better regen options for blue bars for caster classes based on caster levels.. amp up the Echoes of Power by caster level..
perhaps enhancements/spells/sla's for draining mana from mobs..
conc-op doesn't hold up .. some better upgraded versions are long past due..
yeah yeah sure DDO store pots generate money.. until they don't .. when players TR out of sucky classes because no one wants to play a money pit class.
..change the 'Lost Souls' SP drop to be usable by everyone, not just the first sob to grab them.. adjust drop rate to compensate..