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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Sep 2014

    Default Devil Assault and the Monster manual

    Why is it that no kills within Devil Assault (no matter the difficulty) count towards kills in the Monster manual? This has bugged me for awhile and I've filed a bug report on it but haven't been told if its intentional or a bug. And if its intentional why is it that way? This lack of logic greatly bugs me.

  2. #2
    2014 DDO Players Council
    SirValentine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maaku View Post
    Why is it that no kills within Devil Assault (no matter the difficulty) count towards kills in the Monster manual? This has bugged me for awhile and I've filed a bug report on it but haven't been told if its intentional or a bug. And if its intentional why is it that way? This lack of logic greatly bugs me.
    Are you sure it's not counting on any difficulty? Last I heard, on EVERY difficulty, it was that counting kills...toward whatever creature is the equivalent in the Heroic Normal version of Devil Assault. So, yes, when you're killing an Orthon, your Troglodyte count goes up (or whatever).


    OK, I just ran a Heroic Normal Devil Assault. All the bats & scorpions in wave 1 counted just fine. The hellhounds and many tieflings of course didn't count because they have no entry in the Monster Manual. All the troglodytes in wave 5 counted just fine.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Sep 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by SirValentine View Post
    Are you sure it's not counting on any difficulty? Last I heard, on EVERY difficulty, it was that counting kills...toward whatever creature is the equivalent in the Heroic Normal version of Devil Assault. So, yes, when you're killing an Orthon, your Troglodyte count goes up (or whatever).


    OK, I just ran a Heroic Normal Devil Assault. All the bats & scorpions in wave 1 counted just fine. The hellhounds and many tieflings of course didn't count because they have no entry in the Monster Manual. All the troglodytes in wave 5 counted just fine.
    So you're saying that unless the monster appears in Heroic Normal Devil Assault it doesn't boost your kill count? Because the two monsters I noticed that didn't increase or add to my monster manual were the fire elementals didn't increase my kill count for fire elementals and the fire bat from Heroic Hard Devil Assault doesn't even have a listing in the monster manual. And my guild members have noticed the same thing as I did. I didn't personally track the troglodytes or scorpions, because i forgot they were in the Monster Manual.

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