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  1. #541
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    Default A Quick Look at U50 Filigree

    There are several new filigree sets arriving with U50.

    I evaluate filigree for 2 weapons sets. The first set is my "board control" filigree which is for controlling the board during mob fights. The focus is on DC entirely as filigree dps gains have a minimal impact on clearing mobs. The second filigree set is my "boss beater" which is for maximizing dps for boss fights.

    Looking at board control filigree there is really only one set worth looking at - Lunar Magic:

    Quote Originally Posted by Cocomajobo View Post
    Lunar Magic
    • When 2 pieces are equipped: +100 Maximum Spellpoints
    • When 3 pieces are equipped: +1 All Spell DC
    • When 4 pieces are equipped: +20 Universal Spellpower
    • When 5 pieces are equipped: +1 All Spell DC

    Individual Filigree
    • Charisma +1
    • Force Spellpower +9
    • Intelligence +1
    • Magical Resistance Rating +3
    • Spell Resistance +3
    • Universal Spellpower +6
    • Wisdom +1
    Bend Fate and Keeper of the Curse have DC bonuses but are straight-up worse than otto's, eye of the beholder, lunar magic or 2x +2 charisma filigree which also provides 2 DC so they aren't worth consideration.

    Here is the current filigree set:

    Main Weapon
    - Otto's Irrevocable Power: Charisma (Rare) - +1 Charisma, +2 MRR
    - Otto's Irrevocable Power: Constitution (Rare) - +1 Constitution, +2 PRR
    - Otto's Irrevocable Power: PRR (Rare) - +3 PRR, +2 MRR
    - Otto's Irrevocable Power: Spell Failure Reduction (Rare) - -10% Spell Failure, +2 MRR
    - Eye of the Beholder: Charisma (Rare) - +1 Charisma, +2 MRR
    - Eye of the Beholder: Spellpower (Rare) - +10 Universal Spellpower
    - Eye of the Beholder: MRR (Rare) - +3 MRR, +2 PRR
    - To Hell and Back / Embraced By Light: Charisma (Rare) - +2 Charisma, +4MRR
    - Sactified Fervor / Reverberation: Charisma (Rare) - +2 Charisma, +4 MRR
    - To Hell and Back / Embraced By Light: Charisma (Rare) - +2 Charisma, +4MRR
    - Sactified Fervor / Reverberation: Charisma (Rare) - +2 Charisma, +4 MRR
    - Eye of the Beholder: Charisma (Rare) - +1 Charisma, +2 MRR

    Set Bonuses
    - Otto's Irrevocable Power 4 Piece: +5 MRR, +200 Spell Points, +2 to all DCs
    - Eye of the Beholder 4 Piece: +4 Concentration, +1 Spell Penetration, +2 to all DCs
    - To Hell and Back 2 Piece: +5 PRR
    - Embraced By the Light 2 Piece: +5 Healing Amp
    - Sanctified Fervor 2 Piece: +5 Healing Amp
    - Reverberation 2 Piece: Melee and Missle Damage (not applicable to this build)

    So with 1 more slot and exchanging lunar magic for eye of the beholder I will swap to the following:

    Main Weapon
    - Otto's Irrevocable Power: Charisma (Rare) - +1 Charisma, +2 MRR
    - Otto's Irrevocable Power: Constitution (Rare) - +1 Constitution, +2 PRR
    - Otto's Irrevocable Power: Spellpower (Rare) +10 Universal Spellpower (probably more important than a few more prr/mrr with all the changes)
    - Otto's Irrevocable Power: Spell Failure Reduction (Rare) - -10% Spell Failure, +2 MRR
    - Lunar Magic: Charisma (Rare) - +1 Charisma, +2 MRR
    - Lunar Magic: Spellpower (Rare) - +10 Universal Spellpower
    - Lunar Magic: Force Spellpower (Rare) - +9 Force Spellpower / +4 Universal Spellpower
    - To Hell and Back / Embraced By Light: Charisma (Rare) - +2 Charisma, +4MRR
    - Sactified Fervor / Reverberation: Charisma (Rare) - +2 Charisma, +4 MRR
    - Lunar Magic: MRR (Rare), +3 MRR/+2 PRR
    - To Hell and Back / Embraced By Light: Charisma (Rare) - +2 Charisma, +4MRR
    - Sactified Fervor / Reverberation: Charisma (Rare) - +2 Charisma, +4 MRR
    - Lunar Magic: Charisma (Rare) - +1 Charisma, +2 MRR

    Set Bonuses
    - Otto's Irrevocable Power 4 Piece: +5 MRR, +200 Spell Points, +2 to all DCs
    - Lunar Magic 5 Piece: +2 to all DCs, +100 Spell Points, +20 Universal Spellpower
    - To Hell and Back 2 Piece: +5 PRR
    - Sanctified Fervor 2 Piece: +5 Healing Amp
    - Reverberation 2 Piece: Melee and Missle Damage (not applicable to this build)

    So this increases my universal spellpower by 34 compared to the old set and force spellpower by 43 while maintaining the same DC bonus.

    +10 USP (replacing 3PRR/2MRR Otto filigree with 10 USP Otto Filigree)
    +9 Force and +4 USP (Lunar Magic Individual Filigree)
    +20 USP Lunar Magic Set Bonus

    So that is the easy part. There is only one set worth looking at and it's straight-up a superior replacement to eye of the beholder and the new slot makes the transition from 4 to 5 pieces ok.

    Swaps for boss fights are complicated because which set is best depends very much on specific character stats. In addition, there are cases where bosses have high saves and DC is impactful so in those cases both DC and DPS need to be considered.

    The following filigree are worth considering for boss fights:

    Quote Originally Posted by Cocomajobo View Post

    • When 2 pieces are equipped: -5% Spell Cooldowns
    • When 3 pieces are equipped: +10% Spell Critical Damage
    • When 4 pieces are equipped: -5% Spell Cooldowns
    • When 5 pieces are equipped: +10% Spell Critical Damage

    Individual Filigree
    • Acid Absorption +5%
    • Arcane Spell Failure -10%
    • Charisma +1
    • Cold Absorption +5%
    • Electric Absorption +5%
    • Fire Absorption +5%
    • Intelligence +1
    • Universal Spellpower +6
    • Wisdom +1

    Lunar Magic
    • When 2 pieces are equipped: +100 Maximum Spellpoints
    • When 3 pieces are equipped: +1 All Spell DC
    • When 4 pieces are equipped: +20 Universal Spellpower
    • When 5 pieces are equipped: +1 All Spell DC

    Individual Filigree
    • Charisma +1
    • Force Spellpower +9
    • Intelligence +1
    • Magical Resistance Rating +3
    • Spell Resistance +3
    • Universal Spellpower +6
    • Wisdom +1

    Elemental Avatar
    • When 2 pieces are equipped: +1% Universal Spell Critical Chance
    • When 3 pieces are equipped: +1% Universal Spell Critical Chance
    • When 4 pieces are equipped: +1% Universal Spell Critical Chance
    • When 5 pieces are equipped: +1% Universal Spell Critical Chance
    • When 6 pieces are equipped: +1% Universal Spell Critical Chance

    Individual Filigree
    • Acid Spellpower +9
    • Cold Spellpower +9
    • Constitution +1
    • Electric Spellpower +9
    • Fire Spellpower +9
    • Physical Resistance Rating +3
    • Will Saves +2
    • Wisdom +1

    Keeper of the Curse
    • When 2 pieces are equipped: +10 Negative Amplification
    • When 3 pieces are equipped: +10 Magical Resistance Rating
    • When 4 pieces are equipped: +1 Spell DCs
    • When 5 pieces are equipped: +3 Pact Dice

    Individual Filigree
    • Charisma +1
    • Constitution +1
    • Light Spellpower +9
    • Magical Resistance Rating +3
    • Negative Amplification +20
    • Negative Spellpower +9
    • Physical Resistance Rating +3
    • Will Saves +2
    The other sets are not worth evaluating. Based on my old gearset which doesn't include the filigree changes above, I compared each set individually compared to my old board control weapon. To even things out I compared everything as a 5-piece set so if something had less than 5 pieces I filled it in with additional 10 USP filigree to make it 5-pieces so it was a fair comparison.

