Quote Originally Posted by Aletys View Post
It is "second wind". I've run into it in HE in Korthos. It kicks in when they get below a certain level of health, and every champion I saw it on also had the damage boost on top of that.
Thanks for the assist. That must be it then. I thought it was EE only, just means I havent seen (or noticed) it in HE. Guess this means the "elite" ability table spans both heroic and epic elite, which is a mistake in my opinion. Id rather have a heroic and epic split for them as well, there are more interesting things they could do in that scenario with 4 tables rather than 2. At any rate, I have yet to see this buff on the "hard" table. Its just out of line the way it multiplies out. It needs nuked from orbit, its the adrenaline situation all over again... you can deal with it, but how is it any fun. Cheers.