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Hi DDO Devs,
Why did Cloey leave the game?
First, who is Cloey?
Not entire certain of my facts, but first uber completionist on Khyber, third uber completionist in DDO.
She loved challenging herself and challenging others.
Loving everything with bravery and putting up an LMF along with some tag alongs and challenging the game.
If we did it nice, we should try it faster, if someone whined they got booted. If someone picked on her, they got booted.
It was not enough to do the first giant into Madstone effectively, the plan would be split up and tackle all three giants at the same time.
She was like Xzel, a great player who could dominate a quest, not shirking but taking the worst assignments.
After she gained uber completionist, she kept on playing to get a friend of hers to uber completionist. She worked on a second project.
At one point, she told me, "I don't like Epics."
But when the Iconics came out, she did everyone of them, using Bravery Bonus right thru to 28, challenging the entire CitW chain, Druid's Deep, Eveningstar, etc...
Then she ran out of lives to use Bravery, did some alternating lives but lost interest in the game.
I guess its a complex question and time is probably part of the answer. We might even see her come back someday as we have others.
But I know her thrill was pushing speed bravery from the moment we logged on and hit Steathly to the moment we did a round of explorers in the Vale. It was the challenge of how fast and dangerous we could live.
Fawn died more on lives with her but learned so much. It was fun, it was a challenge.
If a noob could find the quest, and try to contribute and did not annoy pike, they could ride the wave for as long as they were logged on.