    Here are the details compared to some older filigree:

    Here is a summary of the results on a 15-second rotation:

    1st: Coalesced Magic 5-piece Set: 60,465.51
    2nd: 2-piece inevitable Grave with 3 +10 USP Filigree: 59,939.19
    3rd: Elemental Avatar 5-piece Set: 59,852.68
    4th: Dragonsoul 5-piece: 59,397.94
    5th: Lunar Magic 4-piece + 1 10 USP Filigree: 59,107.14
    6th: Frozen Wanderer 4-piece + 1 10 USP Filigree: 58,518.12
    7th: Keeper of the Curse 5-piece: 57,374.47
    8th: Board Control Weapon - Base: 56,372.52

    The gains are fairly modest regardless of set, but the key things to note is that keeper of the curse filigree is a trap. The 3 pact die look really good, but the lack of Universal Spellpower makes the set a real dog compared to alternatives and it lacks DC boosts other sets provide. It has no real place in a warlock gearset. As a comparison lunar magic is straight-up better at both DPS and DC than keeper of the Curse. Don't let the 3 pact die fool you.
    Last edited by slarden; 08-05-2021 at 05:02 PM.
    DC Warlock Reaper Build (U48)
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  2. #542
    Community Member Amastris's Avatar
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    I was thinking about this exact switch in filigrees right after they previewed them. Keeper set is a friggin' joke. pretty much when the Dev comes out and says "even though this has pact die increase in it its not meant as a warlock set" i have to laugh at his degree in stupidology. its the worst set they are releasing even if it does go with "[NAME REDACTED] forthcoming warlock ED tree." its design concept is to boost people's pact die who are only using the new ED tree that arent warlocks. Its just fool's gold in that it might sparkle but its useless to a person who plays warlock consistently. so i guess going forward every pally and monk can now have a pact and go eldritch blasting stuff even worse is the fact that to get the bonus you have to have 5 filigrees, some of which only are beneficial for ONE pact, abyss. To boot its not even a filigree itself. i think i would go without filigrees instead of using Keeper of the Curse set.

    Im interested to see how good/bad the equilibrium of gear is going to affect the DC casting builds. I know you tested stuff on Lammania but lives is a whole different thing. I run a variant of your DC builds so im not really looking forward to the changes. I took screen shots of my stats and DC's last night just to remember "the good old days." im going to miss having 111 standing unbuffed CHA and unbuffed 114 DC FoD/CoD.
    Last edited by Amastris; 08-04-2021 at 02:22 PM.
    G'land Characters | Amastris of Thay - Leader of Crimson Lotus | Grevok The Maniacal - DC Caster Reaper/Raider
    "If I walk away from a conversation it is not because I have admitted defeat. It is because I can not properly handle your degree in stupidology." - Anonymous

  3. #543
    Community Member dredre9987's Avatar
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    Question, so I have been gone since 2016. I have a character currently warlock/wiz/fvs at 6/6/3. I assume I was running something like this? Is the original build around somewhere?

  4. #544
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dredre9987 View Post
    Question, so I have been gone since 2016. I have a character currently warlock/wiz/fvs at 6/6/3. I assume I was running something like this? Is the original build around somewhere?
    If it's the build I am thinking of - it revolved around a master of knowledge bug that was fixed, lgs procs working too good that were also fixed and some favorable issues related to mm/cm caster level - not sure if those were ever fixed.

    There are a small handful of people still running shiradi builds - mostly for survivable soloing as a tanky caster.

    Perhaps check with Tilo in this thread: Return of the Undead Shiradi Sorc (

    I know he posted a warlock shiradi build concept at some point, but I don't know where to find it.

    If you decide you just want to move on, alot of people lesser tr old build concepts on alts into an inquisitive build because it's tolerable to level with any race/class mix even though it's not top dog. Then TR at 20.
    DC Warlock Reaper Build (U48)
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  5. #545
    Community Member dredre9987's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slarden View Post
    If it's the build I am thinking of - it revolved around a master of knowledge bug that was fixed, lgs procs working too good that were also fixed and some favorable issues related to mm/cm caster level - not sure if those were ever fixed.

    There are a small handful of people still running shiradi builds - mostly for survivable soloing as a tanky caster.

    Perhaps check with Tilo in this thread: Return of the Undead Shiradi Sorc (

    I know he posted a warlock shiradi build concept at some point, but I don't know where to find it.

    If you decide you just want to move on, alot of people lesser tr old build concepts on alts into an inquisitive build because it's tolerable to level with any race/class mix even though it's not top dog. Then TR at 20.
    Thank you very much. Always been a fan of your builds. I’ll look into the thread and inquisitive.

  6. #546
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    Default First Week Thoughts on U50

    After running about 50 quests since U50 hit I've found difficulty to be roughly the same with a few exceptions (artificers, security constructs, kelpie horses hurt more - not sure why - ironically they did move a shrine in best laid plans which is helpful). Raids were not tuned the same as quests so there are many cases where raid enemies didn't have their hp, damage and/or saves reduced much. A few examples are Suulomades hp in Vision of Destruction and Beetle damage/saves in Dryad and the Demigod. Reaper mode might be slightly harder because reapers weren't stat squished the way players were, but it's not anything that makes the quests significantly more difficult to complete.
    My dps is down 29% and monster hp are down 25% but that difference isn't really noticeable.

    Self-healing was a hit a bit harder than other areas because of the multiplicative effects of spellpower and amp. The #s are effectively multiplied by each other so a 20% downgrade to each (for example purposes only) results in a 36% reduction effective self-healing. I will do comparisons to my pre-U50 self-healing as a percentage of hit points on each skull shortly.

    In terms of gear my gear needs a complete redo, although it's not urgent as I am completing quests just fine.

    The good news is that gear tetris is much much easier. The bad news is that your gear will be driven by set bonuses which add significant incremental power vs. not having set bonuses. This means most legendary s/s/s gear from House D and House P can be completely ignored and for now I am ignoring sands gear as well since it's not available yet.

    This is what I am looking at for basic gear framework which works for almost any dc caster:

    2 piece autumn set: Exceptional Crit and Spellpower Armor + Gloryborne Gloves
    2 piece magewright set: Goggles + Cloak
    2 piece elder's focus set: Trinket (Legendary Gem of Many Facets) + Helmet

    The spring set received a proxy buff as many stats were worse than other items/sets, but with the U50 restat project that is no longer the case. If you don't want raid gear a 7-piece spring set is certainly simple and gives an extra 10% spell points at the cost of one more gear slot.

