Quote Originally Posted by Hafeal View Post
Until Monty Haul allowed the players to beat the raid more often than not through shear power, the raid was THE toughest raid in the game.
Even at 20 cap {pre LoB definitely, post LoB probably} Elite Abbot simply wasn't run!

Hard was run once in a Blue Moon!

Once we got Multiple ED capped Lvl 25s however it became the standard to run Abbot on Elite but even in the early days of 21-25 Abbots were rare!

I don't think it was Monty Haul that made Abbot "easy" - It was simply that players who'd get ZERO XP from it due to being overlevelled were now able to enter!

It's like if a Lvl 13 character runs Proof is in the Poison - It has nothing to do with gear {Monty Haul} and everything to do with level!

And notice how Mark of Death didn't have the puzzle rooms? OR the Sigil requirement? OR run Litany 4 times {heck they didn't even bother to Epic Litany!}? Yet for some unknown reason the Heroic Raid still has every one!