View Poll Results: add a checkbox to remove champions from heroic hard and elite

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  • yes, i care about others.

    9 12.86%
  • don't add the checkbox, i just care about myself.

    58 82.86%
  • don't care either way, i have no soul or mind of my own

    3 4.29%
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  1. #81
    Community Member YUTANG75's Avatar
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    Going to throw my 2c in as well.

    As a more casual player who doesn't spend too much time playing I don't have the best gear. I'm on my third life, ETR once (back when cap was 28) but I only have 1GS weapon for example.
    When champions were introduced it got harder, but I was glad for the extra difficulty and surprise I was finding the game a bit boring already, same dungeons etc, pretty boring slashing through all the mobs. With champions it changed the feel of the game, I couldn't just mindlessly slash through the dungeon I had to spot the champions and react accordingly. It did not make the game unplayable for me. Overall I liked the champions.

    In regards to elite being too hard for some, yeah elite will be hard for first lifers 28pts etc. That's why hard and normal exist, elite Is a greater risk/difficulty greater reward if you're not prepared or bring a mate it will be tough.

    With a friend this changes (obviously) I've been duoing with a friend recently, new characters 1st life little gear, just what I've collected through my main, his highest level was like 5 or something. We hopped straight into elite once he got VIP to get access to all the content and have been having a blast. I'm an arti (favourite class) and he's a battle cleric, despite my gear and experience getting as far as we have gotten wouldn't have been possible on my own. Next time we play I'm looking forward to blind hopping into reaper 1

    Just a quick aside about reaper being the only difficulty being run, I haven't noticed too much of a change, came back after a break and grouping is about the same but the Elite BB groups are still going strong.

    If you found the game too easy:
    Hope you enjoy reaper.

    If you find the game too hard:
    Set up/join some groups.

  2. #82
    Hopeless Romantic dunklezhan's Avatar
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    Rofl, was gonna vote just for the sake of it, then I saw the options offered by the OP and wondered if Buzzfeed was sponsoring it...
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    The best of the best DDO players generally overperform when given a real challenge
    Quote Originally Posted by Amundir View Post
    My words are great. Even out of context.

  3. #83
    Barbarbarian Sam-u-r-eye's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    In the thread in question, I never remotely vlaimed the above; you had made a claim that top Fighter builds did double the damage ("a factor of two") Barbarian builds did; I asked for evidence of that, as it was a pretty extreme claim. As expected, people provided solid evidence showing Fighters doing more DPS, but definitely not double.

    I did not respond to the thread further because there was no need to, in much the same way I won't be replying in this thread any further.

    Have a good weekend.

    people twist facts to support their claims,
    and are silly,
    in how they selectively remember things
    Without new players DDO will go the way of the dodo.
    Old Sorc Build Guide, Ghallanda -> Orien

  4. #84
    Community Member NabeGewell's Avatar
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    And yet you still voted in the poll and also responded to the thread, so I guess..the biast approach...worked in your case?

    Only non casual things about DDO's gameplay are the time and/or rl resourses repuired to be the sellf proclaimed 'hardcore gamer' of 4 button bashing. Since it's >80% meta, champs in non reaper ad nothing to difficulty, rather then make quest longer by about 3secs/champ longer to complete quests for jaded veterams like myself.

    All the recent implementations do are just furthering gap betweem pl hoarding characters and fresh ones, disregarding the idea of making a non mule, unless you're ok with repeating one quest every level 1-20, and sticking to 3 quests @20-30, with occasional sov pot and otto boxing that filthy cleric that devs hate so much, or cheese it with 10borelock/10whatever 'builds' about 14-90 times.

    Hate seeing devs trying to please loudmouths aderol junkies that login just after bigger updates, grind the next big 'x+1' thing untill their eyes bleed and then move on to another grindfest game right after, while stuff like Doj and thunderholm area/raids are still sometimes uncompleteable due to crippling lag (Thelanis, during first February weekend). Heck, some older raids with good xp can't even get filled after hours of lfm being up...

    YES to champion toggle option in non reaper, please.

  5. #85
    Community Member the_one_dwarfforged's Avatar
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    need to add 4th option to poll:

    not participating due to loaded phrasing of first three choices.

    get a ****ing grip.
    You are but a lamb, ignorant of your own ignorance. You no longer interest me.

  6. #86
    Community Member nimodoc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Milikki View Post
    Doesn't break immersion at all. Harry is trying to assemble the codex and its powers leak out in the form of remnants. These fragments of the codex empower whatever they come into contact with, from the lowest ooze to powerful green dragons. Consider champions are part of this lore and carry on. Besides, it's not like champions are really much of a challenge. The originals were much better, but they got massively nerfed.
    so why don't players receive the same benefits when they are in possession of remnants? Maybe a random buff based off the number of remnants held? heh... don't really care about champions one way or the other, i just always wondered about this
    If people could read my mind... I'd get punched in the face a lot....