    So here is the gear for my bladeforged carceri warlock - there would be slight changes for a fleshy:

    Goggles: Legendary Magewright Goggles: Quality Intelligence 3, Spell Penetration 9, Illusion Focus 6, Insightful Illusion Focus 3
    Helmet: Legendary Elder's Cap : Intelligence 13, Illusion Focus 6, Concentration 20, Spell Saves 11
    Necklace: Sigil of Regalport: Charisma 14, Quality Spell Focus Mastery 2, Wizardry 297, Cold Absorb 37% (Swap to The Zarsah'ak ward with 12 charisma augment for boss fights for the 26 quality potency and dps filigree)
    Trinket: Legendary Gem of Many Facets: Constitution 13, Spell Focus Mastery 5, Insightful Force Spellpower 73
    Cloak: Legendary Magewright's Cloak: Quality Charisma 3, Wizardry 283, Enchantment Focus 6, Insightful Enchantment Focus 3
    Belt: Legendary Direbear Belt: Insightful Sheltering 17, Natural Armor 13, Rough Hide 5
    Ring 1: Legendary Ring of Winter's Chill: Ice Lore 21, Glaciation 142, Kinetic Lore 21, Impulse 142
    Gloves: Gloryborne Gloves: Sacred Spell Focus II, Power of the Silver Flame 142 (positive and light), Quality Resistance 2
    Boots: Legendary Deepsnow Boots: Insightful Constitution 6, Quality Constitution 3, Freedom of Movement, Fortitude 10
    Ring 2: The Legendary Shattered Onyx: Insightful Charisma 6, Profane Spell Focus II, Insightful Resistance 4, Insightful Dodge 6
    Bracers: Adamantine Bracers: Repair Amp 53, Greater Auto-Repair, DR 30/Adamantine, Maker's Touch
    Armor: Legendary Darkmoss: 5% Exceptional Bonus to Universal Spell Lore, 15% Exceptional Bonus to Universal Spellpower, Physical Sheltering 33, Parrying 6

    Main Weapon: The Legendary Queen's Sceptre: Potency 98, Insightful Potency 49, Spellsight 20, Insightful Spellsight 10
    Off-Hand: LGS Salt, Triple Positive, Various Debuffers - skyvault shield / necromancy-insightful necromancy cannith crafted orb for wail/ alchemical swap for some encounters

    There are obviously key augments such as fortification, sheltering, con 12, etc. I still need to hash out.

    Set Bonuses:

    2 piece magewright: +3 DC, +3 Charisma, Intelligence and Wisdom, +5 Concentration and Perform
    2 piece autumn: +25 artifact bonus to universal spellpower
    2 piece elder's focus: +6 artifact to universal spell crit chance, 15% legendary bonus to universal spell critical damage
    4 piece winter: 30 artifact bonus to PRR, 30 artifact bonus to healing and repair amp, 10% legendary bonus to maximum hit points

    This is the basic framework. 7 piece spring is an option but you would need to use the strap of autumn leaves belt or sacrifice DC to fit in the winter set. 2 piece autumn + 2 piece elders focus + 5 piece might of the abishai is another fine choice but getting the trinket with both set bonuses is an unlikely lottery drop. If you get both set bonuses that is a really great set with only 8 pieces leaving 2 pieces for slavers and/or cannith crafting.

    esoteric + 2 piece elders focus is another nice set.

    With this set and upgraded filigree mentioned earlier, I am actually ahead in terms of dps compared to enemy hp changes vs. pre-U50. I will provide before/after/after with gear redo numbers in the near future.
    Last edited by slarden; 08-23-2021 at 03:14 AM.
    DC Warlock Reaper Build (U48)
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  7. #547
    Community Member Amastris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slarden View Post

    So here is the gear for my bladeforged carceri warlock - there would be slight changes for a fleshy:

    Goggles: Legendary Magewright Goggles: Quality Intelligence 3, Spell Penetration 9, Illusion Focus 6, Insightful Illusion Focus 3
    Helmet: Legendary Elder's Cap : Intelligence 13, Illusion Focus 6, Concentration 20, Spell Saves 11
    Necklace: Sigil of Regalport: Charisma 14, Quality Spell Focus Mastery 2, Wizardry 297, Cold Absorb 37% (Swap to The Zarsah'ak ward with 12 charisma augment for boss fights for the 26 quality potency and dps filigree)
    Trinket: Legendary Gem of Many Facets: Constitution 13, Spell Focus Mastery 5, Insightful Force Spellpower 73
    Cloak: Legendary Magewright's Cloak: Quality Charisma 3, Wizardry 283, Enchantment Focus 6, Insightful Enchantment Focus 3
    Belt: Legendary Direbear Belt: Insightful Sheltering 17, Natural Armor 13, Rough Hide 5
    Ring 1: Legendary Ring of Winter's Chill: Ice Lore 21, Glaciation 142, Kinetic Lore 21, Impulse 142
    Gloves: Gloryborne Gloves: Sacred Spell Focus II, Power of the Silver Flame 142 (positive and light), Quality Resistance 2
    Boots: Legendary Deepsnow Boots: Insightful Constitution 6, Quality Constitution 3, Freedom of Movement, Fortitude 10
    Ring 2: The Legendary Shattered Onyx: Insightful Charisma 6, Profane Spell Focus II, Insightful Resistance 4, Insightful Dodge 6
    Bracers: Adamantine Bracers: Repair Amp 53, Greater Auto-Repair, DR 30/Adamantine, Maker's Touch
    Armor: Legendary Darkmoss: 5% Exceptional Bonus to Universal Spell Lore, 15% Exceptional Bonus to Universal Spellpower, Physical Sheltering 33, Parrying 6

    Main Weapon: The Legendary Queen's Sceptre: Potency 98, Insightful Potency 49, Spellsight 20, Insightful Spellsight 10
    Off-Hand: LGS Salt, Triple Positive, Various Debuffers - skyvault shield / necromancy-insightful necromancy cannith crafted orb for wail/ alchemical swap for some encounters
    I've had to go through that tweaking process post U50 and i am running something similar to this but for a Fleshy as I'm running Carceri pact morning lord for the sun elf past life right now. I've formatted what i feel works best in my static reaper group, raid group and for me to solo when i want. Since I focus on instakills and CC i am not overly concerned with blasting power but after adjusting gear i raised my Cold SP by 25% to 609 and bumped up my crit chance to 49%. Staying out of the fray in reaper/raids most of the time doesnt allow me to blast much and thats ok because my characters are designed to fill a specific role, which is quite fun I might add! My solo style is a bit different and does allow for much more blasting so its nice to see better numbers but i digress.

    My differences are
    Helm - Legendary Crown of Snow
    Armor - Legendary Snowscale
    Belt - Legendary Bronze Dragonscale Belt
    Bracers - Legendary Green Dragonscale bracers
    Trinket - Bottled Rainstorm
    Offhand - Alchemical Large Shield

    I also maxed out my filigree slots on my weapon and I am running the Lunar Magic set instead of the Eye of the beholder. I like it because of the added spell points. right after U50 hit i was finding myself running low on spell points and shrining more often. after switching filigrees and finding a Diamond of the Magi i gained about 10% more spell points. I did 2 CHA (rare) Force SP, MRR, and Universal SP. imo the Lunar magic does outweigh the benefits of Eye of the beholder set.

