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  1. #81
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    I would prefer to just increase current bonus types (eg +3 insight wisdom or +2 augment enhancement to spell school) rather than add yet more bonus types (quality)....

    It also looks like after you get your bound to account items there isn't any point to running this series?
    Last edited by maddong; 07-11-2015 at 09:24 PM.

  2. #82
    2015 DDO Players Council Seikojin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Qhualor View Post
    when does loot NOT cause a stir? for me, the clicky is useless because I like to control my descent by equipping a FF item. there are actually some players that still cast FF spell so they would probably like it more. wont hurt my feelings any if you remove it or not. its not that big of a stir to me.
    Pro tip: clickie or not, you go down a long drop without it and then turn it on. So nothing changes except one less item to swap with.

  3. #83
    Hero JOTMON's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maddong View Post
    I would prefer to just increase current bonus types (eg +3 insight wisdom or +2 augment enhancement to spell school) rather than add yet more bonus types (quality)....

    It also looks like after you get your bound to account items there isn't any point to running this series?
    Not like it matters as far as trying to stack bonuses.
    Other items have insightful stat+4.. not Wisdom...

    Insightful wis+3/Wis+11 come on few items .. those for usefulness at endgame are goggles and helm.
    So adding a unique bonus of Quality wisdom +2 on a helm results in a loss of wisdom overall.
    Currently, adding a bonus type that doesn't fit in the mix doesn't matter.

    maybe someday when some more wisdom items come out this may actually become useful.. or will just be replaced by something else.
    Last edited by JOTMON; 07-11-2015 at 10:31 PM.
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  4. #84
    Hero patang01's Avatar
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    Green slot for the large shield is sorta worthless. There's very little DPS to it - altho it looks like a 'healer' shield on the surface it would be great for tank (such as Warlock tank that can't really 'afford' to use anything bigger because of spell failure). That should be a purple or red at a minimum.

    The raid boots are also not that good. They're going to compete directly with the E-necro and the E-necro are more versatile. Plus another pair of boots with tactical DC? It's a shame that a level 20 docent/medium armor is still better for tripping than level 27 and 28 loot. And tactical feats need a boost in EE.

    I get that it has 12 in strength but now you're going to have to start looking for another item with stunning and such that the e-necro boots takes care of.

    Also, all helmets I tried out (thinking the item art would be even cooler on the toon) gives you the schroom hat.
    Last edited by patang01; 07-11-2015 at 10:49 PM.

  5. #85
    Hero patang01's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vanhooger View Post
    That mean you don't play DC caster. I do, and +2 enchant stacking DC is AWESOME.
    I love it, goes well with whatever stick or orb you have that might fill out other DCs. That ring is very nice for a Warlock. Add it with the other DC item and you got a pair.

  6. #86
    Hero patang01's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    I'm on the road and can't do a full response right now, but wanted to say /read by a dev.

    Yes, we had feedback from some players that they'd rather have a Feather Falling clicky than a permanent FF on an item. It seems there isn't a consensus on that opinion, however. The FF was mostly for flavor anyway, so we'll probably just remove it from the item if it's going to cause that much of a stir.

    After all, you could just equip a ML2 item instead, right?

    Back to the road!
    There's nothing wrong with clickies, but the issue is that once you run out and need it again you're toast.

  7. #87
    Community Member jakeelala's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by patang01 View Post
    There's nothing wrong with clickies, but the issue is that once you run out and need it again you're toast.
    Actually I think clickies are AWESOME

    just not stupid FF.
    good at business

  8. #88
    Community Member Wizza's Avatar
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    I see 1 item for my caster which is, again, in the gloves spot (can we actually have some caster boots sooner rather than later?).

    1) No assassin stuff, no bows, no wraps
    2) Seeker here, seeker there, seeker up here, seeker for every item!
    3) No Devil thematic stuff.
    4) No unique loot besides Linguistics (who even uses skills?)
    5) Thank god we get a FF clicky that lasts 30 seconds. Who would even want a ML28 item to have a clicky with a CL:20 anyway? Better give it CL:1.
    6) Why are you giving us Insightful Illusion Focus? I guess for that only one Spell, Phantasmal Killer, that noone uses? Well, thank you Turbine! Who would ever want a Necro, Evocation, Transmutation focus.
    7) Why Kinect Lore is 20% on the club?
    8) Why Strenght is +12 on the boots? More Power Creep for Barbs (coupled with Melee Power +6 item), the only class that is actually underpowered right now in DDO! Please buff barbs. /sarcasm
    9) Raid needs 2-3 more items and something rare and unique, maybe an augment with some Devil thematic ability.
    Quote Originally Posted by JOTMON View Post
    I don't think you get a choice.. you are Rys's minion..

  9. #89
    Community Member Blackheartox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wizza View Post
    I see 1 item for my caster which is, again, in the gloves spot (can we actually have some caster boots sooner rather than later?).
    Wait, you dont want ring that gives stacking 2 enchant dc?

  10. #90
    Community Member Wizza's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blackheartox View Post
    Wait, you dont want ring that gives stacking 2 enchant dc?
    Depends on the DC required for the new content. It's not that appealing anyway, a ring for +2 Ench DC. Seems kinda..boring. If it had Ench + Evo, sure.
    Quote Originally Posted by JOTMON View Post
    I don't think you get a choice.. you are Rys's minion..

  11. #91
    The Hatchery stoerm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ape_Man View Post
    The raid has been out almost a year, you have no excuse other thAn not caring if you don't have the gear by now
    I wish people would already understand how diverse the player base is, outside their close circle of friends.
    Don't feed the trolls.
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  12. #92
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wizza View Post
    Depends on the DC required for the new content. It's not that appealing anyway, a ring for +2 Ench DC. Seems kinda..boring. If it had Ench + Evo, sure.
    It seems more like a balance issue.