  7. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by nimodoc View Post
    so why don't players receive the same benefits when they are in possession of remnants? Maybe a random buff based off the number of remnants held? heh... don't really care about champions one way or the other, i just always wondered about this
    You are smart enough not to draw on them and be corrupted. Until they've been distilled/ cleansed for use ie the trader.

  8. #88
    Community Member Aussir's Avatar
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    Angry Take the Tier 2 and Tier 3 CHAMPIONS out of Hard.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    There is zero chance we will remove Champions from Heroic hard and elite. Champions are meant to provide an increased difficulty to these difficulty levels, which had become too easy over time for the reward they offered.
    Then how about you remove the TIER 2 AND TIER 3 CHAMPIONS from Hard? They aren't supposed to be there according to your own patch notes.

    For example, yesterday we were ganged on by FOUR TIER 3 WOOD WOADS in "The Druid's curse".

    And don't tell me to submit bugs because I tried and your loc field isn't taking anything, be it copy paste or typing all that drivel by hand.
    DDO-Europe 2006/2010 - Aureon/Keeper

    I'm blunt as a rock and can seem aggressive because of it. Be aware of that when reading my posts.

  9. #89
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    A champion in itself isn't that bad of a deal, unless you are a new player, melee , without good gear and have the bad luck to get 2+ red crown champs 1 shot you. Or have the bad luck encountering a red crown caster, who 1 shots you with a single spell from 50 miles away ^^

    Some people say - if you are new - do normal.. This is a bit unfair, because all the good loot has pathetic chance to drop on normal, very terrible exp and also it is SO easy, that it doesn't teach players how to play , position, use CC, kite and build properly.
    Champions are insane however, doing 100 damage at lvl 5, when new people barely have 80 HP then.

    The systems in place - reaper, elite etc, are created to reward veterans, with good named/crafted gear, to provide them 'some' challenge, however it also gives them way more EXP, way better drop rates of items, in essence speeding their way into the game even more, while newer players are stuck to get 2k exp on normal mode, opposed to 8k on elite + , thus making them fall behind more and more and never catch up with the 'pros' with many past lives .
    They also promote party play.. however i dont buy into that, considering how segregated the community is, many players run with fixed groups, some servers are empty, TR wheel is also keeping people at different levels most of the times... so sorry but its pretty darn hard to find a group nowadays. Ive had 1 hour + LFGs up for reaper 1 without anyone joining.

    I'm a new player myself, on my 3rd life and even tho i do enjoy champions and the thrill of encountering one, it just feels awful when you get 1 shotted near the end of the quest, because a mini boss spawned as a champ. However I do run elite/r1 only, so I get what I signed up for, i know it perfectly well and the risks i'm taking for choosing that difficulty. It makes me envious a bit of veterans with completionists, cool crafted gear and such , who are able to solo so much faster- thus level up faster and progress more and more.. by the time i was done with my 2nd life ( took me around a week and half casual play ) , a friend with many Past lives did 2 TRs in that time.. just because he zerged trough r1 quests without any care in the world , because of all his past life bonuses. So this is my point for the difficulties - even tho they are supposed to be difficult - they are easy for long term players, who rush trough them and get the most optimal exp/hour , while newer players sloth trough them, just to get killed near the end of a bad streak of champions :P

    While i do agree players should choose their difficulties according to their class/build/style/experience/time played - i find it unfair that the veteran players get to have so much more bonuses for just running elite/reaper and still doing it easy enough because of their power creep, while new players are stuck with terrible XP in Normal and miniscule chances of seeing a named item.. Not just the Base exp is better in Elite, but bravery bonus, first time completion, optionals - all reward so much more on elite, making it the preferred way to level up.

    I would vote that - such a button could be cool , however if you want to turn off champs on elite - you get a -10%/-20% exp penalty for doing so.
    Last edited by Shiriru; 12-15-2017 at 10:16 AM.

  10. #90
    Community Member Qhualor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shiriru View Post
    A champion in itself isn't that bad of a deal, unless you are a new player, melee , without good gear and have the bad luck to get 2+ red crown champs 1 shot you. Or have the bad luck encountering a red crown caster, who 1 shots you with a single spell from 50 miles away ^^

    Some people say - if you are new - do normal.. This is a bit unfair, because all the good loot has pathetic chance to drop on normal, very terrible exp and also it is SO easy, that it doesn't teach players how to play , position, use CC, kite and build properly.
    Champions are insane however, doing 100 damage at lvl 5, when new people barely have 80 HP then.

    The systems in place - reaper, elite etc, are created to reward veterans, with good named/crafted gear, to provide them 'some' challenge, however it also gives them way more EXP, way better drop rates of items, in essence speeding their way into the game even more, while newer players are stuck to get 2k exp on normal mode, opposed to 8k on elite + , thus making them fall behind more and more and never catch up with the 'pros' with many past lives .
    They also promote party play.. however i dont buy into that, considering how segregated the community is, many players run with fixed groups, some servers are empty, TR wheel is also keeping people at different levels most of the times... so sorry but its pretty darn hard to find a group nowadays. Ive had 1 hour + LFGs up for reaper 1 without anyone joining.