    I think i am on the fence about the Elder's Knowledge set. I see benefits for it at level 20 especially if it is incorporated into an ETR set of gear with say the Abashi gear. or saltmarsh epic gear. I think it will be important to have set bonus(es) at the lower spectrum of epics with the way the ED's are changing and being level gated. (more BS systems designs) I am not so sure it would outweigh my endgame set up right now with Magewright, 3 autumn, 4 winter set, and what will be 3 wild fortitude after a few more LLoB runs.
    G'land Characters | Amastris of Thay - Leader of Crimson Lotus | Grevok The Maniacal - DC Caster Reaper/Raider
    "If I walk away from a conversation it is not because I have admitted defeat. It is because I can not properly handle your degree in stupidology." - Anonymous

  8. #548
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amastris View Post
    I've had to go through that tweaking process post U50 and i am running something similar to this but for a Fleshy as I'm running Carceri pact morning lord for the sun elf past life right now. I've formatted what i feel works best in my static reaper group, raid group and for me to solo when i want. Since I focus on instakills and CC i am not overly concerned with blasting power but after adjusting gear i raised my Cold SP by 25% to 609 and bumped up my crit chance to 49%. Staying out of the fray in reaper/raids most of the time doesnt allow me to blast much and thats ok because my characters are designed to fill a specific role, which is quite fun I might add! My solo style is a bit different and does allow for much more blasting so its nice to see better numbers but i digress.

    My differences are
    Helm - Legendary Crown of Snow
    Armor - Legendary Snowscale
    Belt - Legendary Bronze Dragonscale Belt
    Bracers - Legendary Green Dragonscale bracers
    Trinket - Bottled Rainstorm
    Offhand - Alchemical Large Shield

    I also maxed out my filigree slots on my weapon and I am running the Lunar Magic set instead of the Eye of the beholder. I like it because of the added spell points. right after U50 hit i was finding myself running low on spell points and shrining more often. after switching filigrees and finding a Diamond of the Magi i gained about 10% more spell points. I did 2 CHA (rare) Force SP, MRR, and Universal SP. imo the Lunar magic does outweigh the benefits of Eye of the beholder set.

    I think i am on the fence about the Elder's Knowledge set. I see benefits for it at level 20 especially if it is incorporated into an ETR set of gear with say the Abashi gear. or saltmarsh epic gear. I think it will be important to have set bonus(es) at the lower spectrum of epics with the way the ED's are changing and being level gated. (more BS systems designs) I am not so sure it would outweigh my endgame set up right now with Magewright, 3 autumn, 4 winter set, and what will be 3 wild fortitude after a few more LLoB runs.
    I am with you 100%. When grouping for reaper quests the most important thing is DC casting and dps is supplementary and not primary for sure. I think the group gets more contribution out of warlock debuffs than dps as far dps contribution goes.

    I definitely see the benefit of reducing 6 pieces down to 5 even if giving up a minor dps boost. And you are absolutely right that the dps gains from lunar filigree are greater than the gains from the 15% legendary critical damage bonus.

    The extra 68 hp from vitality and insightful false life is definitely a win considering how many hp we lost and since some mobs are still hitting nearly as hard.

    At the moment I am experimenting with a very different build for soloing that is emphasizing cc and blasting more and necromancy less. The R10 build will definitely stay necromancy focused and I will probably gear slightly differently.

    I appreciate the ideas! It looks really great.
    DC Warlock Reaper Build (U48)
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  9. #549
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    Default R10 Gear

    Here is what I believe to be the best gear for an R10 necro DC carceri warlock (non-solo gear set).

    Goggles: Legendary Magewright Goggles Insightful Intelligence 6, Spell Penetration 9, Illusion Focus 6, Insightful Illusion Focus 3 (Sapphire of False Life 48, Topaz of Greater Necromancy Slotted)
    Helmet: Legendary Elder's Cap: Intelligence 13, Illusion Focus 6, Concentration 20, Spell Saves 11 (Globe of Imperial Blood slotted) - Reaper ability helm swap for absolute max dc
    Necklace: Sigil of Regalport: Charisma 14, Quality Spell Focus Mastery II, Wizardry 297, Cold Absorb 37% (Sapphire of Greater Heroism, Sapphire of Good Luck +3, Essence of Attunement Gaze slotted)
    Trinket: Legendary Gem of Many Facets: Constitution 13, Spell Focus Mastery 5, Insightful Impulse 73 (Topaz of Greater Conjuration slotted)
    Cloak: Legendary Magewright Cloak: Quality Charisma +3, Wizardry 283, Enchantment Focus 6, Insightful Enchantment Focus 3 (Sapphire of Spell Agility 15%, Topaz of Greater Enchantment slotted)
    Belt: Legendary Direbear Belt: Insightful Sheltering 17 (Topaz of Feather Falling slotted)
    Ring 1: Legendary Shattered Onyx: Profane Spell Focus II, Ins Res 8, Ins Dodge 10, Ins Char 10 (Diamond of Festive Charisma slotted)
    Gloves: Legendary Gloryborne Gloves: Sacred Spell Focus II, Power of the Silver Flame 214, Quality Res 4 (Essence of Attunement Gaze slotted)
    Boots: Legendary Deepsnow Boots: Freedom of Movement, Insightful Constitution 6, Quality Constiution 3 (Essence of Littany of the Dead Slotted)
    Ring 2: Clouded Dreams: Exceptional Spell Lore 5%, Exceptional Spellpower 15, Insightful Spell Focus Mastery 3, Legendary Mind Drain, Will Save -2, Legendary Nightmare Guard (Sapphire of Resistance 10, Essence of Attunement Gaze Slotted)
    Bracers: Legendary Cold Iron Bracers: Ghostly , Protection 10, Vitality 44, Quality False Life 12 (Topaz of Deathblock slotted)
    Armor: Legendary Snowscale: Fortification 142, Healing Amp 53, Physical Sheltering 33, Parrying 6 (Sapphire of Defense 32 slotted)

    Weapon 1: Legendary Fusible Sceptre of Glaciation: Glaciation 142, Ice Lore 21, Insightful Glaciation 71 (spellcraft 19 slotted)
    Weapon 2: Alchemical Off-Hand: Impulse 148, Force Lore 22, Alchemical Charisma +2, Necro Focus 6 (Diamond of Dexterity 12, Diamond of Insightful Dexterity 5 slotted)

    * For boss fights where you use an off-hand lgs weapon a swap trinket can be used for force spellpower.

