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  1. #1
    Blogger and Hatchery Hero
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    Nov 2009

    Default general strangeness since last patch

    minor disclaimer: these events have happened to my friend, not me. he doesn't post here, tho, so i'm asking around to see if anyone else has been experiencing this weirdness.

    ok.. either the game just hates my friend and is messing with him (lol) OR... something bugged out with the last patch. strange, mostly minor but still annoying, things to have happened to him in the last few days since the patch:
    1. "repair all" misses fixing his min2 GS helm.. every... single... time. everything else gets repaired, but not the helm.
    2. occasional, seemingly random "failed teleport" messages for mundane moments.. like... leashing back to a soulstone... 2 load screens and a "failed teleport" message. note he's not actually trying to teleport anywhere when he gets these messages
    3. the strangest one yet... screwed up and froze a whole dang quest. (lol). We were duoing EE Trial by Fury last night, and near the end of the quest, where you go down the ramp, and there's an orange name Yugoloth on either side. we killed one, and he started down the ramp...and somehow fell off (he's run this quest a LOT, so this in and of itself is strange). normally when you fall off in that quest, you fall for a few seconds, then you warp to the start of the quest. (NOTE: he had already used the /stuck command earlier in the same quest... and got the aforementioned 2 load screens and then instead of being back where he started, he was back at the start of the quest.) this time instead of warping to the start of the quest he ended up... in limbo? he was somewhere completely off the map... i couldn't even move the map over enough to find his dot... he was OFF the map. i'm not sure if he was still falling, or if he landed... just off the map (i forgot to ask). but he was WAY outside what the limits of the map should have been, and no way to get back. at the same time... i literally could not move.. completely frozen. i was trying to get to the end so i could complete so he could at least get xp, but crippling lag. after a few minutes of that... he suddenly appeared on the guild ship full health full sp as if he'd recalled from a finished quest, and at the same moment i unfroze and was able to move again.

    he came back in and ate the re-entry penalty... but dang that was really weird...
    Last edited by katz; 03-10-2017 at 01:14 PM.

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  2. #2
    Community Member
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    May 2017


    There are annoying micro stutters after patch update.
    I was also trying to do the slayers at Orchard of the Macabre and when there are more than 4/5 mobs attacking me the game goes very very slow. Anyone knows if there's any solution, please.
    I give some more details, I'm playing at Argonnessen server and my graphic card is an AMD Radeon HD 6670, but I never have this problem till now.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Nov 2008


    I've also noticed where I've shot at enemies and there is no damage. Not like I did 0 damage, but like it didn't even register the attack at all. Yet even then, monsters have turned and started to attack me. And when this starts happening I can't seem to hit the monster to roll an attack roll, until I turn off auto-targeting and turn it back on and run run run.

  4. #4
    2015 DDO Players Council
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by katz View Post
    1. "repair all" misses fixing his min2 GS helm.. every... single... time. everything else gets repaired, but not the helm.
    2. occasional, seemingly random "failed teleport" messages for mundane moments.. like... leashing back to a soulstone... 2 load screens and a "failed teleport" message. note he's not actually trying to teleport anywhere when he gets these messages
    3. the strangest one yet... screwed up and froze a whole dang quest. (lol). We were duoing EE Trial by Fury last night, and near the end of the quest, where you go down the ramp, and there's an orange name Yugoloth on either side. we killed one, and he started down the ramp...and somehow fell off (he's run this quest a LOT, so this in and of itself is strange). normally when you fall off in that quest, you fall for a few seconds, then you warp to the start of the quest. (NOTE: he had already used the /stuck command earlier in the same quest... and got the aforementioned 2 load screens and then instead of being back where he started, he was back at the start of the quest.) this time instead of warping to the start of the quest he ended up... in limbo? he was somewhere completely off the map... i couldn't even move the map over enough to find his dot... he was OFF the map. i'm not sure if he was still falling, or if he landed... just off the map (i forgot to ask). but he was WAY outside what the limits of the map should have been, and no way to get back. at the same time... i literally could not move.. completely frozen. i was trying to get to the end so i could complete so he could at least get xp, but crippling lag. after a few minutes of that... he suddenly appeared on the guild ship full health full sp as if he'd recalled from a finished quest, and at the same moment i unfroze and was able to move again.

    he came back in and ate the re-entry penalty... but dang that was really weird...
    1. One of my guildmates had a problem not too long ago where the repair all at the guild repair guy would not fix his Arm of the Archons. Even if he selected it individually, the guy wouldn't fix it. He tried putting into his shared bank and taking it back out, he tried selling it and buying it back, but the guy would just not fix it. He'd have to use any other repair guy for that one item. This was a few patches and an update ago, just for reference.

    2. I've gotten a few teleport error messages over the years. Basically, any zone change or leashing back to your soulstone is a form of teleport as far as the game is concerned. I've always guessed that there was some sort of problem on the backend of the game when it was trying to call up whatever map it was trying to move me to.

    3. Don't know that I'll be able to offer any insight here. That's a weird situation. The only thing I can possibly think of is in relation to his dot being way off the map. I know that in some other games, long ago, when the maps were built, they would put otherwise inaccessible areas far away from the main area, but technically on the same "map page." Sometimes these areas would be where you'd end up if you fell off, and would be filled with whatever area causes damage to ensure that you would be killed by it eventually. I don't know that this goes on for DDO, though.

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