As people think about champions – I ask people to take a step back and think about overall quest difficulty.
Before update 24, if rated the difficulty… on a scale of 1 (easy) to 10 (hard)
Normal 1
Hard 3
Elite 10
After the update and before the patch,
Normal 1
Hard 5
Elite 14
After the patch,
Normal 1
Hard 3.5
Elite 11
I would like to see Hard ½ way between Elite and Normal – Elite can be bumped up some, but hard needs to be closer to the mid-point.
There is such a “shock” for a lot of people when going from Hard to Elite they get discouraged…
Hard isn’t hard enough to train one for Elite-
Go back to pre-patch levels – limit the number of champions active at the same time (say 3 on hard and 5 on elite) and give it a try.