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  1. #261
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phil7 View Post
    So I played a bit with the Soul Eater stuff and a coulpe of feats and some Shiradi abilities, as a bard/warlock iconic at level 26 just to try them out.

    First of all Eldritch Cone seems to be very good in Shiradi, if u don't use Energy Burst or Hellball.
    Shiradi has no bursting skills and with only 2 cleaves from ES I had no follow-up to quickly clear out groups of mobs.
    It seems that in Shiradi sustained damage (cone) is actually better.
    In EA or Draconic with its bursting, cleaves and aura are obviously the way to go.

    Eldritch Wave sometimes dealt tons of damage, sometimes felt absolutely useless.
    With the random shiradi effects it did some nice procs and was also useful at the start of a fight. Due to the 3 hits it does, it can quickly render a group of mobs helpless.
    Imo definetly not worth losing ES T5, Shining Through and Spirit Blast even if playing in Shiradi. I had to heal so many times without Shining Through
    Outside of Shiradi just forget it.
    I Think if you go in Shiradi you are probably a con build dumping charisma anyhow. You lose about 6 DC compared to exalted Angel (3 from cores, 1 from Angelic presence and say 4 charisma from tree). My personal experience is I don't think the shiradi procs make up for the other lost dps. I like wiz and sorc or the combo better for shiradi than warlock.

    For cone, you are down at least 400 spellpower and 6d6 no-fail light damage compared to enlightened spirit burst in exalted angel - assuming you twist in 30 to be only down 400, but your basic blast is worth 30% more damage and better crit chance.

    Eldritch wave is good and requires great positioning and I don't think it makes up for the loss of dps when using cone. I still prefer the consistency of blasting with higher spellpower and the bonus light damage. The cone, wave and hellball work well together.

    I don't think you go wrong either way, but I don't think SE/TS has any sort of sizable dps benefit if any. It has a huge advantage for a necro warlock build obviously.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phil7 View Post

    Steal Life Force with 102 hamp it healed me for 300-400 HP.
    Not bad, but not worth investing 20 points in Soul Eater.

    Burning Blood SLA hits for around 200 to 500 (crit) with zero investment in acid/fire. Pansophic only
    No idea how it is with high fire/acid SP and crit

    Blood Feast is unfortunately subject to Spell Resistance. And with +6/+7 insightfull CON items at level 30 it will be even more worthless as it doesn't stack. And having an extra button to click every 20 seconds is not fun.

    Primal Scream 30d20 sonic damage
    Interesting aoe damage for bursting plus the CON buff
    only 5 charges tho so I wouldn't choose it for the damage

    Wild Shots now this showed some nice numbers (from 2 to 5k, with a 9k crit using Wellspring of Power)
    Unfortunately it hits each foe only once, but it is very nice for aoe damage.
    It is strange that this skill is actually in the Shiradi destiny, cause I used it mostly for bursting down mob groups and it worked quite well.
    I really liked this one and it seems promising with high force SP/crit.
    It might actually be worth twisting in aswell (it's Tier 1 only!), if playing in EA/Draconic for more bursting

    Rain of Arrows ok this is very random. 10% chance to hit per second for 30 seconds is not that great. There were too many numbers on the screen to notice anything.
    I had to drop Stand And Deliver to get it, but Stand is also not that great imo.
    +10 SP if u stand still
    No one stands still while zerging the quest. And I imagine Rain of Arrows>10 SP during boss fights in which you might stand still.

    Burst of Glacial Wrath used it with empower/maximize turned off.
    Just to render the mobs helpless at the start of the fight. And it worked quite well.
    If you are zerg/TRing and playing with cleaves and burst then it's definetly good for speed runs.
    Maybe even faster than playing with Intensify Spell.
    If you play in Shiradi and do raids/LE and stuff then nope.
    -75 SP for boss fights is not worth it.

    Forced Escape max 20d20 sonic damage vs Fortitude save with lame DC (20 + WIS mod)
    don't really care about the panic button, just for the damage.
    I still don't know how much the damage is tho (am still level 26)
    I'm pretty sure it's not worth losing Hellball or Arcane Pulse tho

    Spirit Blades instead of Arcane Pulse?
    They are veeeeery slow and can be dodged if the mobs move.
    I don't know how much damage they deal with high force SP/crit, cause I'm still level 26 and can't try them out yet.
    But I've been hearing that they really suck and A. Pulse wins.

    This has been so far my experience and It was very fun. I actually tried them while soloing the LoD chain on EE and it was way harder without Shining Through
    Note that my goal is fast TRs and not raids/LE atm, so opinions may vary on each ability.
    I am curious to see what you think about Eldritch Cone, the 2 Shiradi spells and Burst of G. Wrath
    Good comments on these other options. I've had various builds but am currently taking shining through - hopefully that matches up with I have posted- I sometimes make tweaks and don't update the build page. In shiradi I use both wild shots and rain of arrows although I think especially rain of arrows is weak for being an epic-moment type ability. Tea with the queen is much weaker than it used to be also now that the proc rate for the damage boosts is much lower.

    Spirit blades is a non-starter because it can't be quickened.

    Hellball is awesome, but such a drain on SP and I over-use it when I take it. Forced Escape I was better at managing.

    I take intensify, epic eld blast, ruin, greater ruin for epic feats. I take arcane pulse and hellball, but am on the fence with hellball due to sp cost. It's tough giving up wellspring of power though - a very useful burst dps option. If I gave up anything for it - it would be greater ruin and not intensify or epic eld blast that gives me ongoing dps.

