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  1. #121
    2015 DDO Players Council Sebastrd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    I'm on the road and can't do a full response right now, but wanted to say /read by a dev.

    Yes, we had feedback from some players that they'd rather have a Feather Falling clicky than a permanent FF on an item. It seems there isn't a consensus on that opinion, however. The FF was mostly for flavor anyway, so we'll probably just remove it from the item if it's going to cause that much of a stir.
    If you leave the clicky, some players will love it and use it while some will hate it and complain about it. If you remove the clicky, the same players will still hate it and not use it, but neither will anyone else. If you're adamant about no Leap of Faith clicky, at least leave the Feather Fall for flavor and the players who will appreciate it.
    Astreya the Unturning

    It's always a shame when the hammer of poor design choices smashes the fun of player tactical adaptation.

  2. #122
    Community Member SealedInSong's Avatar
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    Default This is extremely good feedback

    Please use the below as your guide for thinking about these items a bit differently.

    Quote Originally Posted by jakeelala View Post
    Here are some suggestions:

    -Give all of the weapons unique Damage types, ie Light or Force based on description. Aren't these planar and archon based?
    -Where is the light damage mitigation?
    -Where is the alignment and metal bypassing? These items are for fighting against planar demons and devils
    -Why dont they all have some sort of banishing? Make up something interesting in this regard
    -One of these items should provide teleportation
    -No bows?
    -No handwraps?
    -Stop putting Seeker 12 on EVERYTHING
    -How many items do we already have for 11 Dexterity? How many do we have for other stats? Do the math. We don't need any more 11 Dex items
    -We need more Insight 4 Items besides Necklace from HH. Stop inventing new stacking categories and just round out the selection of +3/4 Insight items/stats
    -We need more Body sources of Deception V-X, and Insight Deception
    -Find more places for Armor Piercing. The new cloak is a nice start
    -How about items that provide increasing vulnerability to damage types via stacks? Maybe Light Vuln
    -Put a 45 sec. cooldown Rejuv Coc. clicky on the Cloak affected by Pos Spell Power
    -Make some gloves that give a Dex or Int based chance to throw an extra projectile with throwing weapons when equipped (but not Shuriken)

    There are SO MANY more interesting things that could go on a new XPacks items that includes a raid at end game.

    Why are these so power creepy and unimaginative? Or totally useless?
    Character Compendium
    Sarlona*Eternal Wrath

  3. #123
    Community Member SealedInSong's Avatar
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    Default Thanks Steelstar!

    One more note:

    this content is all about infernal vs celestial. Can we please get some more items that really use this theme?

    For instance, where are the unique items that boost Fiend pact for Warlocks?
    How about unique bonuses to T5 angel of vengeance enhancement trees, and to the Summon Archon ability?
    (ex: +20% damage to summon archon ability light damage, or Summon Archon now has 5% change to Censure Demons)
    How about an item to decrease Exalted Angel or FvS wing cooldown by ~25%?
    Lantern archon cosmetic! (I'd buy it)


    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    I'm on the road and can't do a full response right now, but wanted to say /read by a dev.

    Yes, we had feedback from some players that they'd rather have a Feather Falling clicky than a permanent FF on an item. It seems there isn't a consensus on that opinion, however. The FF was mostly for flavor anyway, so we'll probably just remove it from the item if it's going to cause that much of a stir.

    After all, you could just equip a ML2 item instead, right?

    Back to the road!
    Character Compendium
    Sarlona*Eternal Wrath

  4. #124
    Community Member Janisis's Avatar
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    wow, I almost fell asleep looking at that loot. Why +12 to a stat when many of the stats already have too few choices of +11. Hell, +3 insightful cha, int and wis is still annoying to slot half the time and almost no +4 insightful options for many. I hope the raid has a LOT more loot, right now that raid will be dead in two weeks on the servers. Make raids last a year since we usually only get a raid once a year - if we are lucky. If you want raids to only last a few months than add a new raid to the game every few months.

    It really isn't that hard to make previous stat choices or effects on updated gear slots they were not previously on. For example +3 or +4 Int/Cha/Wis on any slot other than Goggle, Chest, Trinket, or Helmet adds tons of value. Spell power for whatever flavor on more than just a weapon slot of a relatively equivalent minimum level to spell power value would be nice. Take that 150 kinetic club and turn it into a necklace or boots or bracers and all of the sudden it might have value.