    Set Bonuses:

    2 piece magewright: +3 DC, +3 Charisma, Intelligence and Wisdom, +5 Concentration and Perform
    3-piece Essence of Attunement Gaze (Touch of Power): +15 artifact bonus to universal spellpower (vs 25 with 2 piece autumn but worth it to fit in winter set imo)
    2 piece elder's focus: +6 artifact to universal spell crit chance, 15% legendary bonus to universal spell critical damage
    4 piece winter: 30 artifact bonus to PRR, 30 artifact bonus to healing and repair amp, 10% legendary bonus to maximum hit points

    Main Weapon
    - Otto's Irrevocable Power: Charisma (Rare) - +1 Charisma, +2 MRR
    - Otto's Irrevocable Power: Constitution (Rare) - +1 Constitution, +2 PRR
    - Otto's Irrevocable Power: Spellpower (Rare) +10 Universal Spellpower (probably more important than a few more prr/mrr with all the changes)
    - Otto's Irrevocable Power: Spell Failure Reduction (Rare) - -10% Spell Failure, +2 MRR
    - Lunar Magic: Charisma (Rare) - +1 Charisma, +2 MRR
    - Lunar Magic: Spellpower (Rare) - +10 Universal Spellpower
    - Lunar Magic: Force Spellpower (Rare) - +9 Force Spellpower / +4 Universal Spellpower
    - To Hell and Back / Embraced By Light: Charisma (Rare) - +2 Charisma, +4MRR
    - Sanctified Fervor / Reverberation: Charisma (Rare) - +2 Charisma, +4 MRR
    - Lunar Magic: MRR (Rare), +3 MRR/+2 PRR
    - To Hell and Back / Embraced By Light: Charisma (Rare) - +2 Charisma, +4MRR
    - Sanctified Fervor / Reverberation: Charisma (Rare) - +2 Charisma, +4 MRR
    - Lunar Magic: Charisma (Rare) - +1 Charisma, +2 MRR

    If you find yourself at an odd # for charisma you can potentially swap out 5-piece lunar magic for 4-piece eye of the beholder + 1 charisma although I am liking the dps gains from lunar magic.

    The only DC bonus missing is the +1 from a reaper ability bonus on helmet because it isn't currently possible on legendary elder's cap. If this is critical you can swap on a reaper ability bonus helm for mob fights (any) and swap to elder's cap for boss fights. Even on R10 I find arcane tempest, energy burst, etc. impactful against mobs and prefer the extra damage over 1 dc. In addition I often run with LGS salt in my off-hand rather than alchemical because SALT is effective on everything. It's more important to use an effective toolset than to max out dc. Against bosses I use an LGS debuffer in my off-hand to compliment warlock soul eater debuffs and vulnerability.

    I know several people that prefer to focus on just DC and defenses - dumping dps. I don't recommend this, but if you are taking this approach you should also look at enlightened spirit as your secondary tree for the medium armor proficiency and defenses. You can also craft insightful fortification on the trinket which I find very impactful.

    In the past I had to make several dps compromises to build for dc, but U50 did make gear tetris much easier.

    I will be posting updated #s for the 15-second and 30-second rotation spells (30 second just adds energy burst and arcane tempest when appropriate) soonish.
    Last edited by slarden; 12-07-2021 at 06:53 PM.
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  10. #550
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    Default Testing Out Fey Pact in Fatesinger

    I finally had a chance to test out fey pact in fatesinger but didn't use vivace since I could get a 15% legendary bonus to critical damage from the elder's set.

    Here are my thoughts
    - The pact damage is definitely higher with the sonic vulnerability, but since pact damage is less than 20% of my rotation damage gain was mostly offset by the loss of greater creeping cold.
    - Greater shout is solid complimentary cc to mass hold/greater color spray (will save) and tentacles (reflex/strength), but the aoe dps is much less than arcane tempest from magister.
    - Bound fate is really good - so much so I might twist it in for soloing if I can figure out what to give up.
    - DC is lower in fatesinger which only impacted my necromancy effectiveness. DC is fine for a cc/blasting build.
    - Self-healing on my bladeforged was slightly better due to the spellpower boosts, but not enough for it to be a game changer
    - Losing absolute zero is significant.

    On the surface it seems gearing for a bladeforged fey warlock should be easier since feywild dreamer has more key stats and set bonuses than any other charisma casting set, but since gloves are part of the set it rules out the use of gloryborne gloves which puts it at -2 dc disadvantage. Enchantment and Illusion DCs are also lower due to the loss of magewright so I would stick with the same core gear for fey that I use for carceri, except I have to fit in one more spellpower type for energy burst.

    This was a very short test since there are so many unknowns with U51, but one dev drop is that everything is nothing is being moved to fatesinger. That certainly is a nice carrot.
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  11. #551
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    Default DPS with Gear Changes

    Here is the math on the impact of various gear changes compared to the gear set I was using previously:

    Quick Summary:
    Impact of Lunar Magic Filigree replacing Eye of the Beholder (including extra slot from spark of logic): 4.85%
    Impact of Elder's Knowledge Set: 11.78%
    Total Impact of All Changes: 21.77%

    Sources of DPS Improvements:
    Lunar Magic
    • 10 Universal Spellpower - Individual Universal Spellpower Filigree
    • 4 Universal Spellpower - Individual Force Spellpower Filigree
    • 20 Universal Spellpower - Lunar Magic Set Bonus
    • 9 Force Spellpower - Individual Force Spellpower Filigree

    Elder's Knowledge
    • 6% Artifact chance to universal critical chance
    • 15% Legendary Bonus to universal critical damage
    • 24 More insightful force spellpower crafted on trinket

    • 25 Artifact bonus to universal spellpower
    • 10 Universal Spellpower - swapped out individual filigree in Otto's Set

    Summary of U50 Impact on DPS

    Monster HP Loss: 25% (excluding raids which didn't seem to be adjusted universally)
    DPS Loss prior to changes: 27.22% Loss
    DPS Loss after gear changes: 11.38%

    So after all the gear changes DPS is better relatively after U50 than it was before. I am not counting the small impact on spellpower from spellsight which goes up due to elder's focus having int on the helm and magewright having insightful int.
    Last edited by slarden; 08-26-2021 at 11:31 AM.
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  12. #552
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    Default Questions

    I am a newer player, could I please have an explanation (like i'm dumb) about the self-healing methods a warlock has thats viable in mid-skull. Also, "sonic vulnerability" is mentioned quite a bit in this thread. How is it applied and is this better than fire/tiefling? I'd prefer going sonic over fire if its viable as needing to apply scorch doesn't appeal to me very much.
    If I don't have access to bladeforged at the moment or I want to start this build from level 1, what are the options I have for a tanky blaster with good dps/survive/sustain? I've read through the builds and like 80% of the 28 pages of this thread, just wondering which you think would be best and what changes I'd need to make.

    I like ES/TS based on videos that ive seen and playstyles. Could you please list an 80 point layout for a build centering those trees? I don't have the racial APs.

    Thank you for all your work on this build and any additional information!

  13. #553
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bellberith1 View Post
    I am a newer player, could I please have an explanation (like i'm dumb) about the self-healing methods a warlock has thats viable in mid-skull. Also, "sonic vulnerability" is mentioned quite a bit in this thread. How is it applied and is this better than fire/tiefling? I'd prefer going sonic over fire if its viable as needing to apply scorch doesn't appeal to me very much.
    If I don't have access to bladeforged at the moment or I want to start this build from level 1, what are the options I have for a tanky blaster with good dps/survive/sustain? I've read through the builds and like 80% of the 28 pages of this thread, just wondering which you think would be best and what changes I'd need to make.

    I like ES/TS based on videos that ive seen and playstyles. Could you please list an 80 point layout for a build centering those trees? I don't have the racial APs.