    I'm a new player myself, on my 3rd life and even tho i do enjoy champions and the thrill of encountering one, it just feels awful when you get 1 shotted near the end of the quest, because a mini boss spawned as a champ. However I do run elite/r1 only, so I get what I signed up for, i know it perfectly well and the risks i'm taking for choosing that difficulty. It makes me envious a bit of veterans with completionists, cool crafted gear and such , who are able to solo so much faster- thus level up faster and progress more and more.. by the time i was done with my 2nd life ( took me around a week and half casual play ) , a friend with many Past lives did 2 TRs in that time.. just because he zerged trough r1 quests without any care in the world , because of all his past life bonuses. So this is my point for the difficulties - even tho they are supposed to be difficult - they are easy for long term players, who rush trough them and get the most optimal exp/hour , while newer players sloth trough them, just to get killed near the end of a bad streak of champions :P

    While i do agree players should choose their difficulties according to their class/build/style/experience/time played - i find it unfair that the veteran players get to have so much more bonuses for just running elite/reaper and still doing it easy enough because of their power creep, while new players are stuck with terrible XP in Normal and miniscule chances of seeing a named item.. Not just the Base exp is better in Elite, but bravery bonus, first time completion, optionals - all reward so much more on elite, making it the preferred way to level up.

    I would vote that - such a button could be cool , however if you want to turn off champs on elite - you get a -10%/-20% exp penalty for doing so.
    I find the Champions are overall weak compared to the ones before the changes. It used to be fort bypass I considered the biggest threat, but now it's the acid dot Cruelty champs. I had one this morning on HE give me 7 stacks in a level 13 quest and I saved him for last to kill. There were 2 other yellow crowned champs. I only have a 17 acid resist and 21% absorption, but also a 75 MRR. I didn't even lose half my hitpoints with the group of mobs just melting on my Vanguard Fighter. More dangerous on EE, but I experience pretty similar outcomes.

    I will always say new players should do normal to get the feel of the game, know the quests and mobs, know how to get around in the game and start building up better gear for tougher content. Typically new players are first lifers and leveling on normal is fast depending on content owned and how they acquire xp in quests, etc. I have never seen Champs in level 5 quests do 100 damage on hard or elite.

    Champions were created for challenge, just like Reaper. The rewards were because players felt they deserved extra rewards for increased challenge. That would be the veterans talking.

    To this day, I still haven't been one shot by Champions even when I had half as many past lives or as good gear as now and never seen anyone, except with really low hitpoints, get one shot in the parties I have been in. I see some say this and I think there is more to these stories than what is being said.

    For the most part, yes, with experience, with better gear, with longer investment in the game you can accomplish things easier/better than you used to be able to. This is part of the reason why veterans suggest to players to run lower difficulties, get to know the game and all that that gets dismissed often because some may feel entitled to better or maybe because it is hard to find groups and players join whatever they can. For some reason in a time sink game players don't want to feel left behind or just behind a veteran that has gone through the same inexperiences, bad gear, less experience for leveling as new players.

    The power creep is definitely out of control. We get update after update with increased power that replaces previous update loot and than you get something like Ravenloft that is considered underpowering because players compare loot from previous updates. The power creep scaling is completely out of whack. One of the easiest ways for SSG to profit is introducing grind like past lives. Not many will do it if there is nothing worth chasing and it becomes a loss in potential money. The power creep becomes out of control while there hasn't been much at end game for players to put that increased power to the test regularly. Many other variables that speed up the power creep process like raid timer bypass, guaranteed 20th rewards, etc.

    I do think Champions need an increase in power. To me, most times I consider them speed bumps. Once in a great while I get caught off guard, but that's mostly due to how uneven the challenge is while leveling. Old content is considered easy/ish so I'm more fast paced. Newer content is better balanced, but not really in a group. There is very little newer content I find decently challenged solo, with the exception of the freezing problems recently and the chain agro when you agro the first mob you see. Reaper is its own thing.

    You are the one choosing not to play alts.

    Casual player now investing way less than I used to into the game, playing 1-3 months at a time and still want nothing to do with Reaper. #improvepuggrouping#alldifficultiesmatter

  11. #91
    Community Member Annex's Avatar
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    Nineteen Epic Past Life Feats, almost a thousand Hit Points, Improved Evasion, almost 100 Physical Resistance Rating, over 30 Magical Resistance Rating, and I still get one shot by Super Monster Champions in Spies in the House on Epic Hard Difficulty. Enter an area and boom, dead, never even seeing the monster because my draw distance is set low. I know the quests ad nauseam. I have very to extremely good equipment at that level. I know exactly where every single monster and every single trap spawns. I have asked extensively what I can do to avoid them. Nothing helps. Boom, dead.

    Sadly, when the developers 'improved' the Monster Champion System they actually made it far worse. However, it is pointless asking for any kind of improvement or help. You get 'Boring Mode' and 'One Shot Mode'. Ya just got ta roll with it cause help ain't comin.

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