    There is what, 1 repair amp item in the game and 1 negative energy healing amp item in the game? See, something different right there that could be easily added.

    Gloves with +2 caster level for arcane spells, a level 20 item effect that hasn't been used since then. Nice to see it finally back. Why only +2 for min lvl 28? Why not something like that for divine spells? I guess if you are a DC caster you will pick up the gloves to get that stacking +1 DC. I really do feel bad for DC Casters, so pigeonholed into loot if they want to do EE content.

    I constantly see screams to avoid power creep, new loot that is blatantly under powered with a few teasers that are over powered and rarely lateral moves in providing equivalent previous powered items in new slots to give builds options.

    As for the rest of it.. meh
    This is about as angelic/devilish as the last xoriat pack loot was xoriat... IE IT WAS NOT. I understand that flavor and uniqueness can take more work and isn't just cut and paste design. More work takes $$ and that might not be an option.

    At least the featherfall clicky was a nod in something feeling angelish...

    Heroic loot - not +6? Not sure I care. I usually play a game when I TR that I just equip loot I get out of chests until I hit 20 and then delete it all, only real way to deal with annoying TR Cache and storage problems. If I wanted heroic loot I would go craft it, +6 is ml 9 when you masterful craft it? Very little investment of time if you get a friend to help you or spend some plat on the Auction house.
    Official Wearer of Purple Proud Member of Renowned Not Afraid to PUG
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    Long Live Cult of the Dragon

  5. #125
    Community Member Blackheartox's Avatar
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    Talking to myself, but why does pendant of quiet movement not have hide or move silently as skills on it?
    Last edited by Blackheartox; 07-13-2015 at 03:42 AM.

  6. #126
    Hero patang01's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jakeelala View Post
    Actually I think clickies are AWESOME

    just not stupid FF.
    FF in particular, but yes - clickies are nice.

  7. #127
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    Someone mentioned something very interesting. Why there is no divine caster level increase item.

  8. #128
    Community Member Dragavon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    I'm on the road and can't do a full response right now, but wanted to say /read by a dev.

    Yes, we had feedback from some players that they'd rather have a Feather Falling clicky than a permanent FF on an item. It seems there isn't a consensus on that opinion, however. The FF was mostly for flavor anyway, so we'll probably just remove it from the item if it's going to cause that much of a stir.

    After all, you could just equip a ML2 item instead, right?

    Back to the road!
    Anyone that needs a FF item will get the Boots of propulsion. Before that you can either use the Khorthos item or craft something. Any other FF item is a waste. And FF is something you swap in for the 2 seconds you need it, then take it off again.

  9. #129
    Community Member lyrecono's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UurlockYgmeov View Post

    I also want to remind everyone that the items that are showing are still Lamannia versions - and we should realize they are not finished. (ie FF clicky not working etc.). Kindly bug report them.
    I really hope they listen to all the feedback, just like U19.......

    sarcasm aside:
    the loot looks passable on some builds and might help the huge influx of new players.....

    ok, ok....really putting the sarcasm aside this time.
    How were the quests at lv on heroics? playable or fubared like some of the heart of madness quests and ToEE?
    As in pali/barbs and locks only?
    Quote Originally Posted by FlimsyFirewood View Post
    I play a guy with a two-hander not just in this game, but in every game that has 'em.
    Quote Originally Posted by J-mann View Post
    Not to derail the thread, but then can you make 2hf NOT suck so much compared to 2wf or swf?
    Quote Originally Posted by FlimsyFirewood View Post
    8 pages in, that train has already sailed. The dead horse is canned into cat food by now.

  10. #130
    The Werewolf Skavenaps's Avatar
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    So many hate in this thread... wow. Really guys and gals, get laid. This thread is full of attacks, epeen and nasty stuff. Peeps angry cause theres a ff clickie.. really?

    I like the items. Diferent type of bonus make item choices harder as you need to giveup slots if you wanna use them. I like this.

    I agree we could use some unique thingie on the raid. Special augment (like the meridian) or a cool item (like the blade in 3bc).

