Two-handed fighting:
Bonus to speed (or glancing blows/off-hand attacks):
Adds glancing blows to attack sequence
+50% glancing blow damage
+9% glancing blow triggering weapon effect
Bonus to damage:
+50% stat modifier to damage
+20 melee power
Single-weapon fighting:
Bonus to speed (or glancing blows/off-hand attacks):
+30% combat style attack speed
Bonus to damage:
+10 melee power
+50% appropriate ability score to damage
Greatly synergizes with doublestrike
Can equip offhand orb
Two-weapon fighting:
Bonus to speed (or glancing blows/off-hand attacks):
80% off-hand attack
Bonus to damage:
Benefits high bonus damage dice such as Sneak Attack
Secondary effects in offhand apply to mainhand
Above was compiled with what others have written and my own sense of the merits.
I think the general player consensus is, yes, TWF has some uses for pure/near pure rogues, but beyond that, it's now mostly flavor for tempest rangers. I find that a little sad, but there was a time when TWF was king, as many remember.
My note to the devs would be...BUFF TWF this way:
give it a melee tiered power boost like other fighting styles
sprinkle enhancement trees and epic destinies with a few more TWF perks, on the lines of tempest or Balanced Attacks (Primal Avatar)
I'm sure there are DDO players out there with better ideas, though.