    Thank you for all your work on this build and any additional information!
    Hello, I am going to work on a detailed write-up on self-healing but probably won't finish it until tomorrow since I have board games followed by raiding tonight.

    Sonic vulnerability is a special trigger in the fatesinger tree, but that tree isn't a good tree for self-healing.

    Here is the build I would recommend although it's not yet updated for U51:

    Fey is a reasonable alternative especially if you don't want to go with tiefling. I'll also work on a U51 fey warlock verison of the build, although I think fire is slightly better and I'll go into more detail when I complete the write-up.
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  14. #554
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bellberith1 View Post
    I am a newer player, could I please have an explanation (like i'm dumb) about the self-healing methods a warlock has thats viable in mid-skull. Also, "sonic vulnerability" is mentioned quite a bit in this thread. How is it applied and is this better than fire/tiefling? I'd prefer going sonic over fire if its viable as needing to apply scorch doesn't appeal to me very much.
    If I don't have access to bladeforged at the moment or I want to start this build from level 1, what are the options I have for a tanky blaster with good dps/survive/sustain? I've read through the builds and like 80% of the 28 pages of this thread, just wondering which you think would be best and what changes I'd need to make.

    I like ES/TS based on videos that ive seen and playstyles. Could you please list an 80 point layout for a build centering those trees? I don't have the racial APs.

    Thank you for all your work on this build and any additional information!
    Your healing is made up two types of healing: Temporary Hit Points and Positive Healing

    Temporary Hit Points is something usable by all classes, but Warlock has a wider set of temporary hit point options than most builds. Temporary hit points is a very solid self-healing mechanism in reaper because it's not affected by the reaper self-healing penalty which is roughly 60% + 4% per skull. Self-healing is the most penalized thing in all of reaper.

    Your temporary hit point options as a warlock are:

    - Feigned Health from Tainted Scholar Tier 1
    - Brilliance from Enlightened Spirit Tier 4
    - Rejuvenation Cocoon from Primal Avatar Destiny Tier 1
    - Shining Through from Enlightened Spirit Tier 5
    - Stanch from the first core of Tainted Scholar
    - Legendary Greensteel triple positive off-hand weapon or Staff of the Summer Solstice

    These options all stack with each other and are boosted from different sources (e.g., Feigned Health is boosted by charisma, shining through is boosted by constitution).

    As an example rejuvenation cocoon is a positive healing spell, but has an often overlooked bonus of granting 150 temporary hit points. The positive healing will be reduced each skull in reaper and will yield very little positive healing at R10. However, the 150 temporary hit points doesn't scale with reaper and is boosted by feigned health. So if you have cast rejuvenation cocoon on yourself in R1 you will get nearly 250 temporary hit points (150 + your charisma score) and the spell will provide a decent amount of healing. In R10 the same spell will get you nearly 250 temporary hit points but the effect of the positive healing will be very small. Rejuvenation Cocoon has a 12 second cooldown.

    Brilliance is part of the enlightened spirit aura so it is is continually resplenishing every 2 seconds. This passive temporary hit point regeneration is very helpful during fights.

    Shining Through grants around 500 hp to this build and has a 30 second cooldown.

    Stanch should be used more carefully as every use lowers your hit points by 3%, but it also grants you a temporary hit point bonus equal to 50% of your hit points. It requires getting charged up with depravity, but I've found that when I needed to use it - it was always properly charged up. If you think you might die click stanch for a big temporary hit point boost.

    Using legendary greensteel triple positive or staff of the summer solstice isn't necessary, but for some encounters the extra hp can be beneficial. As an example I use triple positive at the beginning of the bear fight in dryad and the demigod until I get the 1000 temporary hit point proc and then switch off hands since I have taken some big damage #s in that fight in the past.

    Unlike regular healing, temporary hit points can be used proactively. For example, if you cast rejuvenation cocoon and shining through on yourself before a fight, that will give you over 800 bonus hp.

    At lower heroic levels the combination of the false life spell + feigned health is very effective self healing. Once the combination is no longer useful, swap out false life for another spell. You can also use potions (cure serious potions) from the guild potion vendor at low heroic levels.


    Positive healing is boosted by spellpower (or wand and scroll mastery for scrolls) and healing amplification. The effects of these are multiplicative so you should try and maximize both. There is a significant amount of healing amplification available in Enlightened spirit. Here is a good article on healing amplification:

    At heroic levels you will primarily be using wands and scrolls. Once you hit level 9 I find the heal scroll to be the most effective method of positive healing.

    For epic levels you have
    - Rejuvenation Cocoon from Primal Avatar Destiny tier 1
    - Mass Cure Moderate SLA from Exalted Angel cores
    - Divine Wrath SLA from Exalted Angel Tier 5

    You main heal spell will be the mass cure moderate spell which has a 9 second cooldown and can be boosted with maximize and empower with no extra spell point cost. Mass cure moderate also benefits from feigned health temporary hit points.

    Rejuvenation is your secondary spell having a 12 second cooldown, but also having the extra 150 temporary hit point boost.

    Divine wrath is an offensive spell but provides healing and I usually throw is over myself during fights.

    Scroll healing is good at heroic levels, but I tend not to use it at epic levels except to restore stat damage.

    I've not found hirelings useful during fights, but having one parked you can use as a recharge button between fights can be helpful.

    This is not required, but for completeness I will mention having a dual box bard with sustaining song gives you outstanding healing over time that isn't penalized in reaper and compliments brilliance really well. The dual box bard can also raise you if you die.

    Since this build uses flamecleansed fury set, it comes with hallowed castigators which gives healing lore and healing spellpower. It also includes armor that grants healing amplification.

    Please let me know if you have any questions.
    Last edited by slarden; 09-03-2021 at 04:09 PM.
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  15. #555
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    Quote Originally Posted by slarden View Post
    Your healing is made up two types of healing: Temporary Hit Points and Positive Healing

    Temporary Hit Points is something usable by all classes, but Warlock has a wider set of temporary hit point options than most builds. Temporary hit points is a very solid self-healing mechanism in reaper because it's not affected by the reaper self-healing penalty which is roughly 60% + 4% per skull. Self-healing is the most penalized thing in all of reaper.

    Your temporary hit point options as a warlock are:

    - Feigned Health from Tainted Scholar Tier 1
    - Brilliance from Enlightened Spirit Tier 4
    - Rejuvenation Cocoon from Primal Avatar Destiny Tier 1
    - Shining Through from Enlightened Spirit Tier 5
    - Stanch from the first core of Tainted Scholar
    - Legendary Greensteel triple positive off-hand weapon or Staff of the Summer Solstice

    These options all stack with each other and are boosted from different sources (e.g., Feigned Health is boosted by charisma, shining through is boosted by constitution).

    As an example rejuvenation cocoon is a positive healing spell, but has an often overlooked bonus of granting 150 temporary hit points. The positive healing will be reduced each skull in reaper and will yield very little positive healing at R10. However, the 150 temporary hit points doesn't scale with reaper and is boosted by feigned health. So if you have cast rejuvenation cocoon on yourself in R1 you will get nearly 250 temporary hit points (150 + your charisma score) and the spell will provide a decent amount of healing. In R10 the same spell will get you nearly 250 temporary hit points but the effect of the positive healing will be very small. Rejuvenation Cocoon has a 12 second cooldown.