    And my guess for no Archon armor is that it requieres art.. so will be more expensive to make.

    take care.

  11. #131
    Community Member Blackheartox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skavenaps View Post
    So many hate in this thread... wow. Really guys and gals, get laid. This thread is full of attacks, epeen and nasty stuff. Peeps angry cause theres a ff clickie.. really?

    I like the items. Diferent type of bonus make item choices harder as you need to giveup slots if you wanna use them. I like this.

    I agree we could use some unique thingie on the raid. Special augment (like the meridian) or a cool item (like the blade in 3bc).

    And my guess for no Archon armor is that it requieres art.. so will be more expensive to make.

    take care.
    Lets put it this way.
    IF devs say they have limited time and resources for content/loot design, then why would they put effort and time to create a lv 28 item that is apsolutely terrible and useless and not working at all?
    (the ff item does not work at all, you dont have passive ff and you can not activate it as clickie at all currently on lama)
    Also we are getting weaponry with deadly 9 while we have acess to 10 and 11 on most gear slots?
    It would confuse me if people did not hate those loot pieces.

    Also this is meant as shavarat prequel storyline, and i am pretty sure that most people wont like this loot proposal since most of us expected prestige tied sets.
    What we are getting is mostly noninteresting powercreep gear.
    I still want some of this stuff, but if i find it interesting or no? Answer would be no

  12. #132
    Community Member legendkilleroll's Avatar
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    Do hope there is more raid items and some new augments, also where are mythics and more sources of mythic bonuses that was mentioned in ToEE loot thread? maybe these are base items and there is small chance they come with the bonuses

    As for items i think some decent stuff, not gonna get into heroics

    3 items with Seeker XII is to much, need more variety, new unique effects, instead of +Stats/dodge

    Druid cloak looks interesting, nice to see something new and another souce of armor pierce is nice

    Tireless aid shield, heroic is wooden and epic is metal, sure this is just a bug. Should have red/purple/orange slot instead i think

    Band Immaterial looks fine

    Not into all math so dont know how the weapons fare against what we have, i know people like having different threat ranges and crit multipliers which these dont have

    Not sure i like the insightful saves, when you can cover them all and with +5/6 instead of the individual +2/3

    Insight heal +2 on helm isnt enough

    Not getting into FF :P

    Alot of str/dex but why not others, more insight char/wis/int be cool

  13. #133
    Developer Steelstar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UurlockYgmeov View Post
    just to get it started.

    Loot (most of it) is available in the Dojo from the center cabinet in the loot room (not that loot room - the other one).
    Thanks for kicking off the discussion while I was away, Uurlock! Yes, there are a few items not in the cabinet yet; a few (like the Handwraps and Rune Arm) are in the quests but not the cabinet, and there are likely a few more coming at some point before Live.

    Quote Originally Posted by LeonAureo View Post
    Good looking items, just wanted to point that the epic and heroic buckler of the demonic soldier shows as a small shield despite the name. Is that a oversight or a typo?

    Also, whats the name of the tower shield and can you post the heroic version of it?
    There are two versions of the Shield, a Small and a Buckler. It looks like both are Small right now. We'll get that fixed! As for the Tower shield, it's a Raid item and the U27 Raid is Epic-only.

    Quote Originally Posted by jakeelala View Post
    This shuriken is literally worse than a Tier 1 Thunderforged with Touch of Flames on it, let alone a Tier 2 or Tier 3.
    The Shuriken should not necessarily be more powerful than a T2 or 3; it's not a Raid item. It should stack up better when compared with a T1 Thunderforged Shuriken though; we'll take a look at it.

    Quote Originally Posted by EnziteBob View Post
    +5 stats on a level 13 item. Should be +6.
    Noted. Taking a look at this.

    Quote Originally Posted by poltt48 View Post
    Pendant of the quiet movements: Personally think sucks there 10 better necks out there much lower level and easier to get.
    With Heroic, perhaps; there's some decent competition in that level range for the neck slot. As for Epic, well... I'd love to see that list. The Neck slot at ML25+ has relatively little competition when you look at what's actually being worn.

