What you dont see in Update 33 is that they have nerf'd Warlock again driving more players like myself from wanting to continue to play this game. As a VIP member, and left several years ago due to other NERF's, seems like Turbine does not plan to increase its player base. The Thelanis server in which i play on doesnt have as near as many players as it use to. so lets get on with this and talk about the Warlock Nerf.
In Update 33 Release Notes: they nerfed the amount of temporary hitpoints you get from 12x to 8x. furthermore, what they didnt put on the Release notes is that they reduced the blast from 150% to 100%.
So im asking if we can get an explanation on why this was nerf'd and why do they keep giving reasons for players to continue to leave this game. How about we stop with the Updates for more content and take the game back to the way it was when people were proud to play the game and actually enjoy'd playing it.
Warlock has been nerf'd so much that its no surprise that I will be TR'ing out of it as soon as i get to 30!