    Evocation has the advantage of +3 available from past lifes as a passive feat and +2 extra DC from a twist. Very few evocation spells require spell penetration.
    DC Warlock Reaper Build (U48)
    Max DC Illusionist Reaper Build (U48)

  13. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by slarden View Post
    It seems more like a balance issue.

    Evocation has the advantage of +3 available from past lifes as a passive feat and +2 extra DC from a twist. Very few evocation spells require spell penetration.
    Yeah but Evocation was already bad for ToEE EE. Running with unbuffed 65 and buffed 75+ Evocation and still failing stuff in ToEE.

    Besides, Illusion is worthless. Can we agree on that? Necromancy would fit better. A discount on Heighten would fit better. Cmon, let's be creative.
    Quote Originally Posted by JOTMON View Post
    I don't think you get a choice.. you are Rys's minion..

  14. #94
    Community Member Xerio's Avatar
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    I'd like to see some armor from this, as someone mentioned, it's a great opportunity to throw in the archon ect ect armor kits.
    Some caster sp/lore/dc armor would be sweet. U27 seems like a great opportunity to throw in light and negative spell power items.
    Maybe, cloth/light/medium caster armor, cloth -> heavy melee, medium/heavy healer? I understand the amount of effort it takes from the art department to put together armors and the devs finding balance for them, but we've got some starting points already. The angelic form armor kit would fit in here nicely. Something here needs a unique flavor to it.

    khopesh weapons.. meh, do people use khopesh's anymore?
    I do like the impulse/lore scepter, though beyond that I don't see much loot worth use.
    The trinkets don't seem that impressive, and far too many items have seeker. Quality bonus is a neat twist, how does that stack with the other bonus effects?

    more weapons please; dagger,bow,shortsword,rapier,scimitar,bastard sword

  15. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve_Howe View Post

    I've run the raid close to 300 times and have the Litanys, Quivers, and whatever else my toons needed.

    There was plenty of time and opportunity to MoD ourselves to death.
    It's only been out for ~300 days so that involves ~200 bypasses, which not all of us have.

  16. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ape_Man View Post
    The raid has been out almost a year, you have no excuse other thAn not caring if you don't have the gear by now
    So you would consider none of the following valid excuses?
    1. Not having hundreds of bypasses
    2. Living in Oz or Asia so you're gaming whilst America works and working whilst they game
    3. Have family commitments
    4. Are part of a small guild or static group
    5. Enjoy going out for a beer occasionally

    All of these apply to me and my guildies. I have jumped on every Deathwyrm and Mark lfm I've seen running (when I'm off timer) and I STILL don't have my T3 TF or most of the loot I would like from MOD. Orchard on the other hand, I have looted dry. To me, and those in a similar situation to me, having items that are almost but not quite as good as raid loot is a godsend. We DO care, we DO want good toons, we DO spend a goodly amount of time playing but we DON'T all have every bit of loot we want (here's looking at you ESOS - 5 1/2 bloody years!) so please try not to assume everyone else is as lucky/awesome as you.

    TL;DR - these loots are not for you, they're mine.

  17. #97
    Community Member armagedan's Avatar
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    ya its a sham they let khopeshes become obsolete at epic lvl, up until u reach lvl 26 for the thunder forged, other then the thunder forged there is only 2 khopeshes for lvl 25 not counting the lvl 23-24 versions of them and they are just so so , then there are 3 lvl 20s u can get through epic crafting and also the lvl 21 drow weapon master. adding a named Khopesh to CiTW when it was released probly would have stalled the community's trend in not using them and the same can be said for dwarven axes

    And i could see using 1 of the epic bleeding edges along with a thunderforged, i always liked using that hooked blade for Khopesh builds. and its nice to see limb chopper on more then just 2 epic weapons

    i forgot to mention the completed Alchemical khopesh and iam not sure if there ToEE khopesh i havnt seen one yet
    Last edited by armagedan; 07-12-2015 at 11:43 AM.

  18. #98
    Community Member bbqzor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    The FF was mostly for flavor anyway, so we'll probably just remove it from the item if it's going to cause that much of a stir.
    I just wanted to comment that you should not remove the clicky. People that do not want to use it, can simply not hotbar it and not click it. There is zero reason to bother paying attention to that concern at all. Rather, it should be made CL20 as is appropriate for items of that level (or CL10 for heroic one), so that those who would/do enjoy them may utilize them at the level this items appear. While I can agree with the sentiment that of all the clickies possible, ff would be pretty near the bottom, its better than nothing and unlike many cases this is one where there is essentially no trade off for it being there.

    I will provide further item feedback when I get time, but dont want to see things removed needlessly when all they do is offer options on the table without costing anything in relative itemization. Its not like its going to suddenly get mnemonic or forcefield clickies instead or something. Just let people who enjoy it use it, and if you dont slot a ff aug. No reason to take the clicky off the table for players who prefer them. Thanks.

  19. #99
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    Why not make a summon trinket? A trinket that makes a strong Archon or Devil. Kinda like a Shard of Xoriat.

  20. #100
    Community Member arkonas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ape_Man View Post
    The raid has been out almost a year, you have no excuse other thAn not caring if you don't have the gear by now
    you're wrong as well. those are the only people who ran it to death maybe have one. for those who don't raid often or who just don't care won't have one. i've only ran it about 25 times myself and i picked up the ring for my paladin.

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