    Quote Originally Posted by cru121 View Post
    * Sheltering 3 is... not much. Bump it at least to the value that level-appropriate augment does.
    It's very comparable to the Sheltering other named items in that range have - Not many items in middle-Heroics provide PRR at all, and most of them are Shields. Yes, the Augment is bigger. Which is OK, if you happen to have it.

    Quote Originally Posted by cru121 View Post
    * Reflex/Fort/Will +5 is... bad. Players can slot +4 resistance augment at this level, or use dedicated Resistance 6 items, or crafted superior stability. Bump it to +8, or +10 just like Trace of Madness items.
    Taking a look.

    Quote Originally Posted by cru121 View Post
    * Spell Power could be bumped to 72. Named items should be better than random loot? Rune arm already has 72.
    Rune Arm has +72 because it has one fewer effect compared to most of the items in the pack. For the two kinds of Spell Power on the other items (Devotion and Impulse), other ML13 Named Items have +66.

    Quote Originally Posted by cru121 View Post
    * Spell Focus should be bumped to +2 OR even +3.
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but the lowest-level +2 Focus items are ML 15.

    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    If you can craft masterful craftsmanship, cannith challenge gear offers 90 spell power at ML13.
    Which does not, in turn, mean that a new ML13 item should offer 90. ML15 gear with Masterful Craftsmanship is still ML15 gear, balance-wise, and getting that particular combination requires a lot of Challenge runs and navigating two different crafting systems. Apples and oranges.

    Quote Originally Posted by Qhualor View Post
    it looks like at least most of those heroic items are only going to be good for a couple levels or so anyways.
    Frankly, that's true of most Heroic items in general.

    Quote Originally Posted by richieelias27 View Post
    Heroic version of tireless aid: Densewood
    Epic version of tireless aid: Planeforged Steel

    This is the fanciest middle finger to druids that I have ever seen.
    The simplest answer is often the truth: This is a bug. Thank you for telling us about this bug. We will fix this bug.

    Quote Originally Posted by Unsmitten View Post
    From testing, the sounding(on harmful spellcast: 4d6 Sonic) from the U27 necklace Resonation is exclusive(overrides) the Radiant Glory(on harmful spellcast:6d6 Light) on Lantern Ring. So the necklace is a weaker side-grade.
    That shouldn't happen. Bug. We'll look into it.

    Quote Originally Posted by jakeelala View Post
    Here are some suggestions:
    -Where is the light damage mitigation?
    -Where is the alignment and metal bypassing? These items are for fighting against planar demons and devils
    -Why dont they all have some sort of banishing? Make up something interesting in this regard
    -One of these items should provide teleportation
    -No bows?
    -No handwraps?
    -Stop putting Seeker 12 on EVERYTHING
    -How many items do we already have for 11 Dexterity? How many do we have for other stats? Do the math. We don't need any more 11 Dex items
    -We need more Insight 4 Items besides Necklace from HH. Stop inventing new stacking categories and just round out the selection of +3/4 Insight items/stats
    -We need more Body sources of Deception V-X, and Insight Deception
    -Find more places for Armor Piercing. The new cloak is a nice start
    -How about items that provide increasing vulnerability to damage types via stacks? Maybe Light Vuln
    -Put a 45 sec. cooldown Rejuv Coc. clicky on the Cloak affected by Pos Spell Power
    -Make some gloves that give a Dex or Int based chance to throw an extra projectile with throwing weapons when equipped (but not Shuriken)
    There are handwraps, they aren't in the dojo crate right now. Beyond that, some good ideas in this piece.

    Quote Originally Posted by rmi View Post
    Please devs, do not assume that, every single player in the game has grinded the **** out of every high lvl Raid.
    We don't. We want to make sure that there are options for both sets. There are always going to be new items that the Raiding crowd will consider useless, but cover a niche for those who don't raid.

    Quote Originally Posted by JOTMON View Post
    it is a disgrace...
    seriously.. wthef.
    omg.. what are you guys thinking...
    it *****... come on.. its supposed to be level 28 and most recent release of content .. not contempt.....
    This kind of unhelpful feedback and hyperbolic language is the quickest way to not get questions answered. Not only does it not tell us what you don't like about the item or provide anything to help us make it better, it just generally gets old. Avoid if possible. There are constructive ways to frame the same feelings that help both us and you. Moving on!