    Dire charge and burst of glacial wrath are compelling and interesting options, but the cost is so high. Primal scream is too few uses, but great if it had more charges. I like the souleater SLAS but am not currently taking any and instead going deeper to TS since arcane pulse means I can pass on the single target SLAs from SE.
    Last edited by slarden; 08-09-2016 at 06:50 AM.
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  2. #262
    Community Member Phil7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slarden View Post
    Dire charge and burst of glacial wrath are compelling and interesting options, but the cost is so high. Primal scream is too few uses, but great if it had more charges.

    I Think if you go in Shiradi you are probably a con build dumping charisma anyhow. You lose about 6 DC compared to exalted Angel (3 from cores, 1 from Angelic presence and say 4 charisma from tree). My personal experience is I don't think the shiradi procs make up for the other lost dps. I like wiz and sorc or the combo better for shiradi than warlock.
    Dire Charge is indeed out of the question for me, but Burst of G. Wrath is not expensive at all, if you are already an evocation based warlock playing in Exalted Angel.
    You have the charisma and the DC.
    Just turn off the unnecessary metamagic feats and it costs 38 spell points.
    As I said, for speed TRing it is very nice. Gather a pack of mobs, boom helpless and then burst them down.

    I think you misunderstand my intentions as a Shiradi warlock
    I don't like Shiradi and I would always and forever play in Exalted Angel if I could. I love bursting
    But I have past lives to get and some of them have to be in the Primal Sphere and of course as a warlock-iconic I will choose Shiradi for my Primal Destiny.

    Being forced to play in Shiradi, I would choose the fastest way, which as it seems is the Cone.
    At level 28 with Hellball or in EN quests I can always play with Aura and Cleaves, no problem!
    The mobs die instantly anyway.
    But in EE quests with no Hellball and no aoe burst as Shiradi, I found the cone to be faster and more effective.

    If I were to have all the past lives I need and could do whatever I wanted, then I would go Exalted Angel/aura/cleaves GOO warlock all the way!

    Also, whilst I'm at it, I am also going to give Dirge, Aria and Chord of Disruption a try ^^
    I am lucky to be in a bard-iconic life and have plenty of songs at my disposal!
    Going to try out Boulder Toss aswell, being a bludgeon damaging spell
    Last edited by Phil7; 08-09-2016 at 12:51 PM.

  3. #263
    Community Member Phil7's Avatar
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    So I gave the Fatesinger skills a try and it's really sad

    Dirge is terrible...
    It seems to not be scaling with any spell power at all, nor with spell critical chances.
    Both the sonic and the negative ticks were ranging from 60 to 80 damage (with 400 sonic spell power and 38% sonic crit chance)
    and I saw no critical hits at all.

    Chord of Disruption is indeed doing the damage it should (1500 to 2k non crits), but is so not worth it. Having to twist Siren's Song (40 sec cooldown) and having to wait 12 seconds for it to hit and single target only...
    And you can easily get the same damage using only Wild Shots (6 sec cooldown).
    It's just sad

    Aria is bugged and does not give any Force spell power. Lasts only 3 minutes too
    Very nice choice to use as Twist of Fate if investing in sonic spell power and you have bard levels/songs.
    I'm definetly twisting it in this life when I get my 4th fate slot.

    Boulder Toss is simply bad. 1k damage max, never saw it criting and also deals a small amount of Good damage for some reason
    Don't even bother

    Primal Scream in sonic build is super strong (4k+ crits) and can be very fun to use for short quests.

  4. #264
    Community Member Blastyswa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phil7 View Post
    As I said, for speed TRing it is very nice. Gather a pack of mobs, boom helpless and then burst them down.
    Agreed! I take this on quite a few iconic/EPL lives to make 24-30 very quick. Another thing you might want to try is soundburst; I twist this in on any build I do with a primary/close secondary focus on wisdom/charisma, and the DC can easily get up into 50-60's reflex save even at level 20 (10 base, 20 levels, 20 from having 50 charisma or 50 wisdom). It's a nice attack to throw out constantly (7 second cooldown) for very cheap (Costs 6 spellpoints) and is fairly consistent in stunning many enemies in less difficult content, especially since it's a reflex save instead of fort (50 DC works decently up to and including EE Eveningstar saga quests in my experience, drops off quite a bit moving to LE's though).
    Dazling of Cannith

  5. #265
    Community Member Blastyswa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phil7 View Post
    Primal Scream in sonic build is super strong (4k+ crits) and can be very fun to use for short quests.
    Just thought I'd mention that, if you build fairly strong towards sonic and have decent spell crit (I use Legendary Dashing Gloves and have 50%+ sonic crit chance, 650 sonic spellpower, and a static 55% extra crit damage) Primal Scream can be even more insane than that, being basically like a mini-burst. With 30d20 sonic damage, and my above sonic stats, I can expect Primal Scream to hit 225-4500 damage base, or an average of 2363 damage, with critical hits from 574-11465, an average of 6025 damage. On helpless, like that induced by soundburst or cone, those hits increase to over 3000 average and almost 10,000 average criticals. I've personally seen, during wellspring of power where sonic spellpower is 800 and extra crit damage is 75%, some crits by this ability for close to 20,000 damage, making it a fun no cost burst to use in large crowds, or a nice attack to mix into a boss fight rotation if I notice there's either a shrine next or the quest will be over and I still have primal scream charges.

