As I stated more than a few times, the title and the op was not a post asking for help. It was a whinny, foot stomping down, "I'm gonna quit, because X," type of thread. I felt I responded appropriately.
I opened with some sarcasm, clearly labeled it as such, and then in the same post asked some questions to try and see what the problem really was since the op was unclear with details. That was the inquisitive asking questions.
Spells that a newbie or returning player wouldn't consider taking...well that's why I asked. Those are often overlooked and under used spells that are very effective.
1) I never saw mention of his level, it may have been added during edits. So he could have been anywhere from level 1-3. I usually leave korthos as a level 3 on legend lives. So as I read it I understood him to be a 1/1. That's why I first did it with a wizzy, than after more info was added I did it as a rogue.
2) Yes I took SWF. As I said I could've taken another feat that would've made it easier but I felt there would be some nit picking about it. Guess there still is. And it depends, if he was making a melee wizard (completely viable now with harper - see Andoris thread Shadovar Infiltrator), than yes he would take a melee feat at level one rog, he certainly isn't taking a meta feat.
Bluff, again one of those underused, really useful things. Yes it turns mobs away, giving you sneak attack. That extra boost to dps slaughtered them before they could do anything.
Ok so I guess I should've said...
I started out jokingly sarcastic, then helpful via inquisitive responses in order to garner more information so that I could possibly be helpful to a whiny doom post.
Or I'm a big jerk, whatever.