    Quote Originally Posted by patang01 View Post
    Green slot for the large shield is sorta worthless. There's very little DPS to it - altho it looks like a 'healer' shield on the surface it would be great for tank (such as Warlock tank that can't really 'afford' to use anything bigger because of spell failure). That should be a purple or red at a minimum.

    Also, all helmets I tried out (thinking the item art would be even cooler on the toon) gives you the schroom hat.
    It is meant to be a healer/tank shield, it's not meant to be fantastic DPS. Also, all the hats have new appearances - They didn't make it into this build.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wizza View Post
    1) No assassin stuff, no bows, no wraps
    There are wraps, and Assassins have gotten a lot compared to some other archetypes in the last two years.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wizza View Post
    2) Seeker here, seeker there, seeker up here, seeker for every item!
    There are three Seeker items. If that's too many in one update, we're up for recommendations on what to swap it with on any of those three.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wizza View Post
    3) No Devil thematic stuff.
    Mechanically or thematically? Both? Would love more on this. The content is framed more around Archons than Devils in this pack, so we put more of our focus there.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wizza View Post
    4) No unique loot besides Linguistics (who even uses skills?)
    See my signature. Social skills are more useful than most give them credit for, especially in Heroics.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wizza View Post
    6) Why are you giving us Insightful Illusion Focus? I guess for that only one Spell, Phantasmal Killer, that noone uses? Well, thank you Turbine! Who would ever want a Necro, Evocation, Transmutation focus.
    See my signature again.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wizza View Post
    7) Why Kinect Lore is 20% on the club?
    Why is anything on anything? It's a generally useful Force caster item.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wizza View Post
    8) Why Strenght is +12 on the boots?
    Because Trip DCs, and Raid loot. If people think it could be +11 and still stand up OK, we can do that.

    Quote Originally Posted by bbqzor View Post
    I just wanted to comment that you should not remove the clicky. People that do not want to use it, can simply not hotbar it and not click it. There is zero reason to bother paying attention to that concern at all. Rather, it should be made CL20 as is appropriate for items of that level (or CL10 for heroic one), so that those who would/do enjoy them may utilize them at the level this items appear. While I can agree with the sentiment that of all the clickies possible, ff would be pretty near the bottom, its better than nothing and unlike many cases this is one where there is essentially no trade off for it being there.

    I will provide further item feedback when I get time, but dont want to see things removed needlessly when all they do is offer options on the table without costing anything in relative itemization. Its not like its going to suddenly get mnemonic or forcefield clickies instead or something. Just let people who enjoy it use it, and if you dont slot a ff aug. No reason to take the clicky off the table for players who prefer them. Thanks.
    This is a fair point, and after consideration we're probably going to leave it. There's a perception in some cases that an "unfavorable" effect (for instance, the FF Clicky) makes an item worse because it's taking up the space a "favorable" effect could take instead. That's not the case here - If we did anything, we'd be removing it, not replacing it. Since it's unobtrusive to the item itself if you don't want to use the clicky, and some people want it, we'll probably leave it.

    Thanks for the feedback so far, everyone.
    Last edited by Steelstar; 07-13-2015 at 06:53 AM. Reason: Formatting fix
    We don't only build for the builds that exist.
    We don't only build for the builds that are good right now.

    The fact that some changes are necessary is not diminished by the fact that other necessary changes have not happened yet.

  14. #134
    Developer Steelstar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by legendkilleroll View Post
    Do hope there is more raid items and some new augments, also where are mythics and more sources of mythic bonuses that was mentioned in ToEE loot thread? maybe these are base items and there is small chance they come with the bonuses
    This is correct. All items in this pack (both Quest and Raid) have a chance to drop with Mythic bonuses.
    We don't only build for the builds that exist.
    We don't only build for the builds that are good right now.

    The fact that some changes are necessary is not diminished by the fact that other necessary changes have not happened yet.

  15. #135
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    It's very comparable to the Sheltering other named items in that range have - Not many items in middle-Heroics provide PRR at all, and most of them are Shields. Yes, the Augment is bigger. Which is OK, if you happen to have it.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but the lowest-level +2 Focus items are ML 15.
    Thanks for your reactions.