    Some other things you might want to try if you're looking for fun abilities are:
    1. Forced Escape; Without metamagics, it's basically a 2/3 effectiveness Primal Scream with same cooldown as burst and about twice the cost. Damage isn't as much as burst, but it's still a nice little AoE hitter.
    2. Shadow Lance; Not sure if many people know this, but this scales off spellpower and can critically hit! On my main character I've twisted this on occasion, and with 700 light spellpower (unholy damage is alignment) it can be expected to hit 320-480 damage a lance, with critical hits for 816-1224 damage. That doesn't look like a lot, but keep in mind it fires 3 lances, with 3 separate critical hit chances. The only things keeping me from using this in my build permanently are that Primal Scream is better personally, despite only having 5 charges, and the cooldown is 30 seconds, which is a little long considering it's not really a huge damage spike, it's main use is throwing at archers/casters who are preferably wounded a little bit away so that you don't have to jump after them bursting.
    Dazling of Cannith

  6. #266
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phil7 View Post
    So I gave the Fatesinger skills a try and it's really sad

    Dirge is terrible...
    It seems to not be scaling with any spell power at all, nor with spell critical chances.
    Both the sonic and the negative ticks were ranging from 60 to 80 damage (with 400 sonic spell power and 38% sonic crit chance)
    and I saw no critical hits at all.

    Chord of Disruption is indeed doing the damage it should (1500 to 2k non crits), but is so not worth it. Having to twist Siren's Song (40 sec cooldown) and having to wait 12 seconds for it to hit and single target only...
    And you can easily get the same damage using only Wild Shots (6 sec cooldown).
    It's just sad

    Aria is bugged and does not give any Force spell power. Lasts only 3 minutes too
    Very nice choice to use as Twist of Fate if investing in sonic spell power and you have bard levels/songs.
    I'm definetly twisting it in this life when I get my 4th fate slot.

    Boulder Toss is simply bad. 1k damage max, never saw it criting and also deals a small amount of Good damage for some reason
    Don't even bother

    Primal Scream in sonic build is super strong (4k+ crits) and can be very fun to use for short quests.
    While you are in fatesinger try this on raid bosses: Bound Fate with Grim Fate selected in the top tier. Use will save debufss prior, enjoy
    DC Warlock Reaper Build (U48)
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  7. #267
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phil7 View Post
    Burst of G. Wrath is not expensive at all, if you are already an evocation based warlock playing in Exalted Angel.
    You have the charisma and the DC.
    Just turn off the unnecessary metamagic feats and it costs 38 spell points.
    As I said, for speed TRing it is very nice. Gather a pack of mobs, boom helpless and then burst them down.
    I will try it some time. I could go with these 4 epic feats: wellspring of power, eld blast, intensify, glacial wrath instead of eld blast, intensify, ruin, greater ruin
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  8. #268
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    Default U32 Update

    I ran the new U32 quests on Lamannia solo LE. The end fight in the last one is rather tough, but should be easier with wings and what I learned. I am intentionally not saying much so you can experience it without spoilers.

    The new slave lord craftable gear is super powerful, but ultimately the 5 piece lgs set is much better for the blasting DC build. For my necro DC build I will definitely go for that set bonus which will take 100+ runs. It's worth investing in cannith crafting to tweak any gear slots where you use random gear.

    The only tweak I will make to my build is changing a few AP spend. Specifically I will take the displacement sla so I can swap the spell out for dark discorporation. Dark discorporation has a bit of a long cooldown, but it's very useful in especially the first quest where there is alot of traps and although they are random, you will quickly figure out where they can spawn. Dark discorporation is nice for that because it reduces the incoming trap damage by 50% for all the traps I encountered. This isn't an absolute must, but the traps do quite a bit of damage so I find it useful to have.

    I dropped wings from Exalted Angel previously as it hasn't been needed for recent content, but will adjust 1 ap spend in exalted angel to take that. It's super useful in the end fight of the 3rd quest which you will figure out after you run it.
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  9. #269
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    Default Update 32 gear and # changes

    Post in process - only have one monitor while out of town so have to do a lot of switching back and forth...

    Some of this gear requires slavelord crafting, but I wanted to at least post things in advance while I work on the actual gear. I originally thought I would get a boost from cannith crafting, but it appears I won't be using any crafted gear at level 30. It will be raid loot, slave lord crafting, named items and a few pieces of random gear for the high stats.

    RACE: Drow

    Starting Stats
    Str: 8
    Dex: 10
    Wis: 8
    Con: 14
    Int: 16
    Char: 20 (All level ups)


    Goggles: LGS Opposition/Material Fire
    Helm: Legendary Pansophic Circlet (Ins Int 2 slotted)
    Necklace: Slave Lord Crafted Necklace (Char 17, Light Spell Lore 27%, Spell Focus Evocation 7, Quality Char 4, vitality 20 slotted)
    Trinket: Epic Littany of the Dead (Greater Evocation focus and Good Luck +2 slotted)
    Cloak: Mysterious Cloak (Globe of True Imperial Blood and False Life +40 slotted)
    Belt: LGS Opposition/Material Negative
    Ring: Lantern Ring (Ins Con +2, Natural Armor 8)
    Gloves: LGS Opposition/Material Acid
    Boots: LGS Opposition/Material Water
    Ring 2: Slave Lord Crafted Ring (Con 17, Radiance 185, Spell Focus Conjuration 7, Quality Con 4. greater Conj focus slotted)
    Bracers: LGS Opposition/Material Positive
    Armor: Breastplate of the Celestial Sage (Protection +8 and Spell points 250 slotted)

