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  1. #21
    Community Member Ralmeth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Caprice View Post
    I am more used to having Stunning Blow on a THF (or Stunning Fist on a Monk) and with just the one weapon slot for those setups giving up a damage effect for Stunning is a bit more of a bother than on a Vanguard who has the shield available for enchantments as well. That definitely makes it easier to fit in.

    However I guess I file those mentally under "significant gear investment". Admittedly that is only 2 slots so my wording is an exaggeration, but not everyone has easy access to those sources of gear. Crafting Stunning up to +6 isn't too bad (+4 @25, +6 @35), but +8 requires Elemental 63 and that's not quite trivial to get to. Certainly I wouldn't expect someone new to the game to be able to swing that, and even established players often skip crafting. Fortunately the Stunning shards are all available Unbound but again a newer player may not have any good connections to ask for assistance, and shard availability on the AH seems to be abysmal on the servers I've played on and prices are often a bit ridiculous as well.

    Challenges are also a bit of an edge case. I do lots of them myself and have a collection of Spare Hand belts already, but they don't seem to be well liked by the population in general and since it is P2P content lots of players may not do them at all. I also tend to have a lot of effects competing for the belt slot since CON, False Life, and Speed all go there too, and until you get to higher levels where you get multiple high quality effects per item, fitting it all in can be challenging.

    So I guess we more or less agree on what it takes to use Stunning Blow effectively but view that a bit differently. ;-) I think that those details should be included in every suggestion to take the Stunning Blow feat, since otherwise it may not be that useful.
    These are good points, and worth pointing out for a new player, so I appreciate you bringing this up Stunning blow is awesome and is worth the investment, but it will be an investment...It is something for a new player to think about and it may be more appropriate for a 2nd or later life
    The best part of the 10th Anniversary of DDO...the description on the Oatmeal Raisin Kookie,
    "From a distance you thought this was a chocolate chip kookie. Now you're sad."

  2. #22
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Jul 2009


    BTW, does anyone know if the DC bonus from PDK Cormyrean Knight Training applies to Vanguard abilities like Stunning Shield and Shield Charge?
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  3. 12-20-2014, 03:25 PM

    This is a bit of a necro, I'll just start a new post

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