    Regarding sheltering - I think you guys should do a balancing pass on sheltering, items have rather random amount. I also think we don't need 35 sheltering on the raid item, if other ML28 raid items offer 30. Some consistency would be nice. Save 35 for ML29-30 loot. and why 35, and not let's say 36, to have some progression (24 - 30 - 36).

    Regarding spell focus - In random loot, +2 focus items are available around ML10 (probably ML8 with masterful craftmanship). With cannith crafting, you can have +2 on ML4 shields. Random +3 focus items start appearing on ML20 random loot - I am using a ML16 Potency 60/Necro focus III caster stick (masterful craftmanship and festival frost). Shadowfell brought a ML15 +4 evocation focus item, but that's an obvious outlier.

  16. #136


    Just to emphasize the lore/theme element, I would enjoy seeing a demonic soldier weapon (like shield) that neg levels good aligned characters wearing it. I imagine it as a general's weapon that it uses against Archons, so whatever traits attributes would be most effective. The heroic version could be a fun Running with the Devils weapon.

    For named Shuriken, perhaps expand its threat range like the snowstar? If not, lower its min level?

    Nonhandwrap monk weapons? Short sword, long sword--maybe with expanded threats or multipliers since these are crappy weapons anyway.
    Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
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  17. #137
    Community Member legendkilleroll's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    This is correct. All items in this pack (both Quest and Raid) have a chance to drop with Mythic bonuses.
    Ty steel, do all these stack too? So +2 MP and +2 MP on two items would give you 4 melee power?

  18. #138
    Developer Steelstar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by legendkilleroll View Post
    Ty steel, do all these stack too? So +2 MP and +2 MP on two items would give you 4 melee power?
    We don't only build for the builds that exist.
    We don't only build for the builds that are good right now.

    The fact that some changes are necessary is not diminished by the fact that other necessary changes have not happened yet.

  19. #139
    Community Member Wizza's Avatar
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    First of all, I'm glad we have an actual Developer talking to us this time around.

    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    There are wraps, and Assassins have gotten a lot compared to some other archetypes in the last two years.
    Yeah but you just revamped Assassins. And what about Bows then?

    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    There are three Seeker items. If that's too many in one update, we're up for recommendations on what to swap it with on any of those three.
    Good, I'll throw some quick ideas:

    - Armbands of the Silenced Ones (Bracers): Dexterity +11, Dodge +11%, Seeker XII, Reflex Save +2, Green Augment Slot

    I don't think Seeker fits in here. This seems like an item towards Assassins. What could be a nice idea would be some stacking Dodge Bonus, stacking MDB bonus, a +4 Insighful Dexterity, upgrade the +11 Dex to +12.

    - Eloquence (Helmet): Linguistics 10% (This item reduces the cooldowns of your Socal skills (Diplomacy, Bluff, Intimidate) by 10%. This does not stack with the Negotiator ability.), Bluff +20, Intimidate +20, Good Luck +3, Seeker XII, Green Augment Slot

    What's the point of Seeker here? This is a purely skill Helmet, how about some stacking Skill bonuses? +4 Determination Skill bonus

    - Pendant of Quiet Movements (Necklace): Lesser Displacement, Dodge +11%, Insightful Will Save +2, Seeker XII, Yellow Augment Slot

    I like Seeker on a Necklace but it doesn't fit thematically and mechanically imho.

    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    Mechanically or thematically? Both? Would love more on this. The content is framed more around Archons than Devils in this pack, so we put more of our focus there.
    Both mechanically and thematicallly. I see no items that reminds me of Archons, Devils or anything else. Got no ideas at the moment on this side.

    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    Why is anything on anything? It's a generally useful Force caster item.
    I think you misunderstood me. My main gripe was that this should be a 22 or 23% Lore.

    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    Because Trip DCs, and Raid loot. If people think it could be +11 and still stand up OK, we can do that.
    Why is Strenght always the first one to get the new boost? Either give us every item with +12 Stat or not. And if you want, this Raid would live way longer if it had 5 more items with one +12 Stat each.
    Quote Originally Posted by JOTMON View Post
    I don't think you get a choice.. you are Rys's minion..

  20. #140
    Community Member Blackheartox's Avatar
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    Wishful thinking, but is there any chance to get a 11 wisdom or charisma ring?

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