Greetings, Gentlemen & Women.

I'm looking for assistance on some details for my Horc Pally.

My main objectives for doing this are
For it to be fun
To do decent DPS &
To have good Survivability.

A Paladin seemed like a good idea for survivability, whereas a Half-Orc seemed good for DPS.
I could, with my limited knowledge, be very wrong though!

I'd prefer to do a Two-Handed fighting style.

So, here's what I'm working with:
+4 Tomes to all Stats

Past Lives-

3 Possibilities for Starting Stats-
Stat: Set 1 / 2 / 3

Dex, Int, & Wis are most likely always dumped.
My primary concern is which allocation of stat points among Str, Con, & Cha is best.

36-Point Build:
Str: 18 / 20 / 18
Dex: 8
Con: 16 / 16 / 18
Int: 6
Wis: 8
Cha: 16 / 14 / 14

1: THF
Religion: Sovereign Host
3: PA
9: IP Slash
12: GTHF
15: ???
18: ???

Any and all feedback, tips, suggestions are greatly appreciated.