    Brilliance is part of the enlightened spirit aura so it is is continually resplenishing every 2 seconds. This passive temporary hit point regeneration is very helpful during fights.

    Shining Through grants around 500 hp to this build and has a 30 second cooldown.

    Stanch should be used more carefully as every use lowers your hit points by 3%, but it also grants you a temporary hit point bonus equal to 50% of your hit points. It requires getting charged up with depravity, but I've found that when I needed to use it - it was always properly charged up. If you think you might die click stanch for a big temporary hit point boost.

    Using legendary greensteel triple positive or staff of the summer solstice isn't necessary, but for some encounters the extra hp can be beneficial. As an example I use triple positive at the beginning of the bear fight in dryad and the demigod until I get the 1000 temporary hit point proc and then switch off hands since I have taken some big damage #s in that fight in the past.

    Unlike regular healing, temporary hit points can be used proactively. For example, if you cast rejuvenation cocoon and shining through on yourself before a fight, that will give you over 800 bonus hp.

    At lower heroic levels the combination of the false life spell + feigned health is very effective self healing. Once the combination is no longer useful, swap out false life for another spell. You can also use potions (cure serious potions) from the guild potion vendor at low heroic levels.


    Positive healing is boosted by spellpower (or wand and scroll mastery for scrolls) and healing amplification. The effects of these are multiplicative so you should try and maximize both. There is a significant amount of healing amplification available in Exalted Angel. Here is a good article on healing amplification:

    At heroic levels you will primarily be using wands and scrolls. Once you hit level 9 I find the heal scroll to be the most effective method of positive healing.

    For epic levels you have
    - Rejuvenation Cocoon from Primal Avatar Destiny tier 1
    - Mass Cure Moderate SLA from Exalted Angel cores
    - Divine Wrath SLA from Exalted Angel Tier 5

    You main heal spell will be the mass cure moderate spell which has a 9 second cooldown and can be boosted with maximize and empower with no extra spell point cost. Mass cure moderate also benefits from feigned health temporary hit points.

    Rejuvenation is your secondary spell having a 12 second cooldown, but also having the extra 150 temporary hit point boost.

    Divine wrath is an offensive spell but provides healing and I usually throw is over myself during fights.

    Scroll healing is good at heroic levels, but I tend not to use it at epic levels except to restore stat damage.

    I've not found hirelings useful during fights, but having one parked you can use as a recharge button between fights can be helpful.

    This is not required, but for completeness I will mention having a dual box bard with sustaining song gives you outstanding healing over time that isn't penalized in reaper and compliments brilliance really well. The dual box bard can also raise you if you die.

    Since this build uses flamecleansed fury set, it comes with hallowed castigators which gives healing lore and healing spellpower. It also includes armor that grants healing amplification.

    Please let me know if you have any questions.

    Thank you for the in depth explanation! That answered all my healing questions.

    Regarding the recommended build above, is it still recommended if I do not have any bonus enhancements to go Tiefling for Scorch?

  16. #556
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bellberith1 View Post
    Thank you for the in depth explanation! That answered all my healing questions.

    Regarding the recommended build above, is it still recommended if I do not have any bonus enhancements to go Tiefling for Scorch?
    If you happen to be on Sarlona please let me know. I would be happy to help you farm gear or with cannith crafting or to run through some reapers to help you build up some reaper points.

    The thing that makes fire the best is tiefling has fire crit chance and spellpower boost + flamecleansed fury set boosts fire. With exactly 80ap it is hard to fit in all those benefits and I would definitely not give up greater color spray for the extra dps. This gear is much better with fire.

    I would go with fire even without the tiefling immunity stripping, but any pact will work. Even if any is immune to fire you are still doing some damage against it. You have to turn off your pact if an enemy is healed by fire (iron golems).

    Sonic is good because few enemies resist it, but problematic against evasion mobs since it goes against a reflex save. The key with fey is making evasion mobs helpless (holds, greater color spray) as they lose significant reflex save since dex is set to 0 when helpless. With Sonic you get otto;'s dancing sphere and otto's irrestistable dance, both of which are excellent but neither help against enemies immune to enchantment. Most damage spells are boosted by spellsight but sonic is boosted by perform which means you have one more thing to slot. In addition you would use cold for energy burst since you have that spellpower slotted already. Even against fire-immune enemies you are still doing partial damage with your non-pact element (evil in this case).

    The ability harmonic resonance in fatesinger is what makes enemies vulnerable to sonic, but there is no self-healing so it wouldn't work as well if you wanted to solo. If you are looking to solo I would recommend exalted angel which isn't the best at anything but is good at many things (self-healing, some dc boosts, some dps, etc.). Fey is definitely a solid choice, but I would need to work up a different gear list for it.

    Here is the core of the build for which will work for any pact without raid gear:

    RACE: Dragonborn, Tiefling (if you don't have either of these I recommend purchasing the 9.99 pack from the ddo market which comes with dragonborn and other benefits). You can also go human if you neither of these are a possibility

    Starting Stats (tiefling example)
    Str: 8
    Dex: 8
    Wis: 8
    Con: 16
    Int: 16
    Char: 20 (All level ups)

    PACT: Any.

    This build will use utterdark blast as the default stance due to better spellpower and better crit chance - especially when legendary resplendent fury orb is used.

    GEAR (This is a high survivability soloing gear set assuming no raid gear for players with few past lifes - if you prefer max dc, dps or have access to raid gear please let me know)

    Goggles: Cannith Crafted - Enchantment Focus 6, Insightful Enchantment Focus 3, Insightful Intelligence 6 (swap for Bosses - cannith crafted Evocation 6, Insightful Evocation 3, Insightful Intelligence 6)
    Helm: Legendary Crown of Snow - Permanent Fire Shield Cold, Paragon Cerulean Wave, Spell Focus Mastery 4, Insightful Spell Focus Mastery 2
    Necklace: Legendary Pendant of Bottled Moonlight - Spell Penetration 8, Insightful Spell Penetration 4, Enchanting Death 3, Overwhelming Despair
    Trinket: Cannith Crafted - Fire Spellpower (Combustion) 146, Spell Focus Mastery 5, Insightful Fire Spellpower (Combustion) 73
    Cloak: Legendary Hallowed Trail - Radiance 142, Radiance Lore 21, Evocation Focus 5, Quality Spell Penetration 2
    Belt: Slavers Crafted- Charisma 13, Fire Lore 21, Heal 20, Quality Charisma 3
    Ring 1:Legendary Shattered Onyx - Insightful Charisma 6, Profane Spell Focus Mastery 2, Insightful Resistance 4, Insightful Dodge 6
    Gloves: The Prince's Gauntlet - Constitution 14, 58 Healing and Repair Amp, Quality Resistance 2, Quality Sheltering 9
    Boots: Legendary Deepsnow Boots - Insightful Constitution 6, Quality Constitution 3, Freedom of Movement, Fort Save 10
    Ring 2: Legendary Ring of Winter - Ice Lore 21, Glaciation 142, Kinetic Lore 21, Impulse 142
    Bracers: Legendary Hallowed Castigators - Devotion 142, Healing Lore 21, Insightful Sheltering 17
    Armor: Legendary Blessed Vestments - Fortification 142, Physical Sheltering 33, Healing Amp 53, False Life 50