    Weapon 1: LGS Vacuum main weapon : Int +15, Ins Char +7, Exc Char +2

    LGS Prefix tbd (possibly devotion if it stacks with circlet), Ins Char +7, Exc Char +2 (Legendary Affirmation when I need the hp boost)

    Weapon 2: Potency 100, Spell Lore 17% (Spellcraft 15, Meridian Fragment, Resistance +8 slotted). Might consider swapping this for TOE orb to get 5% more crit chance, but this is a nice fit for now to give me implement bonus + 17% generic lore for hellball and pact damage.

    There is alot of raid gear, but you don't need any of it really. Just be sure to get a decent spellcast implement from one of your weapons. This is something that can be worked on.

    Goggles: Material/Opposition/Fire: Fire Resist 50 (enh), Fire Resist 25 (insight), Fire Resist 17 (competence)

    Material/Opposition/Negative: Blindness Immunity, Save against disease +4 (insight), Fear Immunity, Save against Poison +4 (Insight), Deathblock, Negative Resistance 25 (enhancement)

    Gloves: Material/Opposition/Earth: Acid Resist 50 (enh), Acid Resist 25 (insight), Acid Resist 17 (competence)

    Boots: Material/Opposition/Water: Cold Resist 50 (enh), Cold Resist 25 (insight), Cold Resist 17 (competence)

    Bracers: Material/Opposition/Positive: Unconscious Range (128 enhancement), Positive Healing per 10s (16 enhancement), Unconscious Range (64 Insight), Positive Healing per 10s (8 insight), Unconscious Range (32 Quality), Positive Healing per 10s (4 Quality)


    1) Empower
    3) Maximize
    6) Completionist
    9) Quicken
    12) Evocation Focus
    15) Force of Personality
    18) Mental Toughness
    21) Epic Eldritch Blast (or Wellspring of Power)
    24) Intensify
    26) Epic Arcane Eldritch Blast
    27) Ruin
    28) Hellball (or 20 light spellpower if you run into spell point problems)
    29) Arcane Pulse
    30) Greater Ruin
    30) Scion of the Plane of Fire

    Energy Burst (Cold is main element and switch to acid or fire situationally also)
    Empyrean Magic
    Evocation Specialist
    Rejuvenation Cocoon

    Spellpower Light
    Item: 185
    Spellcraft: 111 (with GH)
    Power of Enlightenment Tier 2 Light Spellpower: 15
    Power of Enlightenment Tier 2 Universal Spellpower: 6
    Power of Enlightenment Tier 3 Light Spellpower: 15
    Power of Enlightenment Tier 3 Universal Spellpower: 6
    Ultimate Enlightenment Light Spellpower: 20
    Ultimate Enlightenment Universal Spellpower: 10
    Tainted Spellcasting: 13
    Inhuman Understanding: 10
    Hungry for Destruction Tier 1: 6
    Eldritch Focus: 3
    Exalted Angel: Radiant Power: 30
    Past Life Morninglord Active Feat: 30
    Interrogation: 5
    Epic Spellpower Light Feat(depends on feat selection) 20
    Spellcasting Implement: 36
    Guild Ship Buffs: 15
    Tome of Universal Spellpower: 2
    Insightful Potency: 65
    Quality Potency: 27
    Epic Power Feat x10: 60
    Total Before Sustainable Effects and Potions: 690
    Blood and Radiance: 30
    Empyrean Magic: 20
    Potion of Greater Brilliance: 20
    Total Before Metamagic: 760
    Maximize: 150
    Empower: 75
    Intensify: 75
    Total Sustainable Spellpower: 1,060
    Reborn in Light Epic Moment: 100
    Tainted Spellcasting: 25
    Meridian Fragment: 24
    Commendation Potion of Universal Spellpower: 25 (yes it stacks with the other potions)
    Using Potion of Irian's Light instead of Potion of Greater Brilliance: 5 (5 increase)
    Wellspring of Power (depends on feat selection): 150
    Total Burst Light Spellpower: 1,384

    Medium Armor with Resilience of Body: 42 (BAB full 24 * 1.5)
    Spiritual Bastion: 13
    Breastplate of the Celestial Sage: 38
    Resilience of Body: 6
    Scion of Plane of Fire: 10
    Mythic Bonuses: 6
    Past Lifes: 0 - 36 Divine/PDK
    Total PRR depending on past lifes: 115-151(+ 15- 45 for EE Skyvault tower shield option)

    Paragon's Aegis Feat x 5: 25
    Entropic Ward: 5
    Breastplate of the Celestial Sage: 38
    Shape Vestements: 10
    Resilence of Soul: 6
    Spiritual Ward: 13
    Scion of the Plane of Fire: 10
    Mysterious Cloak: 25
    Mythic Bonuses: 6
    Past Lifes: 0 - 18
    Total MRR depending on # of warlock/deep gnome past lifes 136 - 154


    Fire: 113
    Cold: 113
    Acid: 118
    Electric: 51
    Sonic: 61

    Light/Alignment Crit Chance
    Item: 27
    Magicial Training: 5
    Empyrean Magic: 10
    Interrogation: 1
    Mental Toughness: 1
    44% Crit Chance

    Light/Alignment Crit Multiplier:
    100: Base
    100: Crit base damage
    25: Scion of fire
    30: Tainted Scholar Cores 2 and 4
    36: LGS 5 Piece Set
    291% damage multiplier

    I might go for the 3 piece slave lord set going with just the 4 piece lgs set. The main advantage of the 3rd piece is the 27% force crit damage for ruin/greater ruin/arcane pulse and of course shroud portal damage.