    ** For pacts other than fey swap out the spellpower/lore on the belt and trinket. If carceri swap out the regular spellpower and lore for something else, but keep the insightful spellpower (since lore and spellpower is on ring already)

    Main Weapon: The Legendary Queen's Sceptre - Potency 98, Insightful Potency 49, Spellsight 20, Insightful Spellsight 10
    Off-hand Weapon: Legendary Resplendent Fury - Insightful Radiance 71, Insightful Radiance Lore 13 (swap weapon EE skyvault shield when more defenses are needed - provided 15 PRR/MRR with master's touch and reduces evadable magic damage by 50%)

    Key augments: greater evocation focus, greater enchantment focus, Defense 32 for MRR, Intelligence 12, Good Luck +3, Greater Heroism, Feather Fall, Deathblock, Resistance 10, Festive Charisma +2 (mabar festival)

    Set Bonuses
    - Legendary Flamecleansed Fury: +4 artifact bonus to Charisma, Intelligence and Wisdom, +3 artifact bonus to DC, +50 Artifact Bonus to Fire, Force, Light and Positive, 10% Artifact Bonus to Fire, Force, Light and Positive Crit Chance
    - The 4-piece Winter set: 25 PRR, +15 stacking healing amp and 20% hp bonus.
    - 2-piece Summer Set: 25 MRR

    Build around otto's 4-piece set and lunar 5-piece set

    Please note you can't slot the same filigree in a single sentient item, but you can slot the same filigree in different sentient items and both will count toward the set bonus. It's unclear if this is working as intended, but I decided to post it here as this type of information isn't always accessible so I wanted to make sure people know. Be aware that if you take advantage of this it might be necessary to later unslot filigree if SSG changes the way this works.

    If you really want to go sonic let me know and I can work up an alternate gear set. You will really like the hurl through hell ability once you learn how to use it.


    1) Maximize
    3) Empower
    6) Toughness
    9) Spell Focus Enchantment
    12) Insightful Reflexes (since gear includes int for spellpower plus better starting stat - makes reflex save much better)
    15) Quicken
    18) Force of Personality
    21) Epic Eldritch Blast
    24) Embolden
    26) Epic Arcane Eldritch Blast
    27) Ruin
    28) Mass Frog (because it works on some things well even with a lower dc - esp undead and constructs)
    29) Arcane Pulse
    30) Greater Ruin
    30) Scion of the Plane of Fire (Crit damage bonus on all damage types) or Scion of the Plane of Celestia (crit damage bonus only on positive + light/alignment but with 150 hp). Fire for DPS, Celestia for Survivability

    Enlightened Spirit (41)

    - Eldritch Aura
    - Aura of Courage
    - Shape Vestments
    - Aura of Menace
    - Celestial Spirit
    - Ultimate Enlightenment
    Tier 1
    - Resilience of Body x2
    - Spiritual Defense x3
    Tier 2
    - Power of Enlightement x3
    - Spiritual Bastion x3
    Tier 3
    - Eldritch Burst x 3
    - Spiritual Ward x3
    - Power of Enlightenment: Light x3
    - Charisma
    Tier 4
    - Medium Armor Proficiency
    - Spiritual Retribution x3
    - Brilliance
    - Charisma
    Tier 5
    - Sprit Blast x3
    - Shining Through

    Tainted Scholar (26)
    - Tainted Spellcasting
    - Tainted Lore
    - Stanch
    - Tainted Lore 2
    Tier 1
    - Feigned Health x 3
    - Strong Pact
    Tier 2
    - Utterdark Blast (default for this build)
    - Stunning Blast x 3
    - Strong Pact
    Tier 3
    - Faltering Blast
    - Strong Pact
    - Charisma
    Tier 4
    - Penetrating Blast (for golems, arcane oozes and other things resistant to force)
    - Strong Pact

    Feydark Illusionist (11)
    - Find Familiar
    - Charisma
    - Greater Color Spray
    Tier 1
    - Feydark Explorer x1
    - Study the Arcane x3
    Tier 2
    - Reality Bulwark x 1
    - You've Got My Back

    Exalted Angel
    - Celestial Destiny
    - Mass Cure Moderate Wounds
    - Angelic Presence
    - Astral Vibrance
    - Transcendental Magic
    - Ascendance
    Tier 1
    - Radiant Power x3
    - Endless Faith x3
    Tier 2
    - Charisma
    Tier 3
    - Piercing Spellcraft x3
    - Healing Amp x3
    - Charisma
    Tier 4
    - Charisma
    Tier 5
    - Leap of Faith
    - Charisma
    Tier 6
    - Divine Wrath
    - Charisma

    ** Alternatively drop charisma x2 to take avenging light + sun bolt if you want to run with aura 100% of the time. This gives you several spells to rotate through while keeping the passive temp hp and damage from aura.

    Energy Burst - (Your Element or go with cold if fey since you have the spellpower on the ring)
    Empyrean Magic
    Enchantment Specialist (Magister)
    Rejuvenation Cocoon

    ** Empyrean magic is trigged by aura regardless of pact. An ES warlock should always run this. It's likely to go away with U51 based on the previous U51 preview notes, but I would use it until then as it helps with your damage and self-healing.
    Last edited by slarden; 09-11-2021 at 03:34 PM.
    DC Warlock Reaper Build (U48)
    Max DC Illusionist Reaper Build (U48)

  17. #557
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2014


    GOATed. Thank you for the time and effort in the response! This will be my next life for sure.

  18. #558
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Hi Slarden! At first I want to thank you for your detailed builds!

    A question to your Tiefling Enlightened Spirit Blaster: At what level should I use ES on my way to20? ATM I use cone in the first levels (Im 6 now), at what point makes a change sense? 12? Or earlier?

    (background: heroic completionist, 28 reaper points, 6 extra racial points)

    Thx man!

    Greez FJ
    Last edited by flotterjohnny; 09-04-2021 at 01:06 PM.
    Cannith - Blutwurst / Knackwurst

  19. #559
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by flotterjohnny View Post
    Hi Slarden! At first I want to thank you for your detailed builds!

    A question to your Tiefling Enlightened Spirit Blaster: At what level should I use ES on my way to20? ATM I use cone in the first levels (Im 6 now), at what point makes a change sense? 12? Or earlier?

    (background: heroic completionist, 28 reaper points, 6 extra racial points)

    Thx man!

    Greez FJ
    It really depends on the person. I personally stay in soul eater / tainted scholar until I hit 20. At 20 enemies hit harder and you get exalted angel and empyrean magic which compliments enlightened spirit so well. DCs are harder to land vs. level 19 quests, etc. Once you get tier 5 at level 12 it's probably fine to switch over to enlightened spirit. I would stay in soul eater until level 12 and then at level 12 try it both ways and see which style you like better for the rest of heroics. There is no wrong answer, both trees are strong for heroic leveling.
    DC Warlock Reaper Build (U48)
    Max DC Illusionist Reaper Build (U48)

  20. #560
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Hi Slarden, ty, I will try a change at lvl 12 to ES, and maybe Ill change back.

    Greetz FJ
    Cannith - Blutwurst / Knackwurst

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