    With this profile 100 pts of light damage that uses the 300 spellpower from metamagic is worth roughly 2,135 damage per target.

    Without metamagic 100 pts of light damage that isn't subject to metamagic (aura, cone, chain) is worth roughly 1,583 damage per target.

    Some example of tradeoffs:

    Adding 48 spellpower adds 4.14% DPS to light alignment spells
    Adding 4% crit chance adds 4.15% DPS to light alignment spells
    Adding 17% crit damage adds 4.06% DPS to light/alignment spells

    So adding 5 spellpower + 1% crit chance (happens to match interrogation) adds 1.47% dps.

    Adding 15 spellpower (happens to match feyform) adds 1.29% dps.

    So swapping out my 17% lore stick for TOEE orb would result in net dps gain of 1.92% (5% crit chance increase and loss of 36 implement bonus) on my light and alignment spells. Unfortunately it reduces dps significantly on my pact damage and force spells so it's not worth it currently to switch for a 1.29% light/alignment dps increase
    Last edited by slarden; 09-06-2016 at 04:19 PM.
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  10. #270
    Community Member Blastyswa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slarden View Post
    LGS Prefix tbd (possibly devotion if it stacks with circlet)
    I use that on my own warlock, and can confirm that the +150 devotion (and +150 acid) from LGS currently stacks with the circlet. This could obviously be nerfed, but at the moment it works.
    Dazling of Cannith

  11. #271
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blastyswa View Post
    I use that on my own warlock, and can confirm that the +150 devotion (and +150 acid) from LGS currently stacks with the circlet. This could obviously be nerfed, butat the moment it works.
    Thank you for the confirmation.

    Yeah I know it's working with the elements, but didn't test devotion as I rarely slot that with LGS.

    I might make a swap weapon for acid, but it seems a little exploity since we know it shouldn't be working this way and it adds dps. For devotion I don't care as much since it's not increasing dps and there isn't much useful to slot there - maybe healing amp just to avoid using the exploit.

    It should definitely be fixed - there are too many bugs in this game adding player power.
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  12. #272
    Community Member Blastyswa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slarden View Post
    Thank you for the confirmation.

    Yeah I know it's working with the elements, but didn't test devotion as I rarely slot that with LGS.

    I might make a swap weapon for acid, but it seems a little exploity since we know it shouldn't be working this way and it adds dps. For devotion I don't care as much since it's not increasing dps and there isn't much useful to slot there - maybe healing amp just to avoid using the exploit.

    It should definitely be fixed - there are too many bugs in this game adding player power.
    I honestly hope they don't fix it, not just because I'm a evil broken warlock, but because getting +187 spellpower for an element has really made sorcerer/druid elementalists a lot more relevant, as well as making LGS weapons more useful; aside from vacuum, affirmation, and radiance (All t3 effects with high ingredient costs), the main reasons to use LGS weapons at the moment are for extra spellpower or to slot hamp.

    If nerfing the +187 spellpower was accompanied by a buff for elemental damage that's more universal, I'd be on board, but I think the number of elemental casters (Who aren't in the best DPS boat particularly)bothering with anything but t3 LGS would plummet.
    Dazling of Cannith

  13. #273
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    Default U32 Warlock cromancer Changes

    I am still running the Enlightened Spirt Blasting Build on my main character Randowl which is listed here:

    I run this second build on my alt randomall which is an instakill necromancer warlock 20 build with swap items and a few spells specifically for boss dps.

    Of course I don't have the U32 gear year, but it's something for me to work on which will be fun

    Race: Drow Elf 36 Pt build

    1) Maximize
    3) Empower (Force of Personality for more defensive minded types, about a 10% dps loss in boss fights)
    6) Completionist
    9) Quicken
    12) Spell Focus Necromancy
    15) Spell Penetration
    18) Greater Spell Penetration
    21) Epic Spell Penetration
    24) Embolden
    26) Epic Arcane Blast
    27) Ruin
    28) Hellball (Elusive Target for more defensive minded types)
    29) Arcane Pulse
    30) Greater Ruin
    30) Scion of the Plane of Shadowfell

    AP Spend
    Drow: 6
    Soul Eater: 42
    Tainted Scholar: 25
    Harper: 7 (basically to even out the odd pt of cha)

    Epic Destiny: Exalted Angel

    15 pts for 6x Charisma + 3 spell pen
    Twists: Piercing Spellcraft (Draconic), Echoes of the Ancestor, Necromancy Specialist, Charisma, Rejuvenation Cocoon

    Starting: 20
    Level Ups: 7
    Tome: 7
    Completionist: 2
    Item: Enhancement Bonus: 17
    Item: Insightful Bonus: 7
    Item: Exceptional Bonus: 2
    Item: Artifact Bonus 2 (Slave Lord's sorcery bonus)
    Item: Quality Bonus: 4
    Item: Profane Bonus: 2
    Enhancement: Racial Tree: 2
    Enhancement: Class Trees: 4
    Enhancement : Harper Tree: 1
    Enhancement: Capstone: 4
    Epic Destiny: 6
    Angelic Presence: 2
    Epic Destiny Twist: 1
    Ship Buffs: 2
    Yugo Potion: 2
    Remnant Potion: 2
    Total Charisma: 96 (43 cha modifier)

    Necromancy DC
    Base: 10
    Spell Level (Heighted if applicable): 5-6 on main spells
    Charisma Bonus (above): 43
    Feat: Spell Focus Feat: 1
    Feat: Embolden: 2
    Feat: Scion of the Plane of Shadowfell: 4
    Item: Enhancement Bonus: 7 (Necklace)
    Item: Insightful Bonus: 4 (Random Goggles)
    Item: Quality Bonus: 2 (Legendary Multilator of Minds)
    Item: Augment: 2
    Item: Profane Bonus: 1 (Thunderforged armor)
    Enhancement: Class Tree: 1
    Epic Destiny: Exalted Angel: 3
    Epic Destiny: Twist: 3
    Ship Buffs: 1
    Slave Lord's Sorcery Bonus: 4
    Total Necromancy DC: 93 Finger of Death, 94 Wail of the Banshee and Devour the Soul

    Hurl Through Hell DC (display is bugged and shows an incorrectly higher #)
    Base: 10
    Warlock Levels:20
    Charisma Modifier: 43
    Total: 73

    Debuffs: Hurl Through Hell and Devour the Soul:
    Crushing Despair: -5 if they make their save and -7 if they fail their save
    Mind Fog: Chance at -10 (only use if it helps others in the party)

    Debuffs: Finger of Death and Wail fo the Banshee
    Blood Feast: -3 to -10 con (average -3.25 fort save)
    Taint the Blood: Up to -4 fort save

    Spell Penetration:
    Warlock Levels: 20
    Feat: Spell Penetration: 2
    Feat: Greater Spell Penetration: 2
    Feat: Epic Spell Penetration: 4
    Feat: Past Life Wizard and Favored Soul: 9
    Item: Enhancement Bonus: 7
    Item: Insightful Bonus (Legendary Mutilator of Minds): 4
    Enhancement Tree: Tainted Scholar: 2
    Epic Destiny: 3
    Epic Destiny Twists: 5
    Ship Buff: 1
    Total: 59
    Last edited by slarden; 09-11-2016 at 06:41 PM.
    DC Warlock Reaper Build (U48)
    Max DC Illusionist Reaper Build (U48)

  14. #274
    Community Member djl's Avatar
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    Aug 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by slarden View Post
    I am still running the Enlightened Spirt Blasting Build on my main character Randowl which is listed here:

    I run this second build on my alt randomall which is an instakill necromancer warlock 20 build with swap items and a few spells specifically for boss dps.

    Of course I don't have the U32 gear year, but it's something for me to work on which will be fun

    Race: Drow Elf 36 Pt build

    1) Maximize
    3) Empower (Force of Personality for more defensive minded types, about a 10% dps loss in boss fights)
    6) Completionist
    9) Quicken
    12) Spell Focus Necromancy
    15) Spell Penetration
    18) Greater Spell Penetration
    21) Epic Spell Penetration
    24) Embolden
    26) Epic Arcane Blast
    27) Ruin
    28) Hellball (Elusive Target for more defensive minded types)
    29) Arcane Pulse
    30) Greater Ruin
    30) Scion of the Plane of Shadowfell

    AP Spend
    Drow: 6
    Soul Eater: 42
    Tainted Scholar: 25
    Harper: 7 (basically to even out the odd pt of cha)

    Epic Destiny: Exalted Angel

    15 pts for 6x Charisma + 3 spell pen
    Twists: Piercing Spellcraft (Draconic), Echoes of the Ancestor, Necromancy Specialist, Charisma, Rejuvenation Cocoon

    Starting: 20
    Level Ups: 7
    Tome: 7
    Completionist: 2
    Item: Enhancement Bonus: 17
    Item: Insightful Bonus: 7
    Item: Exceptional Bonus: 2
    Item: Artifact Bonus 2 (Slave Lord's sorcery bonus)
    Item: Quality Bonus: 4
    Item: Profane Bonus: 2
    Enhancement: Racial Tree: 2
    Enhancement: Class Trees: 4
    Enhancement : Harper Tree: 1
    Enhancement: Capstone: 4
    Epic Destiny: 6
    Angelic Presence: 2
    Epic Destiny Twist: 1
    Ship Buffs: 2
    Yugo Potion: 2
    Remnant Potion: 2
    Total Charisma: 96 (43 cha modifier)

    Necromancy DC
    Base: 10
    Spell Level (Heighted if applicable): 5-6 on main spells
    Charisma Bonus (above): 43
    Feat: Spell Focus Feat: 1
    Feat: Embolden: 2
    Feat: Scion of the Plane of Shadowfell: 4
    Item: Enhancement Bonus: 7 (Necklace)
    Item: Insightful Bonus: 4 (Random Goggles)
    Item: Quality Bonus: 2 (Legendary Multilator of Minds)
    Item: Augment: 2
    Item: Profane Bonus: 1 (Thunderforged armor)
    Enhancement: Class Tree: 1
    Epic Destiny: Exalted Angel: 3
    Epic Destiny: Twist: 3
    Ship Buffs: 1
    Slave Lord's Sorcery Bonus: 4
    Total Necromancy DC: 93 Finger of Death, 94 Wail of the Banshee and Devour the Soul

    Hurl Through Hell DC (display is bugged and shows an incorrectly higher #)
    Base: 10
    Warlock Levels:20
    Charisma Modifier: 43
    Total: 73

    Debuffs: Hurl Through Hell and Devour the Soul:
    Crushing Despair: -5 if they make their save and -7 if they fail their save
    Mind Fog: Chance at -10 (only use if it helps others in the party)

    Debuffs: Finger of Death and Wail fo the Banshee
    Blood Feast: -3 to -10 con (average -3.25 fort save)
    Taint the Blood: Up to -4 fort save

    Spell Penetration:
    Warlock Levels: 20
    Feat: Spell Penetration: 2
    Feat: Greater Spell Penetration: 2
    Feat: Epic Spell Penetration: 4
    Feat: Past Life Wizard and Favored Soul: 9
    Item: Enhancement Bonus: 7
    Item: Insightful Bonus (Legendary Mutilator of Minds): 4
    Enhancement Tree: Tainted Scholar: 2
    Epic Destiny: 3
    Epic Destiny Twists: 5
    Ship Buff: 1
    Total: 59
    Is it possible to utilize this build having completionist?

  15. #275
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    Apr 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by djl View Post
    Is it possible to utilize this build having completionist?
    Completionist isn't needed for the necromancer build, but 3x fvs and 3x wiz are because of how hard it is for warlock to get dc and spell pen compared to wizard. The bigger problem the build faces is it's very gear dependent - needing many items to get the solid DC where a wizard doesn't really need littany, thunderforged armor etc.

    The warlock necromancer is really good in LE shroud, tempest spine and hound. It's a solid party member in quests, but since it's focused on instakill it's not a very optimal build for soloing due to sp. costs.

    I think the blasting build is better overall for questing and esp for soloing. You can easily start runs while party members join. No past lifes are really needed for the blasting build but sorc lifes help a little. I would only build the necromancer if you mainly plan to run raids. It's a really good build for the raids, but I think the blasting build is better for running the new slave lord chain coming out tomorrow.

    Here is a link to the blasting build:

    The gear listed is what I am using and not what is needed. I need to update the OP with starter gear which I used to have but it appears I accidently deleted a whole section at some point.
    Last edited by slarden; 09-12-2016 at 06:27 AM.
    DC Warlock Reaper Build (U48)
    Max DC Illusionist Reaper Build (U48)

  16. #276
    Community Member djl's Avatar
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    Ok, so I will definitely go for blaster build then, while I get caught up with all the changes and new gear. I will probably be soloing a lot, outside of guild groupings because I am in an odd timezone and will be working night shift here soon (so, my playtime would then come at like 2300 EST).

    Also, I didn't know U32 is tomorrow... feels very overwhelming, with the amount of new stuff I need to do to get back into the hang of everything.

  17. #277
    Community Member Warbler's Avatar
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    Apr 2006


    My version. Chest blesser. I tend to have a more tanky stye. I've used ruin and g-ruin before and didn't like them.

    34 Pt Warlock
    Warlock 20
    True Neutral Human
                   34pt     Tome     Level Up
                   ----     ----     --------
    Strength        10       +7       4: CHA
    Dexterity        8       +7       8: CHA
    Constitution    16       +7      12: CHA
    Intelligence    14       +7      16: CHA
    Wisdom           8       +7      20: CHA
    Charisma        18       +7      24: CHA
                                     28: CHA
              1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
    Spellcr   4  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  23
    Intim     4  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  23
    Jump      4        2     2  1  2  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  23
    UMD       4  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  23
    Heal      2     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     11
    Swim                           ½     1     1     1  ½  1½ ½  1½ ½  1   9
    Concent                                                            1   1
    Tumble       1                                                         1
             20  5  5  5  5  5  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  7  7  7  7  7  7
     1        : Empower Spell
     1 Human  : Maximize Spell
     1 Warlock: Pact: Fiend
     3        : Quicken Spell
     6        : Shield Proficiency
     9        : Shield Mastery
    12        : Improved Shield Mastery
    15        : Mental Toughness
    18        : Least Dragonmark: Finding
    21 Epic   : Epic Eldritch Blast
    24 Epic   : Intensify Spell
    26 Destiny: Epic Arcane Eldritch Blast
    27 Epic   : Spell Focus: Evocation
    28 Destiny: Epic Spell Power: Light
    29 Destiny: Arcane Pulse
    30 Epic   : Shield Deflection
    30 Legend : Scion of: Plane of Fire
    EDIT: In reading up through post #282 I've decided to switch the level 27 epic feat SF: Evo for Burst of Glacial Wrath to be able to try a feat I've not had before. Also in looking how it's to be leveled I think I may move mental toughness up to level 6 and shift the shield feats down since I may not use a shield at low level.

    Thinking about Morninglord past lifes as a warlock:
    Morninglord Warlock
    18/1/1 Warlock/Barbarian/Cleric
    True Neutral Morninglord
    Level Order
    1. Cleric          6. Warlock        11. Warlock        16. Warlock
    2. Barbarian       7. Warlock        12. Warlock        17. Warlock
    3. Warlock         8. Warlock        13. Warlock        18. Warlock
    4. Warlock         9. Warlock        14. Warlock        19. Warlock
    5. Warlock        10. Warlock        15. Warlock        20. Warlock
                   36pt     Tome     Level Up
                   ----     ----     --------
    Strength        12       +7       4: CHA
    Dexterity        8       +7       8: CHA
    Constitution    14       +7      12: CHA
    Intelligence    16       +7      16: CHA
    Wisdom           8       +7      20: CHA
    Charisma        18       +7      24: CHA
                                     28: CHA
              C  B  W  W  W  W  W  W  W  W  W  W  W  W  W  W  W  W  W  W
              1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
    Heal      4  1           1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  2  2  2  1  1  1  23
    Spellcr   4     2  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  23
    Intim     2  3  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  23
    UMD       2     2  2  2  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  23
    Jump      1  2     1  1     1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1           2  2  2  19
    Tumble    1                                                            1
             20  7  5  5  5  5  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  7  7  7  7  7  7
     1        : Empower Spell
     1 Deity  : Follower of: Amaunator
     3        : Maximize Spell
     3 Warlock: Pact: Fiend
     6        : Quicken Spell
     9        : Mental Toughness
    12        : Spell Focus: Evocation
    15        : Shield Mastery
    18        : Improved Shield Mastery
    21 Epic   : Epic Eldritch Blast
    24 Epic   : Intensify Spell
    26 Destiny: Epic Arcane Eldritch Blast
    27 Epic   : Burst of Glacial Wrath
    28 Destiny: Epic Spell Power: Light
    29 Destiny: Arcane Pulse
    30 Epic   : Shield Deflection
    30 Legend : Scion of: Plane of Fire
    Last edited by Warbler; 10-09-2016 at 10:52 PM.

  18. #278
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    Apr 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Warbler View Post
    My version. Chest blesser. I tend to have a more tanky stye. I've used ruin and g-ruin before and didn't like them.

    34 Pt Warlock
    Warlock 20
    True Neutral Human
                   34pt     Tome     Level Up
                   ----     ----     --------
    Strength        10       +7       4: CHA
    Dexterity        8       +7       8: CHA
    Constitution    16       +7      12: CHA
    Intelligence    14       +7      16: CHA
    Wisdom           8       +7      20: CHA
    Charisma        18       +7      24: CHA
                                     28: CHA
              1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
    Spellcr   4  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  23
    Intim     4  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  23
    Jump      4        2     2  1  2  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  23
    UMD       4  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  23
    Heal      2     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     11
    Swim                           ½     1     1     1  ½  1½ ½  1½ ½  1   9
    Concent                                                            1   1
    Tumble       1                                                         1
             20  5  5  5  5  5  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  7  7  7  7  7  7
     1        : Empower Spell
     1 Human  : Maximize Spell
     1 Warlock: Pact: Fiend
     3        : Quicken Spell
     6        : Shield Proficiency
     9        : Shield Mastery
    12        : Improved Shield Mastery
    15        : Mental Toughness
    18        : Least Dragonmark: Finding
    21 Epic   : Epic Eldritch Blast
    24 Epic   : Intensify Spell
    26 Destiny: Epic Arcane Eldritch Blast
    27 Epic   : Spell Focus: Evocation
    28 Destiny: Epic Spell Power: Light
    29 Destiny: Arcane Pulse
    30 Epic   : Shield Deflection
    30 Legend : Scion of: Plane of Fire
    This is great, the shield feats are a great choice effectively giving the equivalent of a bunch of epic and iconic past lifes.

    All the pacts are balanced for the current legendary content. Fiend has higher fort saves to hit but that is offset by having hurl through hell which is awesome. Fort saves are high in the new content for a blaster which makes the evocation feat more marginal. There is a much bigger swing between low/med and high fort save enemies. That 4 DC (1 from feat + twist) wont make much of a difference on most enemies.

    Ruin isn't a must in my opinion, The only benefit is fast boss damage. I think ruin/greater ruin are over-rated and really the only places I really really want it is part IV shroud and DOJ and a few other places where fast dps is more important. Other than that if you don't care about speeding up boss fights it's not needed.

    I would think about swapping spell focus evocation for burst of glacial wrath on a fiend build. Epic spellpower light is a solid choice, but hellball is also a solid choice there. For my playstyle I like having the extra bursts, but your choices are definitely solid.

    If you use the circlet and some sort of spell lore that is enough for burst of glacial wrath and hellball. The spinneret from the new content is really nice for that.
    Last edited by slarden; 10-07-2016 at 06:25 AM.
    DC Warlock Reaper Build (U48)
    Max DC Illusionist Reaper Build (U48)

  19. #279
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slarden View Post
    Fort saves are high in the new content for a blaster which makes the evocation feat more marginal. There is a much bigger swing between low/med and high fort save enemies. That 4 DC (1 from feat + twist) wont make much of a difference on most enemies.
    Do you still think SF:Conj + Twist for Evards is more useful?
    I would think about swapping spell focus evocation for burst of glacial wrath on a fiend build.
    Wait I thought you just said endgame Fort saves were too high; isn't BoGW Fort-based? Or can you hit higher DCs for BoGW but not regular Fort spells?
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  20. #280
    Community Member Hobgoblin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    Do you still think SF:Conj + Twist for Evards is more useful?

    Wait I thought you just said endgame Fort saves were too high; isn't BoGW Fort-based? Or can you hit higher DCs for BoGW but not regular Fort spells?
    When i tested bogw it was only the freeze portion that